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Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
2 = Embattled Forest, a forest with signs of recent carnage.
1 = Requisite all quiet result.

Some knew it by other names. The Forest of Death. The Warrior's Arbor. That-Place-Where-We-Kill-Each-Other Tree-Thing. But whatever it was called the Forest was a place of carnage. Multiple trunks lay strewn in haphazard piles, the unwilling victims of the more substantial combatants flexing their might and tearing ancient guardians clear of their very roots. Discarded weapons, bleached bones, remnants of battles both recent and ancient littered the landscape.

But even so the forest continued to grow. The blood of warriors became its fertilizer, the bones of the fallen the very bedrock upon which those roots grew, and no matter how many tore the land asunder the forest itself knew only one thing. It would consume any and all unfortunate enough to die under its boughs.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

But that last comment caused a bit of confusion to come over Alex. "I didn't think our races tended to cross paths." Father would have mentioned it when he regaled his children with his exploits. Unless there was bad blood between them, then he definitely would have brought the angelic menace to mind.

"It thankfully doesn't happen often, not anymore... But when a dragon decides to burn down a village because someone in it annoyed them, someone has to do something about it," Nadia replied after stepping through a portal that took them to an arena in which they could properly cut loose.

"Looks like we aren't the first ones to fight here," she remarked unnecessarily as she turned to face Alex, smirking. "So... Shall we go without magic today, or... Take the opportunity to cut loose a little?"
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)


"Hm... Let's cut loose. We'll give our patron a show."
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

"Fair enough~" Nadia replied excitedly as a golden glow began to emanate from her body.

(Going to allow time to activate buffs freely, as agreed upon.)
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of buff round:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine.
Nadia: HP = 115, PP = 90, EP = 115, Status = Fine.
Status Effect Status: Status-y.

Based on my understanding of combatant wishes, this buff round is just going to allow each character to spend as much EP as they wish on buffs. No concerns about spirit ceiling or upkeep until the first round actually starts, just initial costs.

And on that note:

Alex activates Draconic Transformation at X = 15, +2 for wings, and then Dragon's Pride for X = 10. This is a total cost of 24 EP because of aptitude shenanigans.

Nadia activates Energy Blade X = 10, then Battle Aura X = 21. The total EP cost is 31 EP. BIG SPENDER.

End of buff round:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 64/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 115, PP = 90, EP = 84/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10
Status Effect Status: Looking like the beginning to a DBZ episode.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

As the glow around her coalesced, Nadia's left arm suddenly shot out wide, and from it emerged a glowing blade composed of blue light. The golden energies emanating from her body flared suddenly, shrouding her in brilliant light, and when she stepped forward she wore a confident smile, reaching over her should towards the hilt of one of her blades with deliberate slowness as she quite plainly prepared to rush the dragoness.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

While the angel grew resplendent in her golden glow Alex simply exploded. Her body was encased in a plume of fire that consumed everything and left nothing but a smoldering cloud of ash in its wake. But before that wake could clear the dragoness stepped forward, her body now that of a true dragon if not somewhat small when compared to a fullblood. But she had strength to spare, and as she looked at the angel she realized that strength might actually be matched. But that didn't matter. If one angel could fall to her blade then so could another.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 1:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 64/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 115, PP = 90, EP = 84/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10
Status Effect Status: Looking like the beginning to a DBZ episode.

Initiative = 109 Nadia, 54 Alex.
Notes: Both agreed on alternating initiative after the first round, apparently, so no more need to roll initiative after this.

Public Actions:
Alex uses Defensive Stance + Shield Slam.
Nadia attacks with Whirling Death + Rend + Death from the Draw (for her physical sword).

Nadia rolls a 135 with her physical sword attack but her 3d10 rolls are 1, 2, and 1 so she manages to automatically miss.

Alex counters with a shield slam. Roll of 136 vs... 136. As ties favor dodge, she misses by a hair's breadth, apparently.

Nadia swings a second time using her energy sword. Rolls a 147 vs a 169. Misses.

Alex counters with another shield slam. Roll of 125. Misses against the earlier dodge value of 136.

Basically the two goofballs just miss each other a whole lot.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Alex upkeeps 10 EP.
Nadia upkeeps 19 EP.
Nadia upkeeps 5 HP.
End of Round 1:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 54/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 110/115, PP = 90, EP = 65/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10
Status Effect Status: Much sound and fury resulting in nothing.

Personal use Template for later rounds

Public Actions:


Special Effects:

Upkeep costs:
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

A dragon should never move that fast. Something that large surely COULDN'T move that fast. But Alex was anything but your typical beast, and as she read Nadia's clear intent she decided to use it to against the angel. A shift of the body left each blade barely even grazing their target, and with each failed attack Alex cocked the fist that held her shield and prepared to lay waste to her opponent. But that goddammed glow... nadia fought just like the knights Alex hadd known, and with a blur of motion the angel simply sidestepped each counter as if it were nothing. It was slightly infuriating...
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Nadia surged forward like a bolt of lightning, but the dragon was ready, and it was quick. That massive clawed fist came forth, flailing at her like a block of stone, but after the first strike was avoided by the most narrow of margins she predicted the next more easily. Her own rapid swings likewise missed their mark, however, blessed blade and beam of force alike avoided. The angel was clearly undaunted, however, grinning as they traded missed strikes that could easily have turned a normal person into gory decorations.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 2:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 54/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 110/115, PP = 90, EP = 65/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10
Status Effect Status: Much sound and fury resulting in nothing.

Initiative: Alex, Nadia due to rules from round 1.
Notes: Nada.

Public Actions:
Alex uses Quick Draw to Unarmed and then Stunning Blow.
Nadia attacks twice, using shed guard to feint with the energy blade.

Alex's attack result is 153 vs 150. Whap.
Damage: 65 - 10 = 55. Ouch.
Reflexes: 75 vs 75... Pls stop tying. Reroll is 71 vs 69 (hah, nice). Nadia gets stunned!

Alex uses a free action from brawler to try to grab the stunned angel. Roll of 126 vs the earlier 150 (now 140 due to stunned) means she misses though.

Special Effects:
Nadia loses her turn this round. Can act again next round.

Upkeep costs:
Alex pays 10 EP upkeep.
Nadia pays 19 EP upkeep.
Nadia pays 5 HP upkeep.

End of Round 2.
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 44/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 50/115, PP = 90, EP = 46/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10
Status Effect Status: Perhaps the most impressive angel headbutting of all time.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

A slight flex led the dragon's claws to take on a more natural appearance, and as the angel approached she started to swing back ever so slightly. The beast looked ready to dance out of her opponent's reach once more, but once Nadia was close she whipped forward. Her neck coiled and snapped, the scaled and ridged forward shooting forward at impossible speeds, and that led to the most glorious of headbutts the world may ever see. It left the heavenly warrior dazed, and Alex pulled even closer to capitalize on it. But it wasn't enough. The angel escaped her reach at the last second, and the beast could do little more than huff in annoyance. Tricky little thing was starting to get on her nerves...
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Nadia continued to trail the dragon, moving in a glowing blur, but this time it was a trap. Her blades retracted just as she was about to strike, but before she could land her hit Alex' head shot forward and smashed into her. Hard headed though she might be, she was no dragon, and the headbutt sent her reeling. She stumbled back, momentarily moving at more approachable speed, but she recovered just enough to rush aside as the dragoness surged forward and tried to simply bury her under her bulk. "None of that," Nadia said, trying to be coy but ending up grunting it out as her vision started to clear. This wasn't good... She was burning through her power too quickly, and hadn't yet managed to scratch the surprisingly agile dragon. Still, there was no way she was going to give up now, and the dragon couldn't dodge forever... Right?
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 3:
Alex: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 44/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = 50/115, PP = 90, EP = 46/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10, Whirling Death
Status Effect Status: Perhaps the most impressive angel headbutting of all time.

Initiative: Nadia, Alex

Public Actions:
Alex quick draws back to sword and shield and uses Intercepting Strike with her shield. Attacks with sword.
Nadia uses Shed Guard with her energy sword and attacks with her WEAL sword, transferring 2d10 with defensive fighting.

Nadia's feint goes through, since I don't think a feint counts as an attack for intercepting strike. Rolls a 149 vs Alex's sword attack roll of 129. A successful feint. Nadia's next attack has... double armor ignore? Also -44 dodge, -10 Reflexes, and -10 Parry DCs to Alex.

Nadia swings a second time but Alex uses intercepting strike.
Nadia's Attack Roll: 159.
Alex's Shield Attack Roll: 119. Doesn't stop the attack.
Alex's Dodge: 100. She eats the hit.
Damage: 77 - 15 which can't be ignored = 62 damage. Ouch.

Alex attacks with her sword.
Attack: 149 vs 130. Nadia still gets hit.
Damage: Uh... I don't actually have to roll this because the bare minimum of 67 damage takes Nadia down, even if it didn't ignore her 10 armor.

Alex wins.

Special Effects:

Upkeep costs: For funsies.
Alex pays 10 EP upkeep.
Nadia pays 5 HP upkeep.
Nadia pays 19 EP upkeep.

End of Round 3:
Alex: HP = 18/80, PP = 64, EP = 34/88, Status = Fine, Draconic Transformation X = 15, Winged, Dragon's Pride X = 10.
Nadia: HP = -22/115, PP = 90, EP = 27/115, Status = Fine, Battle Aura X = 21, Energy Blade X = 10, Whirling Death
Status Effect Status: Live fast, die young, I guess.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

The angel's speed served her well. Nadia's strike strike simply shot past Alex's defense, and with one gut wrenching strike the dragon felt like she'd nearly been disemboweled.

But that wasn't enough. Alex only flinched for a moment, but before Nadia could even think of pulling back her claw lashed out. Her talons found purchase in the redhead's body, and with one mighty push she sent the angel tumbling through the air in a mix of feathers and crimson as the sword encased within that claw struck and tore the angel's side open.

With that the battle was over. The glow ceased, her opponent lay still, and Alex stumbled down to one knee as her own powers faded as quickly as they had been called. At that the dragoness found her own injury nearly mirroring her rival's, and as she examined both it and the blade that caused it she found that their swords were far more similar then she'd have guessed. Had Nadia struck just a tad harder she probably would have cleaved the dragon in two.

But that didn't matter. Alex stood victorious even if she knealt, and after some effort to rise to her feet she forced her way toward the deafeated woman. There she fell to here knee once more, though this time the effort was more controlled and elicited a rather pained grunt, and once she calmed she looked over the fallen angel. Did she still live, or would Alex need to wait for her to revive back in the Hall? In either case the dragon wished to show her respect right then, and she did so by removing her gauntlet and placing her naked hand upon Nadia's brow.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Feinting with the energy blade - the more obviously dangerous weapon of the two - allowed Nadia to turn the dragoness in exactly the way she'd wanted, and with a sudden burst of speed she was outside the reach of her opponent's defensive claw. Her physical sword hacked deep, cutting through even draconic scales like butter, but before she could retract to strike again Alex twisted and lashed out. Shock registered for a moment, and then she was hurtling through the air in a spin that carried her into a roll, blood pouring from the most severe injury she had even taken.

She went still as she landed, blacking out momentarily and her glow fading as her life's blood poured from her fresh injury. A closer look would reveal torn organs and ribs hacked apart like twigs beneath an axe, and were it not for the nature of this place she would likely have died without prompt medical attention. Fortunately, by the time Alex was kneeling to rest her hand against the angel's brow she was already healing, her body knitting itself back together as if by magic. She hadn't been killed outright, albeit only just, and so she was being healed instead of returned to the hall, and Alex was likewise starting to regenerate.

Her eyes refocused after a moment to find the dragoness who had bested her crouched over her. Her pale features, slowly regaining their color as her blood was restored, twisted into a grimace. "That.... Hurt."
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Her hand fell to her own regenerating wound. "That it did." It was one thing to wield divine power and another to feel it used against you. And quite frankly Alex preferred the former.

But there was more to this than simply injury. Within the heat of battle Alex had only focused on her opponent, but now that the angel laid floored and gutted errant thoughts began to take hold. And one involved a different angel that was far more familiar. That led to memories of visions she truly didn't want to recall, so the dragon simply banished them and focused on the woman before her that very moment.

So what did she do? Nothing much. Nadia was still healing from something fierce, and Alex felt it best to just give you a comforting touch until it looked like the angel could start to move on her own. "All right, time to get up. We're heading back, and this time you're gonna eat more than those few scraps I saw you take." And she would need it. Even if trauma could be undone the body still needed the raw materials to rebuild. "Then we can figure out what I'm going to do with you now that you're mine for the night." At that Alex actually began to grin. She won herself a rather mighty prize, but even then this would the second angel... no, third she'd be taking to bed. How many people could say that?
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Minutes later, Nadia's body was whole again, and at the dragon's command she rose up to her elbows and then awkwardly up to her feet. She rolled her shoulder, but everything seemed to be in order so she nodded solemnly. "Yeah... I think I could use something a little more substantial after that," she replied, but then she grinned and blushed at once at the smile that fell over Alex' face. "As you command... Mistress," she replied with a nod, allowing them to return to the feasting hall which was... Much as it had been when they had left, really. Nadia had gained a little something along the way, however, a collar with a leash that Alex instinctively knew she could control the length of as she saw fit on a whim... And writing of her choice across its surface.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

First fight is over, and we rolled the same location, so will reuse this thread, I suppose.

2 = Embattled Forest, a forest with signs of recent carnage.
3 = Stage Hazard, there is some danger present in the area that you are free to describe and make rules for.

And after some discussion, we came up with the following hazard:

Arena Hazard Rules: The area is surrounded in large spider webs, giving any character thrown or pushed into them an instance of the Webbed status. In addition, whenever taking more than 1 damage from an opponent, a character rolls a d4, and on a result of 1, they stumble into nearby webs and receive an instance of the Webbed status. Only one check is made per turn, even if the character suffers damage from multiple attacks.

Senka frowned as she looked down at her fingers, before using the bark of a nearby tree to scrape the sticky substance she'd accidentally stumbled into off of her glove. It appeared that she had found herself in a region of the forest populated by... giant spiders of some sort, judging by the size of the webs she could now make out between the trees all around her. She had wandered deeper into the forest hoping to figure out if there was some end to it, or if the different parts of this odd realm all simply bled into each other eventually.

So far she hadn't had much luck, these webs were the first sign she had seen of the place actually changing. She didn't see any sign of the creatures who had woven these webs, even now that she was looking for them, but that didn't mean they weren't nearby. On the other hand, what she did hear were footsteps, distinctly un-spider-like footsteps. Her usual response would be to hide, to lay an ambush, but the owner of this realm seemed to frown upon such tactics.

She could understand the desire to announce oneself to one's prey before striking, even if it was impractical. She was a hunter, not a warrior, so all this talk of honourable combat she kept hearing back in the feast hall was meaningless to her. On the other hand, the law of this realm was that if she was victorious in battle, the defeated was hers to do with as she wished. It was a rare opportunity for her to cut loose without worrying about getting caught, or the consequences of her actions.

"Hellloooo there! Someone else wandering so far into the woods? Why I might have to come eat you up too~" She called out in a singsong voice as she approached the person she had heard, idly toying with the pitch-black dagger in her hand. Senka knew she looked entirely out of place in this gathering of warriors, short enough to barely reach the chest of many of the men here, almost doll-like with her flawless pale skin and dressed in an impractically elaborate dress instead of any sort of armour. Many of these so-called warriors had already underestimated her as a result, and they had become simple meals. She did not grow stronger by consuming their hearts, as she usually did, but that was likely a result of the fact that no one here seemed to be able to truly die—it had been satisfying regardless.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

It had been a lot like being summoned, except... not. Tlech had been pulled into this strange and wonderful realm only a little while ago, and yet she had already been able to experience a couple of good fights; things tended to go swiftly here, and no matter what happened there didn't seem to be any consequences even in the mid-term. The woman who ran this place claimed to be the goddess of war, and despite her usual inclination to scoff at divinity the plump goblin was inclined to believe her for the moment.

For now she was wandering through what people from the mortal realm called a "forest," full of those strange tree things they liked so well. Even just this was a fairly new and interesting experience for her, but she hoped to find another fight to pick soon enough all the same. And from the look of things she was probably going to get her wish sooner or later... there were large webs all over the place, strung between trees and on the ground. Perhaps this realm had Darkwalkers in it, though that seemed like an odd thing for the goddess of war to keep around.

Tlech was drawn from her thoughts by the sound of a woman's voice calling out to her, something about eating her up. How odd. She sounded so happy about it too. "'ey!" she called out in reply, "Take it ye wanna 'ave a fite?" She didn't see this other person initially, but when she did... The goblin quirked an eyebrow; this woman hardly looked real. She was very short, at least by the standards of most adult mortals she had encountered, albeit still probably a full head taller than Tlech at a quick glance. She was also wearing the most beautiful dress, nothing like the modified sack that covered her chubby body, nor the harsh leather armor she wore over her upper body. "Ain't the bes' place I've seen ter fite, but it'll do eh?"