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Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Buff Round:
Senka: HP = 61, PP = 47, EP = 56, Status = Fine.
Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine.

Initiative: Nada, 'cos buff round.

Public Actions:
Senka activates Aspect of Spirit X = 9 (boosting attack, dodge, and AV), costing her 8 EP.
Tlech activates Fell Might X = 18, costing her... 16 EP I assume? Also 1 HP.


Special Effects:

Upkeep costs: None yet.
End of Buff Round:
Senka: HP = 61, PP = 47, EP = 48/56, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 9.
Tlech: HP = 66/67, PP = 42, EP = 73/89, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 18.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Beginning of Round 1:
Senka: HP = 61, PP = 47, EP = 48/56, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 9.
Tlech: HP = 66/67, PP = 42, EP = 73/89, Status = Fine, Fell Might X = 18.

Initiative: Senka = 57, Tlech = 45

Public Actions:
Senka throws 3 knives at Tlech using Deadly Aim 10:10.
Tlech tries to 2x flurry of blows with x = 3 devil's lightning.

Senka Attack 1: 148 vs 112. Hit.
Damage: 46 - 3 = 43 damage.
Senka Attack 2: 120 vs 112. Hit.
Damage: 41 - 3 = 38 damage.
Senka Attack 3: 133 vs 112. Hit.
Damage: 37 - 3 = 34 damage.
Total: 115 damage. Tlech down already.

Senka has Sadist: First roll negated but gives her Excited, then 9 PP damage.

Web roll: 1.

Special Effects:
Tlech is Webbed, technically.

Upkeep costs: Not really applicable, but sure why not.
Senka pays 6 EP.
Tlech's buffs are dropped 'cos she doesn't actually have HP for upkeep.
End of Round 1:
Senka: HP = 61, PP = 38/47, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine, Excited, Aspect of Spirit X = 9.
Tlech: HP = -49/67, PP = 42, EP = 73/89, Status = Helpless, Webbed.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Senka was surprised when she found the woman who was the source of the footsteps she had heard. It was unusual for her to encounter someone shorter than herself—and green at that. She had expected another of the typical warriors she had grown accustomed to in this place. They came in various shapes and sizes, but they mostly tended to follow some typical trends.

"Hm. What are you then?" Senka pondered aloud, twirling the knife between her fingers. She had seen green people before, several of the warriors she'd seen in the hall were big and green—orcs, she was pretty sure, though she'd never seen one in person. This place was a lot like back home in that sense. Lots of people of wildly differing looks and sizes. After living among humans for so long, she wasn't used to such variety any more. "Well, yes, of course. That is what we do here, is it not? We fight."

"I wonder what you taste like... or perhaps I should play with you a little first?" Senka wasted no time preparations as she continued her slow approach until she was directly across a small clearing from the small woman, a barely visible miasma rising up from the ground and surrounding her body. She waited for the goblin to do the same, as were the rules she was told about these fights, but the moment her opponent took a step towards her Senka's hand shot out, a trio of black daggers flying towards her foe.

"Hmph... is that all?" She shook her head as she watched all three strike true, not only piercing the green woman's light armour, but knocking her back into one of the thick webs surrounding the area as well. Senka's ears twitched as she listed for any sign the the creatures who had created these webs had been alerted, but heard nothing for the moment. That meant that she had time. Usually she simply killed her opponents, taking her reward from their bodies directly, but she was feeling a little curious. She had come across a few battles which had already concluded, seen the warriors who chose to take the defeated as their prize. A few had even brought them back to the feast hall afterwards.

There was nothing that she could not do to the woman in front of her, a thought which set off her sadistic side rather quickly. There was no need to rush, though. Death was not permanent here, but it would certainly end her chances at some fun, and her knives had already done a number on the woman. She approached carefully, but with purpose, avoiding any other hanging webs as she walked, her dress swishing back and forth with each step, and her tail giving away her eagerness as it began to sway slowly behind her as well.

"Well, this is convenient, isn't it?" She gave one of the thicker strands of the web holding the goblin a tug, testing its strength, before drawing one of her larger knives. They were all made from darksteel, their sharpness beyond what an ordinary tool could achieve, so even if they were designed for throwing they would serve her purposes just fine. "Now stay still would you? I wouldn't want to hurt you too much..." With those words the tip of the blade came to rest just below the goblin's neck, and with deliberate slowness she began to slice the woman's armour and clothes—if they could even be called that—down the middle.

A few more cuts to the sleeves let her tear the entire thing away, tossing it all into a shredded heap on the floor, before taking another look at what she had captured. She'd had to make sure the goblin was still stuck in the webs, but that had given her little trouble. While this realm seemed to heal the wounds of those who were defeated in battle but not killed, it did not restore their strength. "But now that I've got you all at my mercy... what should I do with you? Hm..." Everyone she had seen had all seemed to go straight to sex. That was something Senka was familiar with, having grown up in Acheron, but had yet to actually experience. Perhaps now was the time to try? After all, it wasn't like the woman could go anywhere until she was done.

She ran the flat of the knife along the woman's cheek, just enough to tease with the deadly edge, but never cut. Enjoying the feeling of actually standing over someone for once, Senka brushed some of the goblin's hair out of the way with her free hand. Leaning down, and careful to keep any of the webs from touching her dress, Senka bit down on the goblin's long ear, just hard enough for her sharp teeth to break the skin, before pulling back and looking the goblin in the eyes. "Normally, I'd just kill you, but I'm feeling curious. So you're going to help me out with a little experiment, and then I'll decide what to do with you."
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Tlech sized up the opposing woman carefully as they spoke, focusing her spirit and causing a surge of power through her body, her muscles tightening and strengthening beneath her pudgy green flesh. "Imma goblin" she replied, "what're you?" She couldn't really tell, what with the ears and the tail. She'd never seen anything quite like that; they didn't have such fluff in Hell. She was an arrogant bugger, that much was sure, and the goblin had every intention of taking care of that. She noted the energy that seemed to gather around the strange little woman, a buff much like her own it would seem, but she didn't think too much of it. There wasn't much she could tell without getting closer anyway. To that end she braced herself, frowning a little bit as she prepared mentally, and then she pushed off hard on her right foot, lunging towards her opponent...

Before she had even taken her second step a trio of knives flashed through the air, hitting Tlech with the force of a charging Nightmare. One of them slammed into her right knee, punching all the way through it and making her leg nearly useless just as she put her foot down. A split second later, just as her leg was buckling beneath her, the other two hit her, one piercing the right side of her stomach and another hitting her higher up and to the left, stabbing into her lung, just barely missing her heart. The chubby goblin let out a scream of agony as she staggered back, unable to support her weight, unable to do much of anything but let herself fall back... directly into one of the massive webs. She felt her energy leave her, the fight before it had even really began. She wheezed fitfully, a trickle of blood running out of her mouth from the wounded lung...

And then, as her opponent was walking towards her, the damndest thing happened. The knives slipped back out of Tlech's body, the wounds closing up behind them as they fell to the ground below. It was an odd sensation that she had noticed in her earlier fights, though not nearly to such an extent; this place seemed to heal all wounds after a fight, rather effectively too. Probably to facilitate the winner's rights the goddess of war was so fond of... Even so the goblin felt she couldn't move even if she hadn't been stuck in the web, still feeling as if she'd been kicked by a horse. She grinned a little bit; what a fascinating place.

The other woman approached her slowly, fluffy tail swishing behind her in what could only be a show of enthusiasm. Tlech's eyes followed along as she pulled that longer knife from her dress, gulping slightly as it came down just below her chin... "Couldn't if'n I wanted" she mumbled, more than a little annoyed that she had ended up this way, albeit more because it hadn't been a good fight than because she had lost. She had never died before, even in her various summonings. Perhaps this would be a new experience for her, then... But instead the other woman started to slice through the leather armor she wore, her knife sharp enough that it met barely any resistance as it cut through both the armor and the sackdress beneath. Slowly, bit by bit the goblin's fleshy body was revealed, her plump breasts wobbling as her sleeves were cut and her clothing was torn away.

"Hmph. Fer ye tah decide" Tlech replied when asked rhetorically what should be done with her, though she knew fairly well what she would have done if she had won, and what she would want now. She had this strange feeling that her opponent didn't give a damn what she wanted, though. The woman slid the knife against her cheek, causing her to turn her head a little bit reflexively, though it was only the flat of the knife for the moment. She huffed a little bit through her nose when a few strands of her long blonde hair were brushed from her face, closing her eyes when the other woman leaned in... and then wincing as she felt sharp teeth dig into her ear, biting her hard enough to draw little trickles of blood. She opened her eyes again, turning her head to look at the one who was about to torment her... "Experiment, huh?" she asked, "guess I gotta play yer game, wotev'r it is. I ain't scared uh ye tho, just so as ye know. An ye ain't gonna, so sorry if'n 'at's yer ting." She grinned at the woman toothily, not quite defying her so much as disbelieving that anything she experienced here could be much worse than some of the things she had borne witness to in Hell.
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Senka frowned at the goblin's seeming nonchalance about her situation, though she did make note of the woman's words. A goblin. Of course. She wasn't certain why she hadn't made that connection, she had seen enough of them back home after all, though it had been years now. Considering all the strange people in this place, she had expected something more exotic.

"I'm not really sure," Senka shrugged as she idly twirled the knife between her fingers. She didn't know who her parents were, much less what they were, and she hadn't met anyone who shared all of her physical traits. "A demon, probably. Most people are demons where I came from." That was as much as she had ever figured out. She had learned a lot about the human body, enough to be confident that she certainly wasn't human or anything particularly close to one, even if outwardly she showed little difference aside from her natural ears and tail.

"But that isn't important now... Now I get to have some fun.
That's how this place works after all, isn't it?
" Senka continued to speak as if she wasn't holding the other woman naked and bound at knifepoint, as if she was simply having a pleasant chat. "I ate the first few, but it's not the same in this place. There's something missing. I tried to draw it out after that, but it's not the same without the fear of death... There's no emotion in it. Just like what you're doing right now!"

She leaned in until her forehead was nearly touching the goblin's, keeping her eyes locked on the other woman's the whole way, watching for any sign of fear or anger, rather than simple acceptance. "I could cut your heart out right now, make you watch me eat it before you died... but then what? You're right back in the hall, like nothing ever happened! It's rather irritating, you know that?"

"So I found myself wondering what all the fuss was about. What makes all these people so eager to fight?" It had been a perplexing question for some time. Senka was not like many of these warriors, she did not simply enjoy fighting as they did. Combat and killing were simply an expedient method to an end for her, whether to rid herself of an enemy, or simply because she was hungry. "So I watched. Most of these brutes are rather easy to sneak up on, you know? And I found that some of them had other ideas of what to do with a defeated opponent~"

If the goblin had looked down, away from Senka's gaze, she might have noticed the kumiho's dress shifting, something growing underneath. The skirt of her "combat" dress was rather short, to ensure she could move around without trouble, and the material in front had tented to the point where it barely covered what was pushing against it now. If she hadn't looked, Tlech would learn of what Senka was doing soon enough when the kumiho leaned closer, the tip of her new member poking against the bound goblin's leg through the silky material of her dress.

"I thought I'd try it out too~" And with that Senka pulled away and made a quick slice with the blade in her hand, and one of the smaller knives which had found its way into her other hand at some point while she'd been talking, cutting away the webbing holding the goblin's legs before both knives once again disappeared somewhere into the folds of her dress. Without another word she grabbed the goblin's legs and lifted them, leaving Tlech suspended in the air between her and the webbing binding her arms. It only took a slight shift to push her dress out of the way, revealing the pale flesh of her newest addition, almost perfectly matching that of the rest of her body.

Senka paused for a moment, a little surprised that it hadn't turned out exactly as she'd been expecting, but it was only a second's pause before she resumed shifting the goblin into position. This was the first time she'd done this, so she had simply been operating off of instinct. Instead of an ordinary human-like cock, like all the humans she'd been watching, the member she had shifted had a more tapered tip, with a bulge near the base. Something vaguely canine, if she was remembering her anatomy lessons well. Perhaps that was natural then? She didn't pay it much mind, it would work just as well for what she was planning.

Without another word, Senka lined the goblin up with the tip of her new cock, showing surprising strength considering her size and figure in the ease with which she manhandled the smaller woman. "This might hurt, I'm not really sure." She commented cheerfully before making the first thrust, forcing half of her length into the goblin before the rush of new sensations forced her to pause. Once she had got her own body under control once again she eased back out until only the tip remained before thrusting her hips harder, sinking even deeper into the goblin's sex. She repeated this motion until she started to pick up a rhythm, and the knot at the base of her cock was pressing against the entrance with each thrust. It was then that she finally looked back to her victim's face. This was an odd experience—She wasn't oblivious to the idea of sex, she had grown up in Acheron after all, but she had still been a virgin herself so far—but it certainly felt good so far... she could see why everyone seemed to be doing it here. She wondered whether this would break the goblin's impassiveness, or if she'd have to try harder...
Re: Embattled Forest (ToC PvP Arena)

Of course this crazy woman was a demon. Weren't all shitty things demonic in some way or other? Tlech sighed, wondering what sort of fate was in store for her here. "Fair 'nuff" she replied to the assertion that things went differently here, the lack of emotion... And it was true. This would be a fairly scary situation to be in back in Hell, but here the chubby goblin felt mostly annoyance at having been bested so quickly and easily. And by a stupid demon at that! She could've just stayed home if she'd wanted to deal with that. The other woman leaned in close, so close that Tlech could feel her breath against her face, grumbling about how irritating it was that the goblin wouldn't come to permanent harm no matter what she did... It made her grin. It was sort of refreshing to not have to worry about being sewn into the lining of some asshole's coat.

As for the question of why people fought here, well... Tlech had come to a much different conclusion than had Senka, at least for herself. She hadn't been paying attention to what was happening below the demon's waist, had just been focused on her face, made easier by the fact that it was a bit hard to move her head. When she felt something brush against one of her thick thighs she got a good idea of what was meant, though she looked down to see the tent in the demon's dress. "Hmph" she grumped a little, "I can git laid any ol' time. 'avin' an all-out fight, not 'avin' ter 'old back or worry, 'at's tha stuff ye can't git ev'ry day. Jus' a bonus I guess." In truth she would probably rather be killed, so that she could go back to the feasting hall and pick another, better fight soon. Maybe check out what sort of worms the goddess of war stocked for her guests. Maybe there were more than just the kind they ate in her fortress!

Before she knew it her legs were cut free of the sticky webbing that bound them, leaving her partially hanging by the strands that covered her back and arms. There was a brief moment where she could have closed her legs, could have tried to delay the demon's satisfaction and annoy her, but she didn't bother. It didn't seem worth the trouble. Besides, maybe if she gave it a chance this would be fun in its own right. Maybe.

Tlech quirked an eyebrow when the other woman shifted aside her dress, revealing the cock she had made for the first time. It was wider at the base and tapered off to a pointed tip, with a strange bulge at its base. The goblin had never seen that particular bit of anatomy on a hellhound before, so it was very new and strange to her eyes. As far as she knew it was an odd personal quirk in the other woman's preferences, which was fine by her. It took all kinds.

The demon took hold of her legs then, lifting and spreading them for ease of access, and Tlech found to her consternation that she didn't even have the strength to wrap her legs around the other woman's torso, only able to squeeze her thighs weakly against her sides. It was a little bit strange, how strong this seemingly tiny little thing was, this demon that was barely bigger than a goblin, but Tlech had learned not to question such things amongst the supernatural. Even she was perhaps a bit stronger than her form might have suggested. The plump goblin braced herself as she felt the tip of the cock brush up against her lower lips, lined up... though she hardly made a reaction as it began to slip into her. Though she wasn't terribly aroused her body adapted fairly easily to the intrusion, and the first half of shaft was somewhat thin relative to what she had been expecting from the demon. It also helped that years of abuse and corporal punishment by her overseers had taught her a certain level of stoicism in the face of pain and discomfort.

Tlech let out series of little sighs as the other woman began to thrust into her, slowly and out of rhythm at first, a little bit more of the canine cock disappearing into her sex. She was starting to doubt that this was a demon... How could a demon be a bad lay? It took some time, but after a while Senka started to get into a proper rhythm, her hips rocking against the chubby goblin's and grinding her back into the spiderweb she was trapped in... even so she would find a relatively non-plussed look on Tlech's face, the only signs that she might be enjoying herself the way her breathing had become heavier, the way her pussy yielded more and more easily to the thrusting. "Ye ain't nev'r done 'is afore, 'ave ye?" she asked, "ye oughta let me show ye 'ow ter use 'at ting." She flashed another toothy grin at the demon as she teased her relatively gently... This had potential, at least. The base of Senka's dick was nice and thick, and she could hit relatively deep... it was just a question of whether she could harness her physical gifts properly.