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Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Being Raped (Against The Wall, Cock In Vagina)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

She struggled hard against the vampire but only to her dismay as she couldn't break free from his grasp. He held her firmly against the wall and looked her in the eyes before his eyes trailed down her body. Through her struggles she tries to keep him back but his determination is to rape her and he meant it and with one heavy duty thrust he enters her once more, starting up fast and deep thrusts. "Moan for me baby." He laughed a bit as he continued to thrust never missing a beat.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Attack} {Give In(no loss of hp/sta, but risk of pregnancy/loss of exp(if you had any)}

(o_O Bad rolls or good if you want ot be raped :p)
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily bites down on her own lip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing her moan. She swings wildly with elbows and fists, trying to drive the vampire back with some kind of attack. Even as she does, her body helplessly began to respond to his stimulation. She knew that she needed to do something soon in order to prevent herself from losing even more control.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Stunned (Orgasmed)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}
Vampire's special ability Vampiric Kiss: success

He grabs your wrists as you thrash about in your attack, he was too fast for you to hit and in your current situation you weren't able to do much more than thrash about. The vampire leaned in, sucking on your neck softly while his thrusts didn't hesitate, and within a few seconds you felt the fangs pierce your skin again and your body shivered in pleasure. It was as if the fangs were pure pleasure themselves. Emily can't stand it anymore the fangs in her neck pushing her over the edge, her body spasms as she hits her orgasm, the liquids covering the vampire's cock and almost instantly as the liquid hit his cock she could feel his cock contract and then shoot inside her, filling her insides up even more with juices. The vampire releases her and steps back grinning devilishly.

{Cannot Do Anything For A Turn}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily slumps against the walls, the feelings of pleasure racing through her body overwhelming all thoughts. Her legs feel like they're miles away as she almost melts against the wall, eyes half closed and chest heaving with the effort of breathing. Her arousal continues to drip down her thigh as her hands and breasts press against the cool stone.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

The Vampire grins as he adjusts his coat and zips up his pants. "Theres more where that came from, plenty more. Lets have another bout shall we?" He said with a nice little hiss and bared his fangs, awaiting her move this time.

{Attack} {Run} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily slowly staggers to her feet, the pleasure of her orgasm fading into a haze of confusion, anger and fear. She realizes how tottally ineffective she had been against the vampire when she tried to fight him. Her hand drifts down between her legs, feeling the wetness he had left there.

She looks up at him and, without any warning, takes off running trying to escape before anything else can happen to her.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80-13=67]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used And Sore)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

The vampire quickly trips Emily as she runs towards the exit, he obviously being much faster at least this time. He grinned and grabbed her by the neck, throwing her back against the wall. "You're not going anywhere bitch, you're mine now." He laughed wildly.

{Attack} {Run} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily winces in pain as she crashes back against the wall. She rubs her sore elbow and waits, hoping for an opening as she watches him carefully.

"H-haven't you already had your fun?" she asks, trying to sound tough. She blinks back a few tears, determined to make the most of her next attempt.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][67+6=73/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used And Sore)

Vampire, Medium Class, Level 2, {[Health:][111]}

The vampire grins, "Yes, I did very much. Though the thing is, I'm immortal, I never sleep and I never am stasified." He laughed wickedly to the point that it could send shivers down Emily's spine. The vampire lunges for Emily but she slips out from under his grasp and the vampire slams his head against tthe wall but doesn't take any damage from his own stupidity act.

{Attack} {Run}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Thankful for a moment's distraction, Emily takes off running, hoping that her good luck will carry her out of the vampire's reach once and for all.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][73/80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used And Sore)

The Vampire hisses and starts running at her fast but soon as Emily gets through the doorway he stops, if she really cares to pay attention why he stopped, it was cause theres a thin line of sunlight poking out from a small hole in the wall which drapes the doorway in a concentrated line of sun light which he doesn't dare pass. "Ah well, you were a good fuck anyways." He waved his hand up like fuck it and walked off out of Emily's sight. She had successfully escaped his grasp this time but what did she walk into? As you turn around you see a solid black horse gallop into view. The only color on it that wasn't black is the beautiful blue eyes it holds. Her energy boost fades away.

{Attack} {Run} {Examine Room} {Approach Horse} {Wait} {Wear The Bra(allowed to use among another action)}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily had always loved horses, and the beauty of the one that approached her caught her by surprise. She stared at the blue eyes, an unusual color on a horse wondering if maybe it was an indication of some kind of illness. She hoped not, an animal like that should be healthy and strong. She slipped the blue bra on and waited, just watching the approaching horse.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80(recovered all health)]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Feels Used But Healthy)

Emily waited successfully and starting to feel less sore. The horse slowly approachs Emily, nudging its nose against her face. It seems friendily enough but so far for no one in this place, nothing is friendily, Emily's senses keep her on guard. A sense of her intelligence telling her that something may not be all right here.

{Attack} {Run} {Examine Room} {Pet The Horse} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily has to again fight of her natural tendency to try to befriend this lovely animal. She examines the room, and most importantly the horse; she would love to believe that it's just a normal animal, maybe trapped in here like she is.

"Is that what happened?" she asks, "Did you just wake up in here too somewhere." She laughs, "At least you don't have to worry about vampires. . ."
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Wall)

As far as Emily can see there is nothing special in the room except the Black Mare itself, as well as of course, there is another exit as well as the exit back to her vampire 'friend.' The horse approached Emily and nearly blocked off her entrance licking at her face. The horse gets so shovey that Emily finds herself pushed against a wall with the horse not budging away from her.

{Attack} {Run} {Try To Calm The Horse Down} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily reaches up, stroking the sides of the horse's face. "Whoa there," she orders, her voice taking on a confident tone, "Just try to calm down, girl. It's okay. Nobody's going to hurt you." She tries to slide away from the wall as she comforts the distressed creature.
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Emily seems to calm the horse down almost immediately and it just stares at her as if it understood everything she said. Though the horse still seemed somewhat uneasy as if something was bothering it but she couldn't sense what it was, nor was she so sure she felt comfortable around the horse due to the fact it just pinned her to a wall. The horse seemed fully subdued at the present time though.

{Attack} {Run} {Pet The Horse} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

"See, it's not so bad now, is it girl?" She coos, petting the horse. "Why don't you come with me and we'll see if we can't find our way out of here. My father has a nice farm where you could live. You're to beautiful to end up pulling a plow, though."
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily Sherrow
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][100]}

{Blue Bra(+6 INT booster)}
Status: Pinned (Against The Floor)

Emily's soothing touch seemed to calm the horse further and when she moved a bit the horse ended up knocking her over onto her stomach and standing above her so it was nearly impossible for her to get up. It started nudging its nose against hair and stepping around her but just close enough that she couldn't slip out from the sides of it.

{Attack} {Run} {Scold The Horse} {Sooth The Horse} {Wait}
Re: Emily Sherrow [Janna]

Emily reaches up and strokes the mare's belly calmly, "Shhhh, I know it's a little bit scary in here, but you're okay." She soothes the horse, being careful to avoid it's powerful legs as it moves around. "Just be a good girl now and stay nice and calm." She looks for an opportunity to roll out from under the horse.