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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Alela glanced at the red-skinned woman, apparently not agreeing with his tastes for all she glared. "I'm fine," she told him, before pushing herself from his shoulder and clipping low over the fire dragoness. The woman in turn swatted at her, getting an angry yelp from Alela as the dragoness managed to clip her right back!

Taking her cue to get out, the hybrid buzzed off into the cavern to find her own pleasure somewhere else.

"That bug a friend of yours?" the woman asked, casting a wry look Enhuvin's direction.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin, jamming his hands in the pockets of his britches, laughed wryly and watched Alela buzz away into the vast cavern. "I think she might try and dent my face with her skull if I called her a friend," he told the woman. "Not really friendly, that one. Er, in the usual sense." He offered the red woman a grin. "Sorry about her. My name's Enhuvin, by the way." He offered a hand to shake.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Kesmei," the dragoness replied, taking his hand and bringing it to his mouth, brushing her lips across his knuckles politely. "I'm glad you're more friendly than she is, in any case. Here for the show or were you just late to join up?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Impressed -- pleased -- by what she had chosen to do rather than shake his hand, Enhuvin's grin took a little curl at the corners, somewhere between smug and flirtatious. She was charming, after all. He had an eye for them, oh yes he did. "Late showing up to the party, I think," he said in a voice that held a bit more of a purr to it now. "Though it looks like it's still going strong, hmm?" His eyes flicked to the orgy going on to one side of them, but stayed on her for the most part, speaking of his intentions. "And you? Simply an observer?" he asked, as if he suspected it might be otherwise.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Well, I was waiting for one of those nooks to open up," she tells him, shrugging though she smirked right back. "I got a little caught up watching the game, though. Kateen throws the most lascivious pre-festival parties... and we have the entire week, so I haven't minded taking my time!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Kateen. She's who runs this place?" Enhuvin asked. It was good to know the names of the major players around here, he guessed, but though he looked about again to appreciate the, well, sheer lasciviousness of this party, he was definitely more interested in the potential lasciviousness right in front of him. "Now, are the nooks entirely necessary?" he asked with a bold grin in a tone that could be construed as joking if she wanted to take it that way. "Some of these folks are giving me the impression that a hidey-hole isn't worth the wait," he winked.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Necessary? No... but while this is all well and good," Kesmei grinned, bantering right back, "the occasional foot in the back of the head -- at best -- can be a little annoying. Then again..." She cast her eyes to the nearest members in the orgy, "if you're able to stand up to it, you only need to move one spot to the right for the next round. It's a good test of stamina, amongst other things."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin laughed outright, mostly at that first part. Grinning merrily, he told her, "can you tell I'm new here? I didn't even think of the physical peril being surrounded by a bunch of people not really interested in paying attention to where their limbs are going might entail," he admitted. "Testing out my stamina sounds... hmm, well, tempting. Though maybe I'd better do that on a day when I can start fresh," he went on.

"Anyways," taking his eyes off of the orgy and looking at her, he grinned again, a more private kind of suggestion. "I have to admit that you drew my interest more than the orgies. Do you already have someone you were waiting for a nook with, or is that position still available to be filled?" The volume of his voice dropped to a more intimate volume, and he had thus stepped closer to be heard over the din.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

She raised a brow at his allusions, but didn't reply right away. "Come a little closer," she told him, voice also suitably low as she patted the ground next to her -- suitably empty of suitors, of course! "Let's not get ahead of ourselves; we probably have a bit of a wait, yet!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Well! Her lack of outright answer could mean any number of things, but her invitation seemed to imply good things. He sat, pleased, stretched his legs out in front of him (provided there was room) and got comfortable. He gazed out over the orgy in a general sense, trying to avoid getting too into watching any one particular activity lest he get too excited by it all. He didn't particularly want to sit around with a tent in his pants unless he was going to get to use it shortly thereafter.

"So," he started, interested in a bit of conversation to pass the time if she seemed amenable, "how long have you been in the Burrows?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Acknowledging his question with only a smirk, Kesmei shoved herself up and moved to straddle him. "Long enough," she told him, "to see what you're getting at." She hadn't shoved him back -- there wasn't quite enough room for that, though she she had him pinned unless he struggled hard!

Alleviating any worry that she'd sensed his sinister intentions from the Air Cavern, the red-skinned woman told him, "you humans and your near non-existent patience... you're lucky you've got a pretty face, mister Enhuvin!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He'd had a startled moment when she'd hopped on overtop of him, but he quickly took it in stride -- well. Actually, it gave him a flush of heat, as he realized her intentions. "Hey now!" he laughed at the jab on humans. "I'll take the complement and thank you, but here I was willing to sit and wait for your go-ahead, Mistress Dragon," he teased back. Giving an experimental wiggle below her, she would be able to feel his erection hardening beneath her straddling hips, though they were both still clad. "Though I have to say, I do like this better." He smiled at her lusciously, his hands coming up around her waist -- not yet seeking out hem between her pants and top, just to prove her jab at his patience wrong, but instead stroking over her clothed flesh to feel the shape of her and enjoy.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

She was definitely built to be hardy, though she wasn't quite as muscular as the water dragon, Dalli, that he'd sent off to Falia earlier this evening. Kesmei ground her hips down the moment she felt his growing erection, leaning down to nip the cocky smile from his lips. "Oh no," she finally said, glancing left and right. "We're only adding to the overflow... in a few minutes, you'll be naked, and I may just be naked, and soon everyone around us," she cast a glance at those who had been watching the orgy -- some whose attention were now on them -- with earnest interest, "soon they'll be naked too, and then you'll be getting a foot to the head despite your good intentions. This," she had taken to swaying her hips in a figure-eight over him, slow and luxurious, "this is why you need to learn a little patience." Of course, the way that she was teasing at him, she could very well be hinting that she was talking to herself!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"You know what?" he told her with a bright grin, "Oh well!" His hands smoothed over her shirt to her hips and he ground his hips up against hers, flushing with the brief pleasure of it. "I think I will soon be just too wrapped up in you to even notice if someone gives me a taste of their foot!" His thumbs found the waistband of her pants and hooked there, though he didn't tug just yet -- just grinned up at her cockily once more. Then he leaned up and stole a kiss, just as she had to him earlier. "Does it bother you to inspire other people to lewdness? Certainly doesn't bug me." His thumbs on the skin of her waist stroked, teased.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

It was impossible to tell whether or not Kesmei was blushing -- her skin was already a bright, carnelian red that didn't seem to darken much -- but her chuckle was definitely heated. "Just watch yourself," she advised, "I might find someone to occupy that pretty little mouth of yours. See how much you enjoy that lewdness!"

That said, she pressed him back against the cushions, leaning down with him to nip at him again as she sought for a deeper kiss. Without so much as asking, she rose a touch off of him and undid his pants, pulling them back as she straddled back on his legs. Kesmei, impatient as she'd just been chiding him, ran her hands over his member as she grinned evilly at him. "Don't get too comfortable," she told him, considering he was laid flat!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
Kesmei's Pleasure: 0/33
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He groaned at her little threat -- honestly, Enhuvin wasn't a stranger to sex with other men, too, and that's what he was imagining Kesmei meant... that was the one part of the Burrows that seemed to be missing, so far, for him. There was no incentive to bed folks of the same gender, as there seemed to be to bed ones you might end up knocking up. His flush deepened and his erection found full hardness, but he said nothing of his thoughts; she seemed like enough for him and more!

When her sneaky hands went to undo his pants he grinned again, until her sneaky hands found his erect cock. He groaned again, feeling heat rush him once more. She was handling him just right....

But that momentary intense aroused expression was washed away by humor in a quick moment, Enhuvin unwilling to let himself get too hot and heavy just yet. Already leaned back against the cushions, he crossed his arms behind his head and looked up at her, even as she disrobed him from the waist down. "What?" the human man asked, "am I going to be expected to do work here? Hmmm.... I suppose I had better get to it, then." And he brought his hands back to her body again, making a grab for the bottom hem of her shirt to take it and tug it up, off of her. Fair was fair, after all, and from this angle he couldn't get at her pants well enough to remove them. Too, he wanted to get at her luscious red skin, to get a nice handful of breast and maybe make her moan with his fingers on her nipples.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Kesmei leaned forward enough for him to work her shirt off of her, taking her hands off of him for just long enough that he had drawn the shirt off and set it aside. Deeming it about the right time for her pants to follow suit, the dragoness took the opportunity to shed them quickly before returning to her previous straddling -- before Enhuvin could get away, most likely! -- albeit with his exposed cock nestled up against her mons.

Settling a single hand around his penis, playing with it idly, she leaned forward. "What was this about work?" she asked, running her other hand up under his shirt, fingers teasing his skin. It was probably good to know that he wasn't leaving her completely unaffected... The way she'd settled back onto him had left a definitely wet mark!

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
Kesmei's Pleasure: 4/33
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He sighed his pleasure as her hands, her luscious smooth hands started to play with him proper... but he still grinned jauntily at her when she made her little jibe. "Nothing, nothing," he told her lightly, his hands coming up to smoothly glide over the skin of her sides, then ribs, moving to her breasts with which he gently toyed. "This is more like play anyways, it turns out." He winked at her.

Which was true enough! However, after -- how many orgasms today? Enhuvin was too preoccupied to go back and count -- anyways, he was feeling the toll it was taking on his body as it was. This would, he privately decided, have to be his last romp of the day. He was still functioning reasonably well now, but Goddesses only knew how long he could keep this up and he didn't want to make any promises to horny ladies that he couldn't keep!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Mm," Kesmei agreed, her thumb sliding up the sensitive underside of his head and toying with him a little just to help him make his point. She seemed distracted and, though she seemed to be enjoying Enhuvin's touch, she was looking up, past him. A grin crossed her face, and she nodded to some unheard question.

Soon the human felt further hands or... something? brushing against him, snaking under his shirt, curling under his chin. Whatever they were, they felt warm, silky-soft and, as he caught sight of one, they were black. They looked like tentacles. An inhumanly black face looked down at him. ~Hello stranger,~ the man smiled, though his expression was partially hidden by the cascade of his red-black hair. The man -- he looked maybe a couple of years younger than Enhuvin -- had strange eyes that were liquid black from lid to lid, without any definition of iris or sclera. ~Mind if I join in?~

Enhuvin's Pleasure: 4/18
Kesmei's Pleasure: 6/33
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He had tilted his head back to look up -- and his eyes widened. So it really was join-if-you-like around here... not that Enhuvin was complaining right about now! The man -- whose species was in question but Enhuvin didn't bother even to speculate right about now, the man's presence being much more interesting than his origins right about now -- earned a grin from the human, a wide one. "Far be it from me to stop you," he said with a burr in his voice, tingles both from anticipation and from what Kesmei was doing down below running through his body. "You're more than welcome." Was perhaps this place filled with mind-readers, who had plucked his previous wistful thought straight out of his head?
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