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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)


Apr 12, 2009
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Being tossed into the Burrows was probably the last thing that Enhuvin wanted, considering that his handling was rough, at best, and that the doors slammed shut not an inch behind him as he was thrown into the long, low cavern. "Oh good, our watch wasn't for nothing," a voice spoke even before the man had gotten his bearings.

Looking around, he'd spot a young woman with extremely pale skin and blonde hair. At her sides were two creatures that looked like a cross between a bird of prey and a large cat... even if they both only reached up to the young woman's waist. "You just mean it wasn't for nothing because another woman was dumped in here," one of them told her, eying Enhuvin darkly. It was pitch black, with gold-orange eyes. The other was a tawny red colour, its fur and feathers swirled and striped in a pattern more appropriate for a house cat. It clacked its beak, but didn't offer a reply. Instead, the two of them went forward and flanked Enhuvin, circling around him and butting him towards the pale woman. "Welcome to the Burrows, boy," one of them said, "leave your dignity at the doors!"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As the odd trio talked, Enhuvin picked himself up and dusted himself off, regathering his dignity from the rough handling and getting a vague look at his surroundings. One ear took in the conversation going on across from him, at least until he looked that direction.

The woman was interesting; so pale, but then, sometimes the breeders bred for extreme traits. The daemons, well -- they'd be cute if they were smaller, but as it was they looked like they could probably eat him if they wanted. Not quite sure of the rules here, the only thing that steadied Enhuvin's nerves as the two came his way and shepherded him forward was the knowledge that daemons generally didn't eat humans.

His first couple of steps were goaded on by the two daemons, but after that he stepped more hurriedly forward, not really wanting to look like he was getting pushed.

"The-- Burrow?" he asked, looking at the daemon who'd spoken, and then at the woman again (she was rather pretty). "What?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"The Burrow... Burrows, either way works," the girl told him, tucking some stray hair back behind her ear. Now that he was closer, Enhuvin could see that her eyes were a strange shade of purple -- very pale, definitely not human. Even if she had blonde hair, she couldn't be one hundred percent human, like him. Smiling brightly, she raised her hands to touch him on either shoulder, a brief greeting. "My name's Mehuia, those two are Plover," the reddish-tinted daemon had trotted back to her side, "and Hammer," she gestured to the black daemon, who was still regarding Enhuvin suspiciously. "May I ask what your name is?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Ah, I'm Enhuvin," he introduced, automatically adding "nice to meet you," before looking at the two daemons again each, with a grin that was only a tiny touch nervous. His gaze settled back on the human -- no, humanoid, and he considered her. An elemental, maybe...?

"If you don't mind my asking," he said, "I'm a little confused. What is this place about, exactly? Are we... is this like the reject bin or something?" He grinned, his attempt at humor kinda so-so.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

That surprised a laugh out of the young woman, and a clacked beak of disdain from Hammer. It seemed that Plover was the more relaxed of the pair, here. "Oh no, not at all," Mehuia flapped a hand -- she had long, delicate looking fingers. Her build seemed to match an elemental's even if she was a little smaller than usual. "We're... we're something else. Mistress Falia created this place," she began, launching into a speech that she had apparently done before, "with the hopes for something better." She attempted to slip an arm through his, wanting to guide him towards the back of the cavern, where torches lit a passage that he could not yet see down. "Or at least, that's what she says. The Burrows are a little better for the likes of us because we don't have a direct chain to answer to... but on the other hand, there are a few things that the Mistress wants of us that are... well, controversial, I suppose. This way, please."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Well, far be it from him to decline being guided by a lovely lady! Besides, he was pleased he'd gotten a laugh. Her arm though his, he followed her lead towards the back of the cavern. After all, the door he came in through was no doubt locked.

And in any case, had she just said something implying there were no direct Masters here? "Controversial?" he asked the woman... no, Mehuia the potential elemental.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"She means all the sex," Plover told Enhuvin outright, trotting along to one side. "And the fact that you'll find you have more of a reward if you wind up getting a lass with child... not that they stay that way for long down here."

"Mistress Falia's managed to harness and patent some ridiculous magic," Mehuia told the man as she led him down the path. Now he could see that it sloped gently downward, lit at regular intervals by magic torch-light. Just as it was daylight outside, in here, the torches cast a glow that frightened most shadows into submission. "She's nice about it, but she's gathered us all here to 'breed' as we will so that she can sell off our offspring." Her lips twisted in a grimace. "It's a little awkward, but it's worth the expense. You might as well be your own master, here."

"Unless someone bigger and badder comes along," Hammer supplied, nares drooping in a frown. "This place works on the principles of anarchy... or maybe it's just that if you can't defend yourself, you're pooched."
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"Huh." He let the premise sink in, rather... well, 'amazed' was a kind word, and 'shocked' was too severe. Bemused, perhaps. He shook his head and shrugged, looking to the frowning daemon alongside him. "That sounds... well, it doesn't sound totally miserable," he admitted, glancing at Mehuia. "But I suppose I'll see for myself. Do you, is there a lot of violence here?" he asked, frowning, "am I likely to get attacked even if I don't go about picking fights?" That sounded miserable, if that was the case. Strange, though, the idea of producing rapidfire offspring didn't seem to bother the man as much as the idea of having to fight!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Depends," Hammer grunted. "Mehuia, probably. You...? You're not so special."

"Hammer," the Elemental chided. "It's not all bad, really! Just watch what you say around people you don't know, that's all."

She'd led him a turn and a quarter down the path, passing open doorways that were large enough for a full-grown dragon to enter. As they went, they passed people singly or in groups... most of which gave the two gryphonic daemons a wide berth. Enhuvin was treated to glances for the most part, at best, and was able to see that folks down here really were all of different kinds. The majority seemed to be humans, but there were humanoid dragons, demons, and one or two other daemons (at least that he could tell) in the passageway, going from place to place. He couldn't see inside the doors, at this point, though some were decorated gaudily and some looked dark and uninviting. The odd thing was that none of them were numbered, or lettered, or otherwise gave a hint to address what was where.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He had to assume that the places here were labelled in some other way, something private to the Burrows that he didn't know yet. It seemed he had plenty to learn.

He looked at Mehuia again, having noticed how the two daemons seemed to protect her, in a fashion -- no one wanted to come near them, and they seemed to stick right by her. But he wasn't going to say anything, just now. And he was trying very hard not to assume anything either. "So where are we headed?" he finally asked.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Home... er, for me, at least," Mehuia ducked her head. "Usually what happens is, someone new, like you," she tugged on his arm a little with her elbow, squeezing him a bit, "comes into the Burrows. If there's a lot of you, it's kind of a mad dash... if there's only one, it's not so big a deal. Some folks like to cart people off and keep them like their own slaves..."

"Most of 'em," Hammer interjected, still scowling.

"Some of them," Mehuia corrected. "Some have found that snagging newcomers right from the get-go is the best means of self defense for everyone. For us," she seemed to anticipate his next question, "it started off more as the latter, now we just like to help new people get started out."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"How nice," he commented, considering what might have happened to him if someone else had been standing watch! In that case, he was glad for the elemental and the two intimidating daemons; unless he was greatly mistaken about their characters, he wasn't going to find himself used and abused in the manner which he imagined most newcomers ended up. That thought made him frown a little, and he watched people as they passed by in a new light. Who here was a keeper, and who was kept? At least on the outside one knew outright! Probably demons kept the upper hand here too, though he imagined the bigger dragons might be holding their own just fine.

He looked at Mehuia again thoughtfully. "Actually yeah, it seems you've done me a big favour just by being there, right? Is there anything I can do for you?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Plover made a noise that sounded like a cross between a snort and a tweet as Mehuia blushed. "Well, that depends on a couple of things." She turned him in through one doorway, where mist had accumulated across the floor and was leaking out into the main passage. Down a shorter corridor, the Elemental, her daemon companions, and their newcomer entered upon a second companion that was decidedly more jazzed up than the one that Enhuvin had originally arrived in. The place looked like it had been built with an airy lagoon sort of feel: the heavy mist curled about their ankles across the entire cavern, though it didn't hide the pool and island nestled in the center of this strange place. The ceiling of the cavern was patterned with cloud-like tapestries... though if Enhuvin were to watch for long enough, he'd notice that they spelled, as the clouds drifted sluggishly along from one weaving to the next.

There were quite a few people here, too; many humans just like him, a few people with yellow and blue skin (obviously dragons, or demons... who knew for sure without a closer look!) and daemons on strange-looking legs. The place was littered with places to sit and rest, places to eat, places to dance... and along the walls, alcoves within which to sleep. (Though with what was said earlier, it was likely that sleep wasn't the only thing that went on, there.) "Let us know if you're going out again," Hammer told Mehuia as they walked a few steps into the cave, and the two daemons departed. Either they were assured that the Elemental would come to no harm in here, or their contract had been fulfilled.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin drifted along, content to stay at Mehuia's side as he surveyed this odd place. A perfect chamber for an air elemental to choose to reside in, at least, as perfect as could be had underground!

He watched the two daemons depart, smiling and bemused. "Are those two your bodyguards or something?" he asked his guide whimsically.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Well, sort of," Mehuia toed the ground, apparently more meek when not in the daemons' company. "Agape had them assigned to me the last time someone tried to keep me. He's the one who's in charge of this place, by the way." Hurrying on, she said, "I'll introduce you later. About that debt you said you owed..." she seemed shy, though she was grinning. "I like the look of you, and you seem nice enough... would you be interested in going to bed? Not really immediately," she hastily added, holding up her hands to ward off any scoffing. "Just... some time?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Huh, so there was someone in charge. Enhuvin wasn't really surprised, though he supposed this Agape fellow must be primarily in charge of this cavern

But all that was definitely background thought! En' laughed -- and then backpedalled from laugher, grinning widely and holding up his hands. "Here I had been trying not to assume this place was one giant pleasure palace," he told her, and then, in a lower, more intimate tone, "I would love to go to bed with you. Anytime. Anyplace, even. You're gorgeous."
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Startling another laugh at his sudden change of tone, and blushing at his forthright compliments, Mehuia ducked her head, then grinned up at him in a more outgoing fashion, as if she'd tucked her shyness away somewhere. "How about now?" She cast a glance along the walls. "Those nooks are kept clean and waiting... if you want it there."
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He turned, slipping his arm out of her grasp -- and instead slipping them around her waist, pulling her close, his general default politeness giving way in the face of unexpected but welcome arousal! "There sounds wonderful," he told her, and pulled her in for a kiss.

Then he led her to one of those nooks, eager and pleased with the way things were going!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Returning the kiss, Mehuia's grin grew more excited. Following along, she kept a firm grip on his hand, taking a chance to sneak a look at his back-side while he took the lead.

While the nooks were covered by mostly opaque, there was a hint of sheerness to them that allowed Enhuvin to see if each was occupied. Then again, his ears could tell him the same thing quite plainly. They passed three enthusiastically occupied nooks before they came across an empty one.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Honestly, skinny boy Enhuvin didn't have much of a backside to speak of, in the purely aesthetic sense. But the way in which he was happily taking charge might afford her some viewing pleasure, in any case! He glanced at each occupied nook, impressed by how very in use this place was, before arriving at the unoccupied one he had in mind and pulling the curtain aside, ushering her in in a playfully gentlemanly fashion -- giving her a rather luscious looking-over in the process! He was evening just beginning to pitch a tent, apparently very pleased at the prospect she'd suggested. He followed her in once she'd entered the nook, and let the curtain fall behind them, then caught her up in another kiss, apparently old-fashioned enough to butter her up a bit before diving right in.
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