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Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.


Jungle Girl
Apr 14, 2012
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Fresh out of education and on your own at least, all you really needed to do to get a start in your life now was an easy job or two under your belt, and when you checked the job boards, it didn't take long before one smaller freelance company caught your eyes, offering a simple job in a legally grey area.

It seemed that TTI had purchased some old land on Mars that used to be owned by Progenitus a long time ago, but was going unused, only for it to turn out that there were some old Progenitus labs buried there. It didn't take long for TTI to claim that the lab was on their property, so the lab belonged to them, while Progenitus protested that they hadn't sold any deeds to the structures on the land.

So while the legal battle rages on in the courthouses, the freelance company plans to slip in and out quietly, on TTI's behalf... or maybe Progenitus? And surely, Spyglass will be willing to pay for any secrets learned too.

All contracted subcontractors (henceforth referred to as "Canaries") will be delivered to the dig site at an undisclosed location on Mars via company shuttle craft. They will receive further briefing from the dig site chief before entering the site and attempting to achieve as many objectives as possible, including, but not limited to:
- Restoring power to facilities
- Attempting data retrieval
- Seeking artifacts of importance.
- Recovering evidence of corporate wrongdoings

Canaries will have approximatly sixteen hours to discover what they can, though this is merely an estimate. As a precaution, allow for only twelve hours, as the Progenitus legal teams are working hard to prevent any incursions into the dig site

This contract will be rendered null and void, if Progenitus forces arrive while Canaries are still in the dig site, and TTI will accept no responsibility for any legal repercussions.

The Canaries will be responsible for providing their own equipment, though a simple survival kit will be provided upon arrival for each member, consisting of:
- 10 light sticks
- 1 flare gun, with three flares
- 2 MRE packets
- 1 Shockstick.
Unused items are to be returned upon exiting the digsite.

Upon successful completion of the contract, all Canaries will receive:
- 100 credits per member
- 50% combat bonus it applicable
- 25% of value of any salvaged equipment/data to be distributed among the Canaries as seen fit.

Place eye here for retinal scan, confirming acceptance of the contract...

The pickup point is at one of the smaller airports just out of Olympus Mons, at the forsaken hours of the morning, a full two hours before dawn. A cold breeze cuts through the air as people start to arrive, the first one already waiting there greeting the newcomers as they arrive, a tall, grizzled Panda, looking like he'd much rather be in bed, offering a data pad to accept each person's Toggle for confirmation that they're where they're meant to be. "Cold day for it..." He grunts, wearing a thick woolen jumper with a bright yellow florescent band on each arm. "At least it's a clear sky for flying."
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Re: Enter the Canaries

Kwes'tikot wouldn't say she had been in a rough spot, not financially at least, the past few months. Bouncer work mixed with long nights of socializing wasn't keeping her account flowing with cash, admittedly. It had been a long time since she had left her original family back at Progenitus, but the job had proven both enticing and lucrative enough for her to take it on.

The time, place, and weather would've had to be much worse for Kwes to not show up. In fact, she found it quite pleasant for a brisk jog over to the meeting spot! Standing at two meters in height with the physique to match someone as physically active as herself it probably wouldn't have been too difficult picking her out from the rest as she approached. Her long and thick tail, a hallmark of gecko-vectors everywhere, did her profile no favors though. But then, in an age with living armor and exosuits, her outfit was fairly bland and particularly lacking in flair:

From top to bottom, Kwes was wearing a fairly utilitarian outfit consisting of a black hood(with separate mouth-cover) and silver-textured skiing goggles of a sort that kept others from seeing her eyes. Covering most of her upper body was a black sweater, thick grey vest and sturdy grey gloves, with a grey backpack over her back. Further down her body was a black utility belt with a few small pouches from which a scabbard for her heavy-duty machete hung, and beneath that she had grey jogging pants and mostly black with some grey hiking boots to cover her feet. The only parts of her skin that was visible for anyone to see were her not-so-insignificantly sized tail which was the only notable splash of color to her person; lime green skin with a few light-blue incandescent spots near the base of it.

Once Kwes had managed to find the right place to be at she had been quick to introduce herself. "G'morning! Kwes'tikot here, Kwes for short, guess we'll be working together today, huh?" Upbeat and energic in both voice and behavior Kwes might be a little too much for those that weren't fond of early mornings... Though her mood would take a sharp dip once it became clear she had been expected to bring a Toggle to identify herself with! "Ah crap... Lost mine in an accident the other day, I uh... no other way to do it? I kinda need this gig... Mmmostly to get a new Toggle."
Re: Enter the Canaries

TOA's eyes flicked around the cold airport as she approached the contact point. Too open for her liking. Too exposed. It'd be a great place for a sniper to get some easy marks. Of course, it was more out of habit than any belief there would be one. Too random. An open contract, that anyone might take on? There'd just be no good reason to do it. Even if Progenitus went that far, they'd have been better served just making sure the pilot never showed up to work.

No, so far this was on the up and up. Well, the arrival and getting them there. She had little doubt that this was going to be a miserable pile of secrets. Every one of these agents would be probably Progenitus spies hoping to put one over TTI, fellow Spyglass looking to hit their mark faster than the others or third parties hoping to see what the other two were so fired up about.

TOA was someone who would be hard to miss in a crowd. She was a taur, while fairly common amidst canidae, not a common sight overall. She moved with a focused gait along the tarmac. A bullet proof vest with another tan vest over it. A knife was slotted into a holder on the front of the vest. Somehow she has managed to squeeze into some short shorts on her back half. A set of saddle bags hangs behind her by her torso, sitting atop the draping of kevlar covering her taur halves torso.

TOA herself had black fur, with her large ears each pierced with faux-gold studs along the lower outer edge of her ears. Her fur around her eyes grows in gold, a mark of her family, giving it a tattooed look. She's toned, though not heavily muscled. Her eyes never seemed to linger in one location for long, always shifting to check somewhere else.

Upon the gecko's bubbly introduction, TOA simply nodded in response. However, it seemed she too was too poor to own a toggle. TOA could relate, though she wasn't fond of all this tech based information. Too easy to hack. Hence why she had insisted on this instead.

TOA walked up to the panda and handed a paper with her authentication over. "Yes, it is antiquated. No, I don't have a toggle instead. Also, I've little doubt Kwes'tikot is in the wrong location. No one would come out here at this time if they were not meant to be here. I'll vouch for her.," TOA said, her voice firm and even, someone who was sure of their convictions. While she talked, her eyes only focused on the person she was speaking too, focused and intense.
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Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Nielen blew air into her hands as she came closer to the meeting point. It was much to early in the morning to be outside, doubly so with how cold it was. She was missing Leon and her well heated house already and they hadn't even started on the mission.

Unlike everyone else here, Nielen looked the most like the humans that had given there kind sapience. The short girl had human skin instead fur or scales, and the only really fuzzy parts of her were her fox ears and double fox tail that poked out the back of her outfit. The second tail was a surgical addition but no one needed to know that.

Other then that the most remarkable thing about the girl was that she was very short, especially compared to everyone else at the meeting point, standing only at 5'4" she was nearly half a foot shorter then the next shortest person.

She also wore a rather heavy jacket which disguised most of the equipment she was carrying with her. Though unlike everyone else she did have a toggle which she gave for identification. "Here you go. Though I can't believe no one else even has one of these." For the techie girl, she didn't think she could survive without her toggle, and couldn't imagine how anyone else could.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

"Lost your Toggle, huh? Great... You DID at least get some paper work filled out at the recruitment office, right? Got some other form of verification to prove who you are?" The panda doesn't look impressed at all, and being as broad across the shoulders as he is tall, his body well muscled, he doesn't look like the sort of person that any reasonable person wants to piss off this time of the day.

He looks over Kwes'tikot with a deep scowl, checking his data pad, lifting his head to look at TOA as the taur speaks, taking her paperwork with a deep grunt, turning his head to the side and spitting on the concrete pavement, obviously disgusted. "What did I do to deserve you two, huh? I'm a good person. I look after my kids, I'm a good husband to my wife. I hardly ever put anyone in hospital when they don't deserve it..."

He leans against the wall of one of the large aircraft hangers, next to the smaller side doors, as he compares the paperwork to what's on the data pad, looking at Nielen, grunting at her to wait a moment, before holding out his data pad to her for her to press her toggle into it, verifying her identity as well.

As the wind picks up in a strong gust, the panda nods slowly, knocking on the doors with four hard pounds that rattle them on their hinges. "Right... In you go then. We're just waiting on one more to arrive, so go in, get to know each other... Welcome to The Canaries, ladies."

The doors are opened up by a black-furred cat in a TTI pilot's uniform, allowing the trio in, a couple of wolves inside already, standing around a pair of long tables set up with various simple breakfasts foods, a pot of coffee and a kettle for tea. One one end of the table are sets of clip-on florescent yellow bands, the wolves already wearing one on each arm.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

TOA listens to the panda's griping, but since he acquiesced her gaze turned off him and instead briefly studied the newcomer. Guess she wasn't going to be the only rarity in the group. That was nice she supposed. Probably a bit vain, given the tails. Well least TOA didn't need to help her out at least. She entered in the doors once bidden.

She paused once inside, eyes scanning over the area, looking more for weapons and surveillance than anything else. Once her cursory gaze went through, she paid the food and drink little mind, approaching the armbands. Canaries were yellow. Guess she was supposed to wear one of these to identify herself. She didn't like it much. But better than getting friendly fire'd.

She wondered who their fourth was and why they were late. Made her a bit antsy. TOA hated when people were late. Always made her expect a raid or ambush. Well, nothing for it. At worse, she just would make do. Tables would make nice barricades...
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Heading inside, Nielen let out a sigh of relief at getting out of the cold somewhat, and immediately made a move for the coffee. Once she got herself a warm drink, she'd get herself an armband and then look at the two wolves and TOA. "Well, nice to meet you all, guess we're all going to be working together."
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

TOA slipped the armband on then looked to the fox girl and nodded. "You may call me TOA. And assumedly so. Us and our absent fourth member."

She surveyed the room some more, eyes never lingering on anyone for long overall, giving her a somewhat distracted mein.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

"And I'm Nielen. How bout you two?" Nielen looked at the wolves, she had already caught Kwes'tikot's name earlier when she had been coming here.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

The wolves glance at each other, their grey fur looking a little wind swept, and they look close enough to each other that the might be brothers, each having a green left eye and a blue right eye. They look back to TOA and Nielen, with broad, wolfish smiles, but at least they have the decency to not openly pant with their tongues hanging out.

"He's Panzer..." one of them starts off.

"... and he's Faust." the other one finishes, both of them wagging their tails, before they speak together at the same time.

"We pick up big things, move them, and put them down again. Sometimes, we chase bad things away, or we make doors for Haim'doll. Haim'doll is our freind."

The TTI pilot sits down in a chair by the door, listening to the conversation, but not joining in, instead more focused on his Toggle Case as he waits for the big panda to knock on the door again.

Suddenly, a pair of large, round white ears pops up into sight from the other side of the table, a chair moving with a dragging sound, before a small white mouse pops up into sight, standing on the chair. Her fur is mostly the same white fur that almost every other mouse across the system has, except for a circular patch of brown fur around her right eye, and her grey eyes sparkle with far too much energy for the dark hours of the morning. Oddly, she doesn't seem to be a Micro, just very short, at just shy of three feet tall, wearing a large, heavy looking woolen greatcoat.

She gets to work, grabbing a bowl, and pouring herself some cereal, humming to herself, like there's a tune only she can hear... and then it seems that there is a tune only she can hear, earbud-style wireless headphones in each ear. She doesn't even seem to have noticed TOA and Nielen yet as she starts crunching on the dry cereal as she sits down on the chair, only her ears in view again.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

TOA raised an eyebrow a bit at the wolves responses. She didn't like the way they were looking at her, but if the paws stayed off her she was content to let them stare.

Besides, something stranger came into view. A woman, a mouse? Small too. She'd vaguely heard of them but never seen one. She however didn't seem to notice them at all with one of those ear shriekers. She didn't like those. Her ears were too big to use them good and they hurt. Plus she was too poor to justify their cost.

Well, so far so good. Though she wondered who this Haim'doll was. Guess she'd find out. Could be the mouse she supposed.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Kwes hadn't paid much attention to her surroundings when approaching the contact, and so the 'sudden' pressence of a taur caught her by surprise. At least only her body language might show as much as she turned a bit to look what was to be a co-worker for this job, thanks to her attire covering the entirety of the Gecko's head. "Barely met, and already vouching for me? How nice of you~" There was a bit of a joyful hum to the Gecko's words as she briefly spoke to the taur, followed by a sigh as she turned her attention back to the panda. Raising her hands up Kwes would use one to pull down the cloth covering her mouth and nose and the other to pull up her goggles. Much like on her tail she had lime green skin on her face, with blue lips and likewise colored markings framing her yellow eyes, the latter of which had a dim glow to them.

"I uh... Didn't bring any papers or anything, but I'm pretty sure you could find me in the public MarsCo registries. Been doing some odd jobs here and there for a while, so I should have a work profile with them as well. Somewhere..." If necessary Kwes'tikot would be fairly quick to bring up other information necessary to have her properly identified, and while this little hurdle had been unfortunate it wasn't enough to take the cheer out of this Gecko... Though she did try to keep things at least somewhat professional, refraining from making a quip or jest while the Panda voiced his grievances.

And while the chilly weather hadn't really bothered the Gecko all that much so far, it was still nice to get inside once identification and verification was done with. Upon spotting the yellow bands Kwes' eyes briefly grew a little more luminous while her lips formed into a beaming smile! With a stride to her steps she would saunter over and pluck one of the bands up, inspecting it with gleeful curiosity for a short moment before clipping it onto her vest, and no longer able to hold in her quips she just had to say it! Professionalism be damned! "Oh me oh my~! How nice of them to make the band match my eyes~!" With that out of the way the Gecko would first now take the time to give the interior a brief cursory glance before helping herself to a cup of tea... Just what one could use a chilly morning like this! And three bits, or two spoons, of sugar if available.

Kwes'tikot would linger a little before joining the conversation of her fellow agents, listening in as the two-tailed fox and taur, along with the wolves, introduced themselves before following suit. "And I am Kwes'tikot, Kwes for short, looking forward to working with a bunch of folks as polite, and pretty, as all of you~" What followed next was the sudden appearance of a pair of ivory ears, which would prove to have the Gecko's full attention for a little while... And the tea, of course. So far so good, Kwes thought to herself, as she remained standing while savoring her tea for the time being.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Nielen nodded as everyone else introduced herself, the fox having to avoid giggling a little bit at the two wolves looks. She was indeed a bit vain, and she liked the attention. The mouse surprised her a little bit, but the even smaller girl seemed to be in her own little world so she didn't feel like trying to talk through the music.

Instead she took a seat at the table and grabbed some food, she hadn't had time to really eat before she left, so it was good to get something before going on a mission.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

The tail wagging of the wolves only seems to intensify, and now the tongues start to loll out of their mouths, amusingly both on the left side, the two of them most likely twins.

As Kwes'tikot introduces herself to them in such a friendly manner, their ears perk up and they lean forward eagerly, looking like they think they're going to get their heads rubbed... and then something small flies past them in a green blur, Panzer's and Faust's heads snapping to follow it, before they end up bolting after what seems to be a small, bouncy, fuzzy green ball, both trying to be the one to get it, barking and growling at each other competitively.

Leaning back in her chair, slowly pulling her arm back from having thrown the ball and stuffing it into a greatcoat pocket, the little mouse having a very smug little smirk on her face, winking to the trio on the other side of the table. "Some of us have instincts closer to our origins than others. Don't mind Panzerfaust. They're good lifters, but sometimes they're dumber than the stuff they're lifting."

She giggles, putting her breakfast bowl on the table, slipping out of her chair and disappearing out of sight behind the table as there's four heavy thuds on the door from the outside.

The feline goes to answer to door, letting in the grumpy looking panda, who looks even more irate as he sees the wolves wrestling with each other on the floor, each trying to get dominance of the ball. "Faust! Panzer! What the hell do you think you're doing! Act like a pair of professionals for once, you mutts!" His eyes widen as he sees the ball, and he starts looking around the hanger, baring his teeth a little, looking openly angry now.
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Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Clearly something had gone wrong with those two at some point, TOA mused. That or it was an elaborate ploy, but it struck her as counterintuitive to put on. Ah well. The ball result was almost embarrassing. Fellow canines acting like feral laterals. Not that she didn't support others lifestyle choices, but she did admit to it being sorta awkward. Especially when she often was mocked growing up about supposedly doing similar actions because she was a taur. Least being a taur as an adult canine was easier than most other taurs besides Naga.

She glances at the mouse. Seemed about right. What little she knew of em seemed to indicate they had a mouth. Seemed like a decent fit for Spyglass. She had to get out more into her corptown clearly.

Her attention was turned as it seemed they had their fourth member now. Or so she figured, instead she got an pissed off panda. Oh boy. The mouse was about to get it it seemed. She contemplated sticking her neck out again. Well, she'd wait to see how this played out. Ifit got bad, then she could defuse it.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

Nielen was between a sigh and another laugh at the two wolves acting like laterals. Though she hoped they weren't going to be part of the combat crew, they didn't seem like the most reliable gunners.

"I'll keep that in mind," The hemi-fox said to the mouse, "Now though I don't think we've been introduced, I'm Nielen."

The fox girl was doing a rather good job of ignoring the potential situation brewing between the pandas and the two wolves.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

The wolves were just too adorable in their own simple way for the Gecko! She could barely stiffle her giggles by the time the two mutts ran off chasing a ball. And as the mouse commented on the wolves being dumb as rocks Kwes grinned widely. "Quite adorable, they are. I'd ask if I could take one home after this gig is over with, but I figure they ain't leased separately~" Kwes was having a good time in her current company so far, and the cheerful Gecko was practically radiating her feelings in that regard. There was little that could put a damper to her mood at this point.

Not even the grumpy Panda could, as he entered only to start shouting after the wolves, though it was a reminder of why they were all here. There was a job to do, but in lack of further directive to follow Kwes decided to have a second helping of tea before finding herself a seat. She saw no reason to get involved with the wolves and the Panda.
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

"WHERE IS SHE?!" The panda bellows, loud enough to echo through the hanger, stomping towards the plane, head lifting up to look to the scaffolding up near the roof. "She better not be up there with a paint gun again! PATCHES, YOU BIG-EARED BRAT! GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

With all the shouting going on, Faust and Panzer stop their fighting, standing up with their ears folded back and their tails tucked between their legs, speaking in unison as they start dusting each other off. "Sorry Haim'doll... Uhhh..." They start looking around, not having seen the little mouse slip away out of sight. "Um, Patches was here, but... now she's gone."

A barely muffled giggle from underneath the table and a slight movement of the tablecloth gives away where the little troublemaker is, before she slips out, coming out right in front of Kwes'tikot, winking up to the much taller gecko. "Well, at least I didn't throw them one of your grenades this time!" She grins, moving away from Kwes, standing next to TOA, casually leaning against the Jackel-taur, her slight weight barely noticable compared to the taur's armour.

Haim'doll blinks in surprise, making strangled sounds of rage, unable to speak coherently for a few moments, before he takes a deep breath to calm down, lifting his hands and miming a strangling motion, looking at Kwes, TOA and Nielen like he wants support from them. "Rgggg... How... How long have you been here?"

"Mmm... Four hours or so? Had a bit of a nap on the plane while waiting. So. We're all here then?" Patches giggles. "You found some weird ones this time... I wanna sit next to that one on the ride over!" She points to Nielen. "She's got no fur and looks funny!"
Re: Enter the Canaries (RP section)

TOA raised an eyebrow as she looked at patches the mouse, who was leaning on her. "I am not furniture. Off.," she says firmly, before looking to the panda, Haim'doll evidently.

"I don't know what regulations your outfit has or what not but unless she has broken them I don't see this as being a useful tirade to be upset about. That said if she does throw grenades for them to chase I would say have her court marshalled as that seems horrible. In any case, if she is our fourth, shall we begin? With Progenitus poised to descend as soon as possible, it's in our best interest to get started before they drop in and drag IRPF in with them. Again.," she said, eyes focusing on the panda once more. She had an odd feeling she might be stuck at defusing him a lot.

She looks to patches then Nielen, "Nielen is a hemi. They're uncommon, slightly more so than us canine taurs are. I doubt she appreciates being called funny looking."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

Kwes frowned as the shouting continued. And things had seemed so nice at first. The gecko would slowly saunter over to an empty seat and ease herself down, making sure her tail didn't get stuck in an uncomfortable fashion. All she cared for now was finishing her tea and waiting for the storm to pass. The comment about throwing grenades had a pained grimace form on her lips. It was as much the first, and last, time she would be working with these loonies. At least that 'TOA' fellow appeared to have her wits about her... For the most part. It was with a low exasperated 'tch' that the Gecko raised her hands to pull her facemask uo and her silvery goggles down before leaning back in her seat to simply bide her time.