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Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Irritating little rat..." Haim'doll grunts, rubbing his forehead with a frustrated sigh, forcing himself to calm down. "Right... Everybody onto the plane, and let's get going. Damn it Patches, you should have told me you were already here. I've been waiting outside for you."

"I had the twins lug it onto the plane for me already... and sorry Haim... It's brisk today though, isn't it! I bet you're wide awake now!" Patches looks at the rest of the group, sensing the disapproval in the air. "Hey, I removed the explosive from the grenade. I just wanted to know -how- dumb they really were. Ok, not dumb... Instinctive. Honestly, I think Panzerfaust would have been happier if they'd been born Laterals." The little mouse whistles to the wolves, waving to the aircraft stairs.

"Oi! Plane time, boys!" She smiles a little bit to the newcomers. "Anyone wanna sit in First Class with me? Or would you prefer to sit with the grumpy old teddy bear?"

Patches walks over to Haim'doll, giving his leg a firm hug, smiling up at him. "You know I'm just playing around, don't you Door-Watcher?"

Grunting, watching the wolf twins running for the stairs, Haim'doll looks over everyone, picking up Patches and tucking her under one arm. "If you're still hungry, grab something to eat on the plane, but try not to make a mess. Sit where you want." He nods to the feline pilot, starting to board the plane himself.

Once released, Patches giggles, heading to the front area of the plane where the First Class seats are, Faust and Panzer are sitting next to each other in Economy Class, while Haim'doll sits in the back row of seats, keeping an eye on things.
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

TOA observes the situation defuse itself and nods. Well that made things easier for her. She walked outside and onto the plane, grumbling as she had to wriggle and work to maneuver herself around the corners, heading to the back where she had to lie in the hall a bit behind Haim'doll so she didn't block him getting up. They didn't make Taur Chairs after all. Well, none that were not ridiculous.

She supposed the two wolves didn't have the money for body reassignment surgery. Being a lateral was very in their reach if they could.
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

Nielen let the 'strange' comment pass her by, the short girl more then used to such comments by now, and unlike some, the mouse didn't seem to have too much malice in it. Having finished her breakfast, she followed the others out to the plane, deciding to head up to the front end because if this was going to potentially be a deadly mission, she wanted to atleast sit in comfort on the way there.
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

Finally time to hustle! To some extent, anyhow. Kwes would rise from her seat, far too briefly had her tush gotten to know it, and head over to the plane along with the rest of the crew. At the small mouselings quip about First Class or otherwise the Gecko smiled a little behind her mask. "If we're free to choose as we please, don't think I'll mind a front row spot." And so it would be, lest they all end up taken before the Gecko got a chance to claim a spot for herself for whatever reason, cozying herself down wherever and leaning back in her seat.

Perhaps if things didn't get too rowdy during the flight, she might be able to catch a brief nap... Unless something was needing her attention, that is.
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

All in all, the passenger plane is exactly what one might expect from a medium-sized atmospheric craft, having plenty of seats in economy class, and a few, extra comfortable seats in the more opulent front area. About the only oddity is that all the windows are darkened, TTI obviously not wanting to give away exactly where the dig site is.

There's a brief wait before the plane leaves the hanger and taxis onto the runway, the lupine twins yelping and holding onto each other tightly. Haim'doll grunts softly, calling out to them "Hey. Put your seatbelts on." When they don't respond, he sighs, getting up and walking up the rows to them, assisting them to get their seatbelts on, before returning to his seat, looking back to TOA. "Sorry about that. The twins don't like to fly."


Up in the front, Patches grins as she sits on a large, comfy chair, bouncing a little bit on it, before unbuttoning her heavy greatcoat, tugging it off and laying it on the chair beside her, revealing at least two things. The first being that she's naked underneath the coat, her fur mostly white except for a "glove" of brown fur on her right paw. The second part is that there's at least another herm in the group as she relaxes and leans back. She smiles at Kwes and Nielen. "First Class is Nekkid Class, right?" She giggles playfully.

The plane doesn't wait on the runway for long before taking off, the feline's voice coming over the speakers with smooth, velvety tones. "This is your captain speaking. The flight will be about an hour and a half, so sit back, relax and enjoy yourselves."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"No need to apologize. I don't quite get why you take them into potentially dangerous locations, but I'm not going to throw a fuss over another's insecurities. If they need help, by all means you don't need to worry about my judgment.," says TOA simply, tilting her head a bit before stretching a little with a grunt.

"Truth be told, I hate flying too. My body makes walking in it easy, but I have to lie in often sticky dirty spots between the seats and need to perform acrobatics to maneuver around. Usual taur troubles and all really, but one makes do with what life affords them. And I get to go straight into a facility that probably has similar difficult hallways. I was more concerned my body would make me the biggest liability in this operation." She didn't voice that she no longer considered that true by a long shot.

"So, upon arrival, what is our ground plan? Are we moving as a group or dividing into squads?"
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"They come along as backup, and for carrying heavy gear, but you're right. They're not fighters, so I intend on keeping them out of any danger if I can." The large panda relaxes in his seat, looking over at TOA, all signs of his earlier temper gone.

"They probably have some couches for you in the First Class area. I suppose there's the Cargo Hold too, but I wouldn't want you to feel like baggage." He looks over at TOA again, examining her body. "Most of the Progenitius facilities I've been in have nice wide passaages, since they cater for all, and I imagine this one will be no different. I'm more curious as to why it's being refered to as a 'dig site'." He shrugs.

"The first thing we'll be doing is getting more information from our employer, seeing what the situation is, then I imagine we'll take things carefully." He sniffs softly. "There's something about this job that smells bad. All this legal fuss."
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Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Yeah but I don't want to get used to luxury I can't afford on my own. Plus same reason as you're not. I don't like the possibility of stuff happening behind me. Because I can't turn the hell around.," smirks TOA a bit, "And I considered the cargo area, but they usually de-pressurize those locations. I like not freezing."

She grunts a bit at the comment about it feeling bad. "Course it stinks. There's no such thing as an honest person, everyone has an agenda. If I were to guess, this Progenitus lab is on top of some sort of excavation that found weird shit that TTI is always up to their elbows in. Hell, I'm betting what's really happened is it fucked up all of Progenitus' goons and then TTI bought out the land under em and wants us to raid it before the lawyer army arrives. Either way, I'm planning to deal with this quick and careful, and with my gun out at every moment I'm in it."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Eh, it's less about what's going on behind me, and more about being where I'm needed most. The twins hate flying. The rat would probably be happy wearing a wingsuit and getting towed behind the plane." He snorts, yet TOA can almost hear fondness in his gruff voice. "And yes, she has her uses too. If Panzer and Faust are the muscle in our little group, then she's the brains. Even if she seems a little scatter-brained, don't let that fool you."

He glances at TOA as she voices her opinion and theory, grunting softly. "Everyone has an agenda, huh? So, what do you think my agenda is then? How do you think I plan on betraying you?" He shakes his job, shaking his head. "I'm the face of the Canaries. My job is to represent the owner, and ensure that this job goes as smoothly as it can, given the different... quirks on the team. Still, if you're constantly watching your back, maybe you can keep an eye on mine too."
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Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Oh I believe she has uses. And I can understand that. Seems like good logic to me. Just need to keep her on target. Though if they hate flying, won't they hate flying anywhere? Why not put them in first class as well?," nods TOA, chuckling.

She smirks a bit at his look. "Of course you have an agenda. It doesn't mean you're going to betray me. It could. More likely your agenda is to ensure the maximum profit without excessive losses. If not because you like us, but for monetary reasons. And course I will. I'm a professional, despite the look. While trusting me everything would be foolish, you can trust me to do what I was hired to do. Just like anyone else."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Put them? Huh, I didn't put them in those seats. They did, because they know that Patches went in First Class, and they know that she's a nudist. They're... shy around girls." Haim'doll grunts softly, shaking his head. "And despite how it sounds, Patches is a professional too. She just has a lot of energy to burn off before missions. And after." He smirks a little bit. "Once we get the job started though, she'll be focused, but even so? I'm glad not to have to babysit her for the next ninety minutes or so."

He suddenly thinks of something, a look of horror on his face. "I hope she's not showing the other two her ping-pong ball trick..."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"A nudist. Dear lord.," groans TOA, pinching the bridge of her snout. She sighs a bit, "I'm sure they'll mention something if it bothers them. I'm certain I am glad to be in here though. While I don't much care what she does on her own time, I'm content not to get a face full of short stack mouse."

She shrugs a bit, Personally, I burn off energy by running. Or shooting things virtually."
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

Kwes would lazily tilt her head to the side to glance towards the chipper little mouse as 'nekkid class' was uttered. Even without her mask the Gecko's expression might've been hard to read. "I think you'd need a little more mass before you can pull me in, hon~"
Re: Enter the Canaries. (RP section) Kwes'tikot, TOA and Nielen.

"Unfortunately I don't do naked as well as most." Nielen said as she took a seat near Patches. Though she wasn't expecting the mouse girl to actually get naked. The fox girl's eyes widening a bit before noticing Patches extra addition.

Taking her eyes off the mouse with a blush Nielen undid her own overcoat, revealing a regular long sleeved shirt and loose pants combination that she figured would be useful to move around in. Also rather visible was the mostly plastic SMG and multiple clips of ammunition she was carrying underneath.

She might have over equipped a bit, but she was hoping that she wouldn't end up running out. "Soooo, got any ideas for how we can pass the plane trip?"