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Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana's encrypted response to Ariana includes a small re-cap of what the cyborg's research had yielded: "There have been sixteen separate potential clues to the location of Triptych Research Station over the past few years. Nine of those led to trails that ended at one of the various PDC memorial-planets throughout the sector. Six of the remaining leads stemmed from statements or notes left by Leonis Sanitation workers, all of whom eventually were declared insane, institutionalized, and wound up either committing suicide somehow or became dangerous enough to be "permanently sedated". The remaining lead is pointing towards a recent accident aboard a deep-space transmitter relay station, with current reports indicating that Leonis was contracted to clean up the damage. Best estimates would put clean-up as finishing before the Perseus could reach the site. Clean-up does not include any form of computer purges, though.

There's nothing indicating good search locations beyond that and the rumors that the planet it's on is suggested to be rather inhospitable, such as an ice, desert, or highly volcanic planet. Currently we're preparing to send a shuttle with a small team to check out the deep-space relay station, where I'll be downloading any available information from its computer memory.

With the message sent, Ariana checks the time. Two minutes to the briefing. She presses another button at the bridge console. "Number One, be sure that St. Olessa is in attendance at the briefing. He'll be accompanying the away team." Satisfied, she walks the short distance to her ready room, where the ship's leadership will be quickly discussing the upcoming mission as the shuttle is prepped for launch.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"We are, as we are.
We are but motes of light in the dark.
We are the search light, whom guide ships to port.
We are the casting of nets in the sea.
We are but out-stretched hands.

We seek the lost, to return them home.
We seek the fallen, to give them peace."

If he were to be honest, Kisal didn't truly believe such prayers to be officially sanctioned in the name of a long-dead Saint, but perhaps she would have at least appreciated the partly improvised words in quiet reference and reverence to her original, most notable merit; seeking out and returning home a whole host of The Lost, stranded peoples from whence they would have otherwise perished in a terrible, terrible manner.

He is currently sitting on a rounded mat of soft cord-like material, partly surrounded by the humble but admittedly self-indulgent micro-garden in the corner of his 'den'. Sometimes he likes the quietness of what little nature he could put together, seeing the varied terrestrial and extra-terrestrial plants existing together in wordless harmony, for at least it provided a quiet reprieve from the typical rota of daily life on-board.

He even spotted the tiny creatures he'd been allowed to keep, barely the size of a finger-nail, the Jackal-Retriever couldn't help but feel a daft grin softly grace his muzzle as he watched the few living things oh-so slowly move about from plant to plant, resembling little more than green-brown sloth-gecko... things, really. More gecko with sloth claws? Sometimes difficult to know with these adorable crea-

-A sonorous buzzing-beep emitted from the intercom near the door, quiet to humans, but loud enough for him, and a mere second or two later, a voice of authority reported that his presence will be required at the briefing room, in two minutes.

Two minutes.

He huffed and grumbled, briefly muttering to himself, before shutting down such childish noises and rose with semi-grace as he sought to prepare himself with urgency. He already knew about the mission to the Relay Station, and understood his part in the task ahead, so he was naturally curious as to why he'd be called again, had something changed? Something new?

The humanoid was already clad in his under-suit, preparing minutes earlier before deciding to let his mind wander, his amour-pieces attached over his chest, back, shoulders, outer-limbs and his boots - those were by the door, his helmet sitting prettily next to them.

He appreciated some freedom without the combat boots, and thus the digitigrade male hummed to himself as he set about slinging his Spinal-Pack over his shoulders, magnetically attached and further secured with clasps, stepping into his boots and scooping the dark, faceless hemlet in one long arm.

He kept his curved blade within his quarters, both functional and sentimental, while the rest were, understandably, sequester in the armory, though they resided in semi-public space, nobody was foolish enough to make off with those distinctive items.

Marching out of his homely den and through the corridors, the route was efficient, proof of good planning, as he'd soon - just within time - make it to the briefing...

'Cometh the Saint'.


Well... that was interesting.

First Contact with... green humanoids of a less than subtle demeanor, utilising what was essentially a cobbled together machine that worked because... science? Hope and Goodwill? Psychic Power? He didn't feel anything regarding the last... possibility, but he respected the notion, however incomprehensible it was to the male personally.

A buzz of activity all around in the formidable ship's armoury, or one of them. The BTCS Perseus' finest men and women, humans and... not-humans were suiting up, arming up more, and trading professional as well as unprofessional comments. He was sure, at some point, somebody decided to make a joke or a 'pun' with the word 'Saint' in it, if he dared to be be self-indulgent about the referential name, which in some tiny part of his brain sought more of a personality aside from 'vat grown man-dog' from years gone by.

Everything was accounted for and in excellent condition, nothing less was expected, as he focused rather more than the norm on collecting and securing his tools. Gauss-Carbine, Curved Blade, Trench-Knife, his beloved, utilitarian and lethal Hatchet and 'door opener'. Though it was also referred to as 'Face Opener' after... well, one... heated QCQ.

He was ready, and stood aside, making himself as un-obstructive as possible, arms crossed gently, head lowered as he calibrated his helmet's few systems, and wordlessly thought to nothing and everything. His ears, though beneath the flexi-shawl connecting the back of his helmet to his shoulders and the pack, still twitched, listening carefully.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Shortly after the briefing, Diana and her small away team (consisting of Perseus' psychic officer, a pair of marines, and St. Olessa) are in the shuttle, bound for the relay transmitter. Diana and the rest of the team are dressed out in body armor with re-breathers and a ten minute emergency oxygen supply, in case something happens to the air supply onboard; they're also wearing magnetic boots, to allow them to walk normally despite the lack of gravity. The two marines armed with rifles and sidearms, while Diana herself selects an AA-12 assault shotgun, loaded out with a 20-shot ammunition drum of non-lethal rubber stun batons. She's also carrying an 8-shot box clip with standard shotgun rounds, another 8-shot box clip with high-explosive rounds, and her custom Desert Eagle .50 AE Mark XIX pistol in a leg holster.

Diana opens an audio hail to the other inbound shuttles as she's nearing the relay transmitter. "There's no one scheduled to be onboard. Stay frosty, people, but if we do encounter life on board let's try not to initiate hostilities. If there are hostilities, let's remember that we're trying not to compromise the relay's structural integrity. We want information. We don't want to cause damage or casualties unless absolutely necessary."
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

As the other ships move towards the relay themselves, Kruttz' Krooza continues its slow, lazy chug towards the station. "Oi, Boss. Why'z we workin' wif da 'Umies. We could krump'm now and nobody'd care!" his first mate proclaims from up in the rafters of the bridge, a welding shield over his face as he fixes the damage from the last time they argued. "Use yer noggin, Mate. Think'ah 'ow much dakka and scrap we kin get by workin' wif da 'umies. An' 'ow much we save on not 'avin' to shoot dem up. Dis iz why I'm the Kaptain!" Kruttz says as he flexes and tests his mechanical jaw, then begins his awkward limping gait towards the door. "Prep me a boardin' boat wif two Shootah Boyz. I'm goin' aboard dat station meself to see if there's any spare scrap fer you'n the rest'ah the Mekboyz." he says, knowing full well that any engagement would mean lots of damage, and even with the donation from Diana, they'd need more. Ork ships always needed more.

Soon enough, the fearsome Kaptain and his two Boyz are on their way towards the station, crammed into their version of a shuttle, which is little more than a metal box with a massive thruster mounted on it and guided by a Gretchin who can actually fit in the tiny cockpit, the rest of the room reserved for the three orks piled inside. "Gotcha, 'Umie. No shootin' unless dey start shootin' first. An' if one'ah me boyz decides to disobey dat, well...Yer free to shoot'm in da face." he says, chuckling as the two Orkz crammed in behind him exchange fearful looks with each other, the boarding boat advancing towards the station and looking for somewhere to dock without ripping a new hole in the station.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"They appear to be using shuttles."

"Alright, probably easier anyways, looks like a bunch of shit is floating around anyways, a lot easier to avoid in the Merlin. And hopefully less cleanup afterwards." Ariana said with a chuckle, heading to the back of the ship, walking the raised platform above the cargo ramp and into the rear area of the ship, holding the reactor, Alberik's AI core, and the hatch to the snub fighter.

Checking the seal on her suit, she slipped into the small airlock and into the Merlin, artificial gravity missing somewhere along the way as she settled into the well worn seat and sealed the cockpit, the tiny fighter ejecting from it's cradle between the engines, wings unfolding to full length and it's twin engines sparking to life, rolling away from the corvette and easily catching up to the shuttles. "Keep the link active. Something happens, you're probably going to be the first to respond." She told the AI.

"One thousand, two hundred and sixty-five missions, and you still feel you need to say that." He responded in an amused tone, the Tobias drifting closer to the station.

"To be fair, the words themselves change frequently. And most of those have -got- to be shopping trips." She answered with a short laugh, flipping upside down to get a close up look of the Ork shuttle with her own eyes. She could feel the presence withing, rampant, chaotic, but diminished. It seemed to be the heart of what she felt, but so much of it's force seemed to stay behind in the larger ship. She had never felt it's like before.

The shuttle itself seemed as ramshackle as the rest. She didn't even know how this held atmosphere either, she could almost see a few spots where she thought she could see inside if she angled right. Sighing, she turned her attention to the debris they passed, dodging a floating bucket, dirty water frozen half splashed out of it, a sparkling display.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana has a small smile as the Ork captain responded to her request. Of course, normally, shooting a member of a new species was a good way to start a conflict... in this case, given the right circumstances, it might actually cement better relations. This was clearly a warrior race with an honor culture. Better to be seen as strong than cordial, in this situation.

"Captain Kruttz, you may wish to look at the debris around the station. Some of it appears to be serviceable scrap metal, though I'm not sure how many of the pieces are large enough for your needs." The cyborg then mutes the outgoing audio, wondering how long it would take Kruttz to divine that she wasn't actually human at all. She turns to her small team. "I want body cameras on, the whole time we're there. Transmit the feed directly back to the Perseus. Not only are we here for information about the research station, but this is first contact with the Ork race. Our little band is about to make history... and receive a handsome compensation for it, as I understand it." She switches her own armor's body camera on as well, then brings the shuttle up to one of the relay station's airlock to disembark the shuttle.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Bundling into the shuttle in a orderly manner, Kisal Noka subdued himself into the back as always, preferring the feeling of a solid wall to his rear, and St.Olessa seemed to take his place, or at least, the more professional part of the Jackal-Retriever. They were taking just a small team to this Relay, which seemed logical - avoiding the issue of... what was the phrase again? 'Too many cooks in the kitchen' given the... interesting company they would be having this time.

First, a contact of Diana's would be helping, and secondly, hulking, emerald-green skinned aliens who could speak the same language as his human colleagues and ship-master. Or so he assumed, at least from the information he was allotted.

As the captain ordered the also logical course of recording everything that happened, he nodded his needless assent in a small motion. "Acknowledged, Captain." He thrummed out while activating the body-cam, checking it's status and prepping it to direct feed back to the Perseus. His voice had a fair and slightly guttural quality, a canid rumble present as it was quiet. She couldn't see his face behind the slightly beaked visor and helm, but she'd know he would do that anyway - he'd been use to recording the incidents he took part in, for evidence of how the situation had gone badly enough to warrant his presence in the first place, and of course, legal measures.

Huffing quietly, he checked himself again. His magnetic carbine was equipped with it's grenade launcher, one concussion and one smoke canister holstered on satchels around his form. The carbine is capable of something akin to a 'two speed' setting, one for less-than-lethal measures, combined with rubber-rounds, and the other for drilling holes into targets with solid metal rounds. Multiple short clips were kept, weighing next to nothing, and though he had a plethora of melee weapons, St. Olessa knew he wouldn't be contributing huge amounts of firepower in the event of a firefight.

At the reminder of the Orks as well as the potential... financial compensation, he tilted his head. Money was to the anthropomorphic creature but another resource, it simply didn't appeal to him in the way some of the mercenaries and perhaps the Captain herself did. Before he came here, it was a none-matter to him and...

Kisal blinked the recollection of the past away, focus on the present. He'd probably be at the front, acting as either recon further ahead, or a spotter for Diana's team - he could typically detect and avoid hazards, that and it seemed instinctive to willingly be in the position, where the first possible hazard would be himself, afterall, if it prevented harm to the handlers...
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Fortunately, there was a shuttle bay accessible not far from the recently repaired and cleaned section, which in all honesty probably had the least damaged computer access points, since they'd just been replaced. The ones on other sections of the station likely would still have minor damage from the shock of the collision.

Once inside, things would be very quiet. In fact, it would seem like all station personnel might have been evacuated after the impact, and that the clean-up crew might have only left from the bay at most an hour ago. Any checks of the service rosters would confirm this, showing that the normal complement for the station would not be returning until the next day, although the cleaning crew's data would have been kept on a separate system that would have been taken with them when they left.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Nobody home... well that's a good sign." Seeing the other two shuttles still docking, Diana looks about, checking the other exits to the shuttle bay and ensuring that it was completely secure. The magnetic boots are used to keep the crew walking normally and efficiently. As the grunts set up a defensive position, Diana plugs a small device into the relay's computers, with a program designed to simulate high-level access and copy all files, logs, and recordings. She then turns, preparing to greet the arriving Ork captain as a representative of the Bray-Tell Corp.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

As soon as the shuttle docks and opens up, Kisal fans out behind his Captain and her marines, moving past them to let his senses work; ears perking, eyes shifting to let more light in or less to see better, hands loosely gripping his carbine. He wouldn't seek to go too far, but he made himself useful by scanning the room in a crouch, before proceeding to do a check on the immediate vicinity - if anybody was to find something suspicious, he would be very good at it, and if anybody triggered a potential attack by hostiles, the Jackal-Retriever preferred himself.

Relatively clean, relatively good condition, given that every time before 'joining' the Perseus he'd been sent to some of the worst civilian-related incidents in recent years... jumping out of a transport to a place without fire, debris, bodies and emergency services at work sometimes still didn't feel normal.

Of course, he wouldn't do anything to provoke such a potentially dangerous situation, but he wanted to nose about and make a map of the surroundings, recording what he could with some skill. Admittedly, he was also very excited, and still had the habit of nearly bouncing out of any shuttle or transport to do his job, which itself was... terribly fun, despite the seemingly normal human stance of stress in a place like this. "It... looks surprisingly clean." He mumbled to himself more than anything, words probably commed to his colleges, for he was used to vocalizing to the former handlers of time past. Naturally, he inwardly cringed, feeling such words were unhelpful working with these people. It certainly smelled of recently used cleaning products, antibacterial spray, oils and various chemicals, at least the filters in his helmet allowed him that much.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana smiles at St. Olessa's comment. "Well, it IS a waste disposal and sanitation company. If it isn't clean, someone's not doing their job." She quietly waits for the rest of the boarding groups to disembark from their shuttles, as the small device continues the download.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Ari's Merlin slipped into the bay immediately after, doing a tight spin and settling to the floor of the space with a light tap, facing outwards, in case she needed to leave in a hurry. The hatch opened and Ari started to climb out, finding Diana across the bay and though the Captain couldn't see her expression under the helmet, the casual motions and the two-fingered salute she gave as she dropped to the bay proper spoke volumes.

"Good to see you in person again, after so long. How long has it been, actually?" She asked in a pleasant tone, turning around to watch the ork 'ship' land as well.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Kruttz' boarding ship lands in typical Ork fashion. That is to say, with all the grace of a bellyflopping samoan. As the engine whines and powers down, the hatch on the side opens, and all three Orkz tumble out into a head, the Kaptain on top of his two subordinates in a daze. "Ya Grotz! I'll krump whicheva one of ya that pulled the lever!" he shouts as he struggles to stand up, the metal wheel on his back spinning and whacking one of his Boyz' head multiple times as he wobbles on his pegleg and moves to exit the docking bay, his Boyz scrambling for their shoota's and following him.

What greets Diana is...Quite possibly a horror show. A mishmash of different colored and sized metal plates formed into the covering of the Ork's mostly Cybork body, the wheel on his back spinning with each step forward, which was quite the awkward gait considering his right leg from the knee down was a pegleg. "Pleasure ta finally meet'cha in person, Die-Anna. An' I'm guessin' the weird 'umie beside'ja be yer first mate?" he says, pointing the Power Klaw on his left arm at St. Olessa, though the device appears to be closed so as to appear just a slightly bit less aggressive. Which was a futile effort considering the checkerboard-painted metal trapjaw the Ork sported. "Boss, dat's not a 'Umie. 'Umiez don't got dem pointy ears. 'E's a Eldar methinks!" one of the Boyz behind him says, the Ork Kaptain laughing loudly at this. "If 'e wuz a' Eldar we'd 'ave smelt 'is pride an' superiority complex from tha' boat." he says, his metal lower jaw flexing as he laughed, making him look all the more fearsome.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"One year, ten months and three days, by standard time, Ari. Too long, in other words." Diana smiles at the human, giving a polite nod and returning the informal salute. She patiently observes the three Orks as they disembark the shuttle.

Internally, a part of her cybernetic processing unit is rapidly analyzing Ork muscle mass, joint movement, and other kenetic aspects of the previously unknown species. Looking for strengths, weaknesses, tendencies, anything to use in a fight. But none of this showed on the surface.

"Pleasure to meet you, too, Captain Kruttz. St. Olessa is, well, somewhat unique. He's not my first mate, but he's a trusted friend and a formidable ally." Then she turns to the other Ork who spoke. "And what, exactly, is an Eldar? I'm afraid I don't get the joke." She's still smiling, but there's something cold and menacing hidden just behind the smile as she walks up to the Ork. Nearby, the two marines are already wincing in anticipation--the captain was known for being fiercely protective of her crew.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Fergive me boyz 'ere. Dey keep forgettin' we're not where we're s'pose to be." Kruttz says, making a fist with his still organic hand and bonking the Ork who spoke out of turn on the head with it. "Da Eldar be...Well...Difficult to explain in 'Umie terms. Pointy ears, so full'ah themselves they pop if yah punch 'em, an' like flashy ships and glowy bits. Ships can't survive a good scrap, so not too big'ah threat." the Kaptain says, the Ork he had hit already realizing he dun goof'd and keeping his big mouth shut, though this did nothing for the rather intelligent stare he had as he looked over the humans.

Dianna would likely notice on looking at them closely that they didn't really appear to be breathing, only inhaling when they had to speak, as well as sensing very little in the way of actual internal organs or circulatory systems. "Ta put it simply, me Boy 'ere was relatin' yer pal ta an Eldar. But dat ain't true so 'e got a light krump." he says, his Powerklaw flexing idly.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"You should be grateful to your Captain." The smile is gone now, replaced with a cold stare. "I don't know what sort of shit-soft humans you're used to dealing with back home, but I'm not one of them. I don't tolerate strangers talking like that about my crew. Not. At. All."

Satisfied, she turns and gives Kruttz a smile. "But I appreciate you taking care of your boy's little... mistake. Now we can return to the business at hand. I'm currently downloading information from the ship's computer. Like I said over the comm channel, anything usable in the debris is yours to take. We've got about an hour before the relay's next team arrives, so we might want to be off by then if we want to avoid inquiries and paperwork." She walks back over to the computer console, to check on the download.

Kruttz might notice, if he's trying to get a psychic read on her of any sort, that her brain patterns are rather normal for a human... but seem to mostly be static signals. She's not actually transmitting anything meaningful at all.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

And thus, the proverbial 'party was about to start'. Kisal didn't quite... understand what parties had to do with potentially hazards Ops in also potentially free-fire zones, but it actually seemed to amuse the genetic mish-mash of this and that standing at, guessed it in one, to one side of the general gathering.

First a human-building shuttle gracefully scooted in, hovered as it performed a quick, well-executed tail-spin and landed with by-the-book precision. No massive 'clank' of contact, no awkward pause as the pilot hesitated, no concern of hitting the surrounding bulkheads. St. Olessa crinkled a little smile. The other human captain (rarely spoken about? Seemed on good terms if the friendly two-fingered salute meant anything, perhaps he should try it himself) dropped to the metal flooring and spoke in a delightfully pleasent manner to Diana. No ill-ease, no show of insincerity...

...And then the Orks arrived.

Whilst the Merlin (his Captain spoke of it's name, that and the name might've been plastered across part of the shuttle) arrived with grace and was well-piloted, the Ork's ramshackle shuttle... box... thing was...

It wasn't.

Just wasn't at all.

The strange contraption that resembled a box with a thruster attached to it's rear, and another box-thing on the front, may as well have been a cannon-projectile for all it was worth, 'landing' in a suitably shock-and-awe manner, but otherwise... hm.

The Jackal-Retriever genuinely backed off, before instinctively moving towards Diana, reflexively keeping a tight hold on his carbine, unsure what to do, but prepared to take position in-front of or near his Captain irregardless.

It was then the huge green-skinned humanoids, decked out in enough armour to make any firefight at this distance and lack of immediate cover a painful affair, fell out of their lackluster ship into a heap, then organized themselves loosely, the captain posed himself in a huge stance, massively wide and decked out in an impressive array of metal plating and obviously cybernetic components. The VGU tilted his head quizzicly as niceities were traded, even as one of the large males behind his captain said something about 'Elder'... 'Eldar?' Well, 'pointy ears' was mentioned, making the aforementioned pointy-eared male indeed perk his ears, their forms obvious despite the shawl over his head, hair and shoulders.

Then social awkwardness briefly reigned, followed by the Ork Leader, fabulous lower-jaw clanking, bopping his omega upside the head with a fleshy, thick fist, and his own Captain speaking in cold terms. Kisal didn't see the fuss about it, after all, somebody talking about 'pointy ears' was hardly the worst a vat-grown man-dog heard in both his gestation and occupational life-time.

Still, he couldn't help but feel a wrinkle of merriment at his protective Captain's words, appreciating the sentiment, even if he wasn't bothered.

Rather than add to the conversations, he deferred to operational instincts, pulling his re-breather off, re-attaching it to his chest and started sniffing the air, concentrating on both the scents and sounds of his environment, the rancid stench of the Orks admittedly making him reflexively gag, or rather, everything they carried with them. So many scents mixed together, most of them akin to the smells he'd naturally warn his handlers about, things like explosive material, tempered, raw metal and various chemicals freely wafting off them.

Very pleasant.

Tapping both of his hoofed-boots against the deck in an effort to distract himself, he lessened the potency of his senses, at least, his nose for a moment, to shake his head, snuffling. Just as Diana might lack or emit no psychic presence, St. Olessa himself was completely vacant in that regard, a non-entity, nothing transmitted, nothing received, yet the Jackal-like male seemed physically lively and alert, if quiet. Perhaps he could... adjust that a little.

Shuffling closer, but staying several metres from the Orks and Arian, he canted his head to the other side, and huffed through his external speakers, training his helmet's camera on the varied peoples. "Kisal Noka, nice to... make acquaintance." He rumbled aloud, oh-so slightly unsure, but nonetheless. "No harm of the words done, I am not one of many." He finished with a shrug, non-committal in a way, as he regarded their surroundings loosely, still aware but otherwise, relaxing slightly. He could breath easy right now, with a touch of caution for resisting the instinct to keep sniffing towards the Orks, unpleasant scent or not, it was new, and probably was meant to be memorised. He did actually notice the general lack of rising and falling chests amongst the hulking humanoids, but made no verbal note of it as he gazed to Ariana curiously, surely he'd seen her before? No?
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

The lone woman off to the side stood stock-still, glad for the mask that kept her features hidden. These orks were... something else. Her mental senses were all over the place trying to shut out the raucous mess emanating from them, distracted by that for the moment.

Glancing over at her, Kisal noticed her tense stance, standing square to the ork captain. She had on an old-fashioned leather duster and a utility belt over her form-fitting flight suit, an odd combination. A simple pistol hung from her hip, but she didn't look like she was going to reach for it at all. The captain said it had been nearly two years since they had last met, so it seemed doubtful the can I'd would recognize the woman.

Taking a deep breath and seeming to calm some, Ari managed to quiet her mind enough to hear her own thoughts again, reaching up to remove her helmet. Underneath was pale skin and brown hair, tied back to keep it out of the way, unlike her appearance on the video screen earlier. "Good to meet you in person, Kruttz." She added, tucking her helmet under her arm for now, seeming more disturbed by the large ork than fearful of him.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

A couple of things would strike the group as they stood there discussing matters.

First, there would be a pervading feeling that there might be someone nearby watching them... Although those present with psychic powers would feel no other presences on the station.

Second, a mix of smells would abound. The smell of cleaning chemicals, of course, but also of fresh paint still drying. Those with particularly strong senses of smell might even pick up some lingering smoke smells, and perhaps some smell of the gore that was (hopefully) all cleaned recently.

In the middle of the discussion, as well, Diana would receive a notice, indicating the shortest path to the nearest control room. Apparently, the docking bay computers were on a different network than the main computers.
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Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana moves to check the downloading device, then nods. "I have the shortest route to a control station." She unplugs the device, slipping it into a pouch, then heads out to lead the group along the route, her AA-12 carried in an easy grip.