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Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Awright ya spooky git! Show yerself!" the Kaptain says, as the lights go dark, and the gravity turns on, causing him to trip and faceplant the hard metal floor. "When I find out 'ho did dat dey'z gunna pay!" he grumbles as he moves to stand back up, seeming uneasy on his pegleg. His Boyz seem a bit uneasy, though, not liking the strangeness of the situation, and Kruttz could tell. "Oi. Ya scared of a lil' 'Umie, Boyz? Da Weirdboy does spookier shite! Ork up!" he says, shaking his head as he listens for any sound that might be somebody moving around in the vents or access tunnels, knowing some humies like to hide there.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Nothing unusual on scans except slight psychic residue in the hallway just outside. I'll give these logs another sifting through back on the Perseus. There's just a few more things I want to check." Diana focuses on the comet, doing an analysis of its flight path, as well as checking to see where the remains of the comet debris might be found. "The comet that struck the station might not have caused the problem itself, but it may be related." She also ensures that any medical and personnel records are downloaded, as well.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Nothing on the scans in terms of another presence. Though there are a fair few bodies about. If you want to play hauler, I'm sure the Perseus could determine IDs on them." Alberik informed the woman.

She sighed in response. "I'll ask, not sure how important it is, though." She told him, then switched from radio to speakers, speaking to those on the station.

"I'm not getting anything substantial, whatever it was seems to be gone. The paranoid in me wants to say it was a ghost, but I've never had reason to believe int hem before." She explained with a shrug.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"A ghost." Diana frowns. There was no data concerning ghosts... but there was some data she had concerning...

"Perseus, Captain. Do a scan for any residual energies from use of any teleportation devices in the vicinity. And gather all available genetic material residue from the debris outside the relay transmitter."
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Some of the records recovered aided in the analysis of the comet's trajectory. Initial readings indicated that the comet was going to pass close to the relay station, although the crew believed, based on projections and math supplied by the station's science team, that it would miss. The scans done on approach would have revealed that the majority of cometary debris remained within the debris field from the damaged structural arm of the station. The recovered files also indicated that the damaged section had contained one of the backup auxiliary generators, from whence came the damaging surge.

Medical and personnel records were, as the rest of the station's files, slightly damaged by surge through the systems from the impact. The files on the current person of interest, Andrew Duvois, were at least intact... And revealed that he had a number of tattoos on his torso, apparently of some manner of pictographs.

The scans would show that there was plenty of teleportation residue... From the hallways, right where they'd passed the power link-ups that the Leonis team had used. The genetic residue scan would only pick up the disposed-of bodies.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we have a teleportation gone awry." Diana turns back to the device, ensuring that any available teleportation records are downloaded as well.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

According to the station's records, there were no teleportation devices on board, or on any ships that passed near. Of course, the station's records would not have anything on what the Leonis Sanitation crew would have used.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Given his lack of psychic ability, there was honestly little good that St. Olessa could do in this situation, save for obediently staying near the Captain and her marines as she investigated further. In the circumstances where physical evidence was a tad lacking, the Jackal-Retriever felt somewhat ancillary, huffing to himself in slight confusion as the speaking of 'teleportation' lilted from Diana's lips herself.

The Orks had, understandably, felt aggravated and were clearly in the mood for a physical confrontation, where-as Ariana seemed well-composed, all things considered, more-so as she detected the energies he simply couldn't. Admittedly, even if he could, the humanoid-alien hybrid honestly counted himself 'lucky' for being of blunt-mind - he'd feel paranoid, perhaps, if the idea of too much energy in one place could make his skull ache to the point of distraction, nothing compared to the various rumours...

And then was the matter of 'ghosts'. Nope.

"What shall we do, Captain?" He thrummed out, keeping space between him and his Captain, unsure of his function given the current problem, carbine armed with lethal rounds, helmet-cam scanning and re-scanning the environment, and whatever was deemed relevant and important.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"We passed their power link-ups in the hallway outside. We'll do a scan of those, and a manual check... and hopefully that gives us some further clue. But there's definitely residue of teleportation here, from that area. That might account for the psychic quasi-disturbances that our psychic friends have been picking up in the relay station." Diana turns, moving to lead the crew to the link-ups, her AA-12 cradled in a ready position but pointed low. "Still... never hurts to be ready."
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

There would likely be a small commotion in the relay's control room, as the strange, blueish crystal shard that adorned Kruttz' current hat suddenly flickered briefly.

At the same time, there would be a faint, unidentifiable energy pulse that occurred well behind the ships. Any directed scans towards where the pulse occurred would turn up a short energy trail that wouldn't match anything known to the Conglomerate... Or the Orks, for that matter.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Energy signature, unknown source. Readings are... unusual. I've not seen it's like before."

It had been some time since Ari had heard her companion admit that there was something he didn't know. "Does it seem dangerous?" She asked back quickly, glancing back to the control room and spotting the odd flicker from the Ork's hat.

"Doesn't seem like it. Quite the opposite. It appears to be leaving a trail. I would posit that whatever 'ghost' you met wishes for us to follow it."

Ari noticed the Captain speaking through her own comma by this point. "You found the readings to? I have a feeling we're meant to move on from here. Back to the ships?"
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana nods, then speaks back into the comm line. "On our way back now. Get ready to follow that emission. We'll be back shortly." She turns back to the group. "I suppose we'd best make our way back to our shuttles, and our ships." She starts back down the hallway, moving quickly to the shuttle bay.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

He'd managed to adapt to the gravity being re-enabled one way or another, barely stumbling, and his form-fitting environmental suit and armour regaining it's natural, calming weight around his thick form. Now however, his Captain and Ariana were speaking of ghosts and the like again, making him feel more and more un-easy.

Alas, the comforting tones of his Captain made St.Olessa hum merrily to himself, eager to comply - all the better to return 'home' and away from this place. He'd no experience with the unique situation here, and felt hopelessly lost - nothing to find and retrieve, whether alive, dead or artificial, and nothing to fight against, which honestly was something of a relief.

"Happy to return, Captain." He thrummed out, falling into her group with even thudding pace, sticking to one side of the marines with weapon loosely gripped, fingers dancing in un-ease, huffing as he scanned their surroundings once more - from the Command Centre to the hallways and open spaces leading from there to the Shuttle Bay, yes... he'd be happy to be away.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Oi! Dun you be leavin' ol' Kruttz behind now!" the Ork kaptain says as he begins to hobble out of the command center once everyone else begins to clear out, his Boyz thumping along behind him. "Back to dah boat, Boyz. We'z got ghosts ta chase! And we're gonna steal dere lewt!" he shouts, both of his Boyz shouting their own affirmatives as the three barrel towards their own landing craft, practically shoving one another to get inside and get the door closed once there.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

Diana quietly murmurs to Ariana, "There's loot?"
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

The woman shrugs in response, watching the three orks bowl each other over to get in their metal crate of a landing craft. "Given what they seem appreciative of, I don't think 'loot' would be hard for them to find." She answers with a chuckle, her smile hidden beneath her helmet.

Climbing back into her snub fighter, she quickly powers it up, retracting the landing gear and starting it's engines in such rapid succession that the Merlin dips a bit under the stations gravity before zipping out of the bay, doing a quick loop around the structure and it's debris in a final check before heading back to the Tobias, slipping the small craft into its cradle in the rear of the corvette.

[I'm going to remain ready for a fight, for now. Just in case.] She broadcast to both other ships, leaning back in the combat seat and letting her companion steer them back in formation with the Perseus.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

It wouldn't be too hard to follow the trail once back on the ships... Although, it only passes a few klicks before very rapidly dissipating... In the general direction of the somewhat infamous Rawlanger Station. While the signatures do not match any known Conglomerate technology, enough information exists for guesses to be made about the purpose of the technology signature.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Captains Arkanian and Kruttz, this is Perseus. Our current destination seems to be Rawlanger Station. I'm sending you coordinates now. Perseus will be following your ships at a small distance, cloaked. We will be going radio silent until communication required. Perseus Out." The cyborg closes the audio hail, then opens communications to the crew. "This is the Captain. Quiet and darken ship. Disable all unnecessary transmissions and active sensors. Adjust settings for passive sensors. Make all preparations for cloaking in five minutes." The Perseus falls back behind the other ships, and within a few minutes the exterior lighting dims to nothingness, and the ship's radar cross-section and emissions vanish, making the ship virtually undetectable.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Best most'ah me crew stay on board when we get there, lest we start a proper WAAAGH! on the station, Cap'n Ark." the Ork captain replies, a smirk on his face as his Krooza prepares to depart once he's back on board, his men returning to their almost drunken chanting as they move, taking the lead of the group.
Re: Epsilon Leonis Sector Space Thread

"Copy that." Ariana answered easily, remaining in her snub fighter and just using the audio comma. Leaning up in her seat, she glanced back through the transparent dome of the pilots viewport, watching the lights dim and disappear on the larger ship, until she could only see where it was by the lack of stars right where she was looking.

The Tobias take up a spot between and below the other two ships, the AI running it flying the ship with precision, the four large engines firing in short patterns to adjust itself easily. Both entities on the ship kept an eye on the scanners, planning to drop the Merlin and cut in opposite directions upon contact, their standard maneuver.