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Eris (Cross_Grave)

Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

The creature before her shook her head, almost amused.

"You truly don't understand do you? Even if I chose to not attack you myself, his power is such he could quite literally assume control over this body. All of us, we're as good as dead if we lose to you, but we're dead if we try to help you, or refuse to fight you. Worse, I have seen the results of some like you. The last one to make such bold predictions was a Spiritmaster. He grew tired of her attempts to circumvent his game, and finally acted upon his annoyance. She quite literally exploded. If he wanted to, he could very easily reach out and simply extinquish your life with a mere thought. I believe he learned that ability from that Alteran woman."

That caused Gina to pause for just a moment, blinking.

"Alteran woman? What are you on about creature?"

Blood Raven simply tilted her head, preparing to attack, but she did grace them with one final reply.

"You've already met her. She is your guide, and his prisioner."

Gina for her part simply blinked, a look of horror crossing her face. If this creature were to be believed .... and something told Gina that it wasn't lying, then quite a few of her questions might have been answered. Outwardly, she steeled herself, but her face still showed recognition, at least to Eris' eyes.

"That answers a few things then. I suppose I should thank you then, that's rather helpful. But I'm afraid we won't just roll over and let you defeat us either."

That actually drew a laugh from Blood Raven, who shook her head, clearly amused now.

"I would expect no less than a fight to the death from either of you. Stick together with that one Necromancer, and you might just yet make a difference here, maybe, just maybe be the first to stand a chance against him since the Alteran woman. Perhaps better since she was alone, and you have an ally. However, you should know I cannot, and will not make this easy for you. Already I can feel his power flexing, his patience tested."

As she spoke those words, Eris would feel like something was oh so slightly grasping at the very fiber of her soul, threatening to crush it. It was difficult to explain, but she could feel an unseen presence that was far more powerful than the corrupted thing before them was. She could only assume it was the overlord of this place, and if Blood Raven spoke the truth about him being capable of killing her with mere thought, perhaps it would be better to play her role for now, and learn how to kill him first before he could kill her later down the road?

Attack Rolls:

Eris: 13 vs. Blood Raven: 21

Eris misfires her spell, but her Golem still deals 480 damage, leaving Blood Raven with 4,680 HP.

Gina: 30, 24, 23 & 11 vs. Blood Raven: 6, 2, 9 & 10.

Gina lands all 4 hits for 600 damage, leaving Blood Raven with 4,080 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 21 vs. Gina: 28

Gina dodges again, continuing the game of cat and mouse, almost seeming to enjoy this ...

Spiteful Spirit wears off, and has 10 turns of cool down.


1: Reply and Continue the attack.

2: Reply and skip a turn.

3: Other?
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris listened to Blood Raven explain the situation, frowning deeply. Her displeasure seemed to grow with each word, eventually culminating in a disgusted sigh as she felt something unseen probe around her soul. "That's our enemy?" She spoke in a tone of utter contempt. "A little puke with more power than sense and about as much dignity as a spoiled brat? This is a bad joke." She muttered, idly gathering another blast of dark power in her hand. "You know, after this, I'll be more than happy to kill him for you." The girl sighed. "Now I wish we met under better circumstances. I'm sorry, but I can't let you halt our advance here. I don't care what kind of power he has, I will end him."

The necromancer prepared to resume the fight. In a way, she felt pity for Blood Raven now. Dying for the sake of such a piece of shit... The morality of what he was doing to people here aside, he had such immense power and what exactly was he doing with it? Amusing himself with a petty game and throwing tantrums when people didn't like it. Pathetic. Still, she had to keep fighting. Eris launched another assault, intending not to draw it out much longer. "I know it probably won't matter much, but is there anything you'd like us to do for you once this is over? Least we can do to repay you for sharing all that with us."
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

There was a moment of silent regard from Blood Raven before she replied.

"End this place. And if by some chance, you return to Mathosia .... see if anything remains of the Keltarik family."

Again, this caused Gina to blink, as she replied, "Keltarik family? But that would make you ..."

Blood Raven nodded, cutting off Gina's sentence.

"Yes, quite old. I've wondered if any of my family survived the raid that took me and brought me here. I ask you not to tell me now though Mathosian. It would do none of us any good for me to know right now."

Attack Roll:

Eris: 25 vs. Blood Raven: 13

Eris lands her spell for 400 damage, and her Golem adds another 480 for a total of 880. Blood Raven has 3,200 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Gina: 18, 25, 21 & 23 vs. Blood Raven: 10, 15, 18 & 22

Gina again lands all 4 of her hits for 600 damage, leaving Blood Raven with 2,400 HP.


1: Reply and continue attacking.

2: Other?
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris nodded. "I'm not sure if I'll get the chance, being an Earthling, but I'll do my best. Assuming Gina doesn't do it herself." She glanced at the warrior. All this must have been quite harrowing for her. "And I'll bring this madness to an end. I swear." With that, the time for talk was likely over. Now they've had to finish this battle and the two girls were getting closer and closer to that goal. Blood Raven was taking damage, slowly but surely, and growing weaker. All they had to do was reach the limit of her endurance. The necromancer launched another assault, determined to get past this point and closer to the monster she woved to kill.

1: Keep it coming.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Attack Rolls:

Eris: 18 vs. Blood Raven: 6

Eris lands her shot for 400 damage, and once more her faithful golem adds 480, for 880 total. Blood Raven has 1,520 HP left.

Gina: 26, 27, 17 & 16 vs. Blood Raven: 1, 15, 2 & 15.

Gina lands all 4 hits for 600 damage again, leaving Blood Raven with 920 HP.


1: Finish Her!

2: Other?
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

This was it. Blood Raven was barely standing. Another round of attacks would finish her for good. Before launching the final volley, Eris gave her enemy a brief salute. A sort of final courtesy to one twisted into a nightmare by their common foe. Whoever or whatever that bastard was, the necromancer intended to kill him slowly if possible. Both to escape this nightmare and to end it so no more innocent lives would end up destroyed by the monster.

1: End it.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Attack Rolls:

Eris: 14 vs. Blood Raven: 5

Eris lands her spell for 400 damage, and her Golem deals another 480 for 880 total. Blood Raven has 40 HP left.

Gina: 12 vs. Blood Raven: 3

Gina ends the fight with one well placed hit, but not before she respectfully bows to their foe, adding a "We'll do everything we can to end this nightmare. Melvor nar Nashal, Countess Keltarik."

Both women gain 10,700 XP and reach Level 3, then 4 and finally hit Level 5! Both women gain new skills!


Precise Hit - This skill is acquired by EVERY Class except for Amazon/Ranger at Level 5. When used, if it lands, it will do 100 damage to the target, as well as stop it's rape attack. Note that some enemies can't have their rape
attacks stopped.

Bone Spear - This magic projectile deals 600 magic damage to her target foe if it hits. Mana Cost - 35 Level Gained: 5. Magical Attack.


Precise Hit - This skill is acquired by EVERY Class except for Amazon/Ranger at Level 5. When used, if it lands, it will do 100 damage to the target, as well as stop it's rape attack. Note that some enemies can't have their rape
attacks stopped.

Wrathful Wave: This skill knocks all of your opponents down, dealing 650 damage. Target foes lose their turn. Mana Cost: 20. Level Gained: 5. Melee skills. 5 Turn Cool Down. Doesn't knock down Boss type enemies.

Loot Phase:

Ape 1: Nothing.

Ape 2: Nothing.

Ape 3: Nothing.

Blood Raven: HP Potion & KL Lowering Potion.

As the bodies faded away, Gina let loose a sigh, turning to explain to Eris.

"Countess Keltarik is a very important historical figure from my planet. She was largely responsible for uniting what was once a fractured dual faction planet, ending a long civil war that had raged for hundreds of years. A few years after the war ended, and we became a united people, she led an expidition to the first planet we visited through the gateways. We met another race there, got to know them and eventually became allies. The Countess however took an expedition to another world shortly after we made contact with the Elven race, and neither she or any of the people who went with her were ever seen, or heard from again, and no trace of them was ever found when we searched for them. That was almost five thousand years ago. That ... creature we fought? She was once the most respected figure in the entire history of my race. To know that this has been going on for at least that long ... is frightening. How many other mysterious disappearances has this overlord caused? How many more of my kind suffered the same fate? How many other innocents, how many other species? This HAS to end."

It was becoming clear that Gina was getting VERY angry with this knowledge, but before Eris could respond, there was a strange sound and suddenly a previously invisible barrier appeared along with a device that looked an awful lot like a human made sex toy, specifically a fake pussy. Before either woman could react to this, Cassidy appeared with a sigh.

"It would seem the bastard has implemented his collector traps. These specific devices are tied into the energy barrier blocking your path, and the only way to get past that barrier is to allow one of these devices to have their way with one of you, until they are 'filled'. I wish I could get you around them but ... I'm afraid that is beyond my power."

Once more she vanished, and Gina sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Fuck it, I'll take care of it. Just keep an eye on things in case anything decides to try and take advantage of the situation."


1: Let her do it.

2: Do it yourself.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris quickly picked through the loot before Gina drew her attention, giving her an impromptu history lesson on Mathos. A few of the details made her raise an eyebrow - uniting a whole planet? For someone who came from a world as fractured politically as Earth, that sounded unbelievable. Hell, just having only two factions was odd. But then again, maybe things just went different for them. Still, the necromancer listened to the short history of the woman who ended the last conflict before leading her people beyond their homeworld, only to vanish later. The implications were indeed horrifying - thousands of years of slavery and depravity, and for what reason? This had to end.

Before she could respond, however, the girl was startled by the appearance of a magic barrier, accompanied by an obscene device. Cassidy's form appeared right afterwards, explaining it's purpose. "Fine, I'll cover you." Eris sighed, replying to Gina and moving into position to keep an eye out for trouble while the warrior handled the trap. The fresh knowledge and power from winning the battle granted her access to a new spell, one she could use to hurl even more death and destruction at her foes. Though the cost of using it seemed rather horrendous for what it did. Maybe if she cursed her enemy first, she could get proper mileage out of it?

1: Let her do it.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Nodding once in reply, Gina stepped forward. As soon as she did, some kind of unseen force yanked her towards the device, making her a futa once more. Gina was forced to penetrate the fake pussy device, which coiled energy restraints around her to prevent her from pulling out. Then the device began stroking her in slow, almost torturous strokes. Soon enough it brought Gina to a powerful orgasm, the Warrior woman shuddering as she released inside of it. The device wasn't done with her yet though, and continued to stroke her at the same, unwavering pace even as she helplessly emptied out her pleasure. Before long she was caught in orgasm number two, and then a third, a fourth, and finally Eris lost count of how many orgasms it raped out of her friend. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the device released Gina, who nearly collapsed to the ground, spent from her rape. Surprisingly though, the Warrior held her balance, refusing to go do, and slowly, she worked herself to start walking forward.

Gina's Added KP: 4,668.

As they moved forward into the next area, almost immediately Gina stopped and pointed to the ground. There, laying in the open marsh was what appeared to be a map piece!

"Shall we take someone's forgotten map and shorten our journey some?"


1: Go for it!

2: This seems like a trap ... let's not and move on.

3: One of the above two, but check on Gina to be sure she's really alright after that kind of hot fucking.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Easy now." Eris replied, frowning as she stared at the fragment. "Could be a trap." She glanced at Gina. It was impossible to miss the rough treatment she got from the trap, especially with no fights to distract her. "We should be ready for a fight. That thing did a number on you back there, so it'd probably be better if you took a rest or something if you need it. The map ain't running away, make sure you're back at full strenght before we end up stumbling into another mess. It won't do anybody good if we rush into it unprepared."

3: Make sure she's ok, let her rest if need, then attempt recovery.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina sighed slightly, but relented, taking a seat on a conviently placed rock. After a brief period of time, she stood, nodding.

"Alright, good enough. We can't afford to stay in one place too long or we may be attacked anyway. Sometimes we have to take risks, and this seems like one of those times. Now ... please be real."

Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward, reaching out for the map ...

... and grinned as her fingers closed around the map piece, for it was in fact real as she had been hoping. Looking it over quickly though, her expression turned from happy, to worried.

"We have to find an entry point for some Forgotten Tower but ... the damn thing seems to be built under ground. Why, why does it have to be under ground? Ah fuck it, let's just move. Faster we get through it, the less I have to think about it all."

((I'll go ahead and move them on for you, no sense in wasting a post just for that))

Moving onward, the two women soon found themselves entering a doorway and going down into the first floor of this Forgotten Tower. As they moved into the first stone made room ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Gina: 19 vs. Trap???: 9
Eris: 6 vs. Trap???: 2

... Gina suddenly reached out and grabbed Eris, pulling her back and covering her mouth with one hand, while carefully pointing up to a dimly lit corner of the room. Should Eris follow her pointing, she'd spot some kind of odd creature scuttling on the wall, and up into a hole in the corner of the 'roof'. Whatever it was, the thing had a large penis like structure on it's body that gave away what it likely was; some kind of sex beast. After it vanished from sight, Gina, used her hands to indicate they should quickly, but quietly proceed out of that room, lest they fall victim to one of those creatures.


1: Move Onward in Silence.

2: Other?
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris let out a sigh. On one hand, she was relieved that the map turned out to be real. On the other, having to go underground to search for gods knew what didn't appeal to her much. Still, there was little they could do about it but brave the place. It took them a while to find it, but at least getting inside wasn't difficult. The problem was, obviously, what was located inside - as annoyed as she was by being abruptly pulled back and having her mouth covered up, she had to admit that Gina's warning was a useful one as she apparently headed off an ambush. Nodding at the warrior, she followed her out of the room - the sooner they got clear of those things, the better.

1: Move Onward in Silence.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Moving onward, they eventually found themselves in a new room. As they entered it, out of earshot of the Plant creature, Gina apologized.

"I'm sorry for covering your mouth like that, but that thing seemed to be homing in on any sound we made. I couldn't risk saying anything to you, and that seemed to be the best way of ensuring we didn't get grabbed by that ... THING."

As they continued through the room ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Gina: 2 vs. Trap???: 22 (TRIPPED!)

... Gina was so busy apologizing that neither woman noticed a small deviation on the floor until they had stepped down onto it. Instantly they heard a clicking sound, and before they could react both found themselves yanked towards one of the walls! What started as a yelp of surprise from Gina quickly became a moan as in mid 'flight' they were changed into futa girls, and the walls opened up to reveal a pair of fake pussy devices! In moments they had been forced to penetrate them, and some kind of invisible force was forcing them to thrust in and out of it!

Gina suffers 70 Pleasure as the pussy easily pleasures her beyond what could be considered normal, solidifying the belief that she was in fact weak against being gripped in any kind of pussy. Gina gains 90 KP and has 202 Stamina left.

Eris suffers 65 Pleasure as she's forced into fucking the fake pussy. it was incredibly tight around her, so tight that every single thrust felt like it was capable of making her climax! Eris gains 85 KP and has 142 Stamina left.


1: Try to escape the hot stroking! (would she give up at any point? How long if so?)

2: Enjoy an orgasm from the trap!

3: Get stroked til the thing lets you both go and enjoy what could be hours of hot sex!
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris rolled her eyes as she listened to Gina, the lapse in attention costing them as she failed to notice the trap until it was too late. By the time she realized what was happening, she was already being dragged towards the device. "Oh for fuck's sa-" She got out before being forced to penetrate the toy. She was growing sick and tired of those damn things! As soon as she got out of it, she was tearing the damn thing out of the wall and smashing it to pieces. She liked it fine when she didn't have a dick, thank you very much. And while the pleasure was hard to deny, this wasn't quite enough to stop her yet.

1: Break free (not sure if this can trigger frenzy, but generally going to fight back until it'd go off, and resume fighting once it'd end).
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Escape Trap Attempts:

Eris: 1 vs. Trap: 9

Eris can't get free!

Gina: 16 vs. Trap: 18

Gina can't break free!

Pleasure Rolls:

Trap: 9 vs. Eris: 3

Eris suffers 65 pleasure and gains 65 KP as the device keeps stroking her off! She has 77 stamina left.

Trap: 28 vs. Gina: 17

Gina suffers another 70 Pleasure and gains 70 KP as the device keeps raping her as well. Gina has 132 Stamina left.

Escape Trap Attempts:

Eris: 30 vs. Trap: 28

Eris manages to break free!

Gina: 29 vs, Trap: 25

Gina breaks free with a snarl, letting out a "get the hell off me goddamn you!" as she yanks herself free,


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest to regain some stamina (chance to be caught. How long? 3 Turns to reach FULL)
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Angrily tearing herself away from the trap, Eris took a moment to smash it to pieces if it was possible. Once that out of the way, she considered her options. Moving on could get them in trouble if they fell into another trap and failed to notice it on time. However, waiting to recover only had a chance of encountering enemies, while going deeper pretty much guaranteed it. The necromancer decided a little stop was in order to recover strenght before continuing.

2: Rest 3 turns.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Deciding to try and rest, the two women sit down. Luck was with them it seemed, as they were not discovered during this time, and soon enough they were back to full stats.


1: Move On.

2: Wait for a Fight!
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

With both girls fully rested, Eris decided not to waste more time. They'd continue on and seek a way out of this blasted place. They've had a monster to kill.

1: Move.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Moving onward, the two women continued through the Tower. As they entered a new room that had a large body of water in it ...


Level 5 Giant Kraken: Stamina: 125. Pleasure: 50. HP: 500. Damage: 15. Weak vs. Lightning. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 6 Amphibious Drayne: Pleasure: 55. HP: 600.

Level 5 Demonic Jellyfish: Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 50. HP: 700. Damage: 13. Weak vs. Lightning. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 6 Scylla: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 50. HP: 700. Damage: 17. Weak vs. Magic Attacks. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical). Anger Slots: 3/3.

Initiative Roll:

Eris: 27 (2nd)
Gina: 20 (5th)
Kraken: 29 (1st)
Drayne: 23 (19 Tie Break) (4th)
Jellyfish: 10 (Last)
Scylla: 23 (20 Tie Break) (3rd)

... 4 Enemies suddenly burst up out of the water, preparing to attack them!

Grapple Attempt:

Kraken: 28 vs. Gina: 7

Gina is quickly grabbed by a huge mass of tentacles, overwhelmed in a second!


1: Try to free her with your new skill.

2: Try to even the odds out by attacking a target (which one?)

3: Get Raped!
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris swore as she saw how many enemies they were facing. This was bad, this was very bad. Casting a curse to buy her companion a little time, she considered their options. There were too many of them for her to be able to help Gina right now, they could end up being caught again all too easily. She had to thin their ranks first. Targeting the Scylla, the necromancer decided to test out her new spell.

Rather than form another spear of shadow to toss at her opponent, Eris focused her magic into a different kind of projectile. A spear of bone materialized out of the aether and flew at the monster, the spellcaster aiming to nail her through the gut and end that one quickly. Then she could move to finish off the rest and deal with the Kraken, if it was still alive.

2: Spiteful Spirit on Gina/Kraken, Bone Spear at Scylla (finish off with Shadow Strike if need be), Shadow Strike on Drayne until dead, then Bone Spear on the Jellyfish (Shadow Strike followup if needed), then the Kraken.