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Eris (Cross_Grave)

Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris casts her Spiteful Spirit Spell on Gina, who feels the magic creep over her. She spares a glance back to Eris, her eyes saying silently 'Do what you must, I'll keep it ... occupied with my body.' Eris has 127 MP left.

Attack Roll:

Eris: 26 vs. Scylla: 6

Eris KILLS the Scylla instantly with her spell, and has 92 MP left.

Her Golem deals 220 Damage to the Drayne, Leaving it with 380 HP.

Eris lucks out as the Drayne tries to grab her, and she is able to Counter Attack it, killing it!

Gina weakly struggles, trying to buy Eris time by not getting free just yet.

Eris again lucks out, Counter Attacking the Jellyfish for 400 Damage, leaving it with 300 HP.

Penetration Attempt:

Kraken: 1 vs. Gina: 20

Gina does however fight to keep from being stuffed with tentacles!

Attack Roll:

Eris: 26 vs. Jellyfish: 4

Eris finishes the beast off with a Shadowstrike, not even needing her Bone Spear!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Gina: 16 vs. Kraken: 4

No longer having to play her part, Gina easily breaks free of the Kraken!

Grapple Attempt:

Kraken: 7 vs. Gina: 17

Gina dodges.

Attack Rolls:

Eris: 16 vs. Kraken: 14

Eris finishes off the Kraken with a combination of Shadow Strike, and her Golem caving in the Kraken's head.

Both Women Gain 600 XP.

Loot Phase:

Scylla: Map Piece!
Kraken: Full HP Potion.
Jellyfish: Full MP Potion.
Drayne: Nothing.

Gina bends down to get them their potions, as well as a Map Piece! Frowning, she adds, "So ... deeper underground we go according to this. Ready when you are."


1: Rest to full stats then move on (can't be caught)

2: Move on now.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris watched her spear of murderous calcium messily pierce through the Scylla before turning her attention in time to catch her Golem beating the shit out of the Drayne. Undeterred by the beatings, the creature tried to rush her, but it's movements were so slow and clumsy that the necromancer couldn't help but take the opening she was presented with. After ending the monster's pitiful struggles - a mercy, in her opinion - she turned her attention to the oversized jellyfish, only to shake her head as it proved itself to be just as inept. A pair of shadow bolts finished it off, just in time for Gina to free herself. The kraken only managed to flail at the warrior ineffectually a little before being reduced to seafood by the dark and bony combo.

"Not gonna lie." Eris spoke up, staring at the mangled remains of her foes. "This went WAY easier than I've expected it to. Think they had food poisoning or something?" She spoke up, settling down. Now that they had yet another map piece, they could take their time and recover before continuing. Seems like the path would lead them deeper below the earth, not big suprise. Though at least now they could get to the next step on their path with much less trouble. Once they were both rested, they'd go.

1: Rest and continue.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina thought for a moment as they rested, shrugging.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe we're just getting stronger, or more readily able to read their movements. I'd like to think it's that, but then again with all the traps, I can't help but wonder if we're being set up for something
really nasty later on down the line. Like lulled into a false sense of security."

After a little bit, they felt fully rested, and proceeded down the stairs to the second level of this place. As soon as they came off the stairs and into the first stony room, they noticed it was huge, and held some kind of shrine.

Cassidy appeared almost immediately, regarding the shrine for a moment, as if studying it. Then, she would speak to them.

"That is a shrine of evasion. Once activated, the next time you would be penetrated and raped you'll escape instead and the attacker will take 2,500 damage. If you want to take the shrine, you'll have to defeat it's Guardians, who are Rreziki and her pet, a Corrupted Sylvari Female. If you don't want a fight this tough, you should go before they spot you."

She was gone as quickly, though as she mentioned the Sylvari Female, Eris might catch a faint wince on Gina's face, as if hearing that name upset her some how. Gina didn't seem to say anything, though she did incline her head over to Eris, seeming to ask what she thought about what they should do, without saying any words.


1: Fight!

2: Not worth the time.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris stared at the shrine, pondering it's benefits. It sounded powerful, but at the same time, the opponents sounded really annoying. Plus, it was more bitches. Why the fuck did she have to keep running into little shits trying to give her a dick? She really hated that already. On top of that, whatever was guarding this place had to be a pain in the ass, judging by Gina's expression. "You know what? Fuck it." The necromancer stated. "I don't care. This place ain't worth it. Let's get out of here." She turned around and began to walk away, leaving.

2: Fuck this shit.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina nodded, slowly exhaling, as if breathing a sigh of relief. Realizing that might seem odd to her new friend, she explained quickly.

"The Sylvari are a humanoid plant race, a very young one at that. My people came into contact with them about a thousand years ago, or at least, it was when I last remember something other than this hell hole. Anyway, they may very well be the most pure and innocent race I've ever encountered. It's sad to hear that at least one of them has been corrupted by this bullshit."

Moving onward as they talked, the two found themselves in a larger room that was partially flooded by a crack in one of the walls, which was trickling in water. In the middle of the room, laying on the floor was what appeared to be a map piece, something Gina spotted almost immediately.

"Hmm, that looks like a piece of one of those maps but ... this seems really strange. Think we ought to chance it?"


1: Try to take it!

2: Move on and ignore it.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris nodded, quickly filing the explanation in her memory. Plant people, huh? Interesting. Unfortunately, they also sounded like a massive problem. Perhaps avoiding that fight was for the best. Now she was standing in a damp room, suffering from a leak in the wall. She eyed the fissure with distrust, keeping her guard up and making sure not to lose sight of it.

"Well, we've had good luck with those so far. I think we can risk it. Watch out for traps though, I really don't like that damaged section over there." The necromancer answered Gina's question, mentally preparing for a fight. It'd be best not to get caught off guard.

1: Take it.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Reaching out, Eris' hands closed around another map piece! This one told them they needed to move even deeper underground, something that had Gina balking just a little.

"Further under ground again? We've got cracks in the walls already ... I wonder how much longer this place can even stay standing ..."

Shaking her head several times, she shuddered.

"Much as this sounds bad ... I'd almost prefer being raped to being crushed to death by collapsing ancient ruins or being buried alive. To die because the very earth caved in around you, not even giving you a chance to fight to the death ... that's a terrifying thought."


1: Respond and Move on.

2: Respond and linger for no real reason (can't be caught).

A: Ignore the remarks and go with either 1 or 2 for options otherwise.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"I'd rather not be raped, actually." Eris sighed, shaking her head. "Or die. Though if I had to choose... I think I'd rather die than get turned into a fucktoy." She shivered a little. "And I don't think we've much to worry about when it comes to cave-ins. I don't think this place would be an arena for this sick game if there was a risk we'd accidentally die here. Doesn't fit the bastard's MO." The necromancer stated with confidence. "Come on, let's get moving. I wouldn't be suprised if there was a portal or something to a different area at the bottom."

1: Let us move!
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

That remark actually drew a low, primal growl from Gina, who seemed to bristle at the thought.

"Fuck, probably true. Probably wants us to think there's a risk to distract us and make us easier to rape. Piece of shit bastard. Thanks, got me focused again on beating the ever loving shit out of him."

Moving onward, they soon found themselves on the next level of this place, entering a much drier room. In fact, it almost seemed like there was some sort of warmth coming from somewhere unseen, to the point it was almost pleasant. As they moved through the room towards the only exit ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Gina: 4 vs. Trap: 26 TRIPPED

Neither woman noticed anything amiss until suddenly, without any warning or sound, Gina let out a yelp of pain and surprise as she felt a needle prick her skin and inject something into her body! At the same time, Eris felt something suddenly prick her skin from behind, in her upper arm, and might catch just a faint glimpse of some kind of device holding the needle, which had already injected it's contents into her before it vanished back into the wall. Almost instantly, she'd feel flushed and an almost overwhelming desire to have sex, her mind numbly registering they'd both been injected with some kind of Aphrodisiac.

Gina for her part staggered against the wall, breathing heavily as the drugs took root in her system.

"Ah christ ... what ... what is this ... whole body feels like it's on fire ... We ... we can't be caught like this or we'll both probably get raped."


1: Try to Move onward and hope you don't encounter anything for a while.

2: Try to stay here and let the drugs wear off (chance to be caught, 10 turns needed).
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Don't mention it." Eris replied, glad to see Gina focused back on their quest and no longer demoralized. The next area they've entered seemed to support the necromancer's theory, being dry and quite pleasantly warm. Unfortunately, the good luck ended as soon as the warrior tried to go for the exit: she carelessly set off another trap, getting both of them injected with an aphrodisiac. A potent one, at that.

"God damn it." Eris muttered, feeling the drug spread through her body, making her crave sex. "Son of a bitch... Starting to really hate his shit." The girl growled, trying to focus. "Crap. Not much sense in trying to go down like this... Might be better to wait until this blows over."

2: Stay and wait.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina nodded swiftly, leaning heavily against the wall, jaw clenched as she tried to endure what the drugs were doing to her, refusing to give in to her primal desire to fuck anything in sight right now.


Deciding to try and wait out the drugs, both women do what they can to ignore the growing heat and 'passion' inside of them.

They had only just started to try and wait when Gina looked up, spotting 4 enemies coming towards them...

Enemy Encounter:

Level 6 Harpy: Stamina: 165. Pleasure: 45. HP: 700. Weak vs. Physical Attacks.

Level 6 Lich Queen: Stamina: 165. Pleasure: 50. HP: 700. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Taste of Corruption.

Level 7 Demonic Spider: Stamina: 200. Pleasure: 50 (60 when you are futa'd). HP: 800. Weak vs. Cold. Special Ability: Web Mounting.

Level 7 Nelvoken Female: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 45. HP: 800. Damage: 25. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Nelvoken Mating Ritual (Physical).

Initiative Rolls:

Gina: 5 (Last)
Eris: 7 (5th)
Harpy: 14 (2nd)
Lich: 11 (4th)
Spider: 17 (1st)
Nelvoken: 12 (3rd)

... and barely had time to cry out, "Watch out Eris, we're not alone," right before their foes suddenly attacked!

Grapple Attempts:

Demonic Spider: 20 vs. Gina: 18

Gina ends up tackled by the Spider creature as she tries to protect Eris, effectively sacrificing herself for the moment ...

Gina's warning and 'sacrifice' gives Eris enough heads up that she's able to counter attack the first enemy who comes for her, the Harpy, dealing 400 damage to it and remaining free for the moment.

Nelvoken: 13 vs. Eris: 1

The Nelvoken however is tricky, and baits Eris into leaving herself open to an attack in her current state before sliding inside of her guard and grabbing hold of her with an amused smile on her alien features.

Lich: 23 vs. Eris: 4

The Lich grabs Eris from behind, and, along with the Nelvoken woman, they double team her and bring her to the ground!


1: Try to escape (would she give in at any point?)

2: Other?