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ACT [erobotan] Blitz Angel Spica (RJ168056)



Genre: Beatemup
Rating: 18+, futa, yuri, monster girls
This game is inspired by Beat Angel Escalayer

Implemented feature:
Stat upgrade system
Skill upgrade system
Clothing damage
Dating system
Corruption system

List of cast:

Download demo link is in

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Patreon goals, Bosses Expansions

[h=3]Trouble Shooting[/h] If you experience crashes then try turning off any program music/sound program that run in the background (example: Nahimic).
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

Interesting game. I like the mechanics, it's quite solid, nice job man :)

About the difficulty, it doesn't feel hard for me, maybe because I played dfo to death, so I'm used to the different heights and know how to abuse it.

One thing you might want to look at, is the capability of the player to stun lock and kill any enemy with jump attacks on downed opponents, you can easily 100-0 any enemy (including the 4 bosses) that way.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

First impression:
If you choose "Configure Keyboard" you immediately start changing the keys, and when you are done the new keys are immediately saved. There's no way to cancel the configuration or to go back if you chose the wrong key, and there's no confirmation that you want to use the new configuration. That made for a very bad first impression.

Also you forgot to mention the pause key and the fact that Normal Attack is used for selecting stuff in menus.

When fighting Undine I got an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error just as she used one of her attacks. And again the same error when Undine trapped me in that water bubble and I tried to break (the error occured just as the bar filled up).

Overall it seems like a nice and promising game.
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

General feedback: you've fulfilled all of the features for a fighter/beatemup. Clear animations, good telegraphing and predictable hitboxes, intuitive "priority" rules for attacks, very responsive controls. Hits are visually "sold" and feel impactful. Sound is rudimentary but that seems more about "early development" than "poor design." Combos are satisfying to use, but they "commit" the character to the animation and can be countered or punished (Undine is good at doing this!). The only major criticism is the absence of a dodge or block function.

Additional considerations:
  • score is pretty understated at the moment. If you plan to make it a major feature (e.g. to determine the player's budget for buying upgrades) then it might be valuable to make it larger and/or move it closer to the center of the screen. Think of the escalating "score" numbers which appear when Mario hops on a string of enemies - it encourages the player to build up a combo.
  • the RPG-stat system is well-implemented but its role in the game isn't clear. Is the player meant to "grind" on lower levels in order to build up stats, before attempting the more difficult ones? Would there be a "save game" (or campaign mode) in which the upgrades persist across play sessions? How does it tie into sex content -- wouldn't the upgrades make it more difficult for the player to intentionally lose (in order to trigger sex scenes)?
  • additional variety in the "trash" enemies would be nice. Perhaps even include powered-down palette swap versions of boss characters which the player has previously defeated.
Download link: drive.google.com/open?id=0B1FuRdiwX8xOZkgyRTlBU1N2dFk&authuser=0
Googe Drive doesn't provide a filesize, but in case anyone is uncertain about downloading this... go ahead, it's only 23 Mb.
How to play:
[Dash, X] is a "flying butt slam" which is pretty entertaining. I think that the "throw" description is incorrect - I could consistently get the character to grab an enemy by attempting to walk through them, then just hit X to throw.
up+d: switch plane upward
down+d: switch plane downward
This move is less responsive than the others and I found it difficult to pull off consistently. I could get it to work consistently by double-tapping the movement key (so perhaps that's a secondary keybind and the primary Up+D version is less reliable?). It seems like it could serve as a quick-dodge move, but it would probably need a quicker animation.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

I really won't know how I like this one until at least some of the hentai is implemented. For a hentai game, the mechanics are good. The artwork and animations are above average. That said, like most games intended for adults the level of polish is well below that of mainstream games. Hence, I won't be able to give much more feedback until I can see how good the H is going to be. I'm optimistic at this point, though. Its a very good framework.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

So, as I understand it, there is no H implemented at all at this point?
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

Interesting game. I like the mechanics, it's quite solid, nice job man :)

About the difficulty, it doesn't feel hard for me, maybe because I played dfo to death, so I'm used to the different heights and know how to abuse it.

One thing you might want to look at, is the capability of the player to stun lock and kill any enemy with jump attacks on downed opponents, you can easily 100-0 any enemy (including the 4 bosses) that way.
Thanks! I'm surprised that you find this very easy! .. and seeing that so far no one complained about the difficulty .. it's probably me that sucks at beatemup lol

Good job on spotting that jump attack abuse, it will be in my to fix list, thanks!

First impression:
If you choose "Configure Keyboard" you immediately start changing the keys, and when you are done the new keys are immediately saved. There's no way to cancel the configuration or to go back if you chose the wrong key, and there's no confirmation that you want to use the new configuration. That made for a very bad first impression.

Also you forgot to mention the pause key and the fact that Normal Attack is used for selecting stuff in menus.

When fighting Undine I got an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error just as she used one of her attacks. And again the same error when Undine trapped me in that water bubble and I tried to break (the error occured just as the bar filled up).

Overall it seems like a nice and promising game.
I agree that the config is not very user friendly but currently there is a lot of other stuff that needs priority so I can't guarantee that I will improve it.

Guess what? those are not the only things that i forgot to mention lol, thanks for reminding me! Will update the 1st post about the pause button & other stuff soon.

about Undine, is this the water blob projectile attack that flies in curved trajectory? When undine trapped you and you get exception error. What did she do? (just standing or doing an attack? if she attacked, which move?). There is one other person who has this error. So far I can't seem to activate this bug so every report will be much appreciated.

The only major criticism is the absence of a dodge or block function.

Additional considerations:
  • score is pretty understated at the moment. If you plan to make it a major feature (e.g. to determine the player's budget for buying upgrades) then it might be valuable to make it larger and/or move it closer to the center of the screen. Think of the escalating "score" numbers which appear when Mario hops on a string of enemies - it encourages the player to build up a combo.
  • the RPG-stat system is well-implemented but its role in the game isn't clear. Is the player meant to "grind" on lower levels in order to build up stats, before attempting the more difficult ones? Would there be a "save game" (or campaign mode) in which the upgrades persist across play sessions? How does it tie into sex content -- wouldn't the upgrades make it more difficult for the player to intentionally lose (in order to trigger sex scenes)?
  • additional variety in the "trash" enemies would be nice. Perhaps even include powered-down palette swap versions of boss characters which the player has previously defeated.
[Dash, X] is a "flying butt slam" which is pretty entertaining. I think that the "throw" description is incorrect - I could consistently get the character to grab an enemy by attempting to walk through them, then just hit X to throw.
This move is less responsive than the others and I found it difficult to pull off consistently. I could get it to work consistently by double-tapping the movement key (so perhaps that's a secondary keybind and the primary Up+D version is less reliable?). It seems like it could serve as a quick-dodge move, but it would probably need a quicker animation.
Thanks for the feedback! I will add block & dodge into the movelist!

Currently I still don't know what to do with score but I definitely need something to encourage player to do combos. I'll keep your suggestion in mind!

About the stats, you can choose to not distribute the available stat points if you want easier times in losing to the bosses. For now you get stats after defeating bosses but in future update you will get stats from having sex instead ^^;

About the grunt, I plan to add another one. Same guy just with a different color and 1-2 more moves. I also plan a stage where you fight several bosses together!

The throw system is based on Sega's Bareknuckle, so it works rather differently when compared to other beatemup/fighting game. Do you have a suggestion about the name to use instead of throw?

about the switch plane, it's easier to pull if you press up first & quickly followed by D button. Yeah, you can use double tap up/double tap down too, I totally forgot about that, sorry ^^. Once the move activated, you're invulnerable until you're arrived in your destination plane

I really won't know how I like this one until at least some of the hentai is implemented. For a hentai game, the mechanics are good. The artwork and animations are above average. That said, like most games intended for adults the level of polish is well below that of mainstream games. Hence, I won't be able to give much more feedback until I can see how good the H is going to be. I'm optimistic at this point, though. Its a very good framework.
I see, thanks for being optimistic though

So, as I understand it, there is no H implemented at all at this point?
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)


always get that error when fight undine....
whenever before he/she appear or after he use 1 attack...
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

about Undine, is this the water blob projectile attack that flies in curved trajectory? When undine trapped you and you get exception error. What did she do? (just standing or doing an attack? if she attacked, which move?). There is one other person who has this error. So far I can't seem to activate this bug so every report will be much appreciated.
It took a while but I finally figured out what is wrong with Undine. The problem is that the game is in a zip file and two of the file names are in Japanese. As a result when I unpacked it the two file names were not preserved (since my system is not in Japanese locale and I did not expect I would need to use it for an English game). Every time the game tried to use those files it would crash because the files could not be found. I had to unpack the files with the correct locale.

For anyone with the same issue:
In folder Spica002a\sound\ you should have 27.魔法・毒.ogg and 28.魔法・解毒.ogg If you have 27.ЦВЦ@БEУ+.ogg and 28.ЦВЦ@БEЙЁУ+.ogg - rename them to the correct Japanese names.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

Well here's some stuff I'd like to see:

1. Hentai, obviously. Animated, not just CGs...and with a gallery.
2. A way to exit the controls setup without saving.(probably Escape, nobody's gonna play with their Esc key anyway)
2a. I'd also want to see what the keys are set to when i open the setting screen. Right now it just shows empty fields.
3. Information:
3a. A list of all the moves and how to do them(there are special moves, right? i can't seem to find any).
3b. A breakdown of stats on the levelup screen, what do they improve and by how much
4. Can I just change lanes with a single button press? The up and down keys don't seem to be used for anything else so why do I have to press them twice?
5. Animation cancelling. I'm not saying do it, just something to consider. I have yet to see a h-game try this, while mainstream brawlers use it quite often...

That's all for now. I have to say i like the potential so far, good job. You might wanna sell this, once it's polished up a bit.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

I like Escalayer so I downloaded and played the game. It looks and plays great so far. Regarding the difficulty... it's ok really. I'd say it's pretty standard except the wrestler which at the moment I think is only beatable by using repeated jump attacks(takes a really loooong time too).

I'm not very hard to please so my personal suggestions would be:
1. voice... take them from the escalayer game? haha
2a. battle rape? like give the enemy the opportunity to rape when they knock you down provided you don't get up in time? I know this suggestion adds "wake up" mechanic like nanocrisis/hotb but IMO make it so that you actually have enough time to mash(it can get annoying if the game doesn't give you enough time to get up especially when you don't want to get raped and you want to clear the stage instead).
2b. another battle rape suggestion in the form of rape hold moves by enemies

I'd be pretty happy with just these two but hey if you can add gameover cg too that's a major plus point.

Anyway nice game and I'll be looking forward to your updates!
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

This certainly has potential. Is this your first game?
The art, animation and gameplay are all up to par.

The one gameplay annoyance I had was with enemies going outside the screen making it hard to see/attack them and having to wait for them to walk back in. This is paticularly annoying if you make the mistake of kicking the Nurse out of the screen and she heals herself off screen.

It seems that the only way to recover magic is to take hits? I'd like to see another way to recover it, otherwise raising magic stats isn't terribly helpful.

I don't think the game is too hard overall, though the Nurse and Undine's healing is a bit much compared to your damage output. You have to be constantly super aggressive to wear them down.
It would also be nice if you either had a block of some sort, or could cancel or dodge out of attacks somehow. I'd often see an incoming attack from the samurai or wrestler when I was already locked into a move and it was too late to do anything about it.

I'll look forward to seeing how this one turns out.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

Post some animations maybe? A lot of people can manage decent art but are usually lacking in animation with sprites/characters that size. Not saying you are, but if you have animations, you should be posting them. You have a dev blog?
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

Good game I like it. Now my own comment :)
- I agree about add block because enemies have fast attack and response. So sometime it too hard for evade.
- About hitbox : it's already good but maybe you should add it bigger but not longer how I explain. When you and enemy in same position you can't attack it but it can attack you.
- Nurse Boss : You should reduce heal ability. She heal too much HP or add some frame before heal like casting. So player can have enough time to counter or cancel it.
- run+attack(butt attack) : I think it better to stop immediately or almost immediately when use. I use it many times. Most of the time it go long pass enemy and it hard to continue with combo. But maybe it's only my own problem because I not get use to it haha :p
- Add backflip attack : help for evade and attack in the same time. Maybe use MP as special attack.
- Hold Z for charge Shot : use MP*2 but longer and more damage.
- More Combo style : You can use Princess of Alcadia combo system. You know sometime it boring when use 1 combo entire game.
Z Z Z Z - Normal Combo
Z Z Z up+Z - Upper Cut and can continue with jump kick
Z Z Z down+Z - Sweep Kick, Know enemy down in that position.

That all for my comment. Keep up your good work man :D
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

It took a while but I finally figured out what is wrong with Undine. The problem is that the game is in a zip file and two of the file names are in Japanese. As a result when I unpacked it the two file names were not preserved (since my system is not in Japanese locale and I did not expect I would need to use it for an English game). Every time the game tried to use those files it would crash because the files could not be found. I had to unpack the files with the correct locale.

For anyone with the same issue:
In folder Spica002a\sound\ you should have 27.魔法・毒.ogg and 28.魔法・解毒.ogg If you have 27.ЦВЦ@БEУ+.ogg and 28.ЦВЦ@БEЙЁУ+.ogg - rename them to the correct Japanese names.
Wow! Thanks a lot for the help! That's totally unexpected .. no wonder I can't find any clue since all i did is staring at the code ^^;


always get that error when fight undine....
whenever before he/she appear or after he use 1 attack...
You can use blackmoon's method or download the new version 0.021a which has the bug fixed.
DOWNLOAD LINK: drive.google.com/file/d/0B1FuRdiwX8xOTmxVdHJiT2IzVVU/view?usp=sharing

Well here's some stuff I'd like to see:

1. Hentai, obviously. Animated, not just CGs...and with a gallery.
2. A way to exit the controls setup without saving.(probably Escape, nobody's gonna play with their Esc key anyway)
2a. I'd also want to see what the keys are set to when i open the setting screen. Right now it just shows empty fields.
3. Information:
3a. A list of all the moves and how to do them(there are special moves, right? i can't seem to find any).
3b. A breakdown of stats on the levelup screen, what do they improve and by how much
4. Can I just change lanes with a single button press? The up and down keys don't seem to be used for anything else so why do I have to press them twice?
5. Animation cancelling. I'm not saying do it, just something to consider. I have yet to see a h-game try this, while mainstream brawlers use it quite often...

That's all for now. I have to say i like the potential so far, good job. You might wanna sell this, once it's polished up a bit.
- 1 will be there, it's just not implemented yet
- not sure about 2 & 2a .. might do it once the game is finished & i still have some spare energy .. but i can't promise anything
- 3 will be there, it's just not implemented yet (currently there is only 1 special move, the hadoken one & no skill shop yet). I'll add 3b on the opening post, thanks for reminding me ^o^
- I don't know how to implement changing lanes without up/down, let me know if you have suggestion ^^;
- I'm not too familiar with fighting game words, is animation canceling something like this? it's from my previous game youtube.com/watch?v=kwZ5oE-aOpU

I like Escalayer so I downloaded and played the game. It looks and plays great so far. Regarding the difficulty... it's ok really. I'd say it's pretty standard except the wrestler which at the moment I think is only beatable by using repeated jump attacks(takes a really loooong time too).

I'm not very hard to please so my personal suggestions would be:
1. voice... take them from the escalayer game? haha
2a. battle rape? like give the enemy the opportunity to rape when they knock you down provided you don't get up in time? I know this suggestion adds "wake up" mechanic like nanocrisis/hotb but IMO make it so that you actually have enough time to mash(it can get annoying if the game doesn't give you enough time to get up especially when you don't want to get raped and you want to clear the stage instead).
2b. another battle rape suggestion in the form of rape hold moves by enemies

I'd be pretty happy with just these two but hey if you can add gameover cg too that's a major plus point.

Anyway nice game and I'll be looking forward to your updates!
Nice to see escalayer fans! I really want to name this game escalayer (not the same sayuka but something like her succesor, just like in those super sentai series) but I'm worry about C&D >.< ...

Yeah, the wrestler is a bit too much, might make her easier a bit.

i want to ask DLSite about the voice, i hear they have service for something like this. I definitely will want someone who sounds similar like escalayer ^^.

One of my friend also suggest "mash button to wake up" so I'm definitely considering this option. Battle rape will definitely be there, remember that this game is inspired by escalayer ^^!

This certainly has potential. Is this your first game?
The art, animation and gameplay are all up to par.

The one gameplay annoyance I had was with enemies going outside the screen making it hard to see/attack them and having to wait for them to walk back in. This is paticularly annoying if you make the mistake of kicking the Nurse out of the screen and she heals herself off screen.

It seems that the only way to recover magic is to take hits? I'd like to see another way to recover it, otherwise raising magic stats isn't terribly helpful.

I don't think the game is too hard overall, though the Nurse and Undine's healing is a bit much compared to your damage output. You have to be constantly super aggressive to wear them down.
It would also be nice if you either had a block of some sort, or could cancel or dodge out of attacks somehow. I'd often see an incoming attack from the samurai or wrestler when I was already locked into a move and it was too late to do anything about it.

I'll look forward to seeing how this one turns out.
this is my 2nd game, if you're interested this is my 1st game, it's not a hentai game though ... just ryona/ecchi dlsite.com/eng/work/=/product_id/RE117022.html

I'll try to do something about the nurse, I agree that she's often positio herself outside the screen >.<

Magic stat is useless right now, please wait for the future updates regarding this ^^;

Dodge/Block are great, it will be implemented in future updates :D

Post some animations maybe? A lot of people can manage decent art but are usually lacking in animation with sprites/characters that size. Not saying you are, but if you have animations, you should be posting them. You have a dev blog?
I posted a youtube link of my previous game above, feel free to check them out ^^. I have a blog but it's not update for months. Will begin blogging again soon since i have this game to blog

Good game I like it. Now my own comment :)
- I agree about add block because enemies have fast attack and response. So sometime it too hard for evade.
- About hitbox : it's already good but maybe you should add it bigger but not longer how I explain. When you and enemy in same position you can't attack it but it can attack you.
- Nurse Boss : You should reduce heal ability. She heal too much HP or add some frame before heal like casting. So player can have enough time to counter or cancel it.
- run+attack(butt attack) : I think it better to stop immediately or almost immediately when use. I use it many times. Most of the time it go long pass enemy and it hard to continue with combo. But maybe it's only my own problem because I not get use to it haha :p
- Add backflip attack : help for evade and attack in the same time. Maybe use MP as special attack.
- Hold Z for charge Shot : use MP*2 but longer and more damage.
- More Combo style : You can use Princess of Alcadia combo system. You know sometime it boring when use 1 combo entire game.
Z Z Z Z - Normal Combo
Z Z Z up+Z - Upper Cut and can continue with jump kick
Z Z Z down+Z - Sweep Kick, Know enemy down in that position.

That all for my comment. Keep up your good work man :D
- Will definitely add block, don't worry about it :D
- about hitbox, i guess it's because she has shorter hands compared to the enemy. the current hitbox match her hands reach so I don't think I can change it
- ok, might reduce the nurse's heal a bit
- about butt attack, i usually messed up when fighting undine because she is too short so the move get pass above her. I don't have this problem when fighting the other enemies.
- there is a backflip attack, but it's not implemented yet so you definitely will see it in future update!
- charge shot: interesting idea! plus i don't need to draw additional sprites for the character XD
- more combo move will come, otherwise the spirit (magic) stat is useless ^^

HINT for everyone: If you have played escalayer you will know what kind of features that i planned for this game. I don't know if i can implement everything but I'll try :p
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

wasn't going to try until the H was added. but wow it looks good and plays pretty good. it reminds me of SNES TMNT game. so the lanes are a little annoying but that could be from being so use to free roaming. and yes the hit boxes need some tweaking, I seem to start attacking always in front of the enemy. oh and the enemy's keep moving off screen....but none of these are game braking so I think you got a winner here. The H is key if done grabbed struggle to get free fail get raped then struggle to get free from rape you could make ten games just like this and I'd buy every one.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

- about hitbox, i guess it's because she has shorter hands compared to the enemy. the current hitbox match her hands reach so I don't think I can change it
My bad explain. I don't mean longer range um.. I think her attack box start from her shoulder to her hand now. But it maybe better to start from middle(between her boob XD) to her hand. But I only have this problem only when I in same y position but difference lane and change to enemy lane. Then when attack her attack box go past enemy body.
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- about MP : Mp should regen when she attack enemy. So player can use more special attack for combo(in the future :p) regen 1 MP when attack / 5 MP when get hit something like that.
- d button(dash) : I can't use it. It not working for me. So I always use double tap.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

wasn't going to try until the H was added. but wow it looks good and plays pretty good. it reminds me of SNES TMNT game. so the lanes are a little annoying but that could be from being so use to free roaming. and yes the hit boxes need some tweaking, I seem to start attacking always in front of the enemy. oh and the enemy's keep moving off screen....but none of these are game braking so I think you got a winner here. The H is key if done grabbed struggle to get free fail get raped then struggle to get free from rape you could make ten games just like this and I'd buy every one.
Thanks for the input. And yes, that's how I want to implement the H content!

My bad explain. I don't mean longer range um.. I think her attack box start from her shoulder to her hand now. But it maybe better to start from middle(between her boob XD) to her hand. But I only have this problem only when I in same y position but difference lane and change to enemy lane. Then when attack her attack box go past enemy body.
Add more comment
- about MP : Mp should regen when she attack enemy. So player can use more special attack for combo(in the future :p) regen 1 MP when attack / 5 MP when get hit something like that.
- d button(dash) : I can't use it. It not working for me. So I always use double tap.
about attack box, that's a good point! Will change it, thanks!

your MP idea is good but it will make putting MP refill in upgrade screen kinda useless so I need some time to think about it. Gameplay wise your idea is definitely better .. i might have to remove mp refill in upgrade screen

MY BADDD!!! Dash button is actually V button >.<, sorry!!
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

I suggest removing HP refill and MP refill in the upgrade screen and make it so HP and MP are fully restored when you finish a level. This will make things a bit easier for people who are not very good at such games and take a lot of damage during the level.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Tentative title .. probably)

I've found a bug/exploit where you can save stats by choosing the exit option...

How to reproduce:
1. start the game like normal and choose any stage(undine preferably since she's the fastest to beat)
2. after you beat the boss and get to the stat distribution screen do not allocate any stats(you should have 10) and simply exit
3. when you get back to the stage select screen choose exit
4. when you get back to the main menu select start again and choose any stage(again preferably undine)
5. after you beat the boss again and get to the stat distribution screen you should now have 20!

You can keep on repeating this over and over and the stats will remain and continue to stack as long as you don't spend them. What do you get from using this bug? Free hp refills from exiting and starting a new game instead of actually using the points you get to heal yourself.

I repeated this a few times and saved 40 stats and dumped all of them to str. Huge damage boost and easy escape lol


Didn't really take long to grind considering you can beat the nurse in 2 combos with high str... sometimes 1 combo if you also have high agility(boosts crit if I'm right) yeah with high enough str nurse becomes the fastest boss to beat


At this point even the wrestler does 1 damage to me and critical jump kick shaves off 40% of her hp =x
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