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Escape from Hell


Nov 16, 2008
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Wheee... so in my idle musings in bed, I came up with an idea.

"I-I wanna... invite you to go out with me!"
"That's sweet, but I've already got a boyfriend."
As the girl walked away from the sweating, be-spectacled nerd, he overheard her friend.
"Why'd you tell him that? You aren't going steady with anyone right now..."
"Yeah, but I don't wanna have a date with a nerd like HIM."

Later that night, the nerd flipped furiously through a book.
"Yes... YES... she won't turn me down after THIS... Ahahahahha!"

Still later, the girl is asleep, nude, in her bed, when a low rumble woke her up. She blinks lazily, and sees the nerd chanting above her body.
"Hey- what are you-" She struggles to get up, but a force like a giant blanket keeps her flat. Glowing swirls gather around them, the chant rises to a shout...

And with a flash, they both vanished...​

So, this is a turn-based strategy game. You play our heroine, who wants to escape from the realm which they've ended up in, by trying to get to the exit on each level. Unfortunately, between her and said exit are the various denizens of the realm, all of whom quite enjoy a fresh helping of human tail.

This is not necessarily bad.

Each time the heroine has sex with a demon, she gets further corrupted towards their ideals. Too much, you lose. But... each time she has sex with a demon... it impregnates her (if she isn't already). And when she gives birth... the "baby" follows HER orders, she being its mother. Up to and including beating the father senseless and knocking the mother up again.

I think it'll make a decent computer game... buuut me being lazy, I thought I'd run it "manually", to see whether I'd balanced the monsters right and laid out the levels fairly and so forth. Description and so forth will be kinda limited, depending on how I feel.

So... anybody interested?
Re: Escape from Hell

Interest shown.
Re: Escape from Hell

Re: Escape from Hell

I'm also interested, though my ability to be online is not very good at the moment.
Re: Escape from Hell

Hm. Maybe I shouldn't've let Nunu pick the name of the subforum. Eh, well, I'll run with it just for the giggles.

Okay, I'm using RPGMaker XP to create the maps, so all I need to really get started is an appearance you guys want for your heroine. It's about limited to hair colour, but I can try doodling a different sprite if you absolutely want.
I'm also interested, though my ability to be online is not very good at the moment.
Not a problem. Post actions when you can.
Re: Escape from Hell

Hmm........ Red! No.... Wait...... Purple!..... No... Hmmm..... Maybe.... Black!? Yeah, I'll run with that. Black.

Edit: Questions!
1) Does each person get their own character/thread, or will it be a group thing?
2) Does the Heroine get multiple levels of corruption, or is it game over once she hits 100?
3) The character can't fight, but can she try to run away?
4) Other than hitting full corruption, how does the game end? Can the character win, in other words?
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Re: Escape from Hell

Hmm........ Red! No.... Wait...... Purple!..... No... Hmmm..... Maybe.... Black!? Yeah, I'll run with that. Black.
Okey-dokey. (digs through his games for sprites) Blah, I forgot to ask for a name!

Edit: Questions!
1) Does each person get their own character/thread, or will it be a group thing?
2) Does the Heroine get multiple levels of corruption, or is it game over once she hits 100?
3) The character can't fight, but can she try to run away?
4) Other than hitting full corruption, how does the game end? Can the character win, in other words?
1) Each person gets their own character and thread.
2) 100 corruption = game over. No levels. "Friendly" demons don't corrupt past their K-level, but "enemy" demons do. I'm still debating as to whether to grant some corruption regen after each map. We'll say "no regen" for now, and see how it runs.
3) She can run, yes. Rapes only take the turn, and in general don't stop her from moving.
4) Make it through all the maps (14 is what I'm planning), and she's home-free. Of course... later maps are harder.
Re: Escape from Hell

OK, well I'll go with blue for hair color.
Re: Escape from Hell

Color: Yellow Name: Apple ^-^
Re: Escape from Hell

Black (or Indigo if you don't like clones). Selestine.
Re: Escape from Hell

What it take to get a char thread may I ask?
Re: Escape from Hell

just say the name of your girl and the color of her hair
Re: Escape from Hell

Sarah, blonde hair, red eyes :p
Re: Escape from Hell

Not that I've escaped the purgatory that is moving between houses I'd like to give it a go, I'm a turn based strategy fan. I would desire orange hair, but if it's too hard I'll go with black. Those demons won't know what hit them! Well they probably will but then they'll be dead so their knowledge of the situation is inconcequencial!
Re: Escape from Hell

Not that I've escaped the purgatory that is moving between houses I'd like to give it a go, I'm a turn based strategy fan. I would desire orange hair, but if it's too hard I'll go with black. Those demons won't know what hit them! Well they probably will but then they'll be dead so their knowledge of the situation is inconcequencial!
Okay, orange it is. But... I'll need a name for her at some point. Keep in mind, the heroine's like the king in chess; can't do much, but lose her and you lose the game.
Re: Escape from Hell

So I guess this game is dead? Shame.