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ACT [Etching edge] ゆうわく淫魔城 (RJ313648)


Demon Girl Pro
Apr 28, 2010
Reputation score

The madman is at it again with another action platformer.
Etching edge is my guiltiest of pleasure. All of their games (This one aswell) are buggy glitchfests but they have a lot of personality in my opinion.

This time, for the first time, we got a male protagist!

Gameplay is simple platforming. You have a 3-hit melee combo and a ranged attack which requires ammo. Enemies just walk back and forward and are easily avoided.
If you get caught by an enemy you'll have to press the arrow keys in the shown order to break out.
You can also use a potion which you get 3 of every life with potential for more to instantly heal to full healt. You almost never need it though since enemies deal next to no damage.

The story from what I gather is basically that the hero gets summoned to a world where all men have dissapeared. Now it's your job to save the world. from what? I don't know. Cooties I guess.
I think the idea is to impregnate the princess in the bad guys castle to purify the world or something. And the reason you're not allowed to lose is because the princess wants your semen to be thick.

H-content is animated reverse rape goodness. And if you run out of hp before breaking out you'll get a game over CG of the enemy. Some enemies don't have CGs though.
There are 30 girls in total with some extra scenes sprincled in in the form of cutscenes.
There are supposedly game over images outside of the normal defeat CG, but I have no idea how to trigger them. You can see them in the gallery after you beat the stage.

WASD/arrow keys - Movement.
Attack - G
Jump - H / Spacebar
Ranged attack - T
Dash - Y
The menu is controlled with the mouse btw.

Something i noticed though if you want to get straight to the action. When you start a new game and have to choose a file, if you instead press esc and go back to the main menu you will have everything unlocked instantly. If you ever make a new file the trick wont work anymore though, you'll need a fresh copy of the game.

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After playing the demo I think I can pretty confidently say this will be this circles best game by far.
this is a significant improvement from the last game, but still jank. it's just more tolerable. their button settings are still absurd. H scenes are decent though.
Etching Edge's games have always been pretty... well, bad. If this is their "best game by far" as Alpha put it, that unfortunately doesn't say too much. I will say though that the presence of giantesses in it makes me very much curious! Could we mayhaps get some of that vore in this one? Color me very much intrigued if so!
prepare to be disappointed, vore isn't a tag. she's probably just gonna rub him between her boobs or something. I will say, on a positive note, that I agree there is a certain charm to his games, and his animations are fine, but they don't stick with me for very long. I completely forgot I owned his last game. This one though seems like it might be something i come back to if the scenes are good enough.
It just got released for those interested.
Ergh. This circle. I remember how atrocious their last title was, like it had been cobbled together in a couple of days.

Haaaaaaaaaaard pass. Even if this is their best title, it's probably comparable to most circle's worst.
Who translated the game title? ゆうわく means seduction/temptation 淫魔 just means sex/lust demon and usually used as another word for succubus. The correct game title should be something along the lines of succubus castle of temptation
huh can't seem to unlock stage 5 gallery. Am I missing something? Beat the game twice already.
huh can't seem to unlock stage 5 gallery. Am I missing something? Beat the game twice already.
Weirdly, the spider from stage 5 unlocks normally, but not the rest?

There are some other shenanigans too, ex. the bj maid turns blue on orgasm, and some of the other orgasm scenes are also super buggy. I'm... not actually sure if the witch scenes are buggy or not, possibly timestopped or another blue bug.

A lot of good scenes though.

Too bad the keyboard keymapping is atrocious, but the controller mapping is fantastic and makes the game actually fun to play.
Please update the OP with more information before I move it over. It is currently missing controls, and is rather sparse with gameplay information, especially given that there is a demo now.

I've also updated the title to the native, given name. Please do not attempt to translate the title on your own if the developer did not provide a translated title themselves.
does anyone know how to get the demo of the game to play in windowed mode? it going to full screen makes it hard to adjust settings. especially volume.
Not a bad game considering how quick it was and the amount of animations, there's quite a few game breaking bugs like becoming invincible to H attacks, the 3 stage boss disappearing and never reappearing, stage 5 you can accidentally port back to stage three, stuff like that. But it is possible to play the game from start to finish. The developer made the unlock gallery button down below in the menu at least so you don't have to worry about the gallery not unlocking stuff at least. Good enough quickie fap.
So yeah on Stage 4 you might enounter a softlock, right after the mechanic fight there is a room with long conveyor belt. For some reason there is an invisble wall midway, anybody else having this problem?

Edit: nvm the game has a dash button my bad >>
for some reason I basically can't do anything. On the title screen I can hit H or space to get to what I assume to be the starting screen, I can hit escape to view controls, and I can hit M to mute the game. No button changes the selections on the menus, and I literally can't do anything else. Any advice?

EDIT: oh holy crap I'm an idiot, it's mouse controls. Never mind.
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Please update the OP with more information before I move it over. It is currently missing controls, and is rather sparse with gameplay information, especially given that there is a demo now.

I've also updated the title to the native, given name. Please do not attempt to translate the title on your own if the developer did not provide a translated title themselves.
How do you unlock the gallery? Can't be bothered completing this mess or a quick fap.
Thread moved to the H-Games section.
After playing Super Monsters n' Girls which came out only a few days before this, I can honestly say you should probably save the $4 and get that instead, the quality of animations is night and day.