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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The cover lasted up untill the crossroad. Bea was now even with the stop light she'd seen during her escape from the spiders. Closer up, Bea could see that down the road the area turned into a warehouse and light industrial district, the residential sections mainly being tucked back on her side down the sidestreets. Perhaps the destination she and the men had been seeking was close by. Even if that was not the case, there might be some good supplies in these places.

There was the minor concern of continued cover, however. It was a good dash across the intersection, and even on the other side it'd still take a few more vital seconds to get into an ally. If the spiders were looking out a window, or anyone else was surveying the area for that matter, they'd see her plain as day. If Bea didn't feel up to the task, she could safely dissappear into the residential district behind her, either to rest or seek another escape route.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Intersection, crossroads, whatever the hell you wanted to call it Bea was there. Down one path she saw a budding industrial area. There was a good chance that depot she was looking for would be there somewhere. This was still Route 3, and this would be the place to go. On the other path she could duck into the residential areas and probably find some food and a place to rest. She could probably use both of those at the moment.

But this choice wasn't about comfort. It was about risk. Does she leave herself exposed for any monsters that would be looking down the street to hopefully find the safe zone faster, or does she play it safe and sneak around abandoned houses which ultimately leaves her exposed to random monster patrols for a longer time?

For a moment the woman in the maid outfit considers her options, but ultimately she starts heading down the street. She didn't like the idea of getting captured once again, but she was seriously tired of trying to find a safe spot to stay in this apocalypse. She was definitely tired of being by herself, and above all else she wanted to find the guys. She needed to know what happened to Max, and the most reliable way to do that was get to their destination as fast as she could.

That didn't mean she'd be making a wild break for it. Bea would continually look for even the slightest bits of cover, and if she couldn't find any she would stick as close to a building as she possibly could while running out in the open. Hopefully her outline would be masked by the walls instead of standing out in the middle of the street, and if she did find some cover she could sit and wait to see if something had found her.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

As Bea carefully planned her path down the main street, she noticed that if she stayed on the far side of it from the warehouses, she could follow a line of shrubs that would fully hide her if she crawled on all fours. An added bonus would be that she'd have a perfect line of sight at her target buildings as she passed, though there was a chance she could get caught and snagged by some vines or something, the maid outfit wasn't exactly form fitting. It'd be a cosmic irony if she lost her new clothes that fast.

Of course, Bea could just follow this cover untill she was out of sight of the hotel, then cross instead of right now. That'd mean one less direction she could be observed from, and she wouldn't have to worry about being snagged for long.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Shrubs? Well that was a possibility. Bea wasn't above getting down on her hands and knees and crawling around if it meant she could get out of there a little more safely. Of course that would also be the best place to spring some kind of ambush, but that really didn't matter. It would be better than standing out in the street to reveal yourself to whatever happened to be crawling by.

As she started moving down the street on her stomach Bea noticed this may not be the best of ways to find safety. If anything did find her like this there was no chance she could get away before she was caught. Of course she didn't want those spiders to get lucky and spot her once again, but maybe this wasn't the best way to go about doing that. She was committed to that now, though, so she might as well press on. She could get up once the motel was out of sight.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea was constantly jabbed and pricked by sharp branches and thorns of the bushes. Not harmfull, but quite annoying. Her newfound maid's uniform also got torn up a bit. Hopefully the first human Bea finds doesn't have both a maid fetish and a ripped clothing fetish.

It didn't take long to get a "safe" distance from the hotel, though the trials of this way of travel made it seem longers. Soon enough, though, Bea was on the other side of a small hill the road crested, blocking her from the view of the spiders entirely. On her side of the street there was still light residential areas, though it was quickly becomming open, unused ground. Across the street were still the warehouses, including a promising looking passage between two that looked like it offered a ton of cover. There was even a wall with what looked like recent spray paint, perhaps a sign of other survivors.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea was quietly grumbling to herself as she crawled through the bushes. She hadn't noticed the thorns before, and as she pressed on they kept snagging pieces of her recent outfit and tearing them away. She JUST got this thing, but with all those little tears and scratches it was starting to show bits of skin that would probably just excite who or whatever she came across. It wasn't exactly anything lewd, but she had this strange feeling that running around naked would probably catch less attention.

With this leg of her travels finally done the woman sat still in her bit of cover and closed her eyes to listen. Hopefully she wouldn't hear any creature nearby, and if she didn't she would poke her head out and look around. That little alley between two of the warehouse building looked really promising, and once she felt like she was clear she'd make a dash for it. The nearby spray paint also caught her eye, and as she was running she would definitely slow down enough to see if she could find anything important.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

All that greeted Bea's ears was the sound of the whipping wind. The whole area seemed really creepy, no movement or sound. Signs could not be more perfect that the coast was clear. Indeed, when Bea made her break across the road, nothing saw or heard her. She safely got to cover, going back behind the warehouses. There were many forks, all nondescript, save one. The writing on the wall she'd spotted earlier read "safehouse" with an arrow pointing down one passage, in the general direction that the survivors had radioed they were at. While nothing overtly said it, Bea was perhaps closer then she realized to her destination.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The silent roar of the whipping wind was nothing short of music to Bea's ears. She felt confident that she wouldn't be spotted by any other sex-craved bastards, and once she made it to that alley she gave herself a moment to simply sit and celebrate. The word "safehouse" nearly made her fall to her knees and thank whatever deity was out there. She has been raped by a freak, chased by some more, impregnated by some other freak, chased some more, turned into a tranny, and forced to run around like some strumpet in a maid's uniform, but she was finally safe.

Now that she was close to some actual protection the woman abandoned her earlier stealth and simply jogged wherever those signs led. The fatigue she'd been ignoring this whole day was just now catching up with her, and with a place to rest so close she just wanted to get inside. It was starting to feel like she'd collapse any second, and she didn't want to be outside if that happened.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Hmmm, I still havn't de-futa'd you have I? About that time if so)

The passages twisted and turned, Bea never had a good view of what was up infront of her. Adding to that was more and more trash littered all over the farther she went, not just from the disaster, but because this was a dirty industrial district. It might take a bit of looking to find the safehouse in this mess, when it came down to it.

Up ahead was a industrial courtyard of sorts. A place where three building's loading docks met, as well as places for strash pickup. Some of the outbuilings were connected by the second floor, running over the ally, making spooky shadows appear down one path. On the other side was the entrance to the area from the road system. Bea was now away from the main streets entirely, and all she could see out this way were more warehouses. Unfortunately, there was no sign of which way the safehouse was from here.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The path ended here. Now matter where she looked Bea couldn't see any other signs pointing to safety. At first she thought that someone was trying to play a cruel joke on her. Whoever led her out here just wanted her to get lost and exhausted in this maze of buildings while they laughed at her as she stumbled and eventually fell. But that didn't make sense. The world's been turned upside-down as far as she knew, and if people wanted to survive this mess they needed to stick together to at least fend off these monsters running around. If the signs led here and stopped then this is where the safehouse had to be.

That didn't mean she knew where to start looking. There were three building that you could load right here, and given her complete and utter lack of any warehouse knowledge she couldn't just look around and look for any sign of an oil company. Well, maybe she could. She couldn't see why someone wouldn't want to have their building labeled for deliveries and shipping. There had to be something around here that said "PetroTec" or whatever that name was. Once she found it she'd simply step over to whatever building it was connected to and knock.

If she didn't find it, however, she was going to be a little miffed. Who would tell any survivor to head this way for safety and then leave them hanging dry? This was no time for games! Hell, there should have been a lookout who would have spotted her and at least alerted other people, and given the walkways between the buildings there were plenty of places to keep an eye out for any wanted or unwanted guests.

Maybe there was. Someone could be watching her right this second, so why not get their attention? If there was no way to find this building and she couldn't spot anyone poking their head out of a window then there was one last thing she could try. First she needed to gather her senses. Once she felt a little less light-headed she would take a deep breath before she finally yelled, "HELLO?" That would be a big gamble. There was a possibility she wasn't anywhere near a human, and by yelling she'd practically be ringing the dinner bell for whatever creatures that could be lurking nearby. But she needed to take that chance. Otherwise she'd be stuck wandering around these warehouses for hours on end.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

As soon as Bea's call finished sounding, there was a skittering noise from on top of one of the nearby buildings. While no hostile action went with it, there was something not quite right about the situation. It was easy to tell from the noise that there was something or someone up there, but whatever it was did not attack or greet her as a fellow survivor. The dead silence that followed the rattling echo from the roof only reinforced the tense atmosphere that was now setting in...
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The moment Bea heard it her rifle was up and aimed. She was really beginning to hate the sound of skittering. All it ever led to was more damn spiders, and considering it sounded like it was coming from the roof she began to wonder if a bug or two had been watching her this entire time. She hadn't bothered to really look up during her search, so one of those bastards could have been following her the moment she ducked into that alley.

Whatever the hell was going on the woman decided to just sit tight for a minute or two. If there were some bugs stalking her than running without any direction would just make things worse. If they were on the roof her best bet was to brace herself. From what she'd seen there were probably a pair of them following her. There were only two that popped out to chase her down this morning, and there were only two in the small recon group that she avoided in the motel. Since they were on the roof it would take time for them to crawl down and pounce, and if she prepared for the rifle's kick then she was sure she could take one down and finish off the other hand to hand.

Of course she couldn't sit down and wait forever. If the supposed spiders didn't appear then she needed to figure out where she was. The only way to do that was find some kind of sign, and the best place to look for one would be back on the main street. She could poke her head out and look for either a company name or even another spray paint marker to get her bearings.

(Prepare x3, and if no enemies appear then sneak over to the street to have a look.)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Waiting always seemed longer in a tense situation. Bea was just about to get up and move on when a spider poked its head over the edge and hissed at her. But before she could react, said head was taken clean off by a shot from somewhere else up top. There were people up there too! Soon they started calling out, not to her at first, but to eachother. "Clear over here!""Clear left too!""Mam, stay calm down there! We'll be down in a second!" First a voice of a real girly girl, it sounded like, then a somewhat deeper womans voice, then a a voice that was clearly Max. They were over to the right a bit, near a metal fire escape. No doubt she'd soon be seeing them over the top as they came down from there.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea felt like she'd been sitting there for hours. Her arms were starting to ache the longer she raised her rifle, and she was forced to wait even longer when the spider she heard refused to show. It was only when she felt like she would drop the damned gun that the overgrown bug finally poked its head over the side. The hiss it released was what caught her attention. Those hours collapsed back into the seconds they truly were, and her strength returned as she focused on what she was about to-


"What the..." The things head just...vanished. Did she do that? Bea wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She heard the shot, but her gun wasn't anywhere near aimed for its head. Did she just somehow manage to get the luckiest shot in the world? The rifle was pushed away so she could get a clear look at it. That was when she heard the voices. Someone else was out there. There were more people! She wasn't wasting her time back in this maze!

Bea felt like she could just fall to her knees and start crying right then and there, but that last voice shot through her like a streak of lightning. Part of her couldn't believe it. Part of her refused to believe he could still be walking after being so viciously bitten in the neck, but there was no denying it. That was his voice. Her eyes starting frantically searching, and when she found that fire escape she nearly sprang up to start climbing the thing herself. He told her to stay calm, and she tried, but she couldn't contain it. She practically bounded over to where she thought they would appear, and as she stared up at the roof hoping that her mind wasn't playing a cruel joke on her she was probably just as surprised at hearing her own voice as she was when she first heard his. "MAX!"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

No more then a few seconds after Bea reached the fire escape the first human came into view, a woman, tall with dark red short hair, carrying a hunting rifle. Right behind her was a shorter blond woman, also with a rifle. Then came Max, hand clearly bandaged from where he'd been bit and carrying a pistol. His face brightened when he saw who they had rescued. "Hey guys! That's her! That's who we're looking for!" If it wasn't for the two infront of him he'd probably have bounded down the stairs recklessly. For their part, the two women each displayed relief mixed with a slight bit of impatience. "Well good, now we can get back to the warehouse and stop putting ourselves back in the way of danger." The redhead seemed to be in charge and not too happy with the search. The group descended down to Bea's level and Max came up for a hug, the other two standing a side and letting Bea and Max get the excitement out of their systems.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The redhead and the blond came into view. Bea could care less. It was only when she saw the figure trailing behind that she finally smiled. There he was. Max. Just watching him pop into view made her feel safe. Watching him hurry down the fire escape behind the two women stoked her excitement. She barely contained herself as he came down, and when he finally landed she practically threw herself into his arms while wrapping her own around his neck. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Safely in Max's arms Bea was completely lost in his embrace. She didn't care what the hell was going on around her. She didn't care that two other women were watching her plaster her body against him, and she wouldn't care if another spider popped its head over the side. All she cared about was the man she held onto and the night they spent together. Feeling herself pressed against his chest gave her a comfort she'd never felt since she climbed into her parents' bed after a bad dream.

But comfort wasn't the only thing crossing her mind. Her mind wandered through their entire time together, and eventually it found that little fantasy she had just a little while ago in that motel room. The thought of her body hovering over Max as his erection slightly waved in the air. The thought of her hand slowly caressing his dick until she grasped it. The thought of it slowly piercing her pussy as she lowered herself inch by inch into she was straddling his hips. It all started flooding her mind, and soon enough her body began to respond.

A moment later she turned beet red. A look of total and utter embarrassment crossed her face, and she tightened her grip on Max and refused to let him go. Her body reacted, all right. Her nipples were becoming hardened little points digging into his chest, but that's not what had her all hot and bothered. It was the feeling of something else coming to attention. She could feel her cock starting to harden between her legs, and with Max so close there was no doubt he would feel it as well. Why the hell was that thing still around?! Was she going to be like this the rest of her life?! And what the hell was Max thinking?! The embarrassment from having a penis was enough, but having it suddenly harden while hugging someone else was ten times worse. A part of her wanted to just let him go and turn around, but another couldn't stand having him back away and exposing her erection for everyone to see. This confusion is what kept her from moving, and all she could do was eek out an apology as she held on to the poor man for dear life. "S-Sorry! I, uh... I got bit... by a spider..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Huh, I thought we got rid of it. I know I forgot once and then was going to it the post after that, but thought I did. Oh well, we can write it into the story. Also sorry how hard it is to read the yellow, but if you highlight it. Having alot of chars makes it hard)

Max slowly moved Bea back, gently as to make it clear he wasn't rejecting Bea. However, before he could speak the blonde walked over. "Don't worry, that should go away, we've had a few instances of that happening. It generally comes and goes within a few hours, though once it lasted a day. Some kid of toxin or something, interacts with different people differently, but I don't know how the hell it does that!" Though her word choices weren't too bad, coupled with her inflection, it was obvious this woman was some sort of science type, though the two women didn't seem eager to share right now. Max kept a hand on Bea's shoulder. "Don't worry, we have a safe place... well, they have a safe place, and have generously allowed us to stay there..." He glanced nerviously at the redhead as he spoke, though for her part she just shot a bored glance his way, nothing overly malicious.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"A day...?" Bea wasn't too fond of that idea. It WAS fun as hell back in that motel room, but why the hell did it have to be so sensitive? It felt like it was throbbing every time she thought of even the slightest of lewd thoughts. And those were coming a lot more easily than normal. Stupid cock was spiking her sex drive! She couldn't even tell if it was simply part of the male condition or some sort of side effect from the bite.

Either way it took a bit of willpower to try and force that monster to rest. Once it had she paying a little more attention to what Max was saying. The fact that this was a confirmed safehouse made her feel that much better even if the way Max seemed intimidated by the redhead made Bea feel a little nervous herself. "I really appreciate the offer. I would have come with a few supplies, but I had to drop everything once the spiders reneged on our agreement. Double-crossing bastards..." The brunette took in a deep breath at that point and released a sigh that relieved a great deal of all the anxiety she's gathered over the last 24 hours. "So, am I gonna have to climb to get to safety?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

At Bea's admission of making a deal with the spiders, all three others jumped slightly, Bea got a good look at Max's shocked face before the redhead pushed up infront of her. "You made a DEAL with the spiders?!? What are you talking about, how is that even possible?!?" They had no clue what Bea meant, but the suspicious nature of the two women led them to immediately regard Bea as a potential threat with that previous statement.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea wasn't ready for that. Her nerves were a little frazzled after having dealt with spiders and spider birth and the embarrassment of having a penis, so when the redhead pushed her way right into the brunette's face and practically screamed at the poor girl Bea actually shrank back a bit. "The big one!" She shot a glance over to Max before returning to the rather angry looking woman. "They grabbed me while we were trying to get over the bridge, and we were completely outgunned! I told the guys to run, and once they were gone Big Momma ordered all her little troops to circle around me. When I stopped struggling she told them to back off. I showed her I would give in if they let me walk away, and she agreed to it! I had to birth about a dozen of the little things, but the next morning when I finally had the chance to leave they started chasing me again! I've been running from them since!"