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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The women stared at Bea with frowns on their faces while Max had a look of shock. After awhile, the blonde spoke "Eh, maybe she's traumatized and imagining things or something? I really don't think she's a threat." The readhead continued to glare but after a few more seconds turned. "Okay, I guess we can bring her back, Max and Frankie vouch for her after all." She then turned back to Bea. "But we've got our eyes on you, clear?" Max still looked concerned and the blonde moved in a bit close behind Bea, as if to grab her if she made a run for it.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

For a moment Bea did feel like simply turning around and walking away. Having the two women scowl in her face suddenly made her feel unwelcome, and seeing Max with that look of shock made her feel like she had somehow betrayed them. But as much as she wanted to crawl into a corner and die she stood her ground. She fought to hard to get to this point, and she had no idea where else to go.

When the blond finally said something it caught the poor girl off guard. "Wh...what? But..." When the redhead agreed Bea's mind stammered a little more. "But...!" The sudden declaration that they would be watching her threw her for a loop, but when she was practically asked if she understood with a giant metaphorical finger pointing right in her face all Bea could manage was a slow nod of agreement. With her mind still reeling she didn't notice the blond moving closer to box her in, and when she did all she could think to do was look at Max. "But... It's the truth..."

She really didn't know what to do at this moment. She spent the entire day running from spiders trying to find Max and Frankie, and now that she did she felt like she had done the unspeakable. She just stood there a bit dazed and suddenly disappointed with herself. It wouldn't take much to get her to start moving, a light touch or push would be enough, but right now she wouldn't be to taking a step on her own.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max bent down to her level and patted his back. "Here, get on, I'll carry you back, you're tired and not thinking very well. We can talk more once we're safe in the warehouse." He opened his arms to let her hug him again if she wanted, or to help her onto his back. The blonde stood by, idle, while the redhead continued to scan for threats in the area.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Ouch. Max didn't even believe her. It was a rather nasty blow considering all that they'd gone through and what she did to make sure he and Frankie escaped, but the offer to carry her helped soften the hit. The open arms managed to bring a small smile to her face even if she looked completely defeated. "I can walk." She did lean in to give him a hug, but this time she made sure her pelvis wasn't anywhere close to making contact. "And I don't wanna poke you in the back by accident..." She gave a nervous little laugh at her own comment, more to help calm her own nerves than to try and make light of the situation.

With all that said and done she was finally ready to get moving. She even stretched out her arms and legs a little to show she could dash around a bit if it was absolutely necessary. But if they gave her the chance to slow down she would take it. She didn't want to over-exhaust herself. Once inside, however, she would finally have the chance to collapse. Hopefully there would be a bed somewhere.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Well, okay, I wouldn't mind, but if you want to walk, that's fine." Max held out a hand for Bea if she wanted it, then waited for the two women to start moving, heading for the stairs. "Hey, should we really go that way, there's alot of jumping, and I could barely make it, I don't think Bea could do it so well either..." The redhead looked rather annoyed, but changed direction, heading for a side passage, leading out the other side of the courtyard from where Bea had entered. They went at a speed Bea could handle, but the women were always trying to speed up a bit. Max looked rather nervious as well.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The thought of jumping from rooftop to rooftop didn't sound all that appealing, so when everyone changed direction it was a welcome sight. But something wasn't right. The girls were nervous. Max was nervous. It was making Bea nervous. Why the hell is everyone so nervous?

Something was making everyone else anxious. It made Bea question running around on the floor at the somewhat leisurely pace she was going. Screw it, let's just go. She started pushing herself, forcing herself to run faster so she wouldn't be holding back everyone else. "Hey..." She looked over to the redhead leading them while she started panting a little harder. "Is it really safer upstairs?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max started to explain gently and quietly as they walked. "Well, we if we keep low up there, it's harder to see us, and easy for us to see threats" The man was going to say more, but all of a sudden a splitting pain was felt in Bea's cock. The organ was shrinking, she could feel it, and it hurt enough to make her want to curl into a ball.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Makes sense. At the very least you don't have to worry about things jumping down at you from the RRRrrrr!" That sudden, splitting pain caught her completely off guard. Bea could only manage to use an arm to keep herself from falling flat on her face. Even then her landing hurt like hell, but it was nothing. Her cock felt like it was tearing itself apart, and it was making her body seize. She couldn't even prop herself onto her hands and knees. But that thing was finally starting to leave. Even though this was probably the worst time it could happen she was glad she would be turning back to normal.

But right now she was no better than a fish thrown on the floor. The pain was nearly unbearable, and Bea swore that it was even worse than when her dick decided to appear. She could hardly even see straight, and it took a whole lot of effort just to keep from screaming out loud. "I'll...Grrr!...take that ride...!" Her body hurt like all kinds of hell. She wasn't going to be getting up and walking away in the next few seconds.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The pain was gone fast, fortunately, as the organ faded back into a normal clit. There was still a numb-ache that covered her neathers, though, so the ride was still probably a good idea. Max was happy to carry her, though he was far from the strongest man, he could manage. The blonde woman looked a bit horrified at Bea's pain, but the other mainly just looked annoyed at having to put up with her. Still, they were just happy to get back to moving as Bea was scooped up.

The warehouse was not far, in a sense. It was a good six blocks away, but the women knew a quick route, free of debris, like it had been cleared earlier or something. The actual streets looked moderately covered with wreckage and the like, as ususal, but they crossed them quickly. While no monsters bothered them, this group wasn't one for taking chances.

They stopped at a small metal door at the back of the building. The redhead knocked in a coded patern and a balding man in his late 40's opened up. It was clear he had been concerned, and was now happy they all were back. He waved them in quickly then shut the door and locked it again. The group stand around in a circle for a moment, trying to decide what to do, but the redhead nods towards a nearby door, and Max carries Bea in. There is bedding, on the floor here, two rolls. Max lays Bea down on one and sits beside her. "This is where we spent the night, how are you feeling? I'm sure you have alot of questions now..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Aside from her transformation back into a normal girl Bea was quite glad the rest of the trip was rather uneventful. She was even happier when that door was opened and she was finally brought inside. The roll on the floor is a godsend, and when she's placed right on top of it she readjusts then stretches herself out to finally relax. "Oh! This is gonna be so much better than sleeping naked in a busted taxi and having to give birth in the middle of the night!"

For a while Bea just sat there letting her body let out some steam in the form of a few deep breaths. Of course some questions did start forming in her mind now that she was resting, and eventually she couldn't keep them to herself. "What happened to... Did you... Who... Aaaaah!" She couldn't quite focus on any one thing at the moment, but after a little break she finally found something to say. "Let's just start at the bridge so you can tell me everything that happened after you and Frankie escaped."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max sat nearby, clearly still a bit concerned, but giving Bea her space if she needed it. He especially looked upset about her comment on how she spent last night. "Well, we ran for a few blocks, and found those two back there, they were looking for supplies and heard the fight. They said it was too dangerous to go and get you, and we might as well forget about you. We didn't like it, but agreed at the time, we couldn't take on that big spider. The next day we argued and argued to go out and look for you, Jenny, the red head, wasn't too happy about it, but Kris, the blonde, thought it might be a good idea. Everyone follows their lead here, there's more people in the warehouse, though you haven't met them. Well anyway, we eventually did go and look, had been out there for about 45 minutes, then we saw you about to get ambushed, so we rescued you. Frankie stayed here, because they generally don't like sending more then two people out at once, and we had three going, plus he could be used to help fortify this place a little more."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"I guess I owe those two my thanks. Maybe more for Kris, but I get why Jen didn't want to go out." Bea had simply relaxed and listened, and even though she did understand why someone wouldn't want to head out and look for someone who had been captured by a nest of overgrown bugs she still felt a little insulted. To be considered a lost cause was just too degrading. But if the past few days were anything then caution is a necessity. She couldn't really fault Jen for thinking of the group as a whole.

With the small recap said and done Bea started mulling over something. It probably wouldn't be too long before Frankie came popping in to say hi, at least she hoped he would, so she probably only had a few seconds to ask a rather odd question. "Hey, Max." She made sure she whispered in case anybody decided to stop and eavesdrop for a second. "You don't have to tell me anything, but I've gotta ask. Did anything 'weird' happen to you because of that spider bite?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Hmmm, oh, well the venom is quite nasty..." He held up his hand, letting Bea see the swollen area where he was bit. "But it doesn't hurt TOO badly, and only... changes... women..." He seemed to blush a bit at that part, but was saved by the arrival of Frankie from having to go into more detail. "Bea! You're alright!" The loud and rude man plopped down nearby, having been genuninely concerned.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The pause that followed Max's answer was awkward. Bea was blushing herself, more so embarrassed over remembering how she 'poked' Max earlier as well as what she did back in that motel room. To help break that silence she held up her own hand to compare her wound to her friend's, and that's when she began to question why an overgrown spider would have a venom that did THAT. What kind of purpose could that serve an obvious carnivore? Could they only breed by planting their eggs inside a woman's womb? And where the hell could they have come from if that was what they needed to reproduce?

Frankie's entrance brushed those questions aside, and Bea actually sat up to greet him. "Of course I am! Ain't no mangy spiders that can keep the Stinger down!" She thumped the top of her chest as a sing of bravado, but after her little show was done she grinned and pushed herself to her feet so she could reach out and give the smaller man a hug. "I thought I wouldn't see you guys again!" Once she was done she plopped back down on the roll to rest a little more. "You two learn anything interesting while you were here? Like what the heck happened, where'd these monsters come from, what the people are doing here..."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max gave a heavy sigh. Well, not much that we didn't already know. Big monster, center of town, etcetera. After the big explosion, some say a nuke, it was quiet for awhile, but then the little monsters started coming again, still from the center. Maybe something's making them, maybe they just appear, no one knows. What we do know is that pretty much all electronics got fried, and only those that are "fixed" will work. Alot of people with electrical skills know what to do, but I'm not one of them. Thankfully, someone here does, and has gotten a generator, some lights, and the big raido working, though there's alot of interferance." He took a deep breath, he was giving off the vibe of subtle frustration. "As for what's going on here, well just holding up for the most part. We have a van, but it doesn't work, needs a part, and we haven't found one intact in all our searching, most cars not fried have been shot up or exploded, through various means... Anywho, some people seem to think that the blueish tint to the sky is some kind of electrical field, and it only covers this area. If we could get out of it, we could call for help, or maybe even find a camp waiting right there for survivors, or something like that." Max sighed again. "Personally, I don't know what to think, I just know I'm tired, and want to get out of here, though I'm glad at least someone has a plan." Frankie looked like he was about to get fired up and go on a rant, but Max shook his head, and the loveable loudmouth settled back down.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"I guess that means we're stuck here..." Bea's knees rose to her chest, and for a couple seconds she just sat there looking a little disappointed. "But it's better than being stuck out there, and all we need to do is find one little part!" For a moment she looked like she would jump up and run off to do whatever the hell was running through her head, but she suddenly stopped. "But first I need some rest. And some food." At that point she laid herself out and tucked her hands behind her head as a makeshift pillow.

While she sat and let her body recover she took a moment to look over herself. The holes in her uniform were showing off a little more skin than she normally would have liked, but after having run around for hours on end with nothing more than a pair of shoes Bea was a little surprised to find herself oddly at ease with the display she made. "You guys have any questions?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Eh, it isn't too bad, we're pretty safe here, and people are working on getting us out of here." Max didn't like Bea getting all sad. Frankie rushed off to get the girl some food when she spoke once more. He seemed... motivated... or something... almost like he was overworking himself. At the very least, he was acting wierd... Max let Bea relax for the moment, shaking his head, he didn't want to make Bea remember anything that had happened. "If you want to say anything, you can say it, I won't pry about what happened if you don't want me to."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

For a moment Bea just sat there after listening to Max's response. That moment dragged into a few seconds of utter silence before she finally spoke. "Thanks for that, but...I really don't mind. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need to tell Kris and Jen anyway." She then turned her face to look him squarely in the eye. "Because those spiders are smarter than they look. They have their own language, and they used it to actually organize themselves once I was surrounded. And the big one is even smarter. It can reason, and we managed to come to a compromise. I'd even say they have true intelligence. I know the girls think I've gone crazy, but I need them to understand what those things can do."

There was a determination in Bea's voice, one that showed she was deathly serious. But then her mind began to focus on where she was once again. She recalled watching Frankie hurry his way all over the place, and she started to get a little curious. "But I have another question. What's up with Frankie? He looks all gung-ho."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max looked concerned when Bea talked about the spiders, and about how she described them to be intelligent. The look on his face made it clear he didn't believe her, like she had imagined it, but he was to nice to start an argument. He nodded a bit, no doubt he'd at the very least bring it up with the others, but didn't want to promise anything.

As the topic changed Max smiled a bit and turned his head to look out the door into the warehouse. "Well, that's how he deals with stress, he just works harder. It was pretty concerned about you. Plus when we first got here, he had a... an argument with Jenny. I think she called him out for being such a loudmouth, and he kinda took it hard. Maybe he's trying to prove he can back up his attitude with actions or something, I don't know, I'm not a psycologist. He sure had been a big help fixing up and fortifying the place though." Max yawned a bit, he must have not relaxed very much until Bea was found. He continued on, in a sleepy voice. "Well, you should probably take a nap. There's plenty of work to do around here, either defending or trying to fix the vehicle. Jenny will tolerate you sitting around for awhile, but I'm sure by the end of the day she'll want you helping us with something."

At that moment Frankie returned, he had a tray with some chicken on it, with some kinda gravy. Fresh and cooked, the survivors here must have some way to prepare their food to a pretty good standard. "Careful, it's hot!" He handed the food to Bea and sat down nearby. He rolled a water bottle over that he must have been keeping behind a bedroll, so Bea could have something to drink with her food.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Bea was a little disappointed that Max wouldn't believe her when she talked about the spiders' intelligence, but it stung a little less the second time. It didn't matter. She knew what she saw, and hopefully the pair of girls she needed to talk to would have more open minds.

But that all went out the window when it was time to talk about Frankie. She was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that he was a rather hard-working man. That also probably meant he took pride in what he did, and anyone who pushed themselves to do a good job under stress was someone you could really count on to pull through for you when it mattered. Frankie was a soul she could trust, even if he had a mouth on him.

To prove that point he returned at that exact moment bringing something she never would have expected to find. A hot, prepared meal. Considering how the town went to utter crap in a matter of hours Bea thought she would be forced to survive on canned foods and junk food until she finally found a way to civilization. But sitting on the plate before her stood a portion of sliced chicken drizzled in some kind of gravy that she didn't even care where it came from. It was actual food! When she took the plate she placed it down and actually stared at it for a few seconds. "It's beautiful..."

The bottle of water rolled in her direction brought her back to reality when it bumped into her, and she started eating by carefully cutting out a small piece of chicken that held a good amount of gravy on top. When she stuck it in her mouth she immediately yelped and brought it back out. Her tongue followed suit, and she snatched that bottle of water and nearly tore it open before taking a big ole swig. Once the burning finally died down she sheepishly glanced at both men before picking up that piece she had and blowing on it to cool it down some. When she stuck it in her mouth once more let it sit on her slightly singed tongue, and once she did she nearly fell on her side in bliss. A rough "MMM!" sound escaped her throat, and when she finally recovered she chewed and swallowed and took another drink. From that point on she nearly stuffed her face, and all the while she simply enjoyed the small meal she was given.

Once she was finally done, which included some shameless plate licking that didn't bother her in the least since she already embarrassed herself once, she carefully picked herself up and turned to Frankie. "Frankie, could you show me who cooked my dinner?" After that she would follow him wherever he led until she found the person she was looking for.