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SIM [Excess M]Mines Canaria (RJ397150)


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Dec 28, 2019
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Mine's Canaria

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DLsite Link:

Ci-en link to the demo:

Mine's Canaria is a cardgame developed by ExcessM. It's a simple card game with a bunch of interesting twists that keep you on your toes.
The premise is simple. The protagonist Shiden, loves the card game. In fact playing it is his part-time job. He plays in the MCA(Mines Canary Association.)
One day he gets invited by a Gold Member to play. Surprisingly gold members of the association aren't the best of the best at the game. They're just financially wealthy people who cheat and if they win, they can make you do anything you want.

Why are there mostly only female players? Hand-waived. It just is that way.

Honestly? Don't think too hard about the setting. It doesn't really matter.

Characters from previous works will appear so it's set in the OneShota universe.

Mouse. Click. That's it.
Game Mechanics: There's a tutorial battle.
Keeping it short though. You have to create 3 sets of 3 matching colors.
If you create 3 matching colors where the numbers are all the same, or the number are consecutive values you get bonus points.

So in order to call canary you need.
Then if you get lucky and draw a color you need or one of the enemy's last card is a color you need you win.
You always have 8 cards in your hand, and each time you draw a card, you must discard one.

The game kind of cheats at drawing so you get that last card too so... just get 3 of the same color.

There's bonus stuff like a bonus point card that gets you bonus cards, special card combinations, and flow... I guess I'll explain flow too.

Flow is using enemy cards to complete your own sets. When they discard a card it becomes something you can pick up. If you have a set you can complete, the game will ask if you want to flow. If you flow you take that 1 card of theirs, and complete one of your color sets, but you also have to discard. Now you only need to complete two other color sets to win. Using flow speeds up the way to victory, but you get less points for using it.

Points? Well it's just your score. If you win every game you'll clearly have more points than them. It's not something you have to be to conscious of. The special card combinations that give you super points and all that aren't necessary to play the game. You can find them in the HELP section if you're curious though.


Ah Almost forgot!
One more thing. The game has an item system. Items give some benefits and demerits that change up the game. You'll 100% need them for Dark Mode battles if you wanna do those.
Shit... forgot to talk about the lewds...

Lewds... Well... hmmm... this game isn't really that lewd imo. The girls will randomly show off their thighs, or flash their nipples to break your concentration. If you're playing dark mode they'll be REALLY GOOD at tempting you. If you're tempted enough, you won't even know what some of the cards are. They'll just be gray ? marks. It's impossible to do Dark Mode battles w/o items.
If you lose, they'll do lewd stuff to you.

The demo has 9 unique sexual scenario with recolors and small size differences at the moment. Only 1 of them is intercourse, and that's not including the in-battle temptation attacks which would make that disparity even greater. It's the usual ExcessM with a HEAVY foreplay focus.

Translation: It's a Unity game. Just use Xunity Auto Translator.
I used the SUGOI translator endpoint on mine, and the translation's not... terribad. I was able to understand the rules and the main story at least. I'll post my translation data for you guys.


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OK. So I made the post about the game. Now for my personal thoughts on the game.

First things first. It's a great game visually. ExcessM is really getting comfortable with the Unity Environment and animating in it.
The animations move at a smoooth 60 fps, and the way the characters are animated show that. How their expression moves, hands wave, and more are very smooth and nice to look at.

There's no weird resizing artifacts. Mawaru Hagokoro had an issue where ExcessM would draw smaller objects at a large size and just let Unity handle the resizing. These resized images came with ugly artifacts and this weird artifacting was common in the game. Not here in Mines Canaria though. All scenes and objects are drawn at the resolution they're meant to be viewed at or higher, and Unity only has to scale down instead.

I also like the Visual Novel portions a lot. Lots of care and effort is going into creating these characters and making them feel alive. I'm really grateful for that.
Praise aside though, I gotta be honest this game isn't very erotic, and it's got a few other elements I dislike about it.

First thing I dislike.
The MC is a shota.
I know, I know... It's excessM, why am I surprised? In fact why do I dislike this. Don't I like shota? (Me personally, I mainly like femdom. It just so happens that most femdom eroge are also shota.)
It's just... he's writing another hyper-competent shota.

The protagonist has a PART-TIME JOB. He has no parents to speak of. He talks and acts like an adult.
The only... and I mean ONLY part of him that feels like a shota personality wise is that small sexual teasing is effective against him. When I was 12, just the sight of boobs would send me into a frenzy, so I get that.

What's weird about this is that he's done a proper shota b4. Shouta from Oneshota is a sincere, and youthful kid with no real strong desires and an innocent outlook at life. Soccer boy just wants to be good at a bunch of different activities, and is energetic and simple.

Starting from Parade Buster tho, the MCs have just been adults. Full on adults, that just functionally look young.

The second thing I dislike.
Why findom? I dislike this fetish. It doesn't appear in a lot of Japanese games, mostly only western femdom games which I'm grateful for cause I don't play those. Western femdom games are too nasty and degrading for me. One of the reasons is this fetish.

How is being financially dominated by a woman, sexually arousing. Sex is arousing. Having your penis being enveloped by boobs is arousing. A woman taking all of your hard-earned money after you raised it... is not... I don't get it. I really dislike how all the endings in this game are findom... even though some of the girls are already wealthy.

Third thing I dislike.
These girls are awful. In Yumesame you have the cursed sword affecting the minds of people, and monster girls existing who want to reproduce by fucking human men. Yumesame has two of the best heroines ExcessM has ever made.
In One-Shota it was weird succubus magic if I remember correctly.
Mine's Canary's heroines? Just bad people. Legitimately that simple. The people the MC potentially has sex with are generally hateful people you as an individual wouldn't want to fuck because of their rotten personalities.

Now this could be solved in the main game. I'm only talking about the demo right now, and there's potential with the childhood friend to have a good romantic arc, that might wash away this sour feeling.

And I've already mentioned my disappointment at the sexual content focus.

OG fans are in for a treat though! The people who wanted way more foreplay from Hagokoro will have a lot to eat in Mines Canaria.
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Hah, you and I are opposites. I personally love the more mean and degrading girls that you'd find in western femdom games. Girls in Japanese femdom games usually have more boring personalities, if you ask me.

Thanks for the translation. I used Xunity myself but mine turned out near incomprehensible.
I have the issue that during a match all the women are almost completely white? Is that intended, or is the issue that I didn't unizipped the file with Jab non-unicode?
Hah, you and I are opposites. I personally love the more mean and degrading girls that you'd find in western femdom games. Girls in Japanese femdom games usually have more boring personalities, if you ask me.

Thanks for the translation. I used Xunity myself but mine turned out near incomprehensible.
Yumesame's Ami is your adopted aunt who was outclassed by your father in every single way and gained an inferiority complex. This inferiority complex is part of her struggle in the main game and her guilt at letting the dream eater in and wreck havoc on her family is a part of her untouched pass. She's confident and generally full of anger, but doesn't want to accept her own mental struggles or empathize with others. The romance is good because the protagonist helps her empathize and see parts of others personalities and motivations she couldn't see in her anger and self-loathing.

Every single character from the Shadows of Blackmore is the same personality girl who wants different lengths of pegging you the protagonist or humiliating you with no further depth to their character.

I'm just... gonna fully disagree here man.
These games aren't even on the same level. One side takes time to build non-sexual histories to define character personalities and make the adult content more emotionally impactful.
The other just wants different flavored doms that want to stick their dicks or dildos up your ass.

I have the issue that during a match all the women are almost completely white? Is that intended, or is the issue that I didn't unizipped the file with Jab non-unicode?
It's not intended.
Maybe it's the fact that you aren't using Jap non-unicode.

No one can help you with such a specific problem unless they face it themselves and fix it.

I had no issue.
I'm running windows 10 with Jap non-unicode and have not had a single issue running any single japanese game in the 4 years of this computer's history.
Yumesame's Ami is your adopted aunt who was outclassed by your father in every single way and gained an inferiority complex. This inferiority complex is part of her struggle in the main game and her guilt at letting the dream eater in and wreck havoc on her family is a part of her untouched pass. She's confident and generally full of anger, but doesn't want to accept her own mental struggles or empathize with others. The romance is good because the protagonist helps her empathize and see parts of others personalities and motivations she couldn't see in her anger and self-loathing.

Every single character from the Shadows of Blackmore is the same personality girl who wants different lengths of pegging you the protagonist or humiliating you with no further depth to their character.

I'm just... gonna fully disagree here man.
These games aren't even on the same level. One side takes time to build non-sexual histories to define character personalities and make the adult content more emotionally impactful.
The other just wants different flavored doms that want to stick their dicks or dildos up your ass.

It's not intended.
Maybe it's the fact that you aren't using Jap non-unicode.

No one can help you with such a specific problem unless they face it themselves and fix it.

I had no issue.
I'm running windows 10 with Jap non-unicode and have not had a single issue running any single japanese game in the 4 years of this computer's history.

Thx for letting me know, i've been using jap unicode as well and i've never had this problem. At least i know its just me for i'll probably be able to fix it too.
you could add the release date from the promo video that shows up at the end in case anyone ask if there a date from when the game comes out, its 2022/7/23 so 2 months to go

and ya some fights are impossible to win without items i was trying the free battles got 2 done with green checkmarks then i tried one in second sets of battles started the battle stunned lost even befor i could do anything then round 2 started with all my cards grey question marks and its a 3 round fight since its only the demo i dont really care about fully beating all of those battles since ill be doing that when the game comes out
Pretty sure I will just skip this one, which is a damn shame because I really love the concept of playing games with high stakes in erotic games, be it actual games like the card game here, or bets or direct fights for the privilege of humiliating someone, so the thought of an entire eroge based around it sounded like a dream come true. As far as the demo has shown me it is not really all that exciting. Sure, there is temptation going on during the card game and technically there are penalties in the form of h-scenes the character is kinda forced into after losing, it is just the way its done and how it leads to an ending that does not excite me.

I don't mind the girls being awful, characters in ExcessM games have always been awful in terms of behavior, whether they are genuinely like that or just act like it with some excuse does not really matter much to me since the result is the same. What I do mind is that the bad endings are the main character just giving all his money to the girls and doing whatever act they want on purpose, so one could say that it really does not have much to do with the card game aside from the first scene that is a direct result, then it is just a horny boy throwing every thought aside from being abused by some girls away for good.
The worst sin is the damn near silent protagonist. The boy is a mute in lose scenes, which is like shooting your whole game in the kneecaps if your main goal is to portray scenes that include rape, coercion, blackmail or a character being overwhelmed by temptation. Unless you specifically draw or animate your scenes to be violent, or show that one of the characters is clearly in pain or trying to get away, crying or any other kind of visible discomfort, or having barely any control in case of temptation, all you have to turn a scene that does not look forceful into the right mood is the characters themselves interacting and reacting. So since the boy himself can't be seen during the scenes and as usual per Excessm most girls do not exactly look too sadistic or mean while they play with him, it is 90% character interactions and 10% narration to turn what looks like a normal scene into a non consensual scene, which means only one character doing the selling by trash talking is far from ideal.

Sure, it was always kinda on that level in ExcessM games, even when the bodies could both be seen it rarely looked like a forced scene, and often the victim either had no text at all or was limited to moaning or one or two lines, so this is not really something that should surprise me. I guess after playing a few recent games that not only had the characters look clearly sadistic but had longer scenes than usual with fitting narration to describe what is happening in proper detail as well as both the victim and the attacker having dialogue and direct, even somewhat believable, interactions with each other right before, during and after the sexual encounter, I guess it bothers me far more than it used to.

Perpaps the wisest choice would be to wait for the release and look for some peoples impression on it instead of outright disqualifying it, since many things can change in two months and parts of the game may have been designed differently, but as of now I don't really have too much hope for this to turn into an enjoyable experience, as the ratio between foreplay and sex seems to be developing back to what it used to be in the older games, and that was definitely a problem I had with them.
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one in second sets of battles
In the HELP the game explicitly says that Dark Room battles are impossible w/o items.

the bad endings are the main character just giving all his money to the girls and doing whatever act they want on purpose,
Yeah, I also mentioned my distaste for findom.
That plus the heavy foreplay focus is also making me a bit wary of this game.

Don't get the rest of your post asking for the girls to be more sadistic and brutal and the man to be more of a screaming bitch tho. The premise is ridiculous at the end of the day.
This is the first time i've ever heard of 'Findom', and during that review i thought it was a typo of femdom at first, and was very very confused since you'd JUST said you liked it in a previous paragraph.

It also took me quite awhile to understand what Findom meant... it shouldn't have, but it did. [Fin]ancial [+dom].

Thanks for unintentionally informing me of a fetish to avoid, because the thought of it also confuses me at how that would be arousing.

Also it sucks that i also don't like shota, but i do like this art style... Which happens a lot, there's a lot of people's artstyles i like, but what they produce with such lovely, hot, beautiful, or whatever other adjectives apply, just flatlines with me.
Don't get the rest of your post asking for the girls to be more sadistic and brutal and the man to be more of a screaming bitch tho. The premise is ridiculous at the end of the day.
This is a rape game at the end of the day just like all the other games by ExcessM, rape is by nature a very sadistic act, especially when aimed at characters that are supposed to be minors, so it makes sense to display that properly unless it is just a scene with heavy brainwashing or seduction focus that makes the character go along, in which case that should actually be made obvious as well, because why even bother with it otherwise. Advanced interactions between characters before, during and after the act do not have to be the victim just screaming and moaning you know, though even that would be better than a protagonist who is just acting like a doll by not doing anything and not reacting to anything at all.

The premise was ridiculous for every single one of the ExcessM games to be fair, this one does not stand out as particularly ridiculous among them, does not even include weird magic or absurd stuff like a kid using a ball as a weapon against adults.
Unless I have missed something the findom content in this game is so light it hardly worth mentioned.
Instead of the game over being lewded so much you end up enjoying being fucked over and over again you are in debt so you let your creditors fuck you over and over again.

Sad to see only one game over / intercourse event, but I guess more will be added in the full version.
Unless I have missed something the findom content in this game is so light it hardly worth mentioned.
Instead of the game over being lewded so much you end up enjoying being fucked over and over again you are in debt so you let your creditors fuck you over and over again.
They kind of heavy emphasize that you're giving them all of your money and that you continually come back to them after raising money just to purposefully lose to them.
Like... I get it if you're neutral to findom and it doesn't turn you off. It doesn't ruin my experience with the game like heavy maledom would (full nelson crying girls.) But to me personally it is a demerit that reduces the sexiness of the scenes.

Sad to see only one game over / intercourse event, but I guess more will be added in the full version.
Full agree. Hagokoro's demo was not like that. The game's structure also makes sure that intercourse can't happen mid-match so the game already leaned heavy into foreplay from its core design philosophy. It'll lean even more into it if he decides to do endings the way he's doing them right now as well.
Also it sucks that i also don't like shota, but i do like this art style... Which happens a lot, there's a lot of people's artstyles i like, but what they produce with such lovely, hot, beautiful, or whatever other adjectives apply, just flatlines with me.
Yeah shota's something I can't really understand.
However I do have a kink for tall women, so in my headcanon it's just a small adult in a world full of amazonian women. 🌚
I imagine there will be more than findom scenes once the full game is out and a conflict is introduced into the plot. There doesn't seem to be a real 'villain' yet, just thuggish, decadent women.
Didn't mean to bump a thread for a correction, but where exactly on the ci-en is the new demo?
Link just shows most recent posts, not which post has the demo.
This should be the post in question:
I like the game over all tho the only way to get H is to purposely doing it *which kind of sucks to be real with you * the most thing I hate about is the reuse of animations kind of like same animations just with another girl reskin I do understand it's faster and easier but I just don't like that most of his games don't have that each type of girl had there own type of H move. All so making H skills on the girls on this game will be broken kind of like the boob hold the girls can do stunning you for the whole turn making you loss which all so can be chained into you lose all the matches *this has happened to me in the demo*
the second fight in the demo is a instant lose im pretty sure its impossible to win once you done with that fight your able to win the other story fights easily some of the quest fight that are in other page like side quest are impossible with out items and since i cant read what the items do, i was only able to beat one of them ill fully try and beat them once the game is out.
Update: It now has a DLsite Announcement page, with an expected release date of July 23rd. Haven't checked to see if the demo is the same.