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Exeptionally Lewd Beasts - Pervy/TheGuy

Skyle stumbled towards the stream, somehow feeling it might give her sanctity or absolution. But no such luck, for the halpless elf, as her tummy just kept swelling ever so slowly. The stream just within eyesight she finally dropped onto all fours as her sex spasmed with an overwhelming lust, something wiggling within her.. no.. out of her, and with a gushing of her own fluids and still some cum from the plant, she felt herself birthing.. something..

Looking behind her, it was similiar to the plant that had assaulted her, just smaller, pale and half see-through.. and looking at them, her children, her plant-children, a strange wave of nausea as well as pride hit her.. so much so that she almost didn't notice the plant returning. It's twisted, bulbous stalk dripping more fertile liquid, almost invitingly and, with Skyla doubled over and struggling with the twisted joys of birth, she could offer little resistance as the breeding stalk, almost softly, sensually rubbed up against her sex once more, warm and dripping wetness, slowly spreading her flower and inserting itself, spreading her open and pushing right back into her stretched birth-canal.

There was first a gurgling, then a gushing and, with a discharge of white, sticky liquid into her, Skyla had just been bred again, the plant pulsating slightly, stimulating her, propably without reason, as she was still trapped in the afterglow of her recent motherhood.
She could watch the little ones scamper under her chest, nuzzling up to her breasts.. although nothing happened there.. or did it? With a startle Skyla realized her belly had not been the only thing that had swollen to a new size...
The sudden obsession with the stream proved to be futile. It had no salvation to offer, no absolution to give, only false hope. And that hope was crushed little by little as Skyla could feel her tummy swell with life as she stumbled forwards. When the stream finally entered sight, the candle of hope was finally snuffed out as pain and pleasure strong enough to knock her down to all fours hit the weak elf girl. Her pussy and womb were spasming as she felt... something, moving inside of her womb. Then it began. She was giving birth on all fours, so close to the stream yet so far. The something in her womb was starting to make its way out of its home, her body.

When she finally finished giving birth she looked down and back, where she could see baby versions of whatever creature had just raped its baby batter into her. They were much smaller, paler, and almost see through, but… they were hers. Her children, her plant-babies. Her head swam with the pride of bearing the plant’s children, of being its broodmother, and a strong nausea at the realization that they had been raped into her womb. These emotions were too strong for Skyla to notice that the plant creature had returned once again, and with her ass still in the air from the birth, she made easy prey. She was startled when she felt the plant’s bulbous tip rubbing up against her flower, yet she could do nothing to resist it. She was physically exhausted and shamefully desired to be bred once again, to be its breeding mare. She felt the familiar sensation of plant flesh slipping inside of her pussy, easily and sensually pushing its way up to the entrance of her horribly empty womb.

There came the gurgling and gushing sounds from the plant, and then the sweet release of its white and slightly yellow seed into her womb! The realization that she had been bred once again had broken something in the elf girl. It’s children were growing inside of her again, and the afterglow of her recent motherhood only served to amplify her want and need to feel that motherhood once again. Her womb was no longer hers, her body belonged to her breeder, and she was being reduced to a baby factory for it…

She watched her little once scamper closer to her face with a silly grin, stopping where her breasts hanged. Were they always this big? No… her stomach wasn't the only part of her body to be molded by motherhood it seems. She felt a strong urge then. Her right arm lifted up and lightly squeezed her breast...
The streams happy gurgling and bubbling seemed to almost taunt Skyla now, but that was the least of the concerns on her mind soon... like the strange pride of monstrous motherhood, clouding her reason right now.

The plants didn't seem like wicked parasites to her.. they were her cute, beautiful children.. and the larger one that had impregnated her, their father. How could she truly hate them or him for what he'd done to her.. made her his wife, in the most primal sense of the word.
The plant of course obliged her desire to be bred, pulsing and pouring and pumping into her, oozing copious amounts of plant-cum seed into her even quicker this time, filling the once-emptyness of her womb up generously.

This time, Skyla doesn't flee.. and as the plant-breeder retreats, she just squeezes her breast.. then squeezes it again, feeling an odd pressure.. third time was the charm as a droplet of warm, honeyed milk drips upon the little one, causing it to wiggle in what to Skyla's motherly mind is pure adorable behaviour. Skyla begins milking herself wantonly, half falling into her little ones and showering them with her nutrients, even as her lower belly begins to swell.. strangely enough, this time, the plant-breeder actually nudges her along towards the river whilest her belly swells.. clearly, it is concerned about it's breeder hydrating herself.. and why wouldn't it be, she's a precious baby-factory to the plants now.

Once more, she gives birth by the riverbank, the little ones squirming and scampering into the safety of the shady undergrowth whilest she drinks and rehydrates herself.. only to milk herself again as she returns to the forest shade, leaning herself against a tree, just a little exhausted..

And then, there is her plant lover.. no wait, actually, there's two of them? Did he bring a friend? Her husband stands back.. whilest the newcomer approaches Skyla and lifts its stalk towards her.. there was no compulsion in Skyla's half overwhelmed mind, no mental control or urge besides filling that emptyness in her womb and the intense joy of motherhood.. as the new plant-breeder rubbed it's stalk up against her sex slowly, slathering it with it's cum... seed.. sap.. Skyla didn't quite worry about that distinction anymore. Her pussy was just too empty for a mother to care!
Somewhere in the back of Skyla's mind she felt almost insulted by how happily the stream bubbled on, completely ignorant of her troubles. These thoughts were soon forgotten as they were overwhelmed by the growing pride of being a mother to these monsters… no to her beautiful children! Her mind was being wrapped under her new reality as a mother to these plant creatures, and yet Skyla couldn't care any less that her mind was being changed…

Her now cute and beautiful children were under her, suckling for her mothers milk, while their father, the formerly monstrous plant creature, stood behind her. Her view of the father had changed as well now, after all there was no way she could ever hate him for giving her such a beautiful gift like her children. She was now bound to him as his wife, bound by the laws of nature. She was his now, all because he had impregnated her… and it wouldn't be the last time, no not at all. As if he could sense her needs, her husband came forth and inserted his talk into her needy cunt once again, and then came the amazing gurgling and gushing of beautiful plant seed being shot into her womb, impregnating her once again, and getting rid of that horrible emptiness in her womb!

Without running like the ignorant old her would have done, Skyla basks in the warmth and pleasure of being impregnated, and her hand wanders to her breast, squeezing it. It didn't help with the fullness of her breasts, and neither did the second squeeze, but finally after the third time, a few drops of honey like mother's milk drops down onto her child! She giggled at the adorable sight of it wiggling in pleasure. “My babies, my little cuties…” She mumbled to herself as she enjoyed the sight of her children’s happiness, the feeling of being milked, and most importantly the knowledge that she was feeding her precious children. She couldn't hold back as she started to wantonly milk herself, spraying her milk over her children, with about half of it going to waste. That was no good, her children deserved all of it. She would fix that later, for now her husband was nudging her in the direction of the river. Ah! Oh course, she needed water to keep producing more babies for him! She was a baby factory for amazing plant creature! The thought alone brought a mini-orgasm to her as she felt herself swelling steadily.

By the time she reached the edge of the river, her belly had swollen to its max once again, filled with her babies ready to be birthed! Knowing what to expect, this birth was even easier and pleasurable! The little ones scampered off into the undergrowth and Skyla bent down and started to drink from the river, refilling all the lost water. Only for her to milk herself once again when she returned to her babies, this time with both hands, she milked her jugs for children! Once done she laid back against a tree, just a little exhausted from the toll on her body.

Her husband approached her… wait there were two of them? Her husband stayed back while the new comer approached. Already knowing what was expected from her, Skyla got on all fours for him, lifting her butt for easy access to her pussy. She moaned loudly as the familiar feeling of plant flesh fucking her and then the seed...sap...what ever, filled her. She didn't know what it was, all she cared about was what it did. Her womb would be filled once again, and that was all that matters!
It perhaps occured to Skyla that the creatures were overloading her with motherly hormones.. nothing else could explain her extreme reaction to the unnatural gestation of the creatures.. but, at this point, she was arguably too far gone to care anymore.
The plants were still the plants.. they certainly didn't look like handsome elven men.. but they were still her husbands.. her lovers. And denying them felt just.. morally wrong and corrupt.

Skyla was now a baby-factory, in the truest sense of the word, barely remembering what it was like to not be pregnant, or wanting to be pregnant badly once more. It was hard to tell what she loved most.. her husbands breeding her.. the swelling.. her little ones leaving her.. the only bad part of her life now was the horrible emptyness within when she wasn't impregnated already.. But thankfully, her considerate plant-lovers kept those times exeptionally short.

She had many plant-lovers over the years, although her first, her original husband was still her favourite, in time, she suspected some of her newer husbands were her children, grown to loving maturity of their mother. One way or the other, Skyla's story ended here, as a round, swollen, happy plant-broodmother, helping the demonic forest to spread ever further.

Ending 2: Plant- Broodmother

Next path:
Be cautious and walk at a brisk, sneaky pace (Bad end naow!)
In some deep and now locked part of Skyla’s mind she understood that the reason she was so ecstatic about her new life as a plant baby factory was perhaps because she was being overloaded with motherly hormones. Even if some part of the old her realized this, it was powerless to stop anything. New Skyla, the broodmother who was owned by an entire race loved every part of her new life. She loved her new handsome husbands, and even when a disgusting thought of trying to escape entered her mind, it just felt...wrong. What was she meant to do even if she ran away? She had a purpose and plenty of love here.

Thus, she embraced that she had become a baby factory, pumping out one new brood of lovable and cute plant babies after another. She was either pregnant or begging to be filled once again. And each day that passed, Skyla only fell in love with her husbands and the feeling of being seeded by them, though it was hard to tell which one was better than the other. She hardly ever felt anything but love, bliss, and a feeling of fullness, and when she didn't, her lovers changed that quite quickly.

Years passed, new husbands joining all the time, though even with the influx of new lovers, Skyla felt a special connection with her first husband, the one to introduce her to this life, the first to seed her womb with life. That life grew over the years, and she suspected some of her newest husbands to perhaps be some of her first children, but that was fine. She was happy to serve, to be bred by any member of the plants. Other than her unending need to be pregnant all the time, over the years she grew a need to see her children and husbands cover the land in their forest. A goal she was helping significantly with!

End Get!


Skyla ran and ran, but as she started to go deeper into the forest, she was pretty sure she had lost the goat men with her Elven speed. She didn't see the howls in the distance as an immediate threat, so she started to slow down, until she was just going at a fast walk, trying to be as sneaky as she could while she recovered her breath.
Walking the path slowly

Skyla carefully makes her way onwards, sneaking past the undergrowth, large pine-trees overhead and what she thinks is the early middsay sun above.. when she hears a howl to her right.. answered by a howl to her left.

And then, finally, she realizes.. moving stealthily and calmly works against humans.. not wolves that hunt by scent..

Is that the outline of a canine to her right? Wait.. what is that to her left?.. she quickens her step as, without a doubt, she feels chased.. and she can't help but feel like the chase, the tingly sensation of being prey at the back of her head, leads her right towards.. something..

Right towards a glade, an opening, nestled in between two river-banks.. where a large, grey-furred wolf stood proudly, growling, ready to pounce on the tired out Skyla. Upon seeing the distressed elf the wolf.. it was clearly demonically corrupted as well, Skyla could not believe these creatures grew so large naturally, let out a triumphant howl, before advancing onto her, the leaves behind her rustling with furred paws...
Finally starting to calm down as she sneaked farther and farther away from the goatmen, Skyla lets out a sigh of relief at the thought that she had gotten away. Yet right as she finished her sigh, a howl rips through the silence of the forest! It was close, too close!

She had let the animals get too close to her! Of course they would be able to find her if she moved stealthy, they could still smell her! Her head whipped in the direction of the howl, and what she thought she saw made her heart sink. Her heart sped up in a panic as she saw what looked like a wolf or something similar moving through the underbrush of the forest. She heard something crack to her left now, and there was another moving shape. She had been surrounded! 'Shit! C-Can I outrun them?' It had worked before, but in her panic she forgot just how fast wolves could be. Even as she took off in a sprint, the wolves kept up with her yet they didn't out right attack her.

Instead the feeling of being continuously chased and corralled like prey was tingling in the back of her mind! It only grew as she realized she was being lead right into a glade that sat between two river banks. When she burst through the underbrush and into the glade, she was met with the sight of a handsome, proud, and strong looking grey demonic Alpha wolf which had seemingly been waiting for her! The loud howl it released caused Skyla to let out a terrified gasp, and she tried to back pedal and get away from the huge beast when she heard another growl from behind her. The wolf's that had chased her were right behind her and prevented her from just running away the way she came!

Feeling distressed and panicked, Skyoa whipped around back to the Alpha just as it started to advance on her! "St-stay away! Go away!" Skyla yelled trying to scare it away with loud noises!

The large alphawolf Skyla had been driven towards was as large as a pony. A well fed pony, a demonically tainted intelligence and malevolence glittering in it's all too red eyes, it's fur dark-grey and impressive.. err.. intimidating, as it seemed to almost smirk at Skyla, it's packmates, just as dark and almost as large, circling around her. If Skyla wasn't as exhausted as she felt fight now, maybe she could put up a fight.. but right now, she felt weak, cornered.. scared.. like prey.

At her panicked and, if she was honest with herself, pathetic gesturing and attempts to shoo the alpha away she did manage to halt it.. only to hear footsteps behind her.. with her superior agility, she barely dodged one of the other wolves from behind, barely making it back out of her reach.. and there were more wolves behind.. and worse than that, the alpha had now closed in more upon her, growling dangerously.. she couldn't win.. perhaps if she could show the wolves she was no enemy.. ment no harm.. oh they wouldn't eat her, right? Right?

The alpha approached her, seeming to almost tower over the frail elf, she could try and fight or dodge more of the pack, but she was already tired, panting, it was almost as if the wolves around were taking in her scent.. and they seemed to like what they saw, helpless in their midst...

It would only be mere moments before the wolves pounced her and.. what then? What could she do? Perhaps she should just show submission, did she remember how wild beasts in wolfpacks did that?
The wolf in front of her was huge, even for a normal wolf. Hell, it was the size of a small horse, and Skyla had no doubt it was much, much more dangerous than a small horse. There was a demonic intelligence and evil glint in its piercing red eyes. Those eyes inspired an instinctive terror in Skyla as it hit home once again that she was merely prey before this handsome beast. She was supposed to run away or die, and she clearly couldn't run away right now, not with the Alpha's pack surrounding and circling around her! Where the Alpha had a grin on its face, Skyla's was a mask of horror and panic! She wanted to run so badly, maybe even out up a fight, but she knew she didn't have enough strength for either choice and that only amplified that terror, till it was enough that she was willing to do what ever to survive this!

And that first attempt was quite pathetic. The beast had barely stopped for even a moment, and in that moment, it was only thanks to her elven reflexes that she managed to dodge an attack from one of the pack members from behind! The Alpha restarted its advance, visibly annoyed at her attempts, growling in anger. Rightfully feeling like she had made the situation only worse, Skyla's brain once again was consumed with thoughts over what to do next and thoughts about if she was going to be eaten. 'M-maybe they will accept submission if I can show it like other beasts do!'

The Alpha towered over her now, and his pack seemed to be encroaching closer and closer! She could feel the danger in the air, and so she made a rash decision. She turned around, dropped to her knees and hands, lowered her upper body to the ground, and raised her ass to the air. It all happened very quickly for how tired she was. "P-please don't hurt m-me..." T-this was how they showed submission right? Her voice trembled in terror, and she had no doubt she radiated overwhelming fear right now.

The dangerous hound seemed to positively grin down upon Skyla, howling upon the moonlit sky in beastial desires.. the hunt, obviously! Skyla's chances of escape or victory and survival through combat were slim, so she decided to surrender by throwing herself to the ground, not a bad idea, however...


"Howdy there Fellas, it's Ma'rien the Ranger-slut. Todays episode of wildlife behaviour explored: The wild wolf.
Did you know that wolves show submission by exposing their necks and bellies? The most vunerable position for them. If you want to submit to handsome wolf in the wild, make sure to lower your eyes and expose yourself like this, if you are lucky, they wont consider you a threat. Make sure that you don't I don't know.. for example go onto all fours and push out your ass at them, especially not if you're a .. hamnn.. hot female, like me. That might signal to them not that you are no threat, but that you are a bitch instead! Happy hunting!"


Skyla's plot.. seemed to work, insofar that none of the wolves were pouncing and tearing her apart. Instead, the alpha-wolf slowly closed in on her, that same devilish-bestial smirk upon it's maw as it.. reached out and bit down upon her neck!

A violent fire rushed through Skyla, a burning, painful sensation as the beasts fangs tore into her, darkness enveloped the unfortunate elf..

And then, she awakened, just fine, lying upon the ground, which smelled of a relaxing, earthen scent. Her shoulder hurt a little.. but it seemed her plot had worked, the weird fainting aside, she found that the wolves had left her, just where she was, aside from slightly torn and muddied clothing, making her reach down and readjust it.. only to be hit by a jolt of electrical pleasure..

Her pussylips were puffy, engorged, happy and horny, a warm, arousing tingling pulsing through them, making the clothing upon her feel almost toughly tight and constraining.. she'd have to put up with it, for now.. why was her sex so drippy and hungry? Must have been the stress, some.. strange natural response, maybe? She could smell her intense arousal..

Well, it seemed she was just fine... she got up, her yellow, wolfish eyes fading back to their normal color as she took in a deep breath of the late evening air.. it was getting dark, she needed to look for shelter.

(Note: The paths merge again here, but you are on the werewolf-gameover path now! We will revisit this soon,f or now, just have Skyla continue through the forest cautiously.)
Skyla had frozen in fear and so as to make her submission more convincing to the beasts, and so she could only stare back in terror at the beast as it seemed to grin down at her now that it was standing right about her! There was a growing hope in Skyla’s breast as so far, she hadn't been pounced on and eaten. Was her submission working? Skyla’s hope was violently crushed as the wolf made a vicious grin and opened his maw wide, biting down on her neck! A terrified ‘eep!’ escaped her as the burning fire rushed through out her body! The pain quickly guided the unfortunate elf into the sweet release of unconsciousness!

When Skyla next awoke she jerked upwards onto her hands gasping, her eyes wild as she looked for where the wolves were! Her panicked search first revealed that the wolves were no longer there, or at least she couldn't see any. It next showed that she was...fine? She deeply breathed the mixture of earthy scents and her own scent, once, twice, and a third time until her heart stopped racing! She tried to stand up but the instant she tried to move her lower body, pleasurable electricity raced through her nerves! Skyla moaned from the unexpected pleasure coming from a set of puffy and needy pussy lips! “W-what? W-why…?” Her hand traveled lower experimentally touching her clothed crotch, which ended up with shivering in pleasure and moaning even louder than with the first touch. The feeling of the fabric from her clothing pressing and rubbing against her needy cunt was addictive almost!

She pulled her hand away, knowing that if she continued she wouldn't be able to stop herself for a while! “Why is this happening? M-maybe it's just the stress getting to me… Then I might as well rub one out… No no no, I can't stay here for that long!” She struggled to her feet, moaning and shaking as her movements only lead to her pants grinding against her horny cunt! At the same time her arousal flooded the air, shaking her resolve! “W-well maybe I could just rub one out as I go…” Not even noticing the change in her own eyes, Skyla starts walking once again, well maybe more like hobbling as she purposely rubs her crotch, bringing herself to a few orgasms as she walks onwards! After sating her needs for now at least, Skyla grows more cautious as she travels!
Run for it, but without risking too much (continuing!)

Skyla made her way through the trees at a speedy pace, not slowing down too much, but neither risking running blindly into danger. The winding way through the forest roots and wildernis finally rewarded her, as she realized she must have shaken all potential pursuers. The moon stood high in the sky, providing her with enough light to, finally a breather, reorient herself.. she had not been that far from the sanctuary, perhaps she could somehow make it on her own?

Finally, she decided to climb up on a tree, to get an overview of the area.. it seemed the path ahead continued through the wildernis, but at least there was less forest, she was getting tired of forests, by now. Looking ahead, there was a larger lake in the distance, and beyond that, she thought, perhaps imagined, the light glow of the sanctuary.. but it was still a far too long way off, and she couldn't travel all night, her body was aching and tired.. and there was a solution for that too.. an old, but stable looking woodsman hut, standing off against a hill and the seasons. If she could make her way to the.. hopefully? Unoccupied house, she could rest safely, through the night... that had to be a worthy goal. She carefully dropped back down the tree, a new goal in mind...

((Wolf bonus! - Make sure to note down the wolf-bits seperatedly for this path until the gameover!))

but she found herself distracted by the beautiful white light of the moon. She stared at it, her pussy still needy and moist, and there was an intense urge to .. let loose.. let loose her inhibitions, howl at the moon, then run towards that woodman hut. The full moon was so bright and pretty, she didn't even notice how long her pointed teeth had gotten. What she does notice however, is that her lust, this wanton heat returns, after leavin her at peace with its pleasurable throbbing earlier. No it doesn't just return, it returns with a vengeance, the heat between her legs had been endurable earlier, now it demanded attention.. if she wanted to keep moving on.. and she did, yellow wolf-eyes aimed firmly at her goal the moo.... the hut, she'd have to walk, whilest also stroking her needy cunny into calming down again...


Skyla made her way through the dark wildernis, uninterrupted by beasts or other nightly assailants, to her luck. However, as she closed in on the wooden hut, she noticed that it was most certainly not unihabited.. a warm light shining out of its windows, making Skyla hesitate.. light.. fire.. a sign of civilization, far out but.. could she risk it? Well she didn't have many alternatives, did she?
Skyla traveled deeper into the forest, making sure to keep a steady yet fast pace, though she did her best to make sure she didn't run head first into danger! Her intimate knowledge of forests helped her traverse the rough terrain while keeping her high speed. Skyla just kept on running, wanting nothing more than to finally lose those monsters that had to be on her trail! It took until the moon had risen into the night sky for Skyla to feel confident that anyone trying to follow her would have lost her trail by now! Skyla quickly slowed and then came to a stop, staring up towards the moon, breathing rapidly as the days work out caught up to her. She had to be close to the sanctuary… had to be, for the alternative was too scary to imagine.

After her little break, Skyla deftly climbed a nearby tall tree, using it to get a better view of where she was. The ragged path ahead didn't seem to lead anywhere except further into the wilderness. At least it seemed to leave the forest. As much as she loved being in forests, Skyla was starting to really hate being in this particular one! The lake in the distance looked much more appealing, yet what she thought she could see beyond the lake called out to her. If that was the sanctuary then she was close! Just not close enough, it would take another day or days of travel to reach, and she needed rest to be able to travel that far. Thankfully an old abandoned cottage was nearby. It would serve nicely as sanctuary against what was hunting in the night! Skyla moved to make her way down the tree…


But before she did, she took another look at the bright white moon. It was so beautiful hanging all lone among the starry night, and her body was reacting to the sheer beauty of it! Her pussy was burning up while drooling nectar down into her panties and down her thighs! She needed to find some release, she… she needed to let loose, let out that pressure that was building, scream it out, howl! But… but she couldn't, not now! It would attract too much attention, though she did have another way to let loose, one that she couldn't, wouldn't ignore! Skyla made her way down the tree with haste, and just waiting till she hit the forest floor once again was making her pussy hurt from the lack of attention! She quickly loosened her pants and stuck a hand in her panties, frantically switching between furiously rubbing her cunt and fingering her overflowing honeypot! Skyla began what would be a longer than necessary journey to the nearby hut, moaning every few steps! If anyone were to see her now they would see the sharp and pointy teeth that lined her mouth and her orange, slightly glowing eyes!


Skyla was thankful she didn't attract any attention from the forest’s many inhabitants while on her journey to the cottage, finally she had some good luck for once. Though that thought came into question as she noticed the soft glow coming from the building’s windows. Was this a good sign or a bad one? She didn't know, but there was no other place Skyla could survive the night! Well maybe she should just try and find someplace else to stay the night, but… No she didn't have the strength in her to get much farther without rest. Skyla approached the windows, trying to peak in before she knocked on the door!

What choice does Skyla have but to approach the cottage out in the wildernis.. even if the same was not as abandoned as she'd initially thought. Peering in she saw a .. woman.

It was definitly a woman. Lots of a woman, actually, with a large, ample bossom, barely contained by a farm-girl styled dress. At this late hour she was still working, humming, and churning butter in a wooden can, at a relaxed pace. That was.. a problem for Skyla. No, not the butter, or the suprisingly careless farmer-lady, but the scent.. of milk, butter, fat.. food.
Her tummy grumbled at her, reminding her when she had last eaten. .. far too long ago, in its opinion. And the woman did seem harmless enough.. maybe she had gotten a hit of succubus-magic, just guessing by the impressive size of her enormous bossom, but besides that, she seemed.. well, nice, all things considered. Kind of pretty even, in a motherly way, with her slightly pudgy form and her dark brown hair swishing along with.. whatever that thing she used to churn butter with was called again, Skyla didn't know that much.
She also, at this moment in time, didn't realize that there weren't any cows to be seen around the cottage.

She was tired, and hungry.. and perhaps, if she asked nice enough, the woman inside could help both of her problems.

But she was also horny... so horny. Then again, perhaps the woman inside could satisfy that hunger too.. Her sharp nose could smell it, mixed into and hiding under the scent of milk and warmth.. a masculine note.. this woman wasn't all she pretended to be. She would.. suffice.. Skyla grinned, as a hint of furr began spreading on the back of her arms and legs, her hands turning into wolfish claws.. yes.. she'd knock on the door all harmless and then.. then she would finally have someone to fill her horny wolf-pussy.. her.. wolf pussy? Yes, of course, her pussy was a wolfpussy. There was nothing wrong about that. She was a horny wolf-bitch.. and.. oooh .. perhaps the pretty lady inside that cottage could be one too...

(Respond as you please, I will switch into werewolf-gameover path in the next post though!)
With no other shelter for the night within view and light rapidly fading, Skyla had no choice other than heading towards the now, not so abandoned cottage. Either serve herself up for the night time evils of this land to take her, or take the chance that the occupant of this cottage would take mercy on her! Gathering up her courage, Skyla took a peek into the window, hoping the person inside wasn't some monster. Skyla inadvertently released a sigh, her body un-tenseing as she saw a women inside. Just a normal looking women... Well not completely normal. She had an impressive bust, and... well, she was honestly attractive, but Skyla's mind was already on a more pressing thought! She felt her stomach rumbling as she looked at what the women was making, smelling the food inside!

With everything that had happened, and since they hadn't really been able to eat while traveling in the caravan, it felt like its been days since she last ate! Skyla glanced at the women again, her hunger yelling at her to trust that the women was harmless and just get in there already, and Skyla couldn't really see anything wrong with the place. If anything, the women probably had succubus magics, but that's nothing compared to what she had already gone through. Perhaps that was also the reason for there to be no cows? Maybe some corruption got to the women and just made her lactate a lot? Skyla couldn't blame the women if that was it, making the best of her situation was normal! Hopefully the motherly looking women could help out if Skyla asked nicely enough? With that thought, Skyla started towards the cottage's door!

But before she even moved, she felt the heat and primal need coming from her pussy increase. She was oh so horny! When Skyla looked back into the window, it was with a much lewder gaze than before. Maybe she would be willing to help with this problem as well? Even if she would need some 'convincing', Skyla would find some release, and there was a good chance the women would be all too willing! The masculine smell coming from her was strong! She couldn't wait for someone to finally fill her wolf-pussy! Wolf-pussy? Yes, she was such a wolf-slut! The thought alone was enough that Skyla only absentmindedly acknowledged the changes to her body. It was normal for a wolf bitch to have fur and claws after all. Time to act all innocent when she opened the door and then get fucked like the bitch she was!

Skyla reached the door, knocking on it. "H-hello?" She called out as she knocked. She prepared herself for when the door opened. Not wanting to startle the women, Skyla forced a smile across her face to appear more friendly.

Skyla cautiously approaches the large cottage-door, only to almost run into the big-bossomed beauty, who opened her door with little worries for the danger of the night, her eyes widening as she saw Skyla.
"W.. what? Oh you poor thing... come on in, what are you even doing out there so late!"
She gasped, inviting Skyla in with a gentle smile


However.. this one danger of the night the woman perhaps should left outside. Skylas body was overwhelmed by a lust, a rush, a desire. Wolf.. another wolf to fuck.. A swift swipe of her... claw tore through the womans bodice, much to her shock, as Skyla found her throat wanting to growl in arousal.. she'd come here hungry, yes.. but not quite the way she'd thought. The pack would provide meat for her.. but what she needed to provide for the back.. was this.

This delicious, large-bossomed cow would make for a wonderful addition to the pack.. once properly convinced, of course. Skyla could already feel her body throbbing with lustful instincts..
Try to hide it as she might, Skyla could smell it.. she could smell the scent of a corrupted, delicious bovine cock between those legs.. of course, the weak cattle-corruption was inferior to her superior feral, bestial might.. she pounced the cow-woman, tearing at her clothes, licking at her throat, barely allowing her to scream in suprise before her half-rigid cow-cock sprang free.. this was Skyla's chance to soothe and subdue her.. before turning her into another member of her pack. Yes, she could already see it in her mind, that rigid cow-cock turning into a hot, red canine rocket, another pair of breasts growing in on the soon to be wolfish chest.. her bitch body pulsated with overwhelming, warm arousal at the ideas..
Skyla's eagerness to get inside sends her almost running straight into the motherly looking women as the door swings wide open in front of her. With the women so close to her, and her scent so clear, a raising lust and need takes over. Skyla's arousal was so strong that her lower lips were already starting to drool. She needed to fuck, she needed to claim this cow for the pack!

As if she knew how to do so for the entirety of her life, Skyla extends a set of claws from the tips of her fingers and with one swift strike, a long section of the women's clothing is turned to ribbons! A low rumbling growl erupted from deep in Skyla's throat as that hunger in her erupted! It was a hunger for the women, for her beautiful body and cock she had hidden under those trouble some clothing! Skyla took another swipe at the women's clothing with that thought, turning another large section to ribbons.

A lusty smirk adorned wolf Skyla's face as she stared at what bare flesh she could now see. "You will be an amazing first contribution to the pack. The pack will be so proud of me after I claim you..." Skyla took a step closer to the cow-women and then pounced onto her, taking both of them to the ground! She teared at useless clothing, kissing and licking the throat of her prey. Hearing her surprised scream sent a rush of adrenaline through Skyla, and at the same time the bovine cock sprung free from the women's pants thanks to Skyla's efforts. Skyla gasped at the sheer size of it, before grabbing the shaft with one hand and saying "Oh dear, its so big~, this is going to feel so good for the both of us."

Skyla's hand gripping the bovine-cock started to slide up and down the thick shaft, jerking it off while her other hand pushed against the women's upper body, keeping her pressed down while Skyla quickly saddled her waist. Switching her grip on the cock, she guided the tip towards her wolf cunny, running it up and down the shaft, covering the head with her juices. Unwilling to wait any longer, Skyla started to lower herself down atop the cock, sliding her tight cunt around the thick dick! "Mmmmhhhn~ Im going to fuck you till you cant resist at all~~"
The big breasted beauty looked at her wolf-infected invader with shocked suprise.
"Wha.. pack? What are you talking about?"
She gasped, clearly suprised by the feral advance upon her, uncaring of more complicated thoughts beyond grabbing that delicious bitch to be for her pack.

Stifling a yelp with the ferocious assault, the womans voice quickly turned to involuntary arousal as the wolf-girl stroked her shaft to full, large and long and twitching arousal, the bovine shaft growing by several lustufl inches, only to further entice Skyla of course, with the scent of a delicious -if not wolfish enough- mate before her!
-Although Skyla also couldn't help but be distracted by the jiggling mass of breat-flesh presented before her temptingly.

With the woman so startled, her true apperance.. more bovine, complete with horns and swishing cow-tail was revealed, a proper hell-heifer.. but she'd be a wolf-girl, soon enough.

Soon enough, certainly, as she moaned out, precum oozing from her thick shaft to greet the warm wetness oozing out of Skyla's wolfpussy, a flared head seeming not all that opposed to what Skyla could promis it, before, more on instinct than anything, the cow-woman thrust up with a needy grunt, trying her best to impale the lewd wolf, even whilest molested and straddled by her, the thick, meaty meat spear throbbing with her heartbeat below Skyla, a demonic, bestial lust filling her eyes.
"THE pack! Don't worry, you'll be a member soon enough!" In Skyla's corrupted mind, her pack was the only pack, the one and only, and it was an honor to be a bitch for the pack! Wolf-Bitch Skyla kissed and licked the beautiful women's neck a little more even as her hand continued to move up and down and giant bovine cock. It was already so thick that she couldn't wrap her whole hand around it, and it was only growing larger as Skyla gave the futa cock some loving attention. It smelled soooo good! She just wanted to get down and worship it, but she already had a better idea of what to do with it! Skyla suddenly lightly bites the spot she had been kissing and licking. Perhaps its because of the attention Skyla had previously paid to her neck or some other reason, but the bite actually feels good~! It was time for the disease blessing to start to work its lengthy way through her prey! Hopefully fucking the cow-women would speed it up!

The futa cow's true appearance was revealed as Skyla mounted her lap. Skyla let lose an excited giggle at the sight. Her real appearance only made those pillowy mounds even more attractive! She couldnt wait till the cow-slut joined her as a wolf slut! As she moved the cock up and down her cunny, her free hand went to one of the massive tits. She grabbed a huge handful of tit. Soft and sensitive flesh spilled out between her fingers as she started to massage and grope the tit!

Skyla had just barely fit the flared head of the large cock into her wet folds when a sudden and strong buck of the futa's hips speared Skyla with her cock! She gasped in pleasure and shock, going limp as she was overloaded at the sudden intrusion of a long and thick cow cock suddenly being buried into her core! "O-ooohhhh~ f-fuuuuck..." She moaned, instinctively grinding her hips like the slut she was. The previous bravado suddenly gone as she slightly humped the futa, only being able to lift herself a little bit with her shaking legs before falling back down onto the cock. Anymore than that or if she sped up, she would lose herself and start cumming around the blissful cock and it wouldnt be the wolf fucking the cow anymore!