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Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - IC thread

Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

"I was trying to get him to help our cause...but they are just too stingy." Miri sighed "I guess it can't be helped."

"Yeah, an old lady gave it to me...it smells very nice. Maybe I will ask her one for you too...then we will look the same"
she giggled. Yes, it really smelled nice...it gave her a strange desire to offer her body to raise some funds...something perfectly reasonable, after all...

"I am not really a priestess, but I can say a few parting words." she offered.

"It is unfortunate for one to die before his time...however I believe it is how we live that matters."

"Heroes are defined by their actions, and he fought against evil alone, for so long."
she nodded

"Now, he left this world, and he is going to a better place. He is going to the place heroes go...so, I think you will get to meet him again, one day." she looked at Ireena seriously.

"I believe...that if he was here, he would say that he is proud of you. He will surely be missed, and it is ok to be sad about it. But remember, that death is not the end..."

Of course, Miri's speech was directed towards Ireena rather than her father...but it couldn't be helped, since she had never known the man. Besides, it was Ireena who needed comforting...
Quiet Fucks – Mid-afternoon, Elven Camp
Three elves approach from the fire circle, a woman and two men. They are dressed similarly, in dirty leather armour, carrying bows and short blades, though one of the men instead has a broad tipped spear strapped across his back. “Greetings,” woman speaks gruffly, strolling forwards confidently, eyeing first Ela then Lumi. “Sister, welcome to our tribe. And you bring an outsider. She is a Vistani, a servant of Strahd?” The elf who met the pair at the edge of the woods initially stood aside before the trio, but now he nod, “Yes, but she claims to oppose him, and has come to us,”

One of the wolves dozing in the the sun stirs, sniffing the air and taking a few tentative steps towards the newcomers. “Stay back runt, this has nothing to do with you,” an elf barks at them and they settle back down with a submissive yap. “Come sora, we will take you to see Velicia. She lives in the rock,” the elf with the spear offers his hand for Ela, gesturing for her to follow as he heads into the cave.

All the conversations so far have been in Elven, so Lumi gets only vague hints as to the words meaning, but finally the elven woman turns to her, speaking in that crudely accented Common, “You want to try and fight against the king, in his castle?” she draws a short blade and tosses to the human, “Show us how you fight,” As she steps back, three other elves advance upon Lumi, and with a growl the two wolves stretch, their flesh shacking, warping. The fur recedes, as if being pulled back into the skin, limbs elongate, hair grows on their head. Two elves stand, a man and a woman, naked, speaking in elven to their companions, “She's tricky. She never carried a weapon, just darts. Our háno believes she is a mage,”

“The pack will test you,” the woman declares, the five elves forming a circle around the Vistani.

Fairy Maiden – Mid-afternoon, Village of Barovia
“Yeah, they convinced what you have isn't worth two coppers to rub together, but as soon as they get their hands on it, its worth a prince's random,” Ireena spits distastefully, “I'm sure they got the better of me on a few of those deals, but overall I traded well. Thanks for the advice, it helped. Get a veil like that for me? I'm not sure, it does look very Vistani. It looks good on you, especially with the silk you already wear, but my clothes are a little rougher. Though I do have a red silk dress, maybe it would look nice with this,”

Ireena hugs her knees, listening to Miri's speech, enamoured. “That was beautiful,” she clambers to her feet, giving the aasimar a tight hug. “I think you're right. I will honour my father's memory, but I....I know he'd want me to enjoy life, to go on. Though, that does require shacking the shadow that haunts me. Let's go and get that Sunsword,”

Back in the village Ireena heads for the square. In The Blood of the Vine she tells the people of the supplies she has succeed, and checks how the clearing of the dead is coming along. Most bodies have been burned, the ashes of the pyres being swept up. Three building seem so corrupted that they will need to be burned, but the rest have been reclaimed. There is some debate on the logistics of a controlled fire, with plenty of varying opinions on how to best handle it.

Leaving the tavern, Miri and Ireena head for the Bildrath's Mercentile, inquiring about a sword. The owner is unsure what he has in stock weapon-wise, all he recalls offhand, aside from an assortment of hunting and wood carving knives, is a pair of west coast longswords, functional in design but nothing pretty to look at, and an elven scimitar, the hilt made to resemble a fish, the glade protruding from its gaping maw. On Ireena's insistence he has his nephew check the back room. The sandy haired youth returns after 10 minutes looking very surprised, carrying a beautifully crafted longsword. The weapon is ancient, and has the harmless nicks of a blade that has served many an owner faithfully. The guard is a steel edition of the rising sun, a screaming skull cracking at the centre as the light purifies it. The hilt is wrapped with smooth dark hide, and the hilt another miniature sun. “Well, this is quite the weapon,” Bildrath declares, every bit as shocked as his nephew. “Just look at the craftsmanship! I think 250 silver is a fair price,” he mind is racing, and as soon as he says the number he grimaces slightly, as if worried the price was too low. “But you didn't even know you had it!” Ireena protest. “But I do. Just because I forgot about it doesn't mean it isn't my property, and I have already given my wares freely to aid the village. 250 silver for this fine weapon, it would sell for double that in the Vistani camp,” he says firmly.
LuministaPortrait.jpg Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 7/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:

Catching the sword with ease Lumin tests its weight before flipping it in her hand and offering it to the nearest elf. "I thank you for offering to arm me, though my fists would suffice, and I really don't want to hurt any of you if you might join me against Strad." She decided not to comment on the well toned bodies that used to be wolves, it seemed a bad time to get involved in that way when they were so willing to 'welcome' her one of the fun ways. After handing off the sword she would smile and drop into a low defensive stance, her fists raised to deflect any blows that might fly her way before she had a chance to react further. Then in a classic move she locks eyes with the leader and opens her hand and motions 'Bring it'.

Assuming entering combat:
take dodge action if possible as prep
Initiative: 5 (natty 1, first of many!)
Handsome Knights – Mid-afternoon, Ivlis Marsh
Andur takes a small scoop of the offered paste, raising the finger to his mouth. A sour, grainy taste infiltates his tongue and he swollows. The cautious he displayed was well advised, but insufficient as mere seconds later he feels his throat constricting and his struggles to draw breath. At the same time he feels a pain in his chest, gradually descending towards his belly. Nothing debilitating, but it will prove distracting if he tried to focus on, anything for complex than breathing and walking. The hag notes his discomfort, “Don't like swamp berry? Sometimes it can do that. Never know what you will get...” she dips her own finger into the mix to sample, scowling at taste by showing no ill effect, “Not this is good, it must be you,” she shrugs.

“Andur, are you alright?” Ashlyn moves up carefully, her armoured feet leaving deep treads in the mud. She lays a hand on his shoulder, "By the clensing rays of a new dawn," and Andur feels the comforting presence of her soul, banishing the pain from his belly, chest and throat. Ashlyn keep hers other hand on her sword, distrustful, but the hag continues, ignoring the paladin, “I am Den Word. Call me The Lady. I sit in this swamp. I find berries and leaves, and I mix them. Next time I will mix them with your sticky, white stuff. Yes, yes, I would like some more. Have you seen my eels?”

“Yes, they are very impressive,” Ashlyn turns her head to view the three slithering creatures who followed her when she moved up and now twist over each other, not 10 behind them. “Did you raise them yourself?” The Lady nods, “Like my own children. My children in the swamp,”

Quiet Fucks - Mid-afternoon, Svalich Woods Elf Camp
“My thanks,” The elf accepts the shortsword Lumin offers, drawing a second in his offhand, a curved slashing blade. The five of them now close their circle around her, another choosing to fight einhander, their offhand bent as if clawed. The remaining three, including the two naked elves and another woman with her short, amber hair tied back, draw no weapons and merely watch. This delay allows Lumin to properly assume her defensive stance. Had they rushed they could have caught her offguard, but that's not their intention. The attack is led by the two armed males, and experimental jab at her defences. The duel wielder thrusts his new shortsword, the assault falling 4 inches short of her chest. A follow up slash sails over her head, Lumin barely needing to adjust her stance to avoid it. The other elf gets closer, using the superior reach of a fencing profile to lung for her side. The Vistani manages to throw herself to the side, but even with the effort the blade comes close to piercing her flank. The two elves change back into wolves, growling at each other as they co-ordinate their attack.

OOC: Andur takes 18 points of poison damage. He was poisoned too, but Ashlyn fixed that.
Andur Estevan,. Tag: Ashlyn, Swamp-witch'n eeels HP 53/71

Andur was not in the business of drinking -very- suspicious seeming liquids from strangers. But then again, he wished not risk to antagonize the odd witch.
Or her giant eels.
"Grrnnnnnnffff." He articulated, gripping his neck and throat in gloved hand. Well, at least it didn't seem as if the witch had -intended- to poison him.

Then, Ashlyn again proved a reliable companion, cleansing him with more healing magic. "Cha... better now.. Thanks.
Pfeww.. Welp, guess I can't handle my berries, sorry miss.. Lady Den."
He chuckled, adding: "I can leave you some more mayonnaise, no problem." he nodded, before glancing up at the eels.
"Yes, very impressive, didn't know they could grow that big." he agreed, whilest violently rejecting the part of him that wanted to ask just what you'd have to feed them..

"Although, actually, we've come here on another matter." He nodded to the nude witch.
"Lord Strahd of this land faces serious accusations.. of being a vampire, parasitising the powers of his land for his own ends, rather than aiding it as a true lord should. Him not visiting you is likely further proof of this.." It really wasn't, but Andur knew a little about charming ladies..

"If that's true, I'd see it stopped. One of the circles of power is under your supervision..." He hesitated again, his tummy still rebelling.. before his hand snuck forward, catching the bog-witches, before boing down and, if she let him, pressing a kiss onto the back of her hand. I sure hope nothing tries to bite me back on this one... ".. so if you'd kindly give permission for such?" This was not the first time Andur found himself acting this way.. it was more easy to treat strange and monstrous women as noble ladies than actual nobles, to him. It almost felt as if generous and noble looking folks had something more to hide.. just like him, really.
LuministaPortrait.jpgLuminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 6/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:
I spent some time looking for Gypsy (Vistani are gypsys) music and decided this was the best of what I saw, the video was alright the music was the tempo I was looking for. Feel free to offer suggestions for the next combat.

In her head the music starts with the motion informing her opponents to begin. Her heel begins to tap the beat as the opponents make their swipes at her merely clothed flesh. The movements flow like a dance, to the music within her head perhaps, but managing to be graceful while completely effective. She then takes over, noting the new forms and makes to swat the dual-wielder on the nose followed by a pair of swift kicks expertly placed. She knew that those kicks would hurt, but cause no lasting damage at least. She then smiled over at the other wolf knowing he would be the next danger.

[Combat Details
>>attack 1: 19 to hit, 9 non-lethal damage, stunning strike (DC 14 Con or stunned until end of my next turn (won't spend ki point if that doesn't hit)
>>attack 2: 13 to hit (18 if stunned), 8 non-lethal damage
>>attack 3: 19 to hit, 7 non-lethal damage
>>If a wolf misses me I will use 'Tipsy Sway' to make it hit the other. 1 ki point spend (on next turn will update)
End Details]
Last edited:
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

"First of all, even a greatsword would only cost 50 silver. Also, I bet the Vistani wouldn't even buy it for half of that."

"We have to use the sword to fight for the good of the village, according to what Madam Eve told us. And let me remind you that we didn't get paid for helping your village...so where would we get that kind of coin to begin with."
she reasoned. Of course she didn't even bother to mention how 'freely' he had given resources for the village...she was sure that he already knew what kind of nonsense that was, even as he spoke of it.

"However, I am sure we could reach an other kind of deal...you aren't married....are you?" she asked suggestively...
Quiet Fucks – Mif-afternoon, Elven Camp
Having easily avoided the duel wielding elf's attack, Lumi steps away from the more accurate einhander's thrust, slamming the back of her fist into his face. He steps back, shacking, a trickle of blood running from a nostril. He looked stunned, almost, but then manages to react just in time to avoid the first kick. The Vistani's speed however catches him off guard and the follow-up catches him squarely in the shoulder. He rolls with it, wincing at the bruise it will no doubt leave, assessing the fight from a short distance, “Witch!” he declares as he adjusts his stance into a more defensive one. The einhander elf stays close, blade held ready, but does not make another attack yet, waiting for the two wolves to make their move.

Two blurs of greys tinged with white bellies and black around the muzzle descend upon the human, and before she can even respond properly jaws sinking into her leg and side. A quick jump prevents them from locking their teeth in and tearing the wound open, but she is still bleeding lightly. The woman, the only elf to have not moved yet or draw a weapon, raises a hand and mutters something in elvish, “Ulakae, misturokor viralla,” she declares, fur sprouting across her limbs as they stretch, her jaw jutting forwards, sprouting fangs.

Fairy Maidens – Mid-afternoon, Village of Barivia
“Why, for a normal greatsword, you would be correct my dear,”
Bildrath cuts Miri off, “But for a greatsword that forged in the high temple of Changing God, beautifully etched and wrought with decorations, just look at this longsword, it is a wonder, not your average piece of soldier's gear. Just look at the wrapping of the handle, that's no leather, what is it, panther-cat skin?” the merchant continues with his spiel, nodding with reluctant acknowledgement when Miri mentions their help in saving the village. It is her offer that catches him completely off guard, halting the words on his smooth tongue. “Um, why yes you are right, I never did find the right woman,” his eyes wonder up and down the angelic maiden before him. “Miri are you serious?” Ireena gasps. She doesn't sound bothered, just surprised.

Handsome Knights – Mid-afternoon, Ivlis Marsh
“The circle? You can see it, but no touching. I must guard it,” she stoops down, limbs bent at awkward angles as she crawls back towards the circle. Andur and Ashlyn follow, and the eels retreat into the swampy water, avoiding the firmer ground of the ruins. “I've watched it, for many years, kept it safe. Strahd, a vampire? Yes yes, he drinks the essence of the land, sups on them every night. Every morning too,” the Lady stops at the edge. The runic marks are engraved into the soil, somehow retaining its consistency in the damp earth. Ashlyn makes a move to step into it, but the she freezes when the Lady hisses at her. Slowly she returns her foot to the outside of the circle, and the hag moves on as if nothing happened, fetching another large, brown leaf. She stands and stretches, her entire left breast pulsing several times, enough to make the nipple wobble. “For the may-onnaise,” she hands the leaf to Andur.

OOC: Lumi takes 8 damage from the two bites (4 and 4). Make two constitution saves.
Andur Estevan,. Tag: Ashlyn, Swamp-witch'n eeels HP 53/71

"Hmnn.. I see I see.." Andur nods, waving a hand at Ashlyn, whilest taking the leaf.. hesitantly. Considering the witches soup, that thing is propably more poison... he watches the womans breast with.. cautious adventurer interest only, of course, before focusing on the witch, nodding.

"Well, if you guard it, no helping that, let's forget about it. Anyway, my dear, you seem quite enthusiastic and bored, would you like to play a game with us?" He offered, subtly stashing the leaf in his back-poket.

"If you win.. I'll offer you more mayonnaise. But if I win, You'll have to be our guide for the swamp, wherever we want to go! The game is easy.. you and your eels hide yourselves, whilest we must find you.. If we can't do that for a half hour, You win.. If we find you earlier,.. hah!" He pointed, and winked at the hag, after subtly examining the circle ahead. He didn't -like- tricking the good will of the witch this way.. but he concluded it was better than fighting her or her leeches.

(Knowledge Arcana: 20
Deception: 15)
Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 5/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:
I spent some time looking for Gypsy (Vistani are gypsys) music and decided this was the best of what I saw, the video was alright the music was the tempo I was looking for. Feel free to offer suggestions for the next combat.

The tune was too slow as the wolves get past her defense. Following the flow of the music Lumin first strikes for under the jaw of the first wolf to bite her. This strike is followed by one to the neck. Both again chosen to be painful over dangerous. The tune shifts slightly and she moves to the balls of her feet ready for the hybrid. She figured it would be best to be prepared for the continued sportsmanly combat.

[Combat Details
>>attack 1: 9 to hit, 8 non-lethal damage
>>attack 2: 16 to hit, 6 non-lethal damage
>>Dodge ki spend
End Details]
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

Miri looked at Ireena curiously...she couldn't figure out what was so weird about this?

"Well, they have something we need, and we have something we need...why do you sound so surprised?" she asked curiously.

"I mean, with his current behaviour he will never find a girlfriend, so we will be doing a good deed at the same time." she chuckled, lowering her voice. She would still be heard probably, but that's what she wanted...to provoke them into agreeing with the deal, to 'show her'. She had seen the priestesses of Sune perform that trick in the past...

[23 Persuasion]