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Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - IC thread

Handsome Knights - Mid-afternoon, Tagging: Andur
“That is a good plan, the best we have now certainly. Once we have weakened the castle defences and explored a bit, we can aim to catch the vampire off guard. It will likely be our only hope. Too careless, we die, but too slow, and it will likely be the same,” Ashlyn agrees, but further tactical discussion is cut short when the swamp monster emerges.

Andur retreats, not wishing to fight such a creature, and Ashlyn follows, a little slower and more clumsy in her heavy armour. The beast lumbers after the pair, its movements slow, but it can swim through the deeper pools. As long as the pair can cut a relatively straight path through the waterlogged ground, they can outpace it, but it catches up to them whenever they must skirt the larger bodies of water. The Lightbringer knight falls behind the faster Andur, but an open stretch of marshland, perhaps once a path, allows her to pull ahead. Suddenly the monsters chase becomes clumsy. It still moves just as fast, but when the pair turns, it no longer follows, “It must be blind. It was following us, by hearing? Or some other sense...” Ashlyn whispers.

Free of danger for now, the pair resume their journey towards the ruins. At 100ft away, the rubble are more clearly visible, and the building can be imagined. It was a shrine, not completely walled in, rather a walkway lead to the centre, a rough, uncut standing stone, framed with the remnants of four pillars. “The seer said she was mad. Do we approach with blades drawn, or try diplomacy and hope it still works? I say swords drawn, I do not feel confident about the sanity of someone who would live in this marsh,”
Andur Estevan, The Unwilling Hero, Tag: Ashlyn, Swampplaces

"I feel like it's no plan at all, just a goal really. But yes, neither too fast nor too slow will work." He'd diminished his own preparedness.

Andur lead the way, but actually seemed to intentionally slow down, to let Ashlyn keep with him. He could have easily outpaced the creature on his own but as scary as the plant-covered thing had been, he couldn't just abandon a lady in it's grasp either.
".. Hmn.. a manifestation of the lands corruption, or a natural part of the swamp? Either way, nothing to gain by muddying our blades with such a thing." He nodded.

"Hmnn.." He hesitated towards Ahlyns suggestion, considering it.
".. you have a good point, but.. once we tried diplomacy, we can still try the blade. There's no going back from approaching with it first. and Eva herself was reasonable...

Plus, to be entirely honest, I do not exactly know how to cut off this place from Strahds powers on my own, nor do I have the means to raze it to the ground, so.. unless you have a suggestion, perhaps a bit of guidance, even if unwillingly given, can help us."

He nodded and approached the temple, ready but sword shielded, looking around and trying to get a better idea of just what he was dealing with, with those old ruins.
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

"Ireena, wait a moment." Miri called as they left Madam Eva's.

"We picked those items from the church. I believe you will need the silver to help with the village more than the church." she explained, passing to her the items they had taken from the church.

"I have some estimates, but I am not sure about them" she whispered coming closer to her.

"Try to sell them after you have bought what you need for the village, so that they won't give you a low price. Remember, start haggling at double the price you want for them. If someone offers less than one quarter of that, refuse further negotiations and act insulted, and make sure others see this. That way you should be able to sell them at their reasonable price."

After giving her the estimates she had made, she left her to look for the sunsword.

Miri looked with disbelief at the 'sundword'.

"It is not that I doubt you, but if this is the Sunsword, I doubt it can be useful..." she apologized

"Hmm...what do you have?" she pondered, following along. She expected that the woman would try to sell her body, and if that was the case she would turn her down...but maybe there was something more?
Ela.jpg Ela'nyya Aefnee'al, The Silver Arrow

Ela kept quiet on the walk to the swamp, occasionally glancing at Lumi trying to make conversation, but the words never came to her and she turned away.

Hearing the call of elven words caused Ela to pause, she started to reach for her bow but stopped, deciding she should at least attempt to talk. "I do not bring evil to these woods brother, we come to search for a magical fane being abused by Lord Strahd" She announced through the underbrush in elven, turning and repeating what she said to Lumi so the woman wouldnt be left out of the loop. She kept her stance guarded, unsure of the intentions held by the scraggly elf.
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LuministaPortrait.jpg Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 7/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:

Seeing the sapphire glances from the slighter girl, Luminista would smile warmly at her before trying to help the quiet girl open up a little. "Do the forests grow as beautifully here as where you come from, Ela'neea was it?" Lumin stumbled over the foreign pronunciation as her musical voice softly filled the silence creeping between them. (She left the shovel, having told Ireena back at the camp she was free to use it.)

Hearing the gruff voice Lumin was slightly surprised to see the archers before her, but quickly recovered looking over at her companion while showing her hands, hoping they would see she at least appeared unarmed. She smiled appreciatively and nodded at her companion before adding "As she said, we wish to rid the evil, not add to it." Lumin then smiled at the elf, and nodded her head to him in a sign of respect, keeping her hands visible and open.
Fairy Maidens – Early Afternoon
Ireena accepts the candle holder, deciding to part with that first instead of the more useful bobbles and spare supplies pooled by the villages. She takes Miri's advice, and doing so whilst a little predictable does help her out of several bad deals. The Vistani make a good profit from this, but do not manage to exploit her as bad as they could have.

Leaving her to handle it, Miri investigates the older woman, sitting in a chair, wearing a dull brown dress and a colourful shawl of orange, yellow and blue, wrapped several times around her shoulder. The interior of her tent smells of crushed herbs, but the items on display include carved wooden spoons, roses preserved in jars and charms of bone and gold thread. But it is the content of a glass vial the woman directs Miri's attention. “Pretty isn't she, the daughter of the headman...or is she the headwoman now? No, surely that would be her brother. You like her, but she is too distracted by everything else in her life,” she shakes the vile, stirring the cloudy liquid inside. “But a drop of this, will take her mind off things. Slow her down, and let her realize there are other things in life to worrying and sadness. I think she needs the reminder, don't you? 25 silver for the vial, enough for 5 doses,”

Quiet Fucks - Mid-afternoon
The elf takes several steps closer, still clutching his bow. He pauses in front of a strategically placed tree, peering around it at pair and the distance he has left between them. 45ft, enough to get a shot in against most humans, but he may have underestimated Lumi's speed. The brief rustle of a twig on a bush draws the pair's attention, and both notice the stripes of grey and white slip past, a wolf, circling barely 20ft off to the side.

“A fane? What is that? Strahd rules these lands, he corrupts them all. If you want to challenge him, you'll need the strength to move mountains,” the elf answers in reluctant Common, judging it safe to step out from behind the tree, chewing the side of his mouth thoughtfully. “You're unarmed? This is our forest human. She is welcome, you, are not,” his eyes flash to the side, to the spot where the wolf was, and then to the other side. When he speaks again, it in in elven. “Come sister, I will take you to the tribe. You are fast and strong, stay with us, do not walk with a human,”

Handsome Knights - Mid-afternoon
“I don't like it, but you have a point, the last thing we need is to offend a resident of this land just because we ran into some monsters on the way, make an enemy where there was none, through our own hasty conclusions,” Ashlyn taps her sheathed sword, but does make sure her shield is secured.

The pair advance on the ruins, Ashlyn leads, her thick hide boots pressed deep into the fetid vegetation under the weight of her armour. Two large pools flank the approach, the ruins of the wall channelling them to the circle. Something stirs in one of the pools, a long, slimy eel lifting its upper body out of the murky water, the muscles under its skin dancing as it turns to observe them. Ashlyn swears, but doesn't draw her blade, as the creature does not leave it pools, merely watches them with cold, unlinking eyes.

The rubble of the walls leave little clues to what they could have looked like, beyond the stones having that greyish hue as seen in the distant castle's walls. What remains of the pillars seems well built, measured and smooth, with subdued colours burned into the stone, though time has leeched any detail from what could once have been depicted. Between all this is circle is marked with runes carved into the wet soil, glowing with a soft blue light that betrays its magic. From the unmarked standing stone at the centre of the circle, something crawls out and begins to rises. A woman, naked, young, attractive, but...something is wrong about her. The skin, its..stretched?

OOC: Andur needs to make a wisdom save, with a +3 bonus from Ashlyn's aura.
Andur Estevan, The Unwilling Hero, Tag: Ashlyn, Swampplaces

He nodded in agreement to Ashlyn. Damn, why was he so attracted to her mind, but more attracted to Ireena or especially Miri's bodies?
Andur never used heavy armor, content with well-fitting leather and cloth that didn't hinder his spellcasting.. where needed. He also kept his shield covered on his back.. little point using it when he might need mobility instead. Shields were of greater used against armed opponents after all.

Andur too casts a cautious glance at the leech.. but those were blind, aside from smell, right? Well, he'd continue, sword drawn..
"Huh.. this is easier than expected.. we just have to break this circle... uh.. huh.." He stared at the woman, taking her in.. he'd seen enough women naked to know something about this was odd... he'd have to take a closer look to make up his mind.. yeah... Hmnn mud-fight tits...
"Something isn't right.." He pondered, hand on his sword whilest observing the swamp-woman.

(16 wisdom total.
Also, took the liberty of rolling initiatitive in case I need it soon, 13.)
Ela.jpg Ela'nyya Aefnee'al, The Silver Arrow

"We understand the risks, and we are willing to take them" Ela replied with a confident tone, and then glanced at Lumi, before returning her gaze to the Elf and speaking in Elven. "I would ask that you allow me to guide this human through the forest, I will make sure that she does not desecrate the lands, on that you have my word as an Elf of the Woods" She gives a small smile to the elf, mentioning another upside to letting them through in common afterwards. "Should we succeed, I've no doubt that the land itself would recover, and be as beautiful as it once was brother"
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

"What! That is horrible! Why would I drug her?" Miri scolded the older woman.

"If you want to relax someone, you can give them like a massage...or help them solve their problems in the first place! This is unacceptable...I am going to complain to Madam Eva for this!" she added, getting ready to stand up.
Handsome Knights
Strange, definitely strange, the naked woman who steps out of the circle. She is a pretty enough, with a slender figure sleek and hairless, small, perky breasts, back hair that flows down to her ass, and well, skin that slows a little, or at least slithers. It not tight, more just, excited. Is there something beneath it? The claws at the end of her fingers don't help either, caked with swamp muck, her form otherwise pristine.

At least she doesn't attempt to hide any of the curiosities of her body, or her assets. “Visitors, what are you doing in this swamp? You don't come here?” She seems to be staring between Ashlyn and Andur, “There's nothing in this swamp. Nothing that doesn't crawl, or slither, or buzz. Do you crawl? Do you slither? Do you buzz?” She raises her hand, becoming others to come forwards. Behind the pair, the eels slither from their pool, three of them in total, each nearly 15ft in length, wider than a knight's arm.

Fairy Maidens
The older Vistani initially smirks at Miri's scolding, but her good humour at the stuck-up young woman disappears when she mentions informing Madam Eva. “Oh, well that is just rude. You need to learn to be more open to such pleasures and techniques,” she reaches for a second vial, and swings her arm at Miri. Several droplets get on the dress, and the celestial-blooded girl yawns.

“Oh yes, this body was certainly wasted on such a prude. Its strange, you clearly know how beautiful you are, you're not shy, you're friendly, and yet, the idea of selling your body would never occur to you. Such a waste. You'd make a good whore,” the Vistani stands and approaches Miri, running her hands along her sides, then reaching for the more intimate areas. “Nice tits, firm ass, ooh, that does feel nice. Yes, yes, 50 silver a day, easily, anything less than that and we'll both know you were being lazy. Here, take this,” the older woman loosely ties a silk scarf, white with small black flowers, over Miri's mouth. The aasimar takes a breath, feeling the same, heavy vapours, “Now, you go out and make lots of coin with that beautiful body of yours. You'll give me my cut for helping, and I'll even let you sleep with that head girl you like so much, but work before play. Now off you go, be a good whore,” she pats Miri's ass.
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Andur Estevan, The Unwilling Hero, Tag: Ashlyn, Swampplaces

Andur gave a nervous smile, whilest his body pondered if it should be aroused or rather not. It was a hard decision.
"Hello, I am Andur Estevan, I can tell you are not all that used to visitors, I believe it's common to give a gift to a host, interesting place you have here.. impressive.. leeches" He nodded, lifting his alchemical jug.. demonstratively slow, before softly whispering to it and uncorking it.
".. You grew those yourself? Most amazing leeches I've ever seen. Anyway." He was not lying there as he approached, presenting his alchemical jug.

"I present to you, a wonder you have never seen.. Mayonnaise!" He declared, before presenting the wicked witch of the Swamp with Mayonnaise. "You protect this place for Strahd I heard, but has he ever given you Mayonnaise? I think not!" The witch was clearly crazy. This worked.. great. If not.. he could still whack her over the head with his jug.
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

Miri felt sleepy for a moment, and then a bit dizzy...what happened? What was she doing here?

Oh, this veil smelled nice...what was the old lady saying? Yeah...why didn't she think of that before? She could sell her body, and make some silver to help those who were in need...what a good idea...yes, she had to give some reward to the old lady...she was the one who gave the idea, after all...

Damn, this veil smelled so nice. Miri got ouside, to look for potential customers.

'50 silver, I can do it' she told herself

Approaching the first peddler without oiled hair she found, she rubbed herself on him.

"Hellooo...how much would you give for some fun with me~? It will go for a good cause~" she cooed, already wet by the idea of getting fucked to help those in need.
LuministaPortrait.jpg Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 7/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:

Lumin didn't like that the two of them were leaving her out of the conversation, but at least he wasn't shooting nor acting overtly threatening, so that is a plus. Taking a breath to start talking again, then knitting her eyebrows at the threat implied with the unarmed comment. She was more dangerous to him with her fists, than he to her with his bow. His wolf might be a problem, but not one out of the question to be able to be handled. The mission, sadly, did not involve putting uppity elves in their place, Ela seemed nice enough though as seemed to be diffusing the situation. So taking another breath she added, "If you want me out of the woods, I will leave sooner if I can find the fane, and dispose of it. We come with Madam Eva's blessing, I don't know how much weight her name carries here but she is the caretaker of this fane." Then turning to Ela and lowering her voice but not to hide what she says, "What is a sign of respect I may use among your people? I wish to pay my due to this caretaker of the wood." She may not like bending the knee, but if it got her to her goals faster, then so be it.
Quiet Fucks
The elf steps forwards still, finally stowing their bow, “You are welcome sister,” he reiterates the invitation in that same accented Common, “You, claim her? Speak for her?” his eyes dart back to Lumi. “Get down,” he snarls, “One all fours. I will make sure you truly are unarmed, not hiding anything. Then, you may come with us, as sister's...guest,” he struggles to find the last word. It likely doesn't come up often in a wood elf's life.

Fairy Maidens
“Well, isn't that a surprising turn. I thought angels were meant to be more...” the slick merchant is momentarily lost for words as Miri sidles up to him, practically attaching herself to his side. His good mood at the sudden development is soured only at the thought of spending coin. Not what he likes to do, but Miri is stunning. “How much? That's hard to say isn't it? I like what I see of your body, and I can see quite a lot of it, but do you know how to use those assets? Why don't we retire to my caravan, and, haggle a little,” he wraps his arm around Miri's waist and begins to lead her away.

Ireena is too busy haggling for the village to notice Miri's new venture.

Handsome Knights
Two brown eyes fix on Andur as he approaches with the jug. “Ma-jo-naise,” she repeats, her voice faintly musical. She accepts the offering, dipping a clawed finger in it to sample delicately, along with at least a speck of mud. “This majonaise is good,” she nods, holding it in her hand. Strolling off towards one of the columns she gives Andur a good view of her ass, part of the left cheek pulsating slightly. Once there she plucks a large leaf from some swamp plant which she folds the mayonnaise away into, licking her palm. ”Strahd never brought mayonnaise, Strahd never visits. He doesn't crawl, he doesn't slither, he doesn't buzz,” she seems to have returned to her initial topic, but then she scoops up a crude wooden bowl, which she mixes something together with. Wordlessly she presents the bowl to Andur, it is filled with a purple mixture, with grainy black streaks running through it.

Ashlyn opens her mouth to say something, but realizes there's nothing that Andur wouldn't already know. The knight's attention is split between this strange swamp witch and her three giant eels.
Andur Estevan, The Unwilling Hero, Tag: Ashlyn, Swampplaces

"Yeah.. It's almost like he doesn't care any more.." Andur said, cautiously.. Like.. he really enjoyed the sight of that ass but he was 98% sure butts were not supposed to move that way. "Hey I have an idea... It's not nice that he's paying no attention to you.. or not buzzing and slithering and.. I'm very sure he doesn't crawl now, does he?
I feel like we ought to.. you know."
He hesitated, looking at the bowl, slooooowly extending a finger.

"Teach him a little lesson. For me? That's so nice... I mean if you are even still up for your duty for him, after all this time..
I know, I know, we aren't too buzzy either, but not for lack of trying.
So! Tell me a bit about yourself, what's your name, what do you do for fun around here?"
He enthused. "Would you like some more of my sticky white stuff?"

(pre-emptive constitution not really higher than twelve.)
Ela.jpg Ela'nyya Aefnee'al, The Silver Arrow

"Just... do as he says Lumi, my people have very strict traditions" After getting to know the outside word Ela has come to resent some of the ways of her people, looking off to the side as her kin demands that her new friend prostrate herself to be searched. "I will be vouching for her, but she is free to make her own decision, I do not own here, think of her as you would a kin on a hunt, even if she is not Elven like us" She says the second sentence in elven, not refusing the search as she doesn't want to antagonize her kin.
LuministaPortrait.jpg Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 7/7 Darts: 20 Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:

Lumin raises an eyebrow, then kinks her hip and blowing the elf archer a kiss teasing, "There are easier ways to be able to feel me up, Hun." Then turning to Ela, "I have a wand I would rather not have confiscated, would you take it please, in my belt left side before the potion pouches, that's it, thank you. Now you will find my only weapons in a pouch on my right, it is full of darts, please don't loose them, they take too long to carve really." After her wand was pulled Luminista kneeled down and accepted the groping, not how she was used to it, after dancing in seedy bars, but not entirely unpleasant either. Perhaps once all this madness had passed the three of them might be able to relive some stress. After all, as the gods knew, these elves needed it.
Miri Evenwood, the Helping Hand
HP: 45/45, AC 16 (Mage Armor), Passive Perception: 16
SP: 7/7 Spells: 1st Lvl: 4/4; 2nd Lvl: 3/3; 3rd Lvl: 3/3; 4th Lvl: 1/1
Active Effects:

"Hmm..." Miri hesitated. Maybe selling herself to the greedy Vistani wasn't a great idea after all? She would have to go with the whole camp two times before she managed to collect 50 silver.

"Ah, nevermind, I forgot how stingy you people are..." she pouted, deciding to do her other tasks first. She could probably find more willing, and more appreciative villagers back in Barovia. Besides, she knew someone who would surely pay more than the merchant or anyone else in the caravan....

[I guess going to bury Ireena's father will be next...also Miri will visit the graveyard to check the graves for someone who could be Strahd's relative or something like that. She will probably ask Ireena to tag along to help with identifying the graves.]
Quiet Fucks – Mid-afternoon, Northern reaches of the Svalich Wood
The elf taps his teeth together with an audible click when Lumi blows him the kiss, “Funny human. You like being held, by a strong male? I didn't know human were so desperate to be mated,” he looms over her, watching as Ela takes the wand. “You a mage then?” the words are edged with a growl, he sniffs the air. His hands reach down, gripping a palm full of her hair, feeling the sides of her slim body, feeling for the items she carries on herself. “Funny weapons for a mage to carry,” he lifts the darts, experimentally throwing one at a nearby tree. It strikes the trunk with a satisfactory thud and the elf retrieves it, barking “Stay,” at the kneeling human.

With a slight rustling of the bushes two wolves emerge, sniffing the air and yapping to each other. Pocketing the darts the elf addresses them in his native tongue, “They're coming with us back to the camp, they say they oppose Strahd. We'll see if they are up for such a hunt. Sister seems strong, confident, the human, she is tricky,” his hands return to Lumi, running against the flowing cloth of her travelling garb until he is satisfied she caries no further weapons or items of significance. Reaching down he feels between her legs and squeezes softly, keeping the other hand on her shoulders, flexed and pushing down. “Good bones,” the elf notes once again in Common, he moves forwards, leading the pair deeper into the forest, with the two wolves bringing up the rear.

A short while later, the going hard as the forest terrain is rough and no path has been cut through it, the group reaches the cliff face, upon which the castle is perched. In the smooth stone wall a large cave entrance worms its way into the darkness. Several tents have been set up near the mouth, and five elves sit in a circle, but they start to rise at the sight of the newcomers. Nearby, four wolves doze lazily in the afternoon sun.

Fairy Maidens – Mid-afternoon, Village of Barovia
“Come now celest, I just want to see what you can do with....well, if you change your mind, I'll be here, you can find my tent, I'll be waiting,” the slick haired Vistani calls after Miri as she changes her mind, rejoining Ireena. “What was he talking about?” she asks, her nose wrinkled in distaste. “Oh, nice mask you have there. Silk? The Vistani say a lot about their charms and potions and all the wonders they can do, but I always had my doubts. Still, we have food to see us through winter, and tools repair most of the damage in the spring, even the temple, though I am not sure how I will retrieve anything from the castle to finish reconsecration. But let's go, I don't want to spend too much time here,” she whispers the last part, as if wary of eavesdroppers.

Back across the bridge, Ireena scoops up the spade Lumi left, and finds a suitable hill for her father's final resting place. With Miri's help, though she bears most of the weight, she finally transports the corpse from the pantry out the house. The spot she chose is within a half mile of the village her father protect in his life. She sets about digging in silence, and Miri leaves her to the task, using the time to visit the graveyard. A few brave souls have ventured forth to start clearing up the dead who dropped when the plague was ended, but little effort has been made to fix the broken earth of the grave sights. Miri checks the stones, finding nothing that speaks to a relationship with Strahd. Some graves are unmarked, the remains of travellers, buried to appeased the spirits rather than any love for the vagrant, whilst older stones have corroded beyond readability.

Returning Miri finds Ireena slumped on the ground, the shovel discarded. The grave is full, the body laid to rest at last, and with it a massive weight off the worried girl's shoulders. “You're a priestess Miri, or you were at a temple, can you say something?” Ireena asks. She has marked the grave with a single stick thrust into the bare soil, a headstone can come later. She sounds exhausted, and Miri gets the feeling she doesn't really care what, if any, words she could choose to say. Her father is in the ground, the important deed is done.

Handsome Knights – Mid-afternoon, Ivlis Marsh
Deep within the marshes, Ashlyn and Andur search for swamp fane and the one who guards it. Hopefully they are save and will meet back up with the others as agreed.
LuministaPortrait.jpg Luminista Cato, Enemy of Tyrants
HP: 47/47, AC 18, Passive Perception: 16
Ki: 7/7 Darts: 0 (20 not on her) Drinks: 0 :(
Active Effects: None Theme:

Chuckling lightly at the claim of being desperate, "Hun, I'm not the one telling a lady to get down on her hands and knees. I don't get down for just anyone after all, and you seem quite.. confident with your bow, you probably know how to be gentle considering your wolves. Not a bad mix if I am reading this correctly." She then knelt down, her plush behind teasingly held above the ground. "Not a mage, that is a trophy from one I've bested, someone who didn't know when his 'wand' wasn't wanted." Leaning slightly into the warm hands, Lumin made sure to not resist at all the darts being pulled from her belt clattered with the elf's comment. "I'm a funny kind of girl, though you insist on calling me mage when your sister here could use that wand as well as I can." The harsh command fell on her ears and though he couldn't see her face a grimace had appeared, "I wouldn't dream of moving." The elf had finally broght the dogs over, guess things were going to be less than interesting, his hands found the fork of her legs and she jolted a little, she hadn't expected this, but she quickly relaxed as he continued his 'search' a throaty purr just making its way past her lips. "As I said before gentle hands."

It was good to be standing and walking again, though as she figured that the elf wouldn't welcome a little idle chatter Lumin kept her mouth shut for the journey. They had made their way into the elf's camp and it seemed his companions were as on edge as he was, well time to play helpless damsel again. She raised her arms and puffed out her chest a little smiling the whole time as she was led into the clearly unwelcoming camp.