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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

The crowd has spoken! E has been chosen.

Chapter 2: On a Wing and a Prayer

It is easy for a scholar like me to say that religion is a bothersome construct, a distraction from the truths of the world and relying on the crutch of something beyond your own ability. But for one like Sister Olivia, it becomes something different. She was the real thing, a warrior of faith who stood for the rights of others. We didn't always see eye to eye, but I always respected her... - excerpts from the Last Papers of the Scholar Eleanor d'Salve

"And so I pray... let me save the innocents within the dungeon. And also Curfew, I guess," Olivia said, finishing her final prayer to her gods before she delved the dungeon. She could feel that it was time. Not thanks to a vision or anything of the like, but because she couldn't stand it anymore. Now one of their number, a drinking buddy even, had been lost to the place. A week before, Allison Murphy had gone in, and had never been heard from again.

Olivia would change that. She had to! She was the one chosen by the gods for this task. And her faith would surely pull her through. Nonetheless, fear still clung to her heart, and she wished desperately that she could bring allies, such as Louise, or Ellie... or even Kyrie. For as prideful as Kyrie was, she was skilled, that was clear.

No matter. The day had come. She had spent the whole of the previous day, and all the previous night, praying and fasting in preparation for what was to come, and she was as ready as she'd ever be. In truth, though, she could not bear to see her friends again before she left, or else she might falter.

So she was shocked to see them at the entrance, waiting for her.

"You shouldn't have come," Olivia said, embarrassed.

"Nonsense! We're cheering for you, girl." Louise patted her on the back. "Just remember. There are bounties for anyone you bring back safe, so collect that gold when you return!"

"I have no need of such things, you know my faith is all I'd need." Olivia smiled nonetheless, the pep talk was helpful.

"Don't let your faith get in the way of your survival, Olivia," Ellie said, stepping up close. "You can use the money to improve your church, maybe get it a permanent building instead of the shack it's in now. Wouldn't that be a nice offering to your gods?"

Ah, well that perked Olivia's interest. She smiled, and stepped towards the door to the dungeon.

"Thank you all again. And see you soon, I know it!" They waved as she entered. Her heart was lightened, until the door closed behind her, and she was alone. The entire world felt different. This was the dungeon of lust.

The Dungeon Entrance

The chamber was vast, columns lined two by two down a lengthy corridor. It was clear that this chamber was designed for the sake of ostentation, and Olivia was clearly impressed. With torch in hand she gazed upon it, and found on the walls grand murals. They were beautiful... and lewd. Men and women having sex. Men and men. Women and women! All sorts of positions and types, even... multiple men to a woman. Olivia flushed, thinking back to the years before she joined her faith. The cravings of a human were still something she had, even though she had forsworn pleasures of the flesh... not something her religion specifically mandated, but something she chose for herself, something of a sacrifice to show the seriousness of her pledge. Something of her old life to give up. And yet, this was a reminder. In fact, the whole dungeon would remind her, she was sure of it.

Was it not true that there were some ulterior motives for coming here? No, of course not. Olivia brushed off the horrible feeling and marched on, up the broad staircase to the higher level of the chamber, and to the broad double-doors that led further in. The double-width hallway led farther into the darkness, but she could see a door off to the side, only thirty feet away. She knew she'd choose it first, so did not look farther. The door was made of stone, and on it was another mural. This time it was something similar to a painting she'd once seen in the far east... something called The Fisherman's Wife. She couldn't help but yelp in surprise.

"This place is dirtier than I imagined..." she mused to herself, but she couldn't help but smile. Nonetheless, she knew sneaking in wasn't an option, so she merely opened the door, letting it swing outward and showing what it was within!

And it was a bath. Brightly lit by candles and even a chandelier, the room was made of stone polished so well that it shone. On one end was a bench, with towels and various other items, like shampoos and soaps. Even a shower there. And then there was the centerpiece, sunk into the floor with a small staircase leading into it, the bath, bubbling with warmth! She walked in and knelt beside it, touching the water with her hand. It was hot, but comfortably so. It was the most peaceful, unexpected room. And there was a doorway out, but it was open and when she went to peek in, it was clearly a separate steam room.

"Why is all this in a dungeon of lust?" Olivia mused to herself. This place was polluted by magic, it seeped out of the cracks in the walls. So why such a mundane place. Could the pool itself be magical?

A.) Take a Bath - Olivia could use a good scrub, having spent so much time in fasting and prayer. It would be oh so relaxing, and if she barricaded the door properly she could even make this her own safe room for if she ever needed to hide or rest. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to see if the girl dyed her pubes to match her hair?

B.) Take a Sip - There's always the possibility the water is magical. There was a faucet, a shower, and the bath. Obviously, one wouldn't drink from the bath itself, but why not drink from the faucet? Who wants to bet that it's magical?

C.) Both of the Above - Enough said.

D.) Leave - The mission must go on! Any second spent here means more girls getting violated, as we the viewers already know. Besides, it could be a trap.
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Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Its obviously a Trap.

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Totally a trap but you don't just drink from strange faucets when they come around.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Come on people, so far we've only got three, but time is running out before I write up this next post showing off Olivia's smoking hot sanctified booty. Going once, going twice...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

fine, A
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I look away for two seconds, and I almost miss a vote. Anyway, I'm voting D. Though I appear to be alone, I want to see how far we can make it. Also, it's obviously a trap. The whole room is probably an illusion, and the water is actually monster jizz. Or, the pool is a vore monster in disguise and the water is it's stomach fluid.

seriously though, could we at least make it past the last point before giving up the booty? I wanna see what's in this dungeon.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I'm with both Tomaito and admiral Akbar on this. D

If we are forced to retreat later, then perhaps risking it then may be prudent.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Well, I think we have enough votes now.

The crowd has spoken! A has been chosen

Well, the thing was, the water was so inviting and warm. Honestly, Olivia thought to herself, it wouldn't be too foolish to take advantage of the comforts of the place. She hadn't seen a bath like this in a long time, and while she washed whenever she could, and her clothes and armor were absolutely fresh, a bout of purifying would be quite useful right about now. So she barricaded the door with a heavy bench for safety, and disrobed. First she removed her armor, leaving her in the soft white linen undergarments underneath all the padding and steel. Then off came her top, revealing her whole smooth upper body.

There was not a mark on her, breasts perfectly proportioned and very ample for their size, perky and growing hard from the sudden draft of air. She followed this up by removing the rest of her clothes, revealing that all of her was as smooth as could be, legs and pubic region included. She waxed whenever she got a chance, and considering this was going to be a delve of unknown time, she knew she didn't want to be scratchy at the start of her adventure. Alas, her original hair color would remain unknown as of yet!

She slipped into the water and gave out an immediate sigh of pleasure. Not sexual pleasure, but the wonders of a bath. She slipped farther and farther, hair tied up so that it wouldn't get wet, and relaxed, feeling the heat seep into her muscles, running her hands over herself with a little smile. And then, as her hands ran over her body, they lingered on her breasts. A tingle of sensation, of pleasure. She frowned, she had vowed never to do such a thing again.

And yet, as the moments passed, the feeling in the center of her grew. Her body flushed with arousal, body soon aching, breasts swelling ever so little, nipples hardening. If she wasn't neck deep in water, she'd still be wet from arousal. It was wrong. She wasn't supposed to feel like this, certainly not so strongly... but it was growing with every moment, and within a few minutes she was panting, from nothing more than the feel of water against her skin.

It didn't take her long to give in, no matter how much she would have protested beforehand. Her hand slipped between her legs and, like riding a bicycle, she hadn't forgotten what to do. Her fingers moved deftly in and out of her entrance, touching herself in oh so many exciting places. She groaned, trying not to be too loud, it wasn't safe here. She'd always struggled with that. She'd always been a screamer, after all.

Her thumb came to her clit and began rubbing little circles against it, even as her fingers slipped in and out, two, three penetrating her, the feelings building faster and faster. It'd been so long that it took her no time at all to arch her back and scream out in orgasm, quaking and wailing at the intensity of the sensation within her. It was so much... and it did so little to quell the lust growing within her. She sat there for a few minutes, panting before she went at it again. Once she gave in the first time, it was like a dam breaking, and she had to, desperately. With her second orgasm, and her third, she finally felt herself calming down. And yet that little tingle of lust remained. It wasn't natural, even for her, to remain so horny after three orgasms in rapid succession.

No, of course. It was the water. She got out quickly, mewling in sensitivity as she escaped the incredibly comfortable water. This place was the Dungeon of Lust... of course the bathwater would have that effect. And suddenly Olivia felt relieved. It wasn't her fault. It was magic, so it was okay! She smiled to herself, dried off and got dressed. And yet, her satisfaction was short lived. Because she wanted it again. She could feel it in her head, the memories of the sex she used to have when she was younger.

"This isn't fair... I promised..." she whined, not to the dungeon, but towards her gods themselves, berating herself already for her vow. But again, she had to fight it. She was quickly ready to go again, and left the room, all dried and cleaner than she had been in a long time. At least physically. But she had a job to do, and she could explore whether she would break her oath for real after she had successfully saved... well, anyone, really.

Down the hallway, there was a door on her right. So she opened it, much like the previous one, ready to go at whatever was inside! But what was there was something she didn't expect: A garden! It felt like a sort of greenhouse, with light coming in, possibly reflected by mirrors, it was hard to tell. But it was definitely sunlight, and the room was definitely full of plantlife. There was a pathway, but it only went to the center of the room, the tiled path ending in a circular cul-de-sac design, so that one would be utterly surrounded by the gorgeous, colorful plants, all purples and reds and even yellows and orange! In the center was a statue, too. It was of a woman all covered in vines, as though wearing them, standing there with a look of great rapture on her face.

It was really exquisite, even if it was as lewd as the rest of the artwork here. Olivia smiled. She did like the room. The look of the light, the beauty of the flowers. And the smell. It was wonderful too, and oddly familiar. Olivia couldn't quite recall what about it was so well-known to her, but it was definitely comforting, even if it didn't make the heat in her loins go away. On the far side of the room was a pair of double-doors.

A.) Rush through to the double-doors! - This is a beautiful place, but Olivia already made the mistake of lingering once. Make haste through to the next room!

B.) Stop and Smell the Flowers - Well, it wouldn't be wrong to see what kind of plants were here. Smell a few, gaze at them from beside the wonderful statue, and only then head on.

C.) Go Farther Down the Hallway - There could be more immediate dangers farther down into the darkness, after all. She could stop here sometime on her way back.

D.) Examine the Plants Closely- Who knows what helpful things could be within the plants? Some could even be medicinal, and if she looked closely, got amongst them and rolled an Intelligence check, then maybe she'd recognize one of the medicinal plants used by her church in their blessings to create healing potions. She had a few empty flasks she could use to create at least a paste of the stuff. It could be incredibly valuable. Plus, they were really pretty flowers!

E.) Sister Olivia Marie Alistair, human priestess - Sister Olivia was once a very bad girl. So said her parents, so said her community. So she ran away. But one day, when things looked their worst, she prayed upon a roadside idol and found that the gods of Law answered her. She dedicated herself to her gods, and sought out clerical teachers. And so here she is, living as a sister of the faith at the End of the Road temple. But her gods have spoken to her again: She must delve the dungeon, and rescue those who are trapped inside. She will not rest until she has done so. She's a good girl now.

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 150/1500

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Time may be of the essence, or the very least those flowers feel like a trap.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I want to vote D. I really do. But, A it is. Those flowers are probably poppies. Or worse - sex poppies.

Side note, our INT is pretty damn low.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Normally I would vote D, however Olivia is... not the sharpest knife in the drawer, to put it nicely.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C, if only to get a bearing of the layout.
If we are using AD&D as a baseline then comman sence is WISDOM. :p

Better to be quick but causious.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

So, I realized something pretty nice. I now have the ability to post links to pictures. So how about I show you Olivia looks like.

There she is, just keep that in mind for all that's to come... and what was there before. :)

In any case, the crowd has spoken! A has been chosen

Olivia was in awe of the beauty of this place, but she no longer had time to waste. There were no enemies to fight, and nobody in danger, so she had to push forward, and see what was beyond the next door! So she moved swiftly and confidently to the center of the room, only briefly glancing up close at the statue there at the center. This close, one could see the vines... penetrating the woman. It was another lewd piece of art in a place absolutely filled with it. Olivia walked past, not even thinking that it might be a clue. But as she stepped into the vegetation and moved swiftly and clearly to towards the door, she'd find out.

It was lucky, really. If she'd stopped to smell the plants, she may well have been caught. As it was, about halfway through the foliage on the way to the door, she noticed it. Several of the large plants were moving! And they were leaning towards her, vines and leaves and whatever else stretching out towards her like some form of tentacle. She gasped, it all coming together in an instant. This was a room of tentacle plant sex. The plants here were designed for it. Or at least these ones were. Though she blushed, she certainly didn't want to become trapped, so she hurried on, able to avoid the newly disturbed plants before they could grab her. This was truly the right choice.

But then Olivia flung open the double-doors, to see what was inside! And unfortunately, it was an empty chamber, clearly once used for something but utterly ruined. Half the vaulted ceiling had collapsed, hiding what looked to be statues and the like within. She was disappointed. So far, both of the places she'd explored had been interesting. However, she glanced back for only a second, and saw that the tendrils of the plants were coming close! So she shut the door behind her, trapping her in the room. She could hear the plantlife scratching at the doors right after she closed them, but they didn't open. She was safe. At least for now.

She explored the room, looking for some sort of exit. Was she going to be trapped in here? Would she have to brave the tentacles to get back to the hall? No, because there, at the edge of the rubble was some sort of door, only partially obscured. She used all her strength and pulled some of the stones and smashed marble off. It was all extremely heavy, and she couldn't move most of it... but it was enough. She was able to climb over and shimmy, even with all her armor, through the opening she left, leading into a new hallway.

Wandering Monster roll... 5. No monsters.

Stuck now on her second torch, she delved farther down this new, more decrepit passageway. Clearly this area wasn't as clean and untouched as the ones before. No, the floor was wet, water trickling down a few holes, probably groundwater seeping in. And still, after all these rooms, she'd found nothing, no people, just traps and strange magical fluids. It was frustrating. And what's worse, even if she rescued someone, now they'd both have to brave the tentacles. If only she had some sort of magic to teleport back out when she was done. But the gods had not yet been so kind as to gift her magic of even the most lowly sort, save the grace to defeat the evil undead. But maybe the plants would be harmed by her power as well... after all, the gods had made clear it would work on the lustful spirits within.

She finally reached another door. Like all the others, she opened it without pause. And there she found her first opponents. She smiled. Her mace ached for blood. Or maybe that was the ache of her loins moistening in arousal. No, it definitely had to be the first thing.

For she found three goblins sitting around a campfire, rolling dice with a small pile of coins in-between them. Clearly they were betting their meager assets. With all their talking, they didn't notice her burst in. She's only twenty feet away, and they're taken by surprise, their weapons still not in their hands!

A.) Charge! Rush them before they're ready in this surprise round, and attack, attack, attack! Maybe you can make the others flee by creating an "example" of one of them.

B.) Negotiate! Olivia knows that for the moment she has the upper hand. Maybe if she tells them to surrender and tell her what they know, they'll cooperate, since she's so much better armed and armored than them? Requires a Charisma check, but also counts on them knowing the language...

C.) Nope Nope Nope! There are no girls here, nobody in need of saving, time to run away back how she came! Maybe the goblins won't chase after her?

D.) Rush Past Them! While they're surprised, if she makes a concerted effort, she can get to the next door before they're really ready. By the time they get to she'd probably be able to slam the door on their faces, perhaps even bar it. But who knows what's on the other side of the door in this sort of dungeon?
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

CHARGE! Press the advantage! Slay the infidels! Or, at the very least, make a gruesome example of one!

Admittedly, the only reason I'm not running away is because who knows what could be on the other side. Also, we can talk once we've solidified our upper hand. Or not.