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Face off with a goddess

Re: Face off with a goddess

Luna was about to fire, when her bullet went astray as Iris slammed into her.

Jenn runs up to the woman holding the Director...

(Jenn may attack this turn in melee, as she has gotten onto the stage, in melee range)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris held Luna to the ground, almost ready to cry. Seeing her only family like this, it was a lot to bear. Her sister was insain! She had Mutilated those woman and enjoyed it. She had almost killed the director! Iris had to help her sister, Seeing her like this was tearing her apart on the inside. What had made Luna like this?

Iris attempted to embrace Luna in a hug, hoping she wouldn't do so. In a sad and concerned voice Iris started speaking to Luna, almost in a wisper.

" Sister... Please... You have to help us... You can't kill the direcor... She's our only hope..."

Iris felt a few tears start to weld in her eyes then.
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Cue cheesy emotional scene.)

Luna continued to try aiming at the Goddess with her, unable to hear any of Iris's pleas or even realize she was holding her until a few drops of liquid fell onto her face.


What were these drops of liquid...blood? No... something different... Whether or not Luna had truly snapped out of her blind rage as a result of Iris's tears was anyone's guess, however what for certain was that Luna's attention was now on Iris, staring quizzically at her. Why was she crying? Why was she holding her and weeping?.... The girl's eyes then shifted to her right hand, which was pointed towards the Director that had been taken hostage in a sense. Had she really lost it to the extent that she would kill one that had yet to be found guilty of sin?... And then there was the matter of a person crying... for her, which none had ever done in the past. Was her "revenge" truly worth so much that she'd throw aside her very principles to obtain it?... Was not her original goal for devoting herself to the slaying of the wicked, to ensure that there would be no more tragedies?


"...Sister, let me up."

She spoke these words in an uncharacteristically "gentle" tone, her hand clenched tightly on her sword. If she was going to settle her score, she would do it without punishing those who were yet to be declared filthy, and most importantly, she would allow for no more tears...
Re: Face off with a goddess

(( Just assume that Iris lets Luna up whilst saying something like " Ok sister..." Go ahead and post Raptor. ))
Re: Face off with a goddess

As both Iris and Luna get up, Jenn goes to strike at the tentacles holding Amy.

(Jenn attacks)

The woman in white whisked her away some distance, as she landed on her ass hard, though still on the stage.

The woman in white laughed mockingly at the Director,

"How pathetic. You turn traitor, and this is the best you have to show for it? Utterly useless," she chuckled, as a pink tentacle emerged from her pussy, ramming itself inside the Director's sex as the tiny woman was raped in front of all three girls.

The Director threw her head back as it ran into her, stifling a cry as the member bulged through her skin, showing just how deep it was going inside her
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Well well now, is the "salvation" of the world so pathetic that it most resort to live shields against mortals?"

Luna's insanity had changed to cunning as she spun her weapons in an odd defensive maneuver while approaching the white-haired woman.


"Is your paradise "free of sin" to be filled with cowardice, lies, and petty parlor tricks like this?"

Luna mocked the "Goddess" as she continued in a condescending manner.


"To resort to petty tricks against mortals such as I... are you not in reality a scared little wretch hiding behind what a banner you call "power"? Pretty pathetic really..."

When the girl had positioned herself in close proximity, she smiled and issued her final taunt.


"Show us your "power", wipe all three of us out simutaneously. In fact, if you do I swear I'll abandon all of my "delusions", and become your slave that comes at every beckoning. That is, if you can do it..."

A cleared mind told her that she herself would have no greater success against the woman than she had before in a one on one fight, however if she could lessen the burden on someone who possessed similar powers...

(Action: Move into close range of the Goddess, and assume a defensive pose.)
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Re: Face off with a goddess

' What do I do...? What do I do...? '

Iris stood there, helpless. She had no idea what to do. The director was being violated right in front of them and they couldn't do anything! Iris watched as the tentical fucked the director. Iris wanted to charge at the woman, but knew it wouldn't work. iris was thinking so hard she didn't even hear what Luna was saying.

' Think Iris! She has to have a weakness! '

Iris watched, still not knowing what the womans weakness was. The it happened. An idea hit Iris. Iris knewe what she had to do. It was a risky shot but it had to work! Iris thought Aiming her gun and shooting the womans shaft would take her down. The only problem was... it was just so hard to hit!

* Iris stands her ground and trys to figured out her odds of shooting the womans shaft. *
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Re: Face off with a goddess

(Jenn attacks)

Jenn managed to run up on the woman and was barely able to slash at the woman's tentacles. The woman in white cursed as her tentacles retracted from the Director, letting her fall to the floor.

(Luna is now in melee range with the woman in white)

(Iris found that the chances of her hitting the pink tentacle were very slim.)

As the Director got to her feet and backed away from the woman, she said to the three girls,

"I told you to stay put! Why can't you understand a simple fucking order!?!" she demanded.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Luna, seeing that the Director was no longer hostage, opened fire at the Goddess, while replying to the Director's outburst in a monotone voice.


"I don't take orders. Neither does your maid apparently."

(Action: Tripleshot at Goddess.)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris looked at the smaller woman, trying to show that she cared if the woman lived or not. Iris had to act quick or all may be lost. Iris was going to tell the woman something then quickly charge in. Iris said to the small woman-

" I'm sorry Ma'am but I didn't want you to die... You can yell at me all you want when this is over."

Iris went as fast as she could and went to stab the woman. Mainly trying to hit her crotch area. Iris had yet to learn that charging in doesn't end well.

*Stab womans crotch or anything she can hit. *
Re: Face off with a goddess

The Director positioned herself so that all four girls were surrounding the goddess.

(Amy attacks, three shots)

Preying on the woman's surprise to see the girls rush to the Director's aid, she managed three shots at the woman, all deflected by the shield.

(Goddess's shield status: Yellow)

(Luna attacks, three shots)

All of Luna's three shots bounced off of the shield.

(Iris gets into close range)

(Jenn attacks)

Her sword slams hard on the woman's shield.

The woman exhales as the four pound at her shield, then shouts

"Filthy sinful! HAVE AT YOU!"

(Goddess attacks)

The tentacles from her back spun around her quickly, using the thick red tentacles like clubs.

Although Amy, Iris, and Luna managed to duck under the tentacle just in time, Jenn was hit hard, and was sent flying away.

(Jenn's stamina status: Orange)
Re: Face off with a goddess

(How many bullets do I have left by the way?)

Narrowly avoiding the tentacle, Luna shouted to Iris as she continued her fire.


"Sister! Toss me your gun!"

At close range, Luna did not have to worry about accuracy so much as much damage as possible to the supernatural being, and the sooner the shield fell, the better.

(Action: Triple shot on the barrier.)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn picks herself up off the floor, shaken. She takes a good look around as she walks back in range... paying particular attention to anything heavy that might be hanging above the goddess.
Re: Face off with a goddess

As Iris got closer to the woman she was about to charge in to slash at the woman. Iris was when something clicked inside her head. This womans sheild, unless it could be taken down she wouldn't be able to get near her. Iris pulled her 9mm out, aiming at the woman. Iris doubted any of her bullets would hit but they might weaken the sheild a bit. Still aiming Iris pulled the trigger three times.

* Triple shot at the woman. *
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Jenn gets back in range, on the stage)

(Luna attacks)

Luna's first shot missed as the goddess dodged it with surprising speed, then her gun clicked, signaling that she was out of ammo...

(Iris attacks, three shots)

While the woman was busy with Luna and Amy, Iris managed three good shots, all bouncing off of the shield.

(Goddess's shield status: Orange)

(Amy attacks, Holy Fire)

Amy puts two fingers to her head in concentration, the releases a powerful, fiery bolt of fire at the woman. Though she blocks it, the woman seemed to put a lot of effort into stopping it.

(The Goddess attacks)

The goddess begins to seem a bit worn, as she shouts,

"Wretched sinful!" she curses as the tentacles on her back reach for the lights that illuminate the stage, destroying them.

As the lights go out, the woman whispers, "Lights out... Ha, ha, ha..."

All four girls were standing in the dark, unable to locate the Goddess easily.
Re: Face off with a goddess


Damn, if I hadn't had to turn back early yesterday, I'd probably have found a flashlight... but maybe she can't see either? Yea, fat chance, but maybe worth a try.

Jenn tries to stay quiet while moving quickly away from her last position, not toward where the goddess was but toward where the director was, and looks for something small and loose to throw as a distraction on the off chance the goddess can't see in the dark.

(Try to go stealth and close to melee range of the director)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris slowly crept to the ground as the lights went out, hoping her chances of her getting hit lowered. With no light they couldn't see the damn woman! They needed light and now. Iris thought about any possible way to get light in the room. The only way that came to mind was shooting the roof. If the celing was made of cheap wood then there was a fair chance bullets could make a few holes in it and get some light in the room. Iris aimed her gun and fired.

* Triple shot at the celing. Not the celing directly above Iris.*
Re: Face off with a goddess

Fully alert, Luna uses the time to reload her gun, choosing to use her other senses to locate the Goddess as opposed to using her eyes.

(Brain dead post...)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris fired three times at the ceiling, making small holes. Unfortunately, the tiny holes didn't allow much light to come in...

As Luna reloads her gun, she hears sounds coming from where she last saw the Director... The sounds were feint, and it was hard to tell what was happening.

As Jenn went over to the Director, both the touch and what she heard made no mistake in her mind, the woman was trying to rape the Director while the three of them wandered around in the dark!
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Hey she's over here!"

Jenn does her best to cut the director free again, despite the dark.