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Face off with a goddess

Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris saw that her effort to get more light in the room hadn't helped much. The small holes the bullets had made hadn't of made much of a differnce. Hearing Jenn call Iris decided to follow the sound of her voice, sword srawn and ready to stab the goddess.

* Follow Jenns voice, help the director.*
Re: Face off with a goddess

Twirling her blade, Luna began moving towards the sound of Jenn's voice....

(I'm drained of creativity fluids at the moment :/, sorry.)
Re: Face off with a goddess

As Iris and Luna move towards Jenn's voice, Jenn successfully cuts one of the tentacles holding the Director.

The Director fell to the floor, coughing a little as she cursed,

"Don't you ever put that thing in my mouth again! You filthy mongrel..."

As Jenn and the others search for the woman again, no signs of her near the Director were shown...
Re: Face off with a goddess

Striking out for the director had been a good plan. Jenn had known that from the start. Staying where you are when the lights go out is out of the question, and rushing your enemy is pointless if they're aware of the same rule and especially when they're the ones who turned out the lights. Regrouping with allies was the right course, and the director was both the most powerful and the one who the goddess had been focusing on attacking. Actually finding and doing damage to the goddess was just a bonus.

But that there would be no second shot in the dark. She was with the director now, and the others were surely running toward her voice. And... somewhere out there in the dark was a freakish tentacled woman who wanted to rape her. No... now was time to defer to the director's knowledge and ability.


"Right then, I don't suppose you can see her?"

Jenn stays within a few feet of the director in a defensive stance, staring out at the dark and straining her ears trying hear the goddess moving.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Luna closed her eyes, listening intently for any sign of the goddess, while remaining in a defensive stance.

(Still brain-dead...)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Neither Luna nor Jenn heard where the Goddess might have gone, but Amy raises her gun and fires an aimed shot, the slight light it provided showed the girls an image of Iris being held by the Goddess, with a tentacle in her mouth.

An organic sound was heard, and Iris was freed from the Goddess's grasp.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn rushes toward the goddess, intending to do more damage to her before she escaped again.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Rather than chasing after the goddess as Jenn does, Luna chooses to instead open fire on the goddess, letting off three shots in hopes of hitting her before she disappeared.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris coughed as she fell to the ground, spitting out the fluids that had built up in her mouth. Iris had been helpless when she has held by goddess but now... Now she had a chance to do some damage! Being this close to the goddess Iris had a fair shot at stabbing her without her sheilds protecting her. Iris quickly drew her blade. Putting her weight into it Iris went to stab the woman. Whilst Iris did this she made sure to keep out of the bullets path and Jenns way.

*Stab at the goddess.*
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Jenn attacks)

As Jenn swipes at the Goddess with her sword, the woman steps to the side, evading the blade in one swift motion.

(Luna attacks, three shots)

The woman moves at inhuman speeds as Luna's bullets hit nothing but air as the woman moves through the darkness.

(Iris attacks)

As the Goddess quickly moves away, Iris's blade hits nothing but air...

(The Director informs her comrades of the situation)

"Incoming attack!" she shouted.

(Amy has lightened the darkness penalty for this attack)

(The Goddess attacks)

Amy and Jenn swiftly dodge the tentacles as they swing in a similar fashion as they did before, however, Iris and Luna's bodies met with the flying tendrils, sending them flying away from the stage as they were slammed by the fat tendrils.

(Iris's stamina status: Yellow)

(Luna's stamina status: Yellow)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Cursing as she got back up from having the wind knocked out of her, Luna swings her blade in an unorthodox defensive manner around her, on the lookout for the goddess to reemerge.


"...Looks like I was right about the coward bit after all..."

(Defensive stance, counterattack with sword if attacked.)
Re: Face off with a goddess


Shit, and now I'm the only one standing in front of her...

Jenn has two options, as she sees it. She could retreat back to the director, going defensive, or she could press her luck and attack again. Considering the fact that the most difficult aspect of the fight thus far has been either dealing damage or finding the woman to deal damage to in the first place...

Jenn attacks, aggressively, hoping to deal damage and force another retreat.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris gasped for air for a brief moment after the wind had been knocked out of her by the goddess. Getting back on her feet Iris thought of what to do now. The bullets through the roof idea had failed. Attacking her with a sword didn't work because of how fast the goddes was and unless Iris was directly in front of her she couldn't shoot or stab at her. Seemed like the only way any of them were going to defeat this woman was by shooting her sheilds out while the director lit the room up and then shooting her with her sheilds down.

Seeing that there wasn't much she could do at the moment Iris sneaked along the wall counter clock wise to try and find someone.

*Stealth, sneak counter clockwise over along the walls in attempt to get near the director or Luna. Stop when she reached one of them.*
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Iris eventually found her way back to the stage)

(Luna waited for an attack, but nothing happened)

(Jenn attacks)

Jenn was lucky enough to catch the woman as she was recovering from her wild attack, and hit her blade hard enough against her shield, that the woman took a step forward from the hit as Jenn attacked her from behind.

(Amy attacks)

The Director, catching her opportunity, runs up on the woman, using her Divine Sight to find her strong energy, she draws two long swords from her belt, and begins to furiously pound against the shield with her strikes.

(Goddess shield status: Red)

One of the sword strikes made it through the shield, cutting the woman along the belly, but not enough to make a fatal wound.

The woman took several steps away from her attackers, cursing as she did so, using one arm to cover her belly.

"Damn you!" she spat, "You can't stop the end! God will be born, and even if you killed me, you wouldn't be able to halt your inevitable fate."

Whether the girls saw it or not, darkness began to form under the woman, as if eating up what little light was in the room, and began to act like water from a fountain, except moving slowly as it engulfed the woman,

"Hark! The end of mankind is nigh!" she shouted, as if insulting the four. Then she disappeared as the darkness swallowed her.

Iris and Jenn heard the Director sigh, and right after, some things were heard near the opposite side of the stage, as the front doors opened, allowing the light from the sun to guide their eyes.

As if like a queen, the naked Director strode out of the audience, not appearing to want to wait for the three that had helped her.
Re: Face off with a goddess


"And what of it?... If the god is as filthy as you are, I'll slay him as well..."

Muttering under her breath as she sheathed her sword. Luna began to walk towards the sunlight shining in from the front doors.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Seeing the doors open, Iris let a sigh of relief. They had survived. They hadn't killed the woman but they did weaken her and found that she isn't invincible. There was hope. She could be stopped. Like her sister Iris slowly began to walk over to the exit, sheathing her sword and placing her gun back in her holster. Iris thought about what the woman had said, about god being reborn. As Iris thought about it she muttered something quietly to herself.

" What did she mean by god being reborn..? "

As Iris got near the sunlight she decided not to worry about it for the moment. She was just greatful nobody had died and she could see her friends again.
Re: Face off with a goddess

("Some things?" Are we talking biological here, or just un-jamming the door?)

Jenn takes a look around to see what damage was done: all three of the girls had taken hits, but the so-called women who had accosted them before they made it onto stage had honestly gotten closer to serious harm then this alleged goddess. And yet... she had talked more like a priest then a goddess, meaning the worst was almost certainly yet to come. Jenn had to learn more about what was meant. And something that had been said during the fight tugged at her mind more then anything else...

She jogged to catch up to the director.


"Sorry we didn't listen to you, but honestly I've never met you before but your maid probably saved my life and she asked us to help. At any rate, the fight was won handily.

That woman called you a traitor. What were you trying to do when you worked with her?"
Re: Face off with a goddess

Without looking at Jenn as they left the theater, the Director responded,

"I never worked with her, and you should rid yourself of such ignorance lest you make a fool of yourself." she said coldly.
Re: Face off with a goddess


"There's only one way to get rid of ignorance, and that's to ask questions. So how does she think you're a traitor if you never worked with her?"

(The director isn't exactly endearing... and Jenn came on the mission mostly to learn about the recent past, so she's probably not going to let up until she finds something out. :p)
Re: Face off with a goddess

As Iris made her out of the building she walked near Luna, not really wanting to get near the director at the moment. Iris had a deep respect for her and loyalty for her but didn't have the nerve to just walk up to her and start asking questions like Jenn was.

As Iris continued to walk she hoped that the director didn't take Iris up on her offer to yell at her. That wasn't something she would want to have to sit through.