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Fallout 3 PbP idea


Nov 10, 2008
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Im working on an idea and an engine that will stay truthful to the fallout 3 world. While im looking to run this, I was hoping to get help and advice from all of you and even some people co running if not fully taking the reigns as i lack the experience of ever hosting a PbP game.

I will need ideas add ons and formulas to run the game id like to try and keep it simple and below ill list my ideas.

The background will be the players are part of a small lightly fortified settlement north east of Grayditch, player characters will fufill rolls of doctor mechanic guard and others they apply for, having to go out looking for supplies such as food and ammo.

missions will be required daily for supplies, runs for fresh water, raiding locations for food and ammo, or even going to another small settlement and trading skills and services for caps / enjoyment.

Being raped by creatures will inflict penalties against your stats and skills including [STR AGI END -2] ((ill think more on this with suggestions.))

  • General timeline is after the fallout 3 game by 10 years or more
  • Megaton blew up
  • Fresh water is no longer a problem
  • Brotherhood of steel's numbers have been in decline, super mutants not so much
  • creatures have evolved differently on the wasteland
  • radiation is still a big problem illnesses related to it include mutated STD's and sterility
  • Slave trade is still booming
  • Raiders are more numerous
  • The Enclave was nearly destroyed and now insignificant
  • Three dog still hosts GNR
  • Feral ghouls litter the subways and underground
  • underworld is still home of the ghouls

Any ideas people would like to add to the history of this world, Ie those who played the game fully and in depth paying attention to story and everything i skimmed the top... lol

Potential Encounters

Hyper Mutants as a counter measure for the FEV used in Vault 87 Vault 96 The exact location of the vault is unknown, meaning full information about the hyper mutants and the knowledge of where they take their victims is very restricted, They are like Super mutants in stature, they have a very active sex drive, stories of women being raped by them are told to give nightmares to all wastelanders, its said that at the end of the rape women are too broken to fight back as their dragged off to wherever these new mutie's came from, the common responce from all wastelanders are one mutie or another they're bad news, while they seem to be almost identical to super mutants, they are more intelligent and oftne in charge of groups of Super mutants, in order to beat one of these you will want to significantly outnumber it with the good guns and to keep your distance. Their potential rape is the same as super mutants, just that much more brutal, including excessive cum, and un relenting rape for hours.

Super Mutants are still about, their numbers are greatly reduced after their vault was sealed, but they seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Ever powerful it will take a bigger gun and some skill or more numbers to decisively beat an encounter with these, potential rapeincludes light bondage, two of them gang raping, carrying you off and tying you up at their temporary base is likely you will have 7 days to be rescued after being tied up there.

Centaur Never far from their Super/Hyper mutant masters, these Centaurs have evolved over the years to help incapacitate potential slaves for their owners, they now have a 5 way tongue, ((radiation always means bigger and more, we all know that :/ )) Their spit is now a very sticky green/brown slime or goo that is aimed for the face, if hit victims will have a hard time breathing and seeing through the near opaque slime, the goo allows air to pass in and out through it slowly, it also tingles with radiation and lines their tongues. Potential rape will include tongue/tentacle rape, if held capture will be inevitable by super mutants, it may take upto a day before your captured by Super mutants, as they wont be able to move while holding you.

Slavers Higher numbers, still looking for work and victims, you better have a reputation and be a real low bitch if you want to work with them instead of being enslaved, they travel the wastelands to destinations in groups of 3, and slightly well armed with ok armor, similair weapon and skill will allow you to beat them. potential rape includes slavery, humiliation, only one person at a time one after the other, you will be taken to their headquaters rescue will be nigh on impossible, purchasing a slaved character will cost 1000 in the first week 300 at the end of the second.

Raiders Classic lowlives, floating around numerous and drugged up weapons are low level and low condition armor negligible, you dont want to be caught in the middle of their high numbers it would spell trouble, potential rape includes gang rape, doping you up (you may become addicted!) leaving you where you are is most likely, though they may take you to a local place that has a bed and tie you to it.

Mercs Well equipped good armor, low numbers travelling at the most of groups of 3, their responce towards you is neutral, but if you've done something of notice they may or may not come after you, Superior skill and a friend will be necessary, They might rape you, but then leave you where you are.

Wild dogs Yeap for the beastiality fan its potential, they will tear you down and rape you then leave you to dry on the spot.
numbers are unaffected usually travel in a pack or as part of a team of wastelanders

Glowing ones have a particularly nasty pattern of rape now, practically oozing with radiation, while in a fair fight the odds arent in their favor, they have plenty of toughness and resistance to go the full distance in a fight, they fight unarmed cause radiation with each hit, will rape you on the spot before leaving you, rape will include a steaming foaming spunk spraying into the victim before fizzing its way back out slowly, as if someone shook up a bottle of nuka cola and ejaculated that.

Fire Ants the crazy nut job in grayditch continued his experiments and they continued going wrong, they still have the potential flamethrower ability, but their queen was becoming steril breeding became harder for the ants, and they began to evolve way of pregnating other creatures human being their better solution, as such they developed a penis like limb under their thorax which is raised off the ground and about the same size of their body further giving them a slightly odd body structure, potential rape beastialty pinning you to the ground or wall while they do it, laying their eggs and then leaving you.

Deathclaw The ultimate raping machine. They are stronger faster tougher than anything will pounce and rape players within the first turn, IF your lucky you might be able to take the first hit, but it wont leave much. Significantly out numbering and with high powered weapons will be the only way to win, still with casualties. Will violently rape then leave your steaming soaking body unconscious on the floor.

Mirelurk are about the same height now as player characters, slightly slower than an uninjured character, they have no ranged ability, but at close range are quite powerful in Melee, at close range its much harder to hit key locations, their torso being tough will resist 1/2 the damage, they lay eggs, potential rape are upto three eggs in a host the eggs are getting smaller much like the population which find the new fresh water hard to live with.

Radroaches pose no threat to players physically or sexually, however if left unconscious in the wastelands after a sexual counter these may swarm over the body gathering what nutrition they can from the character, polayers might wake up with their breasts being suckled, their body being stimulated all so a Radroach can feed.

Any other factions or creatures i missed out or you'd like included please suggest them any ammendments you'd like to add to these please post.


Jet gives quite the rush, will also arouse female and male characters now
Super Jet one big rush in combat, will have women and men hot under the collar, seaking sexual release
Ultra Jet It went wrong no longer suited for combat its the ultimate aphrodisiac will drive men to thrust their shaft into anything that will provide release for hours, women will seak release anyway they can until it passes
Hyper Jet the next one up in potency from the one above.
Psycho similair to Jet, similair effect to Viagra, a kind of inbetween
Med-x tranquilizer, enough of these will be enough to incapacitate any one and prevent them from resisting, common with many raiders
Rad-x same as game
Stim pak same as game
Mentats same as game

Any suggestions or mods to the drugs please post your ideas.


Vats, im thinking about looking for a picture of a standard person using the following keys

</\>-_[] {} #*|+= if i cant find someone who can build one of those kind of pictures i might just use numbers in a list form of limbs being simplar or even a picture with box's of percentage to hit, percentage of health and actual health.

Status will include the picture your rad level/resist and effects.

Special is the same as in game they will include Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck which you will have 50 points to put in each upto a maximum of 10


I've decided that regardless of Special, skill points will stay at 15 per level, ((trying not to overpower characters))

Formula i found the formula for skills it works its simple and understandable Yay!

The initial value of each skill is based on a character's value in the relevant attribute plus a bonus determined by their Luck attribute.

Formula: 2 + (Stat * 2) + Luck/2 (rounded up).
Example: A starting Endurance of 5 and a starting Luck of 1 will give you an initial Unarmed skill of 13. 2+(5*2)+1/2=12,5≈13
Initial values also function as base value, meaning any later change to the SPECIAL stat would also have similar change to the respective skill.
At level up, the character will gain 10 points plus a number equal to their Intelligence.
((other increase to skill will be included including studying books and actual practice of the skill up for debate?))

Barter haggling price for all things, asking for more supplies, better value and price during prostitution.
Big Guns
Energy Weapons
Melee Weapons
Small guns

Skills are capped at 40 + 3 per level so for example at lvl3 49 at lvl5 55, this is to stop people maxxing skills at level 5.

Perks, i havent thought of many yet, im thinking of including the ones from the game and a few onces suited for this sexual twist on the PbP game, post ideas of course, still i added one if its balanced is up to you lot.

Addict will recieve an extra 10% effect from the drugs, higher chance of being addicted.

Animal Friend Intimate encounters can be innitiated with animals rather than fighting them.

Chem Resistant When being drugged for rape there is a chance you can shrug off the effects giving you the element of surprise.

One night stand After being raped violently, your character once escaping captivity if necessary will be able to continue on their mission instead of having to find a bed and spend a day of extended rest to recover.


ok so combat were adding an Armor Class system which starts at 5 goes up with the level at level 20 they will have an AC of 25

I still need people to help me come up with a simple formula and engine for the game.

I was thinking for stats checks D20, for skill and Vats D%, i havent worked out a formula yet.

ok this is what me and Kayi have come up with and i think works so lets see

a character level 5 has an ac of 10, and small guns skill of 55 ((maxxed for niceness)) which gives + 5 to their attack, they will be fighting a raider level 3 AC 8 small guns skill of 40 (0)

for the player to hit an 3 would be needed on a d20 roll

for the opponent to hit 10 would be needed on a d20 roll, it works out nicely considering there will almost always be more enemies than players, but the players will almost certaily be equal or higher level than what their facing.

the reason for such a high chance to hit is for battles to resolve quicker the players will have a good edge against monsters, but not so much that it will be one sided.

what do people think?
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Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea


Science was only ever used for hacking computers which often only opened locks anyhow. Instead of "Stealth" make it "Infiltration" with Science, Lockpicking, and Sneaking. And that's only if you really think you even need this kind of adjustment. There's not that many skills that it would hurt to just keep them all.

SPECIAL already has a way to distribute stats, why turn this into a roll? Just use it as is. Fallout is very good at having made this kind of a system.

Many Perks can easily have sexual twists applied. And making new perks that are non-sexual... Why? Your Addict perk for example, there's already multiple perks for drugs in Fallout 3 already.

In fact, the entire game is SO well designed for you to simply use it as a game, that the only thing I think you need to adjust at all is to create a way to decide hit percentages and a dodge rate to counter these.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

This could be interesting to play. Just curious though: would it be possible to have backstories such as once working for the enclave (as an officer, or scientist, or something so you never had the armor) and then basically ending up out on your own when Raven Rock when sky-high?
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

Science was only ever used for hacking computers which often only opened locks anyhow. Instead of "Stealth" make it "Infiltration" with Science, Lockpicking, and Sneaking. And that's only if you really think you even need this kind of adjustment. There's not that many skills that it would hurt to just keep them all.

Agreed and done.

SPECIAL already has a way to distribute stats, why turn this into a roll? Just use it as is. Fallout is very good at having made this kind of a system.

true enough i think i was hoping for more variety, but your right about the game engine being very good for this thing.

This could be interesting to play. Just curious though: would it be possible to have backstories such as once working for the enclave (as an officer, or scientist, or something so you never had the armor) and then basically ending up out on your own when Raven Rock when sky-high?

agreed but id need to work some kind of balance into it, so long as the power armor training isnt included i dont see why not though considering it would only be a backstory.
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Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

One thing you might want to note as a change from the normal fallout world, super mutants have no gender.

The FEV made them gender neutral, so there's either, no rape there, or a small change(This info can be found in vault whatever number terminals).

Besides that, seems like an interesting game.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

One thing you might want to note as a change from the normal fallout world, super mutants have no gender.

The FEV made them gender neutral, so there's either, no rape there, or a small change(This info can be found in vault whatever number terminals).

Besides that, seems like an interesting game.

I think it's vault 80-something.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the 'muties did in fact retain gender post-FEV. At least, in FO and FO2. I'll look it up.

And, why a blown up Megaton?

Edit: Here: "The mutation has some severe side effects. Chief among them is sterility. As the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they are perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which repairs them, rendering the mutants sterile. Super mutants are unable to reproduce with any creature, whether clean or mutated. Other side effects include an alteration of pigment of the epidermis. While the super mutants originating from Mariposa are sterile, they do not lose their sexual organs. In contrast, the Vault 87 (FO3) strain of FEV causes the subjects to lose most of their visible sexual identifiers. " @Fallout wiki.
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Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

...In contrast, the Vault 87 (FO3) strain of FEV causes the subjects to lose most of their visible sexual identifiers.

The fact that this is based off of fallout 3 means we are on the east coast, so this is the one that would probably apply and is why XSI is bringing the subject up. When referencing stuff from FO 1/2 remember that FO 3 is in a completely different area of the country and therefore the batches of FEV will almost certainly be different.

Due note, though, that the final call is up to the GM.

As for Megaton: why not. The explosion is pretty (Also this way we can't just decide to move there).
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

Although it's true this version of the virus is unable to affect people in such a way, it is also true that after this much time has passed, mutations from the west coast could've easily gotten to the east coast. Example, Harold actually managed to get all the way out to D.C., so why couldn't a super mutant have done the same and spread his virus?

And that's beside the fact that there could be any number of other vaults throughout the middle of the country. Perhaps one of them had a different reaction?

How about a "hyper mutant" that has enhanced sexual traits. They are unable to breed amongst themselves, but breeding with non-mutated beings (example, Us.) will result in an extreme pregnancy reaction. Perhaps the only reason these mutants haven't taken over is because most humans don't survive the breeding process. :p

If we're going to twist the storyline for our own purposes, then at least know what things are capable within the world of fallout.

Further edit: If you don't like megaton exploding and taking everyone out, then since this is eight years later, just assume that someone else brought new components to the city and activated it. Or perhaps super mutants took over and our good friend the sheriff set the bomb off himself after evacuating everyone. Who knows.

That's part of the point of choosing to forward time another eight years or so, just so that the plots don't intersect.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

The F.E.V. for super mutants isn't a transmittable virus. To get a supper mutant you must expose them to the stuff. For example, the west coast super mutants were dunked in vats of the stuff or exposed to the vats in some fashion. The only known transmittable version basically acted as a partial inoculation against further change.

The hyper mutant or some new form of super mutant from a different set of vats (possibly creating a new vault to have them come from) would probably work best.

It would probably be best to hold off further speculation, though, until devild logs back on.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

If an army of the mutants started travelling the wastes, they could easily bring a supply of the virus. But yes, a new vault seems the best choice.

Also... just because the original poster isn't here doesn't mean we can't discuss and knock ideas back and forth. That's the entire point of asking for help on this kind of stuff, so we can work out what sounds good and it can be read by everyone to see what turns out well.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

Well two possible outcomes of this are that from Kayi where they're different mutants all together an evolved version which is likely, I have evolved the fire ants and while im no professor on insects im pretty certain that ants dont have penis's.

For the hyper mutants i dont particularly like the thought of killing a player character outright there during a rape, i do leave the chance for them to be rescued, they could of come from another Vault but that would mean id have to add a few more years to the story line on the grounds that they would need serious numbers to compete with the brother hood and over rule the original super mutants.

As for blowing up Megaton.... its pretty, but yeah it would stop people moving there its one less well established safe haven, i havent covered all aspects of the rivvet city quests ((damned being good aligned))

The storyline tragically for our lone wanderer will be mostly forgotten and unmentioned, while their may be few references by three dog over the radio, he talks about the current affairs not the past, no one truely knows what happened at Megaton.

Im more inclined to either have them evolve or be newer versions of the mutants somehow, what do you guys and gals think?

Also i am thinking about returning to the original skills system now, it wont be too complicated to run even if there are as many skills as there are in say a 3rd edition DnD game :p.

so two things to vote on here

1) Super mutants? did they evolve/mutate or did they get replaced? (which may mean furthering the year we play in)

2) return to the original skill list that we all know and love or keep it simple?

also added another monster, how did i forget the centaur *shame*
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Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

What about those mirelurks? Can't have players simply move to an island and be completely safe from everything?

And what about radroach rape? (Just kidding :p )
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

And what about radroach rape? (Just kidding :p )

What'd ya mean, just kidding? I think that's an excelent idea...

Mmmm, insects...

(I am being serious, by the bye.)
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

What'd ya mean, just kidding? I think that's an excelent idea...

Mmmm, insects...

(I am being serious, by the bye.)

Now that you say so, it's probably not that far from ant-rape(Both insects, and similar build), so it seems like it could be possible.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

Well two possible outcomes of this are that from Kayi where they're different mutants all together an evolved version which is likely, I have evolved the fire ants and while im no professor on insects im pretty certain that ants dont have penis's.

Ants can't spit fire either. Don't give them a "penis" per-se, but a cock-like impliment that they wield to impregnate women in some way. We could simply say that our version of the plot didn't drug them and this new method is a better way of getting their eggs to hatch quicker and healthier. Or maybe the drug used only works by increasing the tempurature requirement for the eggs to stay alive... and what better way to maintain constant, healthy heat than to put the eggs in a nice warm place.

There's any number of ways to fix it without outright saying the ants are mating with women. Though for the poor girls involved, it feels almost the same :p

For the hyper mutants i dont particularly like the thought of killing a player character outright there during a rape, i do leave the chance for them to be rescued, they could of come from another Vault but that would mean id have to add a few more years to the story line on the grounds that they would need serious numbers to compete with the brother hood and over rule the original super mutants.

This suggestion was rather a plot device. Player Characters won't die from the rape, but player characters are always tougher than non-player characters. This was merely a suggestion for why these "hyper mutants" haven't completely overrun the world so far. If anything, it's a reason for them to seek out tougher, stronger, and more powerful people (IE, us again, player characters), and go out of their way to breed, HARD, since we can take it.

Also... Why would you need to add a few years? The entire fallout3 story takes place in DC only. Why not simply say that they're from a vault in Virginia, and their influence is finally getting so wide that they're showing up in D.C.?

You can still keep regular super mutants around as bland enemies too, but the normal super mutants are waning because of their low abilities to get more members. Which makes our new mutants the new threat invading.

As for blowing up Megaton.... its pretty, but yeah it would stop people moving there its one less well established safe haven, i havent covered all aspects of the rivvet city quests ((damned being good aligned))

The storyline tragically for our lone wanderer will be mostly forgotten and unmentioned, while their may be few references by three dog over the radio, he talks about the current affairs not the past, no one truely knows what happened at Megaton.

Mention of old events should be limited, yes. Megaton being fucked makes sense. And Rivet City should've been "locked down" after the destruction of several other large cities and the invasion of the Hyper Mutants, which means only certain people can get in now. It could be an entire side-quest you can have to let anyone inside.

Im more inclined to either have them evolve or be newer versions of the mutants somehow, what do you guys and gals think?

Also i am thinking about returning to the original skills system now, it wont be too complicated to run even if there are as many skills as there are in say a 3rd edition DnD game :p.

so two things to vote on here

1) Super mutants? did they evolve/mutate or did they get replaced? (which may mean furthering the year we play in)

2) return to the original skill list that we all know and love or keep it simple?

also added another monster, how did i forget the centaur *shame*

My votes:
1) Super Mutants are still around, but in tiny numbers. Hyper Mutants from a state or two over that are slowly invading.

2) The new skill list is nice and simple, which is a good thing. But you'd need to create a way to balance it off the stats and how you level the skills.

The existing skill list is balanced, not too hard, and already has a way to lay it out for leveling.

Both have their ups and downs. But if you honestly wanted to keep this as "simple" as possible... I'd keep the old one because it's pre-made. Just apply new limitations to keep people from min/maxing the way you could in the game.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

1) Super mutants? did they evolve/mutate or did they get replaced? (which may mean furthering the year we play in)

2) return to the original skill list that we all know and love or keep it simple?

1. A new vault with an alternate batch of SM's with the old ones having been replaced (Maybe the enclave managed to seal vault 87 before they were destroyed or something.)

2.My main problem with the old system was the method of leveling skills, If you go back to that system, it would be nice if you had us level up skills through use rather than getting a few skill points at level up.
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

ill get around to reading editing the post as necessary, and posting my views after i get some sleep, i just spent an all night movie session watching cult classics such as Airplane Dr.Strangelove Evil dead 1 & 2, i think ill need more therapy.

it has however given me ideas for ghouls and Oasis.
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Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

I suggest perks, missions, and other events and traits that can encourage more sexual thing, or at least decrease the impact for certain kinds of sex and actions. :p

And by the way, any idea when this thing might get started and we can play? *loves idea*
Re: Fallout 3 PbP idea

well right now im only theorising i have ideas stories plots and sex scenes in my head, i just want to make sure i have a working engine that i understand even if its slightly unbalanced or biassed, Im also writing up a 4th edition DnD campaignn and very sleep deprived so thats a set back, but currently un employed which is a bonus for times sake.