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Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Sorry for the double post, but I felt it was necessary.

So I've been going through and trying to decide what my character would know of and feel towards every other character. Unfortunately, most of my spare time is during work, meaning I have to browse the forum using my blackberry. Whiule that isn't too much of a problem, it does eat up time slogging through chat to find character sheets, so I propose that we make a new thread for character sheets, which we can then update as the story progresses.

Who's with me! :)
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Ronny mentioned that, i just haven't had the time.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I thought I remembered it mentioned... Anyway, if we are to update our own characters, we'd have to post them ourselves as far as I know, so all you have to do is make the thread. If you don't mind someone else starting it, I volunteer, though I won't be able to till I get home, in about 5 hours from now.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Okay, small slew of questions, mostly two topics. Numero uno, how big is this school we're at? I'm asking this so I have an idea how likely I am to have seen other people in the halls and around campus. Numero dos, are people able to tell another person's magical ability and relative strength just by looking at him/her? Or is that part of a cartain ability, telepathy perhaps? Are they able to at all? I wish to know, because if you can't tell, then I wish the fact that Jess is a reservoir to be a fairly well kept secret, as in only the faculty if possible. Anyone with the ability to tell (if there is one) knows obviously, but have been asked not to talk about it. That alright with everyone concerned?

((EDIT: added the 'what other chars would know' section to my sheet, figured it would make things a bit easier))
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Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Think Hogwarts, only cubed lol. There are only three magic schools in this world. They have to be quite large.

As for the telling what others have that falls under telepathy
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Okie dokie, and isn't this now a day late? Or am I a week ahead of myself? Not trying to rush you or anything, this is just the RP im looking forward to the most
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

sorry, I'll get something moving today, I just have to figure out how I'm going to play all the NPCs, Servante, Cally, and Misha. D:

Hey Hope? You mind giving me a hand?
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I'd be honored to loan a hand. Tell me whom to play and what needs doing.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I guess the first thin is, if you can play Servante for me.

Other than that I'm pretty sure that we can get this back on the road. Do me a favor please and post messages on the walls of the people involved in the chat and tell them to get their character sheets posted if they want to continue playing.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

sorry, I'll get something moving today,

Don't feel like I'm rushing you, cause I'm not, just voicing my mild confusion. If you need longer, by all means, take it.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Ok, this is going to sound like a complete 180 from my last post ((sorry for the double post, btw)), but how much of an initial post do you need to get this rolling? Can't you just do a little one so we can start, pretty please?
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

*flails* Lets just keep going in the thread we have now, Shrike, pretend your character has been there the whole time, and just ignore like the people who aren't playing anymore.

Sorry, school's really hit me hard
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC


Umm... 'Kay, sorry...
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

you wanted to get started let's get started then
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

WERES!!!! For your transformation I figured there should be three stages. A human stage, a "furry" stage, and a full animal stage.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

A slight heads-up...The seriousness of the RP has taken a distinctly southerly route...

Chibi asked me to use one of my characters from another RP to act as a pseudo-advisor. So he's basically an NPC.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

A group is only as fast as it's slowest traveller. I'm putting that at 5 leagues (or 15 miles) a day.

You can get Horses which you can then travel about 10 leagues (30 miles) in a day. About twice as fast as on foot.

I want you all to read this if you're going to be doing something with horses. PLEASE.

Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Check, I'm guessing as a centaur I can cover about the same distance as a horse then. Also if I let them would someone be able to ride me, and how does a naga ride a horse? The last question's more just curiosity.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Check, I'm guessing as a centaur I can cover about the same distance as a horse then. Also if I let them would someone be able to ride me, and how does a naga ride a horse? The last question's more just curiosity.

someone would be able to ride you yes, but a naga riding a horse... um. Shrinking charm? lol

Naga's will have the same pace, lol