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Far from home (Kiriana)


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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After a few minutes riding, Kiri emerged from the other side of the swirling red portal, and felt once more the sudden change in gravity upsetting her stomach, before the demonic mount levelled out. The sun was beginning to set, casting an orange, bloodied glow across the grassy plains surrounding the burnt out village.

Almost lazily, the dragonhawk flew down the road, obviously knowing where it was going. The scent of forest filled the Viera's nostrils, such a pleasant change to the smell of odd grass and brimstone.

Eventually, the burnt out camp came into view, and as the Dragonhawk landed, the scent of charred flesh filled her scents, quickly overpowering any resemblance of pleasantness. The camp was in even worse state than when she had last left it. All the tents had been burnt down, and the corpses of the former prisoners littered the area, most cut down by sword, though a few who had tried to flee had had either their heads or chests burnt through, and little patches of arcane fire still burned brightly near them.

As Kiri dismounted, the dragonhawk inclined its head slightly, before taking off, back towards its homeland, where undoubtedly the cruel demoness was 'breaking in' her new captives.

After a little searching, the Viera found the sight of the battle between Mîrchell and Arynythil, noticeable by the ice still sticking out of the ground. The she-elf was still there, staring gormlessly at the sky, the massive hole still in her chest. Grass and other plant life were wrapping themselves around her, covering a couple of fingers and creeping around the broken body, though it hadn't been claimed yet, and could easily be freed. Insects seemed to be respecting her, for some reason, no flies had gathered around her exploded chest yet, even though there was quite a bit of gore gathered there among the scraps of shattered rib and torn lung.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

As she burst through the portal, Kiri's face blanched slightly as she held tight to the dragonhawk's saddle. Letting it fly more then she, the viera instead took several moments to catch her breath, letting the fresh air that reminded her of home fill her lungs as she held on for the ride.

Upon arriving at the ruined soldier's camp, Kiri gave it a greatful pat, but was surprised as the dragonhawk took off. She almost missed the company, but she guessed it would have been for the better anyway, she was sure it was not gonna be easy to hide such a creature that way.

As she looked over the mangled bodies, her ears drooped as sadness filled her heart. Even if she called upon the poweress of the pheonix, she was sure she wouldn't be able to help everyone the demon had slain, she didn't have that much power to work with... still, she muttered silent condolelnces to the bodies, giving them the proper burial rites of her own people.

When she reached the frozen glade, Kiri looked over Aryn's body, still saddened by the act of her destruction. Still, she had a chance to fix that now. Quietly she knelt down, flexing her fingers as she called her magic powers, shifting enough of the plantlife off the body so she could mend the broken form. She wanted to make sure she was repaired before she even attempted to summon forth the white magics required to even revive her.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

It proved to be little hassle to pull away the little bits of moss and plant life clinging to Arynythil's body, and quickly, Kiri got to work. Lilyenne's leftover magic was helpful, and the Viera was quite capable or patching up all of the minor wounds scattered across the poor she-elf's body. The huge hole in her chest, however, was a bigger problem. For one thing, Kiri had to stick her hands into the gory mess to let the magic flow, and when it did, it proved very slow.

But work it did, and eventually, after many unpleasant slurping and crunching sounds, the body started to work itself back together. Even the shredded lungs and heart began to grow back, but Kiri luckily didn't get to see much of this unpleasant process as the skin healed over. Of course, Arynythil was still left with the problem that her tunic was more or less ripped to shreds, leaving her back, chest and belly bare, breasts and all.

However, a quick look over, which required the removal of most of the she-elf's clothes, revealed that, on the outside at least, Arynythil was repaired. If what little she had seen of the regrowing organs was any indication, she was perfectly fine inside as well by now...
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri felt satisfied at how things were going. After all, part of her white magic's poweress would heal up any extra injuries she missed. Though clothing would be a problem, she was sure she could gather up at least enough from the blasted camp. Quietly she rose, gripping her staff. Focusing hard, she began pooling the required magics, as a warm orangish glow of her Raise spell began it's work of returning the poor elf to conciousness.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

As the orange light pooled around the pair, Kiri started to feel the tug inside her own body, as her spirit began to travel, as the Viera powered its move to the spirit realm...


Kiri opened her eyes, blinking in the bright sunshine. A gentle breeze caressed her face and, looking down, her naked body. She had ascended to the spirit realm, and now the Viera could see other spirits running around. All of them were taking the forms of their bodies at the point of death, all naked. There was laughing, and merrymaking, though everything sounded like it was far away, even though Kiri could quite plainly see that a lot of them were right next to her, a group of all races chatting amiably. The landscape featured a lot of trees, but pleasantly spaced, and the ground was grassy, but felt like soft furry carpet underneath Kiri's feet.

The spirits were everywhere, the light illuminating them having no discernible source, but bright, and looking like the first rays of dawn. A tug on Kiri's arm caused her to turn, and see a friendly face, human, but far too beautiful to be a human, somehow. The white, feathery wings were totally not a give-away. He spoke, and unlike all the other spirits, his voice was clear, and sounded like he was right next to her, unlike the other spirits. "Why hello, terribly sorry you had to go, you seem so young, miss...? he asked, bowing low. Unlike the other spirits, he was actually clothed, a flowing white robe covering his form, though he was still barefoot. His tone of voice certainly suggested he was assuming the Viera had died in order to ascend.
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Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri was in shock both from what had happened- using her raise spell has never taken THIS form of style before- and also this odd spirit world.

At the tug on her arm, Kiri would jump a bit. "N-no, I was trying to use a spell to bring back a person to life, b-but I dunno what's going on, it's never done this before..." she murmured, blushing deeply at the angelic creature.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

The angel smiled warmly, and laid a hand on Kiri's shoulder. "Of course you were, not to worry, everyone who has died is here, come, let's get you settled in, you do not seem to have adjusted yet. You see, the likely hood of this is low, how could you cast such magics, and still be appearing as this? This is the land of the dead, my friend, the only argument you have is that you appear embarrassed. Why is this?" he explained softly, as he began to gently tug the Viera away. He didn't seem to understand what she was trying to do, as faces trailed past, a glimpse of a familiar hairstyle, but it was just a human. She couldn't see Arynythil in the sea of faces.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Nononono! You don't understand! I'm trying to find someone hear! A elven girl named Arynythil. Can you help me find her?!?" Kiri asked quickly, she didn't want to stay here, but it seemed the man didn't get the hint either.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Yes, I can help you find your friend, perhaps she can help you come to your senses a little. When did she die?" the angel continued, still walking with Kiri at his side. As they walked, Kiri suddenly saw a familiar face. Arynythil was sitting, playing some kind of board game the Viera had never seen before! Her companion was another human, and though the man was looking happy, much like the other spirits, the she-elf was looking rather miserable, her legs tucked to her naked chest, which seemed repaired in spirit form, only one arm free to move her pieces around the board.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Actually, there she is! Excuse me," Kiri replied, scooting away from the cloaked figure and drifting over to Aryn. She didn't mind the nakedness as much as everyone else was, but every so often she'd catch herself lowering her ears subconsniously while blushing. Still, upon arriving near Aryn she'd clear her throat a bit. "Aryn, is that really you?"
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

The angel made a grasp after Kiri, missing her shoulder by inches, though she didn't see him. He muttered a few curses out of her earshot, and started walking slowly after her, fuming quietly.

As Kiri sank in next to the fallen she-elf, she turned, and blinked a few times, her long, pointed ears twitching slightly. "Kiri? Kiri? What!? Oh no! Not you too!" she cried, grey eyes fixing firmly on the Viera as she shifted round to look at her, jaw dropping slightly, and letting her legs fall to a more comfortable position, revealing that indeed, her chest cavity was appearing unharmed.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Nonono, quite the opposite. I was trying to use some of my raise magic from Ivalice, I dunno why it worked like this though. Still, if I can take you back I'll gladly do so, I repaired your body and everything!" Kiri's eyes grew downcast as the elf continued her worried tones. "I'm sorry for leading you down this road, and I wish to make it up to you. Please, come back with me...."
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil merely gawped, looking even more miserably at Kiri. "That... You... I didn't know you could do that! I thought only we could... You... It's really, really dangerous for you here. You should go, Kiri. I'm dead. You are not, what is the point in me trying to return to a broken body? Though... Yes, actually, I changed my mind, let's go!" the she-elf said, rising to her feet and knocking the board over. The human spirit looked a little downcast, but then drifted off to talk to some others, his voice, like Arynythil's, strangely distant to Kiri's ears.

Turning around, Kiri found herself faced by the angel, and two others at his sides. "Excuse me, terribly sorry, but you must be mistaken, please, miss, come with us, we need to go to the clearing." he said soothingly, enticingly. There was no magical charm in his voice, not any visible emotion other than carefree happiness, but for some reason, he gave off a slightly bad vibe.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri however, was having none of it, sweeping Aryn into a hug. "Just tell me if something feels funny, there might have been a wound I miss and may need to seal so I don't gotta do this again. Those winged things give me the creeps!" And with that, she focused hard, trying to let her incantation finish while holding the ghostly apparition of the elf tightly.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil was shocked into silence by Kiri's sudden close contact, and the lead 'angel' saw what she was trying to do, and leapt forwards, shouting "NO! Stop!"

The last thing Kiri felt in the spirit world was his hand closing upon his shoulder, before it all turned white again...


Kiri awoke, and felt rather sore, especially in her shoulders. She had fallen over while casting, and her face was now nestled between Arynythil's cold, bare, dead breasts. Except, they were not so cold, nor dead. The she-elf's chest was rising and falling softly. She was breathing again! Of course, there was still the problem that Kiri had faceplanted into Arynythil's modest bust, which was, of course, still bare. The air was cooler now that night was descending on the pair, and Arynythil's nipples were hard and erect beneath her, another sign that she was nice and alive.

"Urgh.... Wh-... Kiri? Umm..." the Viera heard above her, Arynythil had woken up too! But, what of the 'angel' who had grabbed her? By all likely hood, he had been brought back to life. If he was actually a spirit at least...
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri's eyes fluttered open at the sudden warmness, though when she realized her head's position, she gave a startled yelp as she leaped back. "Woah!!! I'm sorry!" she sputtered, flushing deeply at where her body had landed. "So, how are you? Any pain? And what was that angel thing?"
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil blushed softly, and slowly raised her arms to cover her chest, it looked like a lot of effort for the she-elf. "I... I'm fine, actually. What happened? I don't understand... I can't remember anything, from after fighting that demon... What angel? The angels left. Hundreds of years ago, the angels left here." she said slowly, and heavily, her words slurring together slightly.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

"Here, rest a bit." Kiri said quietly, flushed a bit. Did she not remember her being taken from the other world? "Either way, I managed to restore you. I couldn't let you have such a dishonorable death." Quietly, Kiri told her of what had happened since she had finished the battle with Mirch, then relayed that she was now free.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Arynythil listened quietly as Kiri relayed her tale, crossing her arms embarrassedly across her bared chest. When she was finished, the she-elf inhaled deeply, and blinked a few times. "Well... Kiri... I... It was hardly a dishonourable death, by any standards, but regardless, thank you. So, so much. And congratulations! I did not think it possible for such an evil being to offer you such a simple method of escape! I am more surprised she didn't take back that offer, and have you tied up again. Oh my, well... All that aside, Kiri, I... We need something to do. I... My mind is all fuzzy, I can't remember things properly, nor think straight. But, first things... I would not like to walk around with certain parts of my anatomy hanging free..." she said, shivering and clutching at her chest tighter, looking around for any movement.

However, it was clear. Night was setting in properly, and nothing could be heard nearby. A wolf howled in the distance, but it sounded very far away. Clouds obscured the moon, so the only light was provided by the still-burning patches of arcane fire around the blasted camp site.
Re: Far from home (Kiriana)

Kiri flushed slightly. "It may be best to retreat to the camp, that way we can at least recover and we can find you another shirt. Do you need help getting up, or...?" she asked, still looking embarrassed herself.