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Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Though she denied it, Garrus seemingly read Kamsa's physical cues, and smiled a scarred smile while gently sipping at his own beverage. "Ahhh, of course," he said casually, but after she carefully admitted what little she knew he added; "oh, so you have?" He set his drink off to the side and seemed to check the time on a ticking brass pocket watch. "Well, it's nothing important... I was just curious if anyone else had heard about it. You see, I don't like to waste my nights, and I need to know if a place I've been invited to is.... Fun." He placed odd emphasis on the last word, and then put his pocket watch away and took up his cup again.

"I've been trying to talk to someone who's been there, to see if it's worth my time," he continued, "for me... And for a few friends of mine." It might have been a coincidence that his hand drifted over his shoulder, slowing briefly over the patch showing the city guard's insignia, on the way to scratching his chin. "Think you'll be going tonight, since you were invited?" he asked casually, "my friends and I would be... Very grateful to know more about it before we commit."
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa mentally face palmed as her eyes went just a bit wider at the insignia. She needed to pay better attention to things, though the whole shadiness of this job didn't scream city guard so maybe it was excusable? At least, that's what she told herself. Where she was careful with her words before, she made doubly sure now. Even with her mind racing, she still stalled for time, taking a sip of the coffee. Her face instantly cringed at the combination of burning her tongue and bitter flavor and she quickly set the cup down onto the table.

After two quick coughs, the kitsune regained some semblance of her composure. "I hadn't exactly been thinking about going. Just wasn't all that interested, I guess," she started, her tail idly swaying near the floor. "But, I suppose I could take a look if you really need me to."
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"I would certainly appreciate it," the scarred guardsman replied, "why not come back here after you you've taken a look? I like to take my afternoon coffee here every day." In the meantime, Kamsa's wagging tail seemed to have attracted some attention of an unusual sort, as she felt something small and fuzzy nuzzling into her tail before batting at it. A soft meow revealed the identity as a particularly fluffy, bushy tailed orange and white cat, who was seemingly enamored with her tail and alternated back to nuzzling into the kitsune's soft fur after batting at it playfully for a few seconds.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

"Alright, then I suppose I shall see you tomo-" Kamsa started but stopped short, barely resisting the urge to jump out of her chair due to the surprise attack on her tail. Quickly looking for the beast that threatened her fluffiness, she let out a relieved sigh and a smile crept onto her lips. "Tomorrow. Right, I will see you tomorrow," she finished as her tail began playfully swishing at the kitten.

It was then that she remembered something important, looking back up to the city guard in front of her. Her voice dropped low, feeling a bit awkward asking,"Er- actually, one thing. Sorry if this is a little crass but, uhm, about compensation...? I am spending a night helping out after all."
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The cat began merrily pawing at Kamsa's swishing tail, a dance that quickly turned into a wild flailing that ultimately had the cat falling over on its back only to hurriedly scurry back onto its feet and stare at her tail suspiciously for a few moments before batting at it somewhat more hesitantly.

Garrus chuckled softly at her segue about payment, tilting his head and grinning as he idly swirled his cup in front of him. "Oh I'll definitely pay you back... Drinks will be on me to start with, and I'll make sure you end up on the short list for something a little less complicated."
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa gave a nod of agreement that ended with herself glancing back down at the mug of coffee, having almost forgotten about the beverage in her hands. "Alright. Sounds alright to me," Kamsa agreed to the terms. It was a start to a job, she supposed.

Once more, she drank from her mug, forcing a bigger gulp down, half-burning her tongue in the process. She cringed. As she tried to clear the bitterness from her mouth, her eyes drifted back down to the kitten. Her tail raised up, likely a bit menacingly from the small critter's point of view, only to move to pet the feline's head. "By the way, how do you drink this stuff?"
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"Appreciated," Garrus replied conversationally as Kamsa agreed to do as he requested, taking a sizable sip of his own beverage. "Liberally," he added dryly as she questioned how he drank the stuff. The kitten, in the meantime, shrunk away as she raised her tail and then nuzzled into the fluffy hair extending from the appendage with a soft mewl. It reached out and grasped the kitsune's tail with both paws, flopping over onto its back and holding to her soft fur tightly.

At that point, she had some preparations to consider. Would she try to find out more about what she was getting into? Try and acquire anything for the upcoming night? Change her clothes? Keep looking for other options for employment? She still had a few hours before night fell, when she would be expected at the "party" she'd been invited to, so she would have to figure out what she wanted to do with that time.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa gave a half smile as she slid her own mug over towards Garrus. "Since I'll just waste it, here. You'll put it to better use. And, I suppose I shall see you tomorrow." She turned in her chair and bent over to scoop up the little kitten. "You too," she squeaked out in that girly high-pitched voice people use when speaking to pets, as she nuzzled it through any kitten protests.

With that, the fox released the kitten from her clutches back to the floor and stood up. "Thank you," she said, grateful for the opportunity, even if it might be a little shady. She gave a wave and headed out the door. Once she was back on the streets, she toyed with the thought of looking for more work. But, after the earlier frustrations, she decided against it. 'Maybe tomorrow.' Besides, who knew if she might be able to get a job with the guardsman afterwards.

The next few hours Kamsa spent sightseeing and getting more of a feel for the city until, when the time came, she headed over to where the 'party' was supposed to be.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Garrus accepted the drink without comment or any shift in expression, simply shrugging as Kamsa turned and picked up the kitten. It squirmed and mewled before going still as she nuzzled into it, suffering the affectionate display with cat-like dignity before being set down and settling back into a sitting position while turning to look at her.

Returning to the streets, Kamsa would be able to kill a few hours getting to know the general layout of the section of the city near the docks. There was a lot of construction going on, and colorful banners were going over some of the shops along a main road. Should Kamsa ask someone, she would learn that a festival was to be held within the next few days to commemorate the start of an annual fish run that provided a great deal of food and wealth for the city.

Eventually, however, she would make her way to Hadrian's Jest, requiring some navigating but ultimately finding herself staring at a surprisingly run down looking place. It was attached to a large building, however, and the front at least looked well maintained. There were quite a few horses tethered outside, and she could hear music playing from within among a particularly vibrant crowd. There were two bouncers outside, burly men in dark shirts and pants, but they paid Kamsa little heed after a brief glance over, allowing her to enter.

The inside of the bar was much like its exterior had suggested, a band set up on the other side of the room on a stage, playing a dance tune that several people were enjoying. The place seemed a little high end for her tastes, the people finely dressed and the serving staff clean cut and going unmolested despite the lot of them being attractive young women. There didn't seem to be any soldiers here, no mercenaries or city guard, nor any who might fit in among bandits or street roughians. Everyone was dressed finely, like merchants or nobles or well to do tradesmen, but she didn't spot Sarita, the woman who had invited her, among them at a glance around the room. That left the dance floor, the bar, any of a number of tables, and a door in the back guarded by two more nondescript bouncers as her most obvious points of interest.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

As Kamsa wandered the city, the banners and decorations did pique her interest and she could not resist asking what they were for. The idea of a festival for something so mundane, at least in comparison to what's happened to her recently, brought a smile to her face. She even toyed with the idea of trying to become a fisherman in her mind, before remembering she would have no idea how to actually catch said fish nor would she have any equipment to do so. 'Still, I have to remember to check the docks for work... tomorrow.'

The kitsune shook her head free of the stress of her current situation, pushing it to the back of her mind as she continued on.

As darkness fell, and Kamsa found herself before the intimidating bouncers. Was she supposed to get a ticket or something to get in? She didn't remember being offered anything. The fox hoped she didn't need anything as she approached, timidly brushing her hair out of her face. A brief pause before the two men, as she gave them a nod, before continuing in.

Once inside, Kamsa's eyes scanned the room. She was certainly out of place and it only made her feel more uncomfortable. The back room seemed interesting, but she didn't think she could just walk past a second pair of guards. In contrast, the dance floor might be welcoming, but Kamsa preferred to get a sense for the place before joining in. The bar was a no go with her coin purse that was only filled with dust and cobwebs at the moment. That left the homeless traveler to take a seat at an empty table to wait and see what this party was about, her tail swishing nervously behind her.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Though she seemed to not attract much attention at first, as she sat at her table Kamsa found herself unable to shake the feeling that she was being watched. People would glance her way, but immediately look away once she met their eyes. It certainly didn't seem like much of a party, even if the band was playing energetically and those on the dance floor seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was only a little bit of talking, and the majority of the people present seemed to be idling... Or perhaps, as Kamsa continued observing the situation, recuperating.

Some of the people sitting at the bar or other tables were flushed, breathing heavy, and looked drained. It could have been the dancing, but over the course of about ten minutes their condition didn't seem to improve all that much, and no one that she could see was drinking all that much. Across her period of observation, however, a handful of people would trickle out of the guarded back room looking flushed and tired, and a handful of others would go past the bouncers into it, though none without being stopped.

About twenty minutes after her arrival, assuming she didn't do anything else, one of the waitresses would casually walk by, approaching a podium nearby and seemingly writing something on it. "Is it your first time?" she whispered without looking Kamsa's way, though she was the nearest and seemingly the only one who noticed her words.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

With her ears twitching nervously, Kamsa fiddled with her hair, tapped her fingers, and otherwise tried to look nonchalant as she observed. She vaguely attempted to try and appear as if she was waiting for someone.

'What are they doing back there?' she wondered to herself. The first things that came to her mind was that they were taking drugs in the back. The illicit sorts would explain the extreme secrecy and why people were still seemingly affected by it when returning. But, really, she felt that the only way she was going to figure out what was going on was to go to the back room.

Just as she was about to make her move, she heard the whisper. The kitsune looked down and to the side, away from the waitress. "Yeah..." she muttered back, "I was invited but, er, really don't know for what."
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"Were you invited?" the serving girl then whispered urgently, and if Kamsa admitted and gave the name of the inspector working the docks, Sarita, she would be shot a relieved look. "Tell the guards that... They'll let you in back!" Then she was off like nothing had happened, leaving Kamsa to act on her information... Or not.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

A nod came from Kamsa. "Yeah, it was, er, what was her name? Sarita I think?" she answered the waitress. She winced, wondering if she was remembering the name right.

Then the waitress ran off, leaving only a nugget of information behind. "Uh, okay..." she muttered to herself, scratching her head. Of course whatever interesting things that were at this place would be in the back, behind the mystery door. This was what she signed up for, but it still took a moment for her to work up the courage.

The traveler slid out of her seat and meekly worked her way to the door. "Sarita invited me?" she stated to the guards, rather awkwardly, as she rubbed the back of her neck.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"Never heard of her," grunted one of the two men guarding the door leading deeper into the bar. Both of them were built along the same lines, shaven heads and dark brows that made them look like they were perpetually scowling, neither being particularly tall but both possessing stout frames and burly arms. The initial speaker was maybe a bit taller and a bit wider than his companion, and possessed a slight mustache and dark stubble on his chin and neck. The other was darker skinned, though both sported the tan-olive complexion of local Badarians, and had a goatee and heavier brows that met over his eyes.

The second bouncer reached out and slapped his coworker on the shoulder. "Oi yah lunk," he grunted, his voice higher and possessing a most unpleasant whine to it, "yeah you have, it's the blond one in white you were gawkin at! She comes here all the time!" The other man turned and glared at his companion, "I wasn't gawkin at nobody! An' I don't remember any o' that!" The other man gave an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes, "you know her by name... And she TOLD us to look fer someone like this one comin in! I told yas when she walked in it was probably her!"

He turned away from his scowling companion and looking at Kamsa, "just go on through miss, you have to go through the changing room to get where yer going anyway, just grab a locker if'n ye want it." Seemingly expecting her to know what to do, the man gestured for Kamsa to go through the door they were guarding, which led her down a short hall going to the left and then a sharp right turn. The red velvet carpet and wood panel walls gave way to white tiling all around. There were rows of lockers, reaching up and leaving only a small gap between the top locker and the ceiling, with a total of four lockers per column. They were doubled up in the rows and ran around the walls as well, each with a label and a lock, but many had a key sitting in the lock. Benches sat between the rows, but none were occupied and for the moment she was alone in the room. Transparent boxes hung from the walls, two by each doorway leading in or out, and were filled with plastic wrapped condoms.

There were two other exits besides the one she'd come in through. Across from her and to the right slightly, directly in the center of the room, was a set of ornate double doors. If she got close enough, she would hear music unlike any she'd ever heard thumping from beyond them. The other doorway led through a plastic curtain made of strips, the lined up strands all steamy. She could heard water running, like from a shower, but beneath it her sharp ears picked up soft fleshy smacks, grunts, and muffled moans. There at least only seemed to be one couple, but it was fairly obvious what they were up to, and she would note that men and women didn't seem to have separate locker rooms in this place... Something that certainly wouldn't have been tolerated by the generally conservative upper class that this place seemed to cater to.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

"What? Never-?" Kamsa started to protest only for the more competent guard to jump in to clear things up. Relief washed over her only to be replaced by some unease. Perhaps she was being paranoid, especially due to her freelance work she was doing, but to be expecting her did not sound good. Of course, Kamsa was aware that they just needed to be aware that she was coming to whatever this party thing was, but she couldn't shake the feeling of a more insidious meaning behind the words. Of course, the fact that it was two rather buff bouncers discussing her entrance was not helping.

When she was told to head to the back, the kitsune gave a nod of appreciation to the more competent of the two guards. "Thank you."

As she headed into the mysterious realm behind the door, she was surprised at how luxurious it looked. If she wasn't feeling out of place before, Kamsa certainly felt it now. Plodding slowly through the hall, she lingered more than she had intended now that she was out of sight for the most part.

Then, she arrived at the locker room. Kamsa hesitated, not quite believing what she was hearing, before blushing, her ears flattening slightly. "Oh..." she muttered to herself. As she continued to look around, her eyes caught the condoms when it donned on her what this 'party' was supposed to be. "What did I get myself into...." Her hand rubbed the back of her neck nervously. A sigh escaped her lips as she padded to a locker as discretely as possible. Shifting uncomfortably, her clothes came off and were placed into the locker. Wanting to preserve some sense of modesty, her undergarments remained on her body as the rest of her belongings were locked away.

Her lithe form, clad in dark sports bra and boyshort style underwear, traveled across the locker room to the double doors, her arms defensively wrapped around herself, before she stopped. Doubts and worries once again filled her mind; she didn't know what type of party this was. Even though there were lockers, what if she wasn't supposed to undress and it was only for the showers? Just because people were having some 'activity' in the showers doesn't mean the rest of the place was like that, right? With that insecurity in mind, Kamsa carefully tried to open the door ever so slightly to peek.
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Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine
Perception: ???
Peeking through the great double doors would answer Kamsa's muttered question, as well as assuage her concern about whether or not she was improperly dressed. If anything, her undergarments were too conservative.

The strange pumping music washed over, the dull thumping and strangely high noises producing a steady beat. A myriad of flavors hit her nose, all mixed in burned incenses and smoked from pipes of both the local variety and the exotic water pipes favored in Anudor. She would note that the walls were thick and that there didn't seem to be any windows in this room, but that left her tallied on the methods made to conceal what was happening in the enormous room.

There were two floors, one even with her and the rest of the bar and the upper floor up on a tiered balcony with a set of black stairs that were connected only to the walls leading up to it on either side. There were no railings, but from the balcony about a half dozen poles ran down from the ceiling to the floor, three on either side of the room's centerpiece. In the middle of the room was a circular bar, though less than half of the stools surrounding it were occupied at the moment. Behind it were the only two fully dressed people in the room, one a short slightly pudgy young woman with short dark hair, a fairly normal outfit in the form of dark trousers and a gray shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the other a man of average height but lanky figure, with very short red hair and glasses with rectangular frames, a mustache and beard and lines of hair running up the sides of his face, a white shirt with black vest over it and black pants, and a very jaded expression on his face.

That brought Kamsa to the meat of the room's contents, in the form of the people inhabiting it. Hidden by the thick walls, booming music and thick mixture of scents was a scene of debauchery that wouldn't have been out of place in Acheron. Beneath the music, the kitsune's sharp ears detected a chorus of moans in every timbre she might imagine, and beneath the incense she could almost taste the mixture of sweat, musk, and other pheromonal scents that represented very recent sex. In this case, very recent meant happening right now, a myriad of scenes that catered to nearly any taste a person might imagine present in one form or another. Where the entrance room had been illuminated by a hearth and glowing stones and lamps meant to mimic firelight to emphasize the atmosphere, and the locker room and showers were well lit in almost clinical white from numerous lights set in the ceiling, this room was dark, almost black, and lit by lightstones in every color of the rainbow and then some.

The room was divided into square sections, of which there were nine in total. The central one contained the bar and a handful of tables that were hardly occupied, and the area immediately in front of Kamsa that lay between her and it was mostly more of those tables and slightly better lit. That marked the end of anything approaching normality or social acceptability, however. The room was filled with people, the vast majority seemingly human, and most of them Badarian or Crolian judging by their complexion, and all in some state of undress. The rest of the staff, besides the handful of cleaning staff who all looked as jaded as the male bartender, were a mix of attractive women clad only in frilly black lingerie and maid headdresses and attractive muscular men wearing either loose black pants or even more revealing loincloths.

As Kamsa took her peek, she saw an older man approach one of the waitresses and throw a handful of coins on the platter she used to ferry dishes. She hardly missed a beat, shooting him an appealing smile, placing her tray on a table, bending over against it and waving her hips. The man took only long enough to undo his trousers, slip her thong down and slide on a condom before he was inside of her, their conjoined moan as he penetrated her adding to the chorus of the room. The an snaked a hand around and closed it over the girl's throat as he nuzzled into her long, silky hair, but that only heightened her moans as he began to rut her in plain view.

And that wasn't even the most depraved thing that she saw. The section opposite her beyond the bar almost resembled a torture chamber, and in it men and women were bound and tormented in ways that were only sometimes sexual, though even the most anguished screams were mixed with a tinge of pleasure, and a glance over the lot would show no one suffering anything that was likely to show for more than a few hours after they were done. To the right, in the far right corner, seemed to be the main dance floor, and on it were at least a hundred people in various states of dress. Most were wearing what could only be described as underwear, and some even less than that, but a few at least would have been almost presentable in public. Pairings or groups of every imaginable manner spun and twisted and jumped and rubbed against one another in a wild tangle of humanity. Men danced with women, men danced with men, women danced with women, there seemed to be no taboos there save loneliness. In the far corner lay a booth, raised up on a platform, where someone in an ornate mask resembling a minotaur's head who seemed to be managing some sort of device.

The far left of the room was a more vanilla version of the central portion, as if that portion had drifted into it. Men and women were bound, but their goal was obviously pleasure rather than pain. A man was strapped to a bench, naked, blindfolded and gagged, and four women knelt in a circle around his waist with their heads jostling about in his lap. A women with dark brown hair was bent over, arms tied behind her back and tied to a bar connected to a frame to which her ankles were tightly bound, a man behind her hammering away at her from both ends while several more waited their turn. A lithe woman with bright pink hair was suspended, her hips quivering as a machine worked a dildo into her pussy and a statuesque woman with dark skin and clad in revealing black leather held a control device in one hand and a riding crop in the other. Wax, leather, bindings of rope and cloth and chain, blindfolds, even ice cubs and water and electricity abounded, getting more extreme as it went from left to right and approached the region seemingly devoted to pain.

The second floor balcony stood over that section, and it seemed to be an even more extreme mirror of the floor beneath it. Agony and ecstasy mixed across it in a mire of pure debauchery, control and surrender playing out in increasingly elaborate manners, and there the dance floor was almost like an orgy in and of itself.

The rest of the place was, at least compared to the far wall, was a little more vanilla as far as lewdness went. On the right, the dance floor bled off a ways and ended in a section of tables where people were resting or outright copulating like the man who had paid the waitress, but it lasted only a short ways. Beyond that was another dance floor, and on it a group of masked people in fine dress danced in a more traditional fashion, albeit to the same pumping music. A single man in a dark suit watched from a podium, and every few minutes he would ring a bell. Like clockwork, a group of dancers would depart the floor with their partner, and into a section of cubicles they would go, hidden from all eyes but their own. The implications and sounds were obvious enough. When one portion of the group left, another would enter from the stage, having seemingly been waiting, and if Kamsa watched long enough her sharp eyes would detect a pattern matching a ribbon tied around each person's arm, color coded and matching a chart beside the bell ringer. A dressing room had seemingly been set up in the near right area, though it was obviously not a permanent fixture given the slapdash nature of the setup. People were going into it, approaching some of the staff waiting there, money was exchanged, and they were brought into a private area from which they emerged in ornate garb appropriate for the odd scene. The predominant market seemed to be couples who would always emerge at different times, neither waiting for the other... And each wearing different colors.

That left the region of the room directly to her left, and there Kamsa saw the pretenses of this place fully dropped. Booths, cubies, tables, benches and even sections of floorspace were all devoted to an orgy, people twisting into one another in a wild mass of writhing flesh. Every position and combination she could imagine in the span of a few seconds, and quite a few that she might not have thought of too. She even spotted a few with the mutation she'd been born with among the group, though they seemed to be extremely rare.

As her gaze tracked along the wall, the orgy became more section, pairs or small groups forming their own miniature islands of debauchery. Two similar looking blond women were entwined on a table, mouths pressed together so hard that it looked like it hurt, fingers working upon one another furiously. An older man was sprinkling a line of golden powder across an older woman's full, bare chest, and before her eyes he snorted the line off of her. His length sprang to life like a thing possessed, and the leering woman guided it to her sex and began to ride him vigorously, his own hips vigorously returning her thrusts.

A gorgeous young woman with golden hair lay on her back in a booth, clad in a garter belt and stockings and laced bustier, all in white while a similarly colored dress and veil that was identical to the wedding garb traditional in Badaria's upper and middle class. Her legs were wrapped around an orc, the only obvious nonhuman in the room, who seemed to be made of raw muscle and was railing her like a thing possessed. Her breasts shook with every thrust, her whole frame undulating to receive him and quaking with passion, but after a moment she stopped. There was a used condom on the table, seed dribbling freely from it, and beside it were two open wrappers and several more unopened. The woman pushed the orc to pull out, his glistening shaft exposed, the protection around it broken and leaving his purple bell unshielded. She ripped the broken condom off and tossed it aside, but rather than grab another she guided him back to her womanhood bare, legs pulling him in until he was sheathed in her once more and ecstasy once more filled her expression.

The debauchery of this place was obvious, but whether or not she would actually engage in it... That was up to Kamsa. She could turn back now, could retreat without any further information, though whether or not that would earn her her pay... Nothing here that she had seen was obviously illegal, as far as she knew. Depraved, to be sure, and certain to result in serious consequences for anyone involved if it ever came to light, but not necessarily illegal. If she wanted to dig more and find something really dirty, she would have to go inside, and explore the depravity on display first hand.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa took in the indulgent spectacle, hardly believing what she was seeing. Her mind struggled to find words to describe the smell, the sound, all of it. 'You can do-? But you can't-? How does-? What? That's so-! Doesn't that-?' In contrast, her body felt much less confusion as she felt a warm rush that started at her cheeks and her loins that spread across the rest of her body. Her hand covered her mouth in shock and her thighs pressed tighter together from not only intrigue but also cringing at the thought of some of these acts.

Gawking for far, far too long, the kitsune completely retreated back into the locker room, panting for a multitude of reasons. As she leaned against the door, as if trying to bar some sex-fueled monstrosity from coming after her, her mind continued racing, flipping between shocked and intrigued thoughts. Gradually, it also began to remember why she was there. Did she have to find anything particularly questionable about what was going on? Beyond the obvious, of course, was there anything a city guard would want to hear? The thought of venturing in the display of the basest of desires terrified her and she could not tell if she paled in fear or if she flushed at the possibilities.

Moments passed before she made up her mind to bravely explore this 'party.' Whether this decision was due to wanting to get a better idea of what to report to Garrus or if it was that niggling curiosity in the back of her thoughts influencing her decision, she had no clue.

Steeling herself, Kamsa turned back to the door. She opened it ever so gingerly and headed towards the bar area.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Retreating only to return again, Kamsa entered the great chamber with its strange thumping music and tangle of wildly thrashing bodies. As she entered and advanced towards the bar she encountered one immediate new sight, a pair that she had to pass directly by if she wanted to reach the bar. A man was lying on his back on one of the lower long tables, and from the look of the torn pile of cloth at his feet his pants had been literally ripped off of him. He was fairly unremarkable, being of average height and fairly standard build, and sporting short dark hair and a bit of dark stubble on his face.

The woman on top of him was more memorable by far, for a number of reasons. She was paler than the average Badarian, especially in this area where the more common complexions tended to be ruddier or olivine, her skin almost snow white white and possessing just a hint of natural color besides the all too common flush of arousal. An hourglass figure was supported by evidently strong muscles, with modest but not small breasts and plentiful definition down below, and flaming red hair drawn up into a ponytail and tied with a black band. Her every muscle seemed at play, as she had one hand clamped onto the throat of the man below her and another scratching into his chest, drawing angry red lines in his skin with her nails, though his only response seemed to be to tightly grip her hips. That might have been because she was riding him with the sort of fury one might normally reserve for beating an enemy who had just killed their children to death with a cudgel, her hips hammering him into the table beneath them hard enough to make the whole thing quake dangerously beneath her rising moaning.

Kamsa wouldn't be intercepted on her way to the bar, though the countless distracting sights almost made her walk into a waitress more than once. When she arrived, however, the kitsune felt something settle on her, as if she were being watched. The room was far too chaotic to gain any idea of who or what might have suddenly taken very direct notice of her, and should she search for the source it would only mean she might be a bit startled when the jaded looking male bartender walked over to stand across from her. "Yeah? What'dyou want to drink?" he asked dourly, his accent distinctly North Eastern, and his complexion similar, the lighter shading of his hair and skin and the refined notes in his voice fairly hard to miss even with all of the background noise.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Vulpine eyes stared at the lewd display as the rest of Kamsa's body drew closer. She was amazed at the power of the woman and the energy that was put into the act. Kamsa ripped her eyes away, making sure to give them some room as she approached the bar. Despite her efforts, her eyes kept creeping back to ogle. Her mind couldn't help but wonder what it might be like to be und-. The kitsune shook her head, her hands reaching down in an attempt to quell any stirring down below. Already, she could feel herself sweating from all the sights, the sounds, and the smells. Though, her apprehension about the whole situation was not helping which was evident by her twitching tail.

'No. Stop that. I'm here for, well, I guess it's work. Need to focus. Need to not think about that stuff.' She was snapped back to reality as she nearly trips over a chair. 'Right. Focus.' She recomposed herself and finally arrived at the bar. As the bartender spoke to her, it hit her that she really had no idea what she expected to accomplish by being where she was.

"Oh, uuhhhm, I'll have... er...." Kamsa started as she stopped at the bar before she came to realize she didn't exactly have much in the way of money. "Sorry, I'm just so nervous. I haven't really, er, done this before."
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