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Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Despite the kitsune's obvious discomfort, the man behind the bar seemed entirely nonplussed both by her and by his surroundings. "What, never ordered your own drink before?" the bartender said, his voice dripping with sarcastic scorn. "Really, now... Do you want something or not?"

As she prepared an answer, however, movement caught Kamsa's attention... Or rather, a particular figure moving. The source of the slightly uncomfortable sensation that she was being watched revealed itself as a girl came strolling around the bar, hips swaying in a defined strut. She was wearing heels but still barely measured above five feet tall, and her overall appearance was.... Strange, to be blunt.

Black boots that ran halfway up her calves covered her feet, possessing the heels that added an inch or so to her dainty stature. She wore nothing below the waist save for white and pink striped panties, normal shaped and almost more cute than suggestive. A grey longcoat covered her top, but it had suffered significant alteration, the bottom half cut away up front to reveal her midriff but left in the back up to midway around her body, looking slightly like a cape. Only two of the buttons were done, the very bottom one and the one right above it, leaving the girl's modest cleave bare and showing off multiple necklaces of multicolored beads hanging from around her neck. The collar had been altered too, pink lining the inside, and it had been left open for the aforementioned display of breastflesh, though there wasn't enough showing for Kamsa to tell for sure whether or not she was wearing a bra. The coat looked like it was just a little bit too big for her, and its sleeves had been folded up slightly to reveal more pink lining, forming makeshift cuffs.

Her hair was even odder than her outfit, split along a part that was slightly off center. The majority of the right side of her head was a bright, eye catching pink, with the other portion being a rich, chocolate brown color. Her face was thin and angular, a pointed chin and small, narrow nose, but her eyes were large and her eyebrows matched her hair colors. The most striking feature of the odd mess that'd been eyeing her were most definitely her eyes, however, as they matched her hair color on each side... Except that a moment after she turned around the corner and started approaching, her left eye turned white, and the creeping sensation that she was being noticed by someone settled all the more firmly on the kitsune's shoulders.

The color change lasted only a moment, but it was long enough for Kamsa to likely believe that she hadn't imagined it. The person, whoever they were, started strolling towards her, eyes never once blinking as they smirked widely, showing pearly teeth. They were twirling something on one of their fingers, something circular with a line of some sort attached, and it whipped in a circle in time with their steps. The bar was big enough that she wasn't on her immediately, and Kamsa had a moment to try and bolt away if she wanted to avoid a confrontation, but there was the question of where she would go if she did.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

"N- no, I mean...." Kamsa trailed off as a shiver ran down her spine as she looked around for the source. Her eyes landed on a fairly dinky girl with pink hair, not unlike Kamsa's own though more extravagant due to the multi-colored nature. Then, if the fox in her undergarments could be considered overdressed, given the state of undress nearly everyone else was in, the shorty would be called practically stuffy. On top of that, the multicolored eyes drew in Kamsa's attention as well as she struggled with whether they had changed colors or not. Maybe it was the heat of the room getting to her?

The kitsune shook her head. "Sorry. Uhm, could I just get some, er, water? I guess?" she answered the bartender. Her feet fidgeted as she fought her uneasiness. Something deep down told her she should be wary of the other girl at the bar. 'Come on, it's nothing. She's just walking to the bar to get a drink. It's nothing,' she told herself.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

"Yeah. Sure," The bartender grumbled before turning away, leaving Kamsa to watch the approaching stranger with growing apprehension. If there was any doubt that she'd been approaching the kitsune, it was likely dispelled as she continued her stroll in a straight line along the bar, lightly tapping two fingers along the counter as if they were walking along beside her. She looked Kamsa squarely in the eye the entire way, at least if the kitsune could meet and keep her intimidating gaze, and if Kamsa hadn't bolted by the time she was getting near the woman would stop barely more than a foot away.

She seemed even shorter up close, looking up at Kamsa despite her own fairly average height, and leaned against the bar without breaking eye contact. Without saying a word or even blinking she flicked a bag to the hand on the bar, opened the drawstring with a finger, and flicked out a handful of coins such that they rolled into the tray along the opposite end of the bar. "The usual then?" The bartender asked, returning and setting a glass of water with ice in front of Kamsa. He counted out the collection of coins, all of which had landed in a neat little row, and then gave a thoughtful hum that was only audible to Kamsa because of her sharp hearing.

"Big tip today, or did you want two?" The bartender asked, and the stranger tapped two of her fingers on the surface of the bar, the light clicking no less audible than his hum but still perceptible. "Well, suit yourself," He said with a shrug, once more leaving Kamsa briefly alone - or as alone as one could be in a place this crowded - with the stranger who wouldn't stop staring at her. She tilted her head, different colored eyes flashing with a grin the spread from ear to ear, and from a pocket she slowly withdrew a riding crop.

It made most gentle contact with Kamsa's chin a moment later, and the kitsune's eyes were drawn back to the scene of the redheaded warrior woman vigorously riding a man on a table. She felt the stranger sidle up next to her, warm weight pressing against her side while the crop on her chin seemed to order her to watch the scene, watch the woman pounding herself onto the man below her while he groaned and looked up at her with amazed bliss written all over his face. A few moments later a pair of drinks arrived, a small glass atop a narrow neck appearing next to her cup of water. It was a honey-like golden color and had a fruitskin peel floating in it, with a slight film of some blue-green on top, and her benefactor picked up hers without looking and lifted it toward her lips, though she sniffed it and lightly swirled the glass rather than take a sip immediately.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

"Thank you," Kamsa squeaked out. She barely heard it herself. Then came the brief wait as the bartender fetched her beverage while Kamsa stood her ground against the oncoming threat of... a short oddity. Kamsa turned to give a smile in greeting, albeit a weak one, but when her eyes met their dual-colored counterparts, she could barely hold the gaze for a second before yielding.

When her beverage arrived, the kitsune thanked the bartender again, a little louder this time, and accentuated that with a nod. She graciously held onto the glass, feeling too awkward to take a sip as that pair of eyes bored into her. Kamsa's ears twitched nervously. Her own eyes followed the coins, as something to distract herself, as they were shuffled about on the counter. A feeling of envy rose up within the fox. She just wanted to reach out and make a few of the coins disappear, though it would be a bit hard with the ever present stare.

As if on cue, Kamsa snapped back from her dream of weight in her purse as she winced at the feeling of a crop on her chin as if to punish her for her thoughts. Instead, light pressure turned her head. Her eyes caught the smile and another wave of unease washed over her. She kept turning as the crop instructed her to only for her to be forced to gaze upon the primal acts being performed on the table a short ways away. Red tint returned to her cheeks as she gawked for a moment before she pulled away from the crop to look at the dainty lady beside her.

"C- can I help you with something?" Kamsa stammered out.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The strange girl's smile became reproachful as Kamsa stepped away, and she snapped the crop gently against the back to the kitsune's hand and then flicked it back under her chin. They said nothing to answer her query, only gently nudging her chin to rise and then tilting it back towards the redhead as she furiously rode her victim. They were getting to the finish now, the muscular woman's hips smashing down onto her paramour's pelvis with ever rising speed and fury. A few more moments and she and the man below her both groaned loudly, the base of his shaft throbbing visibly as the fiery haired barbarian woman crooned and began to grind herself into his lap. It was over in a matter of moments, but not before Kamsa would see a drip of white fluid run down out of the redhead's folds where they tightly gripped her partner's shaft.

The riding crop left her chin, trailing down her torso and over her bra, drawing circles. What was more immediately noticeable was the way the strange girl pressed against her side, however, as she got quite comfortable... Or uncomfortable, depending on Kamsa's comfort levels. Delicate little fingers traced slowly down her side, starting at the kitsune's ribs and slowly moving downwards towards her hip, though whether or not Kansa would put up with the forward molestations was up to her. This person already seem fairly forward, however, and had punished her once for apparent disobedience to her unspoken whims.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

"Ow! Hey!" Kamsa protested, her hand recoiling. Her eyes, initially, kept on the diminutive girl before her, even as her head was encouraged to turn, but the rising sounds from the enticing demonstration drew her attention. The offended look the Kitsune had on her face softened as it was mixed with renewed arousal, her eyes wide as they drank in the details. A breathy, barely even spoken, "Oh," escaped her lips as her thighs gently squeezed together.

Kamsa snapped back to reality as she felt the warmth of a body against her side and some wandering appendages. She nearly jumped in surprise. Feelings clashed within her and she shivered at the touch. "Ah! Hey! What are you doing?" she objected. What was with this girl? Was it just local customs made them all super open as evidenced by this orgy or was it the orgy leading back to these open advance? Kamsa placed a hand on the shoulder pressed against her side and gently pushed.
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Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The girl pressed against her side was as light as a feather, and didn't resist much as Kamsa pushed her away. Kamsa wouldn't be free of her immediately, however, as she just rolled her eyes and spread her lips as if giving an exasperated sigh. Even though she felt the air leave the other woman's mouth, however, Kamsa's hearing didn't detect a single sound, though it might not have been detectable over the pounding music and underlying chorus of grunts and moans. The stranger slipped a hand down and gently pinched Kamsa on the butt with the hand not holding her riding crop, but as Kamsa jumped she found that crop pressed between her breasts.

With a firm pressure the odd looking girl pushed her back a few steps, at least unless Kamsa opted to push away more vehemently, until she ended up falling into a chair. Then her new friend pounced into her lap, gently nestling in... And then firmly nestling in as she leaned back, facing away from the kitsune but turning her head to look at her, smiling at Kamsa as she claimed the kitsune as a chair. Warm softness rested comfortably against her, the riding crop in her hand twirling before moving to gently slide along the edge of one of her ears. Their legs were closed at first, but spread after a pause lasting no more than a few seconds, and when they did the strange girl simply began to grind in Kamsa's lap.

That left a fairly significant amount of pressure from something that proved quite pleasantly soft rubbing against her special appendage. The girl jumped in surprise at the very first excited twitch, giving Kamsa a shocked look, but then smiled devilishly and planted a hand on Kamsa's knee. The grinding suddenly got a lot more insistent and a lot more directed, and it wasn't long before the stranger had achieved her apparent aim... At which point Kamsa's shaft was trapped between the girl's soft cheeks, separated from soft flesh only by her own boy shorts and the grinder's pink panties, and the grinding became very slow and very directed while that devilish smile only grew wider.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

A sigh of relief was replaced with a surprised squeak as Kamsa's bum was suddenly and viscously attacked. Her eyes barely had a chance to glance down, confirming the silent girl as her assailant, before she was persuaded backwards by a somewhat intimately placed crop. Her natural reaction was to take a step back, and then another, before she found herself stumbling into a chair. "Waah!" Kamsa gasped out. Her hands reached out to steady herself, as she braced herself to keep falling, only to find her overly-friendly acquaintance falling into her lap instead.

"Wh- what are you do- ?" the fox sputtered out, cut off as her ear jerked in response to the crop. The answer to her would-be question came in but a moment as a pleasurable sensation filled her lap. A sharp gasp came from Kamsa, her eyes closing in response to the mysterious girl's machinations. Her eyelids then shot open as she felt something rising below. "H- Hey wait a second!"

A feeling of dread mixed with arousal washed over her as the girl in Kamsa's lapped look back at her. A timid shake of the head was all she could muster before her hands grabbed the chair as her little secret was targeted. She bit her lip and her legs twitched as she was conflicted between the lovely show that the short girl was putting on and her obvious reservations about the whole situation. Her hands released their grip on the chair to move to the hips of her fellow sitter. Kamsa, however, hesitated, caught between wanting to exacerbate her cramped downstairs situation by pulling and wanting to relieve it with a push.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 22/44, EP = 54, Status = Feels good mang
Pleasure: 5 + 2 + 13 + 2 = 22 PP

The girl responded to Kamsa's timid head-shake with a much more vehement nod, followed shortly by an uptake in the way she was grinding herself against the kitsune's crotch. One of her hesitant hands was quickly grabbed by the wrist, the girl shifting her free hand briefly from Kamsa's knee as she leaned forward to drag a hand the rest of the way to her waist. The the riding crop flicked to her other wrist, lightly rapping across her knuckle while the girl's other hand returned to Kamsa's knee.

The conflicted state she was caught in only seemed to let the strange looking girl keep doing what she wanted, and in this case that meant gyrating her hips while pressing her ass into the kitsune's groin. Her cock remained trapped between her soft cheeks, the girl's own underwear bunching up to allow it, and though she couldn't see through the girl's coat Kamsa could most definitely feel it. Her strange new friend apparently knew how to work her body, as she effectively jerked Kamsa off without ever directly touching her now painfully erect shaft. Her shorts might constrain her member somewhat uncomfortably, but it did almost nothing to limit the stimulation created as the girl in her lap danced back and forth.

It would take a minimum of effort to slide the stranger's coatflap up and out of the way, letting her watching her partner's pink-clad rear pumping back and forth, but whether or not she bothered to do so was up to her. The weird girl's actions would spur in time with the pumping music as it rose to a crescendo, going faster and faster with every passing moment. The grip on her knee kept her in place, and any squirming to try and free her extra appendage from its fleshy prison - or its cloth one - would prove futile unless she pushed the girl away entirely first. That would prove a much more difficult proposition now, however, as pleasure promising relief began racing up Kamsa's frame with every vigorous writhing motion inflicted upon her.

No full relief was to come before the song ended, however, and when it did the stranger slowed her motions to a crawl, not matching the tempo of the next very similar tune. Instead, she leaned back, turning her head to look at Kamsa over her own shoulder such that their faces were mere centimeters apart. The hand that had been on her knee strayed to the waistband of Kamsa's shorts as she continued to languidly shift back and forth, but now the pressure was lessened and a little tug brought her undergarments down a hair... And then another, and another, though not more than a centimeter at a time. She leaned further, closer, warm breath tactile against Kamsa's lips, but she didn't go for the kiss that she was so obviously seeking. Instead, she stopped, lips half parted and partially forming a confident smile that touched her mismatched eyes no more than an inch from Kamsa's, letting the kitsune take the final step if she so desired.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa did her best to keep her composure, but couldn't help but let out a stifled groan at the increase in pace. With the smack on her unguided hand, Kamsa instinctively moved her hand around her affectionate partner's midriff in an embrace. She could not bring herself to push the girl away. While far too constraining, being ridden as she was felt far too nice to stop though she still could not bring herself to grind back in her embarrassment.

As the beat continued, her hands began to wander. Tentative massages of the apparent mute's stomach came first, with just a couple of forays to the inner thighs. Kamsa's hands were not bold enough to venture near the delicate flower. Instead, as the song drew to a close, they traveled upwards and ever-so-gently cupping the smaller girl's chest. Cautious kneading followed.

With the song drawing to a close, Kamsa almost paid no mind to her shrinking away undergarment. She was far too distracted with the eyes that stared back. Deeply panting from arousal, Kamsa could have sworn her breath was coming out as steam as she wiggled in her chair under the continued pressure. Biting her lower lip, she continued to doubt herself for just a moment before she gave couple of nipping kisses to the multi-colored girl in her lap. Then, she leaned in, diving her lips deeper.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 0/44, EP = 54, Status = HNNG

The more Kamsa responded to the stranger's demands, the more she was rewarded with further stimulation. The weird girl was apparently no stranger to this sort of activity, nor was she uncomfortable in the environment in which they found themselves, the gathering of pure debauchery comprising of a dozen different similar scenes going on at the same time. Indeed, theirs might be considered tame compared to many of the other things going on in the expansive chamber, but as Kamsa responded her paramour of the moment quickly ensured that her more unnatural additions were exposed for all to see.

The girl's lips were warm and soft, and she flicked a lithe tongue across Kamsa's lower lip teasingly as their mouths pressed together. She kept it up until Kamsa deepened the kiss, letting the kitsune explore while she continued to grind in her lap. Her breasts weren't the biggest, but they were pleasant and perky with only a bit of support from the bra she apparently wore under her coat, and if she were brave enough to slip her hand beneath the garment Kamsa would find the flesh under her fingers soft and pliant and topped by tiny hardened nubs that made the girl in her lap shiver silently.

Kamsa's sparse bottoms weren't long to protect her from her strange assailant, however, as after a moment she lifted herself away just a tiny bit, breaking their kiss long enough to look Kamsa in the eyes while sliding her undergarments out of the way. The kitsune's erect manhood popped free, standing straight up until it prodded against the girl's backside, and once her shorts were dropped over her knees to pool around her ankles Kamsa's pulsating rod was once more trapped between the unusual looking woman's cheeks and jerked. The sensation was even better minus the barrier of her clothes, and the girl quickly pressed her lips back against Kamsa's, remaining twisted in her lap while writhing back and forth.

The pressure just grew and grew and grew, and the more it grew the more intensely her strange new friend ground herself into Kamsa's lap. Any warning she issued that her peak was incoming was ignored, and when it came the ecstasy of being milked drew long bursts of pleasure and thick spurts of her cum. She felt the warmth pool in her lap and on her stomach, her hot cream getting everywhere and her honey leaking onto the chair below her, and when it was over Kamsa felt her shaft released. The girl stood up, smirking back at her, and lifted the rear flap of her coat, exposing her now cum coated rear to Kamsa. She had drenched it, streams of fresh semen covering her exposed flesh and undergarments alike, and the girl smirked smugly for a moment before reaching down to tap the head of Kamsa's rod with her index finger.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

A rough moan came from Kamsa, her lips vibrating into the kiss. Her tongue reached forth to entwine and dance with her companion. If there were any eyes on the two's mundane display, Kamsa couldn't tell. as the rest of the room seemed to fall away. The kitsune was fixated in her own coupling and in the liquid heat that was rapidly building in her loins, pressing for release.

As her desires grew, her inhibitions weakened. Kamsa's hands slid down, from cloth to skin, then flowed back up, sneaking in under the smaller girl's upper garments. It began as a tender massage and squeezing, Kamsa's hand alternating between the two mounds. Her fingers soon added to the mix, gently pinching and circling the little hidden peaks.

When the kiss broke, Kamsa's lips briefly searched forward to continue the liplock, the fox seemingly in a trance, at least until a complete change in pressure changed below. Her eyes darted downward, a wave of uncertainty washing over her as she was fully bared for everyone to see. But, that quickly washed away as her eyes came back up to lock with the multi-colored ones in front of her and the pair's intimate dance resumed.

It didn't take long after that. The molten fire was already threatening to overflow, and this had been the final push to cause the restraint to crack and shatter. Kamsa broke the kiss, throwing back her head as she let out a primal groan. "MMmmnnnaaaahh!" Her body tensed and she gripped her companion tightly. Each surge of thick cream that erupted, from each quiver of her flower that overflowed with nectar, sent a surge of flames through her body.

Stars danced at the edge of her vision as the traveler slowly came down from her high. Her body shone from sweat and was dirty from her own fluids as she gasped for breath. Her limbs felt heavy as she released the smaller girl and the weight left her lap. In response, Kamsa lifted her head and was hit with embarrassment at the sight before her. What did she just do? Why did she just do that?

Kamsa snapped back with a squeak as her extra appendage was tapped. Her hands shot down to cover herself instinctively only to find herself getting her own slime onto her hands. "Erk, this is..." she muttered to herself, before continuing on, "Why did you just-? That was-! But then why-?" It wasn't quite clear whether she was questioning herself or the overly-friendly-stranger in front of her. Kamsa shifted in her moistened seat, having no idea what to do in a situation like this.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 0/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened, Deny Release'd

Kamsa's uneasy shifting and apparent indecision only seemed to incite the stranger to act on her own will, and the malicious joy that appeared on her face when her finger on the kitsune's overly sensitive tip prompted her to jump in surprise was likely not very reassuring that her torment was over. The girl didn't answer, and instead reached back to her front, resulting in Kamsa hearing a few pops and the garment opening away from her and then slowly sliding down her new friend's arms. She looked back, one chocolate eye fixed on Kamsa as she dropped her coat to the floor, leaving her clad only in her now cum-coated pink and white striped panties and the pink bra she wore to match.

The girl swept down onto Kamsa once more, this time settling onto her knees between the kitsune's splayed legs and pressing them further apart. Her strange paramour slid her hands up along Kamsa's inner thighs, slowly but steadily closing in on her tenders while she looked up at Kamsa with head tilted. She blinked, and her pale eye changed colors again as her hands closed in against either side of Kamsa's cum slick manhood, becoming bright pink, and she held that position for a second or two before her hands suddenly began to jerk rapidly. Kamsa's post orgasmic sensitivity hadn't entirely faded yet, but the cream still oozing down her shaft and her sweat provided ample lubrication to maintain the vigorous milking without friction burn, and any protest she might conjure would have to come through the moans that the stranger was once more seeking to inspire.

Even though she had just gone off, Kamsa felt a second peek rising mere moments after the first had left her practically exhausted, and the girl showed no signs of stopping... But the expected release never came. The surge of pressure inside of her built until it felt like it must explode, but then it just kept on building and building and building. The colorful girl slowed her hand motions gradually, her strokes slowly fading until they stopped entirely, but the reduced stimulation only made the ache feel even worse. That smug grin returned, but Kamsa felt one hand leave her shaft only for the fingers of the other to close delicately around it and begin to stroke again, now agonizingly slowly but enough to leave her practically paralyzed.

The others slipped lower, trailing along her right thigh about halfway to her knee, the tips of her nails gently dragging against Kamsa's sensitive skin. They trailed back much the same, and ultimately settled against the kitsune's womanhood and began to stroke the knuckle of her index finger between Kamsa's petals, nudging gently against the soft flesh and sending a different sort of stimulation surging up from the up until then only teased portion of her anatomy. That knuckle slowly nudged itself deeper and deeper, the two sources of stimulation melding into a maelstrom of pleasure that nonetheless denied her the release for which she had been made to ache.

The cause of her pleasured frustration tilted her head, never blinking, and her knuckle slid back only for the digit to straighten and a second to join it. Both slowly slid into Kamsa's folds, entering in a straight line and sliding back along the same path once they reached the first knuckle. The second dive slid to the farther knuckle, and her fingertips wiggled slightly inside of Kamsa and stirred her insides. The hand stroking her shaft slowed the more those two intruding digits invaded her folds, and the pressure inside of her eased only for the reduced stimulation to keep her on the verge of cumming instead, leaving Kamsa feeling like she would go off at any moment from the dual assault but not quite able to do so.

She would also realize about then that they’d acquired an audience. Two girls were sitting at a nearby table, both naked except for stockings and collars they wore around their necks. The colors were striped pink and white, with the word “PET” facing forward in worked metal. Both were redheads, but of different shades, and both sported fairly pale skin. The two were intertwined, one sitting in the other’s lap with legs splayed and knees bent, exposing her moist crevice as the one behind her slowly slid fingers back and forth across her petals. The one being played with had fairly short hair that was of a darker shade, an athletic figure, and the letters on her collar looked to be made of copper. The other had orange hair that framed her face and curled outwards towards the tips, her collar’s letters seemed to be made of gold, and had an abundance of freckles on her face and uncovered body. The latter seemed to be enjoying her teasing of her compatriot, whose pert breasts were heaving as she squirmed under her attentions, all while both watched the stranger who had seemingly take an interest in Kamsa continue to toy with her.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

The smirk. That mischievous smirk. Kamsa wanted to bolt for the door, but instead was rooted to where she was in apprehension and then unwanted fascination at the undressing. Her yellow eyes followed each button being unclasped, then watched it pool on the ground. Her cheeks warmed once again as her eyes drew back up and stared at the messy panties. 'Did I really...?' It took her a moment too long to realize that she was staring and that she needed to get away. Just as the pink-haired fox was about to stand was when the diminutive girl pounced.

The traveler gasped as she watched the hands draw ever closer. "N- no! No please. It's- It's still too-!" She didn't want to get physical and fight the girl off, though she wasn't entirely sure she could with how heavy her arms and legs felt. Kamsa placed her hands on the shoulders of the multicolored girl in front of her and gave gentle, suggesting pressure away before becoming stunned at the sight of the strange eye color swap. That was quickly replaced by fear as she saw the glowing hands around her loins. "Wait! Wait no! What are you doing?! Wh- Eee!" she squeaked out at the sudden and heavy stimulation.

Not wanting to endanger her sensitive bits, Kamsa's hands drew back to the chair beneath her. As her second moment rapidly drew closer, her breath hastened until each pump eliciting a gasp. Was she really about to lose it again? Her body tensed as... nothing came out? Surely it was right there. The heavy fire in the pit of her stomach pressed outwards, wanting to be set free, but the gates wouldn't open. Kamsa curled over as her whole body tightened, toes curling, and her fingers gripping the chair, fingers digging in. She was right there! Right before the peak! Just one more little nudge and she should be over. Wait, no, one more? The next one? She was sure she was about to burst.

It wasn't until the pace had slowed considerably that Kamsa realized she had stopped breathing. Rather, her body noticed. An animalistic and frustrated groan escaped her proceeded by a choked gasp. Her body forced her to keep breathing even as every other part of her being was tense and focused on her release.

The kitsune barely noticed the fingers dragging along her thigh. She did, however, notice the intrusion into her petals as her breath caught, just for a moment. Then the second finger was added and Kamsa was sure she was about to die under the weight of the inferno that demanded to be released. Everything ached under the pressure and strain. Tears were even forming at the edges of her eyes. Her rod pulsed in hand and flower quivered, leaking nectar, in anticipation of the moment that would not come.

Kamsa didn't notice her tormentor looking up at her or the couple who were enjoying the view. Even when her eyes were open, Kamsa wasn't seeing anything around her. Her entire being was focused on the pleasure and the release it demanded. Once again, the fox threw her head back, this time in agony, as her hips rocked trying to fuck the hands to the promised euphoria. From her mouth came the sounds of someone drowning under the liquid flame that was overcoming her, begging to be saved.
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Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 22/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, hng hng splort!


Kamsa's initial refusal actually made the colorful girl kneeling in front of her pout up at her... But it didn't stop her. For minutes on end she was made to hang on that torturous edge, every slow stroke feeling like it might make her explode and every pump of the digits worming around in her soft folds promising on the satisfaction that she craved but never delivering. Ignorant of all other senses though her conscious mind might be, Kamsa still heard the chorus of ecstatic cries from the room's numerous other occupants. Every orgasmic cry whispered pain into her subconscious, making the need to get off all the more intense.

Her tormentor wasn't of the merciful type, unfortunately. The strokes of her cock continued to slow while the pumps into her folds came faster, but neither was enough to give Kamsa the relief that she so desperately needed. Every time it seemed like she might finally descend from the edge, the strange girl would cease all stimulation for a few seconds. Every time she began to back off from orgasm was worse, as her tormentor would suddenly start to jerk and pump her furiously until she felt that release was surely imminent... Only to slow again and continue to deny her.

For long moments her pain continued, until suddenly the stroking stopped, and the pumps into her pussy started to slow dramatically. A moment later something pressed against the tip, and if Kamsa focused enough with the lack of stimulation to look down she would see her mysterious assailant's closed lips hovering against the tip of her cock. That pressure appeared inside of her again, keeping the liquid fire raging to be free contained, and as those mismatched eyes met hers the girl's lips parted and she simply descended. Kamsa's shaft vanished in a single gulp, sheathed to the hilt in warm wetness that squeezed around her from all sides. She felt the stranger's tongue rolling against the underside of her shaft, felt her cheeks suck inwards to embrace the sides of the kitsune's throbbing rod, and most of all she felt that overbearing, maddening need to cum multiply ten fold... Only to multiply again when the stranger started to bob, tongue rolling and flicking along the most sensitive regions.

The fingers in her feminine sex began to pump more vigorously at the same time, bombarding Kamsa with pure overstimulation only for that agonizing pressure to keep the release she needed tantalizingly out of reach. Another minute was spent in that torment while her captor seemingly played with her before, out of nowhere, an extremely cheerful voice spoke up from beside her; "You know, you are getting REALLY good at that!" The orange haired girl she'd seen watching, albeit perhaps not really noticed given her condition at the time, had walked over, the redhead right beside her. She was looking down at Kamsa's tormentor with affectionate admiration, though her fingers were still covered in the redhead's juices and the one from which they had come was walking a bit wobbly legged.

Her torment slowed, but didn't stop as the girl with her head in Kamsa's lap gave one last languid withdrawal, leaving just the first inch or so of cock in her mouth. Her tongue proceeded to drag across everything it could reach, which proved to be everything still trapped behind the tight seal of her lips, but her gaze drifted from Kamsa to the new arrival as she took up a position to the kitsune's right. She tilted her head and blinked, her eye once more going from pink to white, and the orange haired girl gasped in surprise. "Really!? Oh wow... So you think he is actually a she? That's strange... But does that mean that these are real too?"

Kamsa felt a finger run along one of her ears, but it was quickly overshadowed by other more pressing sensations as her torturer's lips slid back and popped free of Kamsa's cockhead. The fingers in her pussy stopped too, leaving her painfully without stimulation as the pressure once more eased. The lack of stimulation served as her only remaining barrier, but even if she wished to try to move her leaden arms to find some sort of satisfaction, she was beaten to the punch in a most unusual way. Orange and red took up positions on either side of her, the redhead saying; "Wow, really? These aren't just toys?" She sounded a bit lust drunk, but her voice was as cheerful as her apparent companion's, and both reached for the base of ears, tracing along their outer edge, and then began to scratch gently.

That was sufficient, it seemed, and Kamsa's final relief caught everyone present by surprise. The first rope of cum spewing from her cock splattered across the unusually colored girl's face in a line from chin to forehead. The look of shock on her face didn't last long, however, and for the duration of her orgasm Kamsa's rod was sheathed in her bobbing mouth and had her depths plumbed by the girl's fingers. The resulting peak rolled through her like an earthquake for the better part of a minute, every ounce of frustration expended in a constant overwhelming surge of physical gratification, and Kamsa was allowed to ride it out for as long as she could.

"Well, that settles it! They're real!"

"Apparently! And sensitive too!"

When the whiteness faded from her eyes, Kamsa felt even more spent than she had before. Her ears were still being scratched from both sides, and two sets of pert, perky breasts were more or less pressed against her face from those doing it. Her cock and pussy were unmolested for the moment, however, and the one who had tormented her up until that point was still kneeling at her feet with her hands on Kamsa's lap. She slowly opened her mouth once it was clear that Kamsa was looking at her and lucid enough to comprehend what she was seeing, displaying a puddle of her fresh semen for a moment before closing her mouth, making a swallowing motion, and opening up again to show a mouth clear of the kitsune's liquid gift. For good measure she brought up the fingers coated in Kamsa's feminine issue and sucked them clean too, but the mischievous grin was already back.

"Salutations!" The orange haired girl said from Kamsa's left, sounding entirely cheerful and comfortable despite the fact that they were pretty much all basically naked and now active participants in a massive orgy. "Uhh, hi!" The redhead added, a bit more bashful about the whole thing but still fairly friendly. Neither would stop their attention to her ears unless Kamsa actively demanded it, and in the meantime the one on her left said; "My name is Cellina! The one in your lap is Veronica, and the one scratching your other ear is Scarlett! It's a pleasure to meet you!" The girl to her right somewhat bashfully repeated; "Uhhh, hi!"
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

With each near bursting of the dam, Kamsa whimpered. At least, it was only whimpering at first. As it continued, babbling pleas came that were not exactly words but their intention was quite clear. Desperate tears flowed as her hips grew more bold, doing their best to thrust and fuck the hands of her partner, as if the smaller girl was in Kamsa's lap bouncing up and down. She needed release as her entire being was being squashed under the weight of burning passion. Then, the world seemed to stop for a moment as all stimulation stopped. The kitsune was sure she had just died and she let out a carnal growl of frustration. Her groan caught, however, as a bolt shocked her from the tip of her rod to then shoot through the rest of her body causing her to double over, leaving her to stare at her friend scant centimeters away.

"MMMmnnnnnngg" came the groan as Kamsa's intimate parts disappeared into the mouth of her torturer. The warmth and wetness very nearly sent her over the edge, even closer than any of the previous times, but she could still not cross that precipice. She strained herself back upright as each suck, each bob caused her to cry out. The intensity of the pleasure caused stars to appear in Kamsa's tear-clouded vision.

The voice behind her went unheard. The fox could only register her own cries as a shiver went up her spine as her tip was the focus of the attack while the others around her conversed. "Uughnnn- ... huh?!" For the second time, everything seemed to stop. What happened? Why couldn't she feel anything? She needed to cum. Just as she was about to cry in anguish and desperately try and get herself off, her ears were targeted. "Eeh? Nnnmmm," Kamsa squeaked out in surprise and confusion. Her vulpine ears stood at attention as they were assaulted. What was going on and why did it feel good?

That confusion only lasted for a few moments of squirming, her back arching, her head twisting as she wasn't sure whether to run away from the strange sensation or to embrace it. Then, abruptly, her floodgates fell open. Explosions of light filled her vision as she was overcome by relief and pleasure as blaze washed over her entire body. Her body trembled. Her flower quivered. Her rod pulsed. Her sweet nectar practically gushed out of her but that was overshadowed by the spurts of cream. An initial squeal was all the sound Kamsa would make as she was so overwhelmed that she couldn't even scream.

The post-orgasm daze lasted for quite some time and when things finally began to come back into focus, the kitsune found herself staring up at the ceiling as she was slumped back in her chair, gasping for breath. The two blurs on either side of her eventually turned into two girls that were standing over her. It didn't register initially that these two had watched her torment let alone been the ones to actually push her over the edge. After a long moment of recovery, Kamsa strained herself to sit back upright, from her reclined position, to look down at her lap and at the multi-colored girl still there. Her limbs felt like bricks. She watched, half-absent minded, Veronica swallow the fox spunk and it took an extra couple seconds of processing through the clouds of exhaustion for Kamsa realize what she just witnessed. And then Veronica licked-! Her cheeks were already blushed but they still reddened the best they could and she went wide-eyed. Kamsa wanted to cover her face in embarrassment, but her limbs hardly wanted to move.

"D- did you just?" she exclaimed. 'Exclaimed' would be a bit generous for someone as out of breath and tired as she was.

Kamsa then realized that her ears were still being played with, causing them to twitch and flick about, as she sank in her chair. She looked over to the girl who was addressing her, Cellina, the traveler's gaze going to each person as they were introduced, lingering just a bit longer on Veronica. Her head then shook from side to size as Kamsa due to the scratching upon her ears.

Not quite sure how to respond to such a cheerful and friendly greeting right after being forced to climax in front of all of them, Kamsa sputtered out, "Er, I'm Kamsa? C- could you also, er- please stop. With the ears." While their meeting had certainly been pleasurable, whether it was a pleasure was up for debate.

A scratch in just the right place sent a tingles through her. Her arms, weighed down by exhaustion, gently pressed against the girls on either side of her, and she closed her legs the best she could though having Veronica in the way prevented that. "Could you also maybe give a little space?" Kamsa added a second request, finding the three others crowding around her rather claustrophobic and, especially, stuffy from the sweat and heat from sex. This was especially towards Veronica, though having breasts pushed up against either side of her was also a too close. With great effort, finding that she couldn't really put her thighs together, her hands slid to cover her private parts from all the prying eyes, even if they were well acquainted by now. Still, given how noodle-y her arms and legs felt, Kamsa couldn't help but feel dread as she was at the mercy of these overly friendly people.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 22/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Much Naive


Kamsa's embarrassed exclamation as she watched Veronica gobble up her sexual expulsions only caused the colorful creature at her feet to widen her mischievous smirk, and she made no effort to remove herself from her position between the kitsune's legs.

Both Celina and Scarlett gave displeased groans of protest when Kamsa asked them to step away, and both actually briefly pressed into her more intensely and refused to let up on scratching at the base of her ears.

"Awwwwww! But they're so cuuuuute!"

"Awww, please? Can we just do it a little more?"

Veronica gave both a reproachful look, however, and they both stepped back with a huff. Unfortunately, Veronica's glare didn't fall upon herself, as she not only didn't budge an inch but, when Kamsa reached out leaden arms to try and cover her exposed privates she nuzzled her face against Kamsa's male organ. Feeling it against the softness of her cheek, and her warmth against the heated saliva-slick flesh was a mix of balm and discomforting revival of her arousal.

"Oh, you really don't understand how this place works yet huh?" Celina said brightly, before she knelt down as well, on the opposite side of one of Kamsa's legs from Veronica. Scarlet just sort of stood there watching for a minute before another glance from Veronica seemed to startle her again, and she knelt down to join her two compatriots at Kamsa's feet. The sight of three women concentrating on the bits between her legs might be embarrassing, but having all three leaning in towards her aching shaft was also an undeniably arousing sight at the same time, especially as Veronica went from nuzzling into her shaft to raining kisses on the side of it while looking up at Kamsa.

"Veronica thinks you need to relax!" Celina said helpfully, prompting Scarlet to roll her eyes and smirk, though she was quick to revert her gaze back to Veronica as she teased the exhausted kitsune. Spent as she felt, however, Kamsa's nethers proved obstinately willing to continue so long as someone was applying attention to them, and Veronica lapped at it like a kitten at a saucer of milk for the better part of a minute.

"She wants to help you understand this place... What you're really here for," Celina said in the bright tone that she seemed to constantly speak in, smiling up at Kamsa excitedly. "But to do that," Veronica's hand rose suddenly, having darted out of Kamsa's line of sight. On it was a studded collar, much like the ones that Scarlet and Celina were wearing, but made of gleaming silver. "You have to agree to LET her help you!" Veronica held the collar out out, dangling on the tip of a single finger, and as she spotted it Celina grinned broadly.

"Oooooh! That'd make you higher than Scarlet! You could do whatever you wanted to her! Veronica might even let you hold her leash!"
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa winced as her face was smooshed between the two girls and her ears stiffened under their continued assault. "Nnnggh," she grunted before breathing a sigh of relief as the onslaught ended. Her vulpine ears slowly drooped as they were allowed to relax.

"Thank- Thank y-uuuhhhhh?" she was cut off as her privates were once more enticed by Veronica. She gritted her teeth as silky skin rubbed her own hardness. Her head shook from side-to-side as she fought against the painful arousal that blossomed once more. A quiet whimper could be heard from a struggling Kamsa. While she heard Celina's words, the kitsune only briefly acknowledged them with a quick glance, before her eyes turned back to watch Veronica's actions. At this point, she definitely understood how this place worked.

With her hands unable to defend her sensitive areas, the moved up to her face, covering herself up as she felt the almost impossible warmness of her own cheeks. She just couldn't stand to look at the other three as her stiffness was assailed with kisses and with each peck came a soft gasp. As much as Kamsa wished her loins would calm and to be free of this torment, but her the re-rekindled flame was not having any of that.

From behind the relative comfort of her fingers and palms, Kamsa peeked out as Celina told her, apparently by proxy, that the kitsune needed to calm down. The reply came in the form of an incredulous look, that lasted for but a few moments before being replaced by an expression of one very obviously doing her best to resist the continued addition of warmth to the smoldering passion down below. Kamsa's body squirmed in the chair under the practiced care of Veronica.

Then came a flash of silver and the Kitsune nearly jumped at the sudden... giant ring in her face? No that was a...! She glanced down at Celina as she listened to Celina's short spiel about the supposed benefits of agreeing, but Kamsa, finally, lowered her hands from her face to, one, gently push the collar away and, two, once again try to protect her lower self.

"What? Wha-? No no. Wh- why would I...? No, er, thank you," Kamsa sputtered out an answer. It was clear she was trying not to offend, but there was a distinct undertone of anxiety. She sank into her chair, trying to put that extra millimeter between herself and the collar. It was only then that she noticed the collars that Veronica's subordinates were decorated with. The fox turned her cheek towards the three girls, only giving them a sideways glance. "Sorry, I can't just...." Despite her apparent loss for words, she really was trying her best to be polite despite the thoughts that had crept into her head.

'Who would just... accept? With someone who just... did all this?' Her mind's eye also flashed back to where she had just come from, what she just escaped. The strings that had bound her as a marionette to whatever that thing was had just been cut, was she so ready and willing to give up her freedom again?
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 22/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Such Refusal


Kamsa's refusal drew a disappointed noise from Celina, and a similar expression from both Scarlett and Veronica. The collar wasn't immediately withdrawn, however, and instead Veronica began to spin it slowly around her finger, pulling away from Kamsa's saliva-coated shaft so that the kitsune could try to regain some minor amount of modesty. Veronica looked at her skeptically, but Celina seemed intent on pressing the point; "But it's so much fun!"

She stood up again and moved around behind the seated kitsune, reaching down to lean over her, putting her head near where one of Kamsa's ears would be were she human while her arms settled loosely across Kamsa's shoulders in a light hug. "Come on, you're already here! You're already enjoying yourself, aren't you? With us you won't have anything to worry about! It's only for in here, and Veronica is really gentle!"

The girl in question titled her head, an eye flicking from white to brown, and Celina quickly amended; "Most of the time!"

If Kamsa repeated her refusal, however, Celina and Scarlett would let out a mutual groan of disappointment while Veronica rolled her eyes again. The colorful young woman stood, and though she barely reached past Kamsa while seated the domineering smirk she wore made her seem to tower over the kitsune. She strode around Kamsa's side, hips swaying, and as she went past Celina straightened and her index finger without the collar prodded into Kamsa's chest just below her rib line. It trailed upwards quickly, ultimately stopping at her chin and directing it to tilt upwards, forcing Kamsa to continue looking at her as she strode by.

It might have ended there, but Veronica seemed intent on at least one more tease, as she suddenly gripped Kamsa's chin, turned and swept down onto the former cultist, bringing the kitsune into yet another open mouthed kiss. Her tongue probed Kamsa's mouth, swirling circles around her own lingual muscle, for the better part of a minute before breaking away and releasing her. She was twirling the silver collar again, and quickly crouched down to gather up her coat before simply walking away without looking back. Her hips swayed back and forth, even moreso than Celina and Scarlett's as they rushed to follow their "master" as she left Kamsa behind. The leftovers of Kamsa's first orgasm still decorated Veronica's rear, stains setting into her undergarments and gleaming as the sticky fluid clung to her pale skin.

"It was nice meeting you!" Celina said as she rushed past, waving, and Scarlett waved as she looked back. "Yeah! Maybe we'll catch up later, friend!"

The odd trio would leave Kamsa alone again, moving around the bar and deeper into the orgy, soon out of sight and lost among the crowds. Her undergarments were still around her ankles, and Veronica had done a fairly good job of cleaning up the mess she'd prompted Kamsa to make of herself, but the sleepiness prompted by her orgasm hadn't left her and the double orgasms followed by more of Veronica's teasing kisses had left her shaft both painfully hard and simply aching.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

The expression that settled on Kamsa's face was one of embarrassment, at the 'fun' that they'd had, with a dash of confusion. While it certainly felt good on some level, it wasn't as if she'd asked for those intimate (did it count as intimate when surrounded by a massive orgy?) moments. The thought of having something she could belong to did cross her mind, to perhaps have someone on her side in this unfamiliar town. This especially held true as she was embraced. But, as her eyes followed the twirling collar, the fox still was not ready to give up freedom to do that.

"Thank you, but sorry. I... can't accept this right now."

Kamsa gave a hardly noticeable wince at the groan from Veronica's subordinates. The traveller really didn't want to upset them and it only made her shrink in her seat just a little bit more when Veronica stood over her. She followed the gentle instruction from the diminutive mistress to only go wide-eyed the sudden kiss. While hesitant at first, her tongue did begin to dance with the intruder a few moments before the kiss ended.

As the trio left, Kamsa wanted to hide as she saw the mess she had left on Veronica's backside. On reflex, Kamsa responded with a "It was nice meeting you... too?" How did she get caught up in this? And did she really mean to say that? She groaned at herself.

Regardless, the three overly friendly girls were gone, leaving Kamsa alone. Well, as alone as one could be when surrounded by so many people. She stared down at her slick lap, giving a glare at the traitorous hardened piece of flesh. With another groan, Kamsa reached down and returned her underwear back to it's proper position. Of course, there was quite the bulge as her rod resisted being caged. This was made all the more noticeable by the moistness from the saliva soaking into the cloth. The kitsune grimaced at the uncomfortable tightness.

Shakily, she got to her feet, her ears and tails drooping in a clear show of exhaustion. She just wanted to leave as she wondered how she had gotten dragged into all of this, before, through the fogginess of her exhaustion, she remembered who had sent her there. Kamsa let out a third groan as the realization that she'd barely seen much of anything for this job she was on and she was already a wreck. She couldn't just leave as she stared at the inviting safety of the exit doors. With a resigned sigh, pink-haired fox turned to venture further into wild mass of bodies aiming for the dance floor in the back right corner. As she thought back to Veronica, Celina, and Scarlett, she wondered where they had gone off to and if she would run into them again before the night was over. Kamsa wondered if she would want to run into them again given the ordeal that she'd just gone through. At the very least she knew how they worked and were something familiar in the unknown that was this tangle of limbs before her.

With that thought in the back of her mind, Kamsa trudged forward on weighted legs towards the dance floor. Hopefully, it'd be more tame than whatever else she might run into in the other sections.
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