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Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Or, How I Wasted My Christmas Vacation

“Have you run your fingers down the wall,
And have you felt your neck skin crawl,
When you're searching for the light?
Sometimes when you're scared to take a look,
At the corner of the room,
You've sensed that something's watching you."

Basic Premise: In a world much like ours, ancient evil lurks in the shadowy corners and forgotten places. Dark cults devoted to worshipping and serving monstrous beings that lurk beyond the fragile walls of our reality secretly recruit and kidnap innocents for their evil purposes. Most people have no idea of the forces at world plotting to destroy our world or of the lascivious creatures seek unguarded entrances to claim Earth for their own.

And neither do you; at least not at the beginning of the scenario. The characters will begin as reasonably normal college students at Blake University. But there are strange things happening on campus, and very shortly they will all find themselves drawn into a mystery that will bring them into contact and conflict with tentacle monstrosities, lust demons and evil cultists. Will they be able to drive back the wanton creatures that have already entered our world at Blake and prevent an even greater threat from being brought here? Or will they need to abandon the college in order to escape with their lives and minds intact?

This PBP will be, initially, a single shorter scenario centered around the events at Blake University. If everybody likes how the game turns out, then it is easy enough to continue in the same world (hopefully with some of the same characters, unless all the PCs get Bad Ended).

This is my first ever attempt at running a PBP game, although I’ve run live RPGs for a while. Since this is my first try, I’m going to keep the game size small. I’m looking for something like 4 – 6 players to play Blake University students. Less would be okay, but it would probably make me a little sad ;)

Things To Know About The Game

  • There are tentacles, lust demons and succubi. So, there’s going to be more than some sex in the game.
  • It is possible that characters can die in the game. It’s also possible that you’ll be transformed into a servant of the forces of darkness and end up playing on the bad guy side (but you can’t start out that way).
  • I will be handling all the dice rolling here on my end. I don’t have any way of proving that my rolls are fair, aside from giving you my word.
  • It will be run using a very stripped down version of the BESM system. I’ll post full character creation guidelines once I know if anybody is interested.
  • The characters in the game may start with minor psychic powers and some mystical training. They won’t be throwing fireballs or mind bolts. Most of the magic in the game requires books and time and rituals.
  • Since the game uses a point-based character creation system, I’m going to need to review each character on their own and may ask you to change or tone down certain aspects. Your major can’t be in Ninjitsu, for example. :p

Please post or PM me any questions or comments. I hope that this sounds interesting to 4 - 6 of you.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Oh, horror-based ERP. I like Horror-based rps, allows me to play a super-scared kid a lot! Then again...

Either way, I'm in, but now I need to figure out which of my survival characters to use ^,^;
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Interesting. As long as we don't need the actual BESM books I'm in.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Interest expressed.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

I'd love to see how this plays out; try and keep a spot open for me will ya?
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Interest expressed
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

I am so very very interested!
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Wow, I wasn't expecting to get so many responses so quickly. Yay. Now to start driving people away with extremely complicated character creation rules. :D

Characters are built using 40 Character Points. You have to spend all 40 points and experience is given out in CP at the end of scenearios.


Each character begins by purchasing attributes. In this game there are three basic stats you need to define a person. The attributes range from 1 to 12, with an average person having an score of 5 in all three attributes.

Physical: The physical attribute covers agility, fitness and strength. In this game they're all rolled together into a single broad stat, although you can fine tune it later with traits and flaws if you wanted a character who is strong but clumsy, for example.

Mental: The mental attribute represents intelligence, perception and wits. Intelligence in this case means book learning and general knowledge. Perception is a character's ability to notice things that another person might miss. Wits, here, represents the character's ability to keep their cool in stressful situations.

Spiritual: Sort of the catch all attribute, the spiritual attribute reflects a character's charisma, drive and luck. Charisma is a general reflection of social ability. Drive is the character's determination and focus. Luck is. . . well it's luck; like Fitness and Wits it will be rolled against more often as a "saving throw" type thing.

Each attribute costs the same amount of character points, but the cost scales up the higher of an attribute you want to purchase.

[B][U]Attribute[/U][/B] 	[B][U]Cost[/U][/B]		[B][U]Attribute[/U][/B] 	[B][U]Cost[/U][/B]
1		1		7		9
2		2		8		11
3		3		9		14
4		4		10		17
5		5		11		20
6		7		12		24

Derived Attributes

All of these things are initially generated by using a character's basic attributes. They can be increased (or decreased) later in the character creation process.

Combat Value		(Physical + Mental + Spiritual /3) with a –2 penalty
Combat Focus 		+2 to Attacks, +2 to Defense or +1 to both
Health			(Physical plus Spiritual) x 5
Energy			(Mental plus Spiritual) x 5
Arousal	Threshold	(Physical plus Mental plus Spiritual) x 3

Combat Value: This is a bonus that gets applied to all attacks and to your defenses. It is based on an average of all three attributes and then lowered slightly. If you don't see how perception, luck, determination and a cool head figure into success in combat. . . well this mechanic will probably upset you. Average all three stats and subtract 2 and this gives you the base value.

Combat Focus: You can choose whether your character is better at attacking, defending or equally good at both.

Health: Hit points and survivability. It doesn't need much explanation.

Energy: This is used for a variety of things in the game; casting spells or using psychic powers takes energy. It's also used to get a bonus to dice rolls when you want.

Arousal Threshold: Kind of like a measure of your erotic hit points. A character with a higher threshold can take more stimulation before they will orgasm (In the game, being forced to orgasm by a tentacle demon isn't good news for your character - see the combat section).

Okay, this isn't too crazy yet. Now let's talk about the complicated part, the elective attributes.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Elective Attributes

This is where things start to get a bit more confusing. So far, all of the characters have been built mostly the same; everybody has a Physical, Mental and Spiritual score as well as Health and Energy points. The next section of character creation is where you get to really customize your character beyond the basic attributes.

[B][U]Attribute		Cost[/U][/B]
Major		2 points, +5 to all rolls related to topic
Minor		1 point, +3 to all rolls related to topic
Skills		1 point, +2 to all rolls for chosen skill
Training	2 points, +1 to attacks, +1 to defense or +5 damage per rank
Toughness	1 point, +10 Health
Focus		1 point, +10 Energy
Traits		2 points, Special effects
Equipment	1, 2 or 3 points.
Flaws		+1 point per flaw

Major: If you purchase one, this represents your character's chosen college major. For a college student, this gives you a huge bonus to any checks that relate to the field of study. I'm pretty flexible on what you can pick here and how it can be used, aside from to note that it won't give any bonuses in combat in any situation. You can only buy one of these for balance reasons.

Minor: Just like a major, only not as quite as huge of a bonus. The same rules apply; no minor in karate fighting or katana-neck relations. :p

Skills: Things that maybe you've studied but not to the depth of a college major or minor. I have a suggested list below and some extra rules and advice. They give a bonus to checks and a few have other in-game effects.

Training: This is where you can buy your sniper expertise and knife-fighting experience. Every 2 points gives you a bonus either to attacks, defenses or a damage bonus. You can buy a limited version that only applies to a limited category for 1 point; for example +5 damage with handguns or +1 to defense against hand to hand attacks (Although I'll have to approve any of the limited versions).

Toughness: Increases your health. It's pretty straightforward.

Focus: Does the same for your energy.

Traits: There is a list of special traits that you can buy in the following section. You can also create your own, although I need to approve the final version.

Equipment: Everybody wants stuff. Another flexible attribute. I have a suggested list in the next section, although it is even less filled out than the skill list. Just ask for whatever you want, within reason, and I'll set a point cost.

Flaws: You can get extra CP buy taking a disadvantage of some kind for your character. There is a list in the next section and again, I'm open to allowing others. Just ask here or via PM.

Mechanics and Check Resolution

Roll 2d6 + modifiers versus a target number based on the difficulty of the action. The base modifier for a check is the relevant Attribute, but skills, traits, equipment, flaws and other modifiers may also apply. If the final number is equal to, or greater than, the target number the action succeeds. If it is lower, the action fails.

A character can spend 5 energy points to gain a +1 bonus to any check. This does not require an action.

[B][U]Difficulty		Target Number[/U][/B]
Trivial			10-11
Easy			12-13
Average			14
Difficult		15-16
Very Difficult		17-18
Impossible		19+


Combat is handled using a similar system, only in place of a fixed target number, the attack is made opposing a number based on the defender's defense value. The attacking character rolls 2d6 plus their attack value and compares the result to the Defenders defense value + 8.

If the roll exceeds the target, the defender is hit and takes full damage from the attack. If the roll is greater than 14, the defender is grazed and takes 1/2 damage from the attack regardless.

Damage is equal to weapon damage plus combat value plus 1d6.

At the beginning of combat, initiative is rolled for each character involved. The initiative roll is again, 2d6 plus each character's combat value.

Grappling and Grabs

Grappling attack is handled as a normal attack (there may be a bonus applied based on size). It deals no damage on a hit, but the target must escape the grapple before they can attack. A creature with natural weapons may be able to attack the person grappling it, depending on circumstances. To escape a grapple, roll 2d6+Physical compared to 8 plus the grappler’s Physical.

On a graze (14+), an enemy is partially grabbed. This has no effect, but if another grapple is attempted it gains a +2 bonus to the check. On a graze (14+) on an escape, the character is still grappled but gains a +2 bonus to the next escape attempt.

Multiple characters can grapple a single target (or help their friend to escape). Use the highest physical attribute to resolve escape attempts and add a +4 bonus for each additional character involved.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Still awake? Good, let's talk about the sex part of the game. These rules are only really used for somewhat combative sexual encounters; between a succubus and her unwilling prey, for example. Obviously, you don't need rules for erotic encounters between two consensual partners.

Erotic Attacks

While grappling, a character can attempt a Stimulation attack by rolling 2d6 plus Physical attribute with a +2 bonus compared to a target of 8 plus the defender’s Physical attribute. A character needs to succeed a grappling attack to represent getting into the right position for their sexy action.

On a hit, the target’s Arousal increases by Attacker’s Physical plus Combat Value plus 1d6. Once the Defender’s Arousal exceeds their Threshold, they are peaking and take damage to their Energy points instead. Normal rules for grazing attacks (14+) apply to Stimulation attacks.

A grappled character can also attempt Stimulation attacks, but do not gain the +2 bonus to the attack roll.

Once a character is peaking, they can be brought to orgasm with a successful Stimulation attack, at the attackers discretion. A character that orgasms takes 20 points of damage to their energy but their Arousal immediately falls to 1/2 their maximum Arousal Threshold. A character that is being Stimulated can voluntarily orgasm once they are peaking, however doing so causes them to take a (cumulative) -2 penalty to all actions until the end of the scene.

Damage and Recovery

A character reduced to 0 Health is critically injured and may not act. A character at 0 Health can make a Resistance (skill) check each round (with an increasing penalty) to continue to act. They can be killed or knocked unconscious with another successful attack.

A character regains Health equal to their Physical attribute between scenes. You can also treat another character's injury with a Medical skill check once per scene; this heals 5 damage + 5 points per point that the roll exceeds 14.

A character reduced to 0 Energy is exhausted and falls unconscious. They cannot act and their defense falls to 0. A character at 0 Energy can make a Resistance check each round (with an increasing penalty) to remain conscious until they fall unconscious.

A character regains Energy equal to their Mental attribute between scenes. They can restore their own Energy with a Meditation check once per scene; this restores 5 energy + 5 points for each point that the roll exceeds 14.

A character reduces their arousal by an amount equal to their Spiritual attribute between scenes. If they are not threatened and have time to relax, they can roll a Meditation check once per scene to reduce their arousal instead of restoring Energy.


[b][u]Skill		Effect[/u][/b]
Athletics	Perform physical activities and feats of prowess
Awareness	Observe surroundings or search an area
Charm		Influence others with your words
Computers	Use or program computer systems
Inspire		Give an ally a bonus to their next check or attack
Linguistics	Speak and understand written languages
Medical		Heal wounds or treat injury
Meditation	Focus your mind and regain energy
Resistance	Endure physical stress and remain conscious
Sciences	Scientific knowledge and training
Stealth		Avoid detection and move unseen
Technical	Perform manual tasks like lock picking and rewiring electronics

Skills can be purchased more than once to increase the bonus. Obviously they're written as being fairly broad; I don't want people to have to worry about buying ridiculously specific things for every situation.

Skill checks can be based off of different Attributes, depending on circumstances. Awareness of a character lying might be a Spiritual check; Awareness of a hidden enemy in a room might be a Mental check.

Narrower skills (Biology instead of Sciences) can be purchased gaining a higher bonus (usually +3 or +4).
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP


[b][u]Trait		Effect[/b][/u]
Dexterous	+2 to Agility based checks
Brawn    	+2 to Strength based checks
Vigor 	        +2 to Endurance based checks
Smart 	        +2 to Intelligence based checks
Perceptive	+2 to Perception based checks
Collected 	+2 to Wits based checks
Magnetic 	+2 to Charisma based checks
Determined 	+2 to Drive based checks
Lucky 	        +2 to Luck based checks
Resources 	+4 to checks to purchase items.
Contact 	Gain a contact
Fast Metabolism Regain 10 extra health between scenes
Quick Recovery 	Regain 10 extra energy between scenes
Skeptical	+2 Defense against Magical or Spiritual attacks
Calm	        +2 Defense against Psychic or Mental attacks
Occultist 	+4 to decipher mystical tomes and cast spells
Artificer	+4 to understand and use magical items
Ritualist	+4 to understand and prepare rituals
Apprentice*	40 Spell Points separate from normal Energy.
Sensitive	Passive ability to receive psychic impressions
Danger Sense*	Passive prevents surprise attacks.  
Second Sight* 	Active ability to see invisible and concealed creatures. 
Object Reading*	Active ability to gain visions of an item’s past. 
Clairvoyance* 	Active ability to see visions of an area. 
Mind Reading* 	Active ability to read another person’s thoughts.

A few of these need explanation.

Contact: You can come up with an NPC character who is friends with your character; this character may be available to aid you with a specialty skill or connections. A friendly doctor at the local hospital, for example, who could treat your injuries or help diagnose medical problems. Or someone who works for the police department and could help you get out of minor legal trouble or give you normally restricted information.

Resources: I'll be making checks whenever a character wants to buy something to see if it's available and if the character has the money to get it. Generally 2d6 + 7 against a target number representing the difficulty. The bonus will decrease though each time the character makes a significant purchse. Having the Resources trait makes it easier for your character to find the money and know who to ask to get more expensive stuff.

Apprentice: You need to buy either Occultist, Artificer or Ritualist in order to qualify for this trait.

Sensitive: This trait will be handled by Private Message. A character that is psychically sensitive will get information that isn't available to normal characters in certain situations. No energy is required to use this ability.

Danger Sense: You need to buy Sensitive first before taking this trait. Another psychic trait that will be handled by Private Message. It's up to you how to react to the warnings that you receive (or whether you want to tell other characters). This ability doesn't require any energy use and may not be 100% reliable.

Second Sight: You need to buy Sensitive first before taking this trait. This psychic trait can be activated for 10 Energy points and reveals invisible and hidden creatures in the area by their auras. It is not always successful, rolling 2d6 + Spiritual against a target number.

Object Reading: You need to buy Sensitive first before taking this trait. This psychic trait allows you to scan an object that you possess for psychic vibrations, revealing something about the item's past. It is not always successful, rolling 2d6 + Spiritual against a target number. Using it this way takes 10 Energy points. You will receive the information by private message.

Clairvoyance: You need to buy Sensitive first before taking this trait. You can concentrate and pick up psychic visions of a nearby area for 10 Energy Points. It is not always successful, rolling 2d6 + Spiritual against a target number. You will receive the information by Private Message.

Mind Reading: You can scan the thoughts of another character or NPC for 15 Energy points. This power is rolled like an attack, 2d6 + Spiritual against 8 + Spiritual. If it succeeds you will receive the information by Private Message. This is the most advanced psychic trait available at this time; you need to buy Sensitive first as well as two other psychic traits before taking Mind Reading.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP


You do not necessarily need to buy weapons or armor with character points. It will be possible to find or purchase equipment in the game, however, spending the character points means that the relevant equipment will be available right away.

Below is a list of some example equipment.

[b][u]Equipment	Cost[/b][/u]
Tools	        +1, +2 or +3 to a relevant check.  First aid kits, lock picks, running shoes
Weapons	        5, 10 or 15 base damage.  
Armor	        3, 5 or 7 points of damage resistance.
Cell Phone	1 point, Just a basic model.  If you want a universal translator and GPS it probably costs more
Mp3 Player	1 point, They don’t necessarily just store music
Bicycle	        1 point, Faster than walking and beats the bus  
Single Dorm 	1 point, Better than sharing but still comes with a lot of people around and dorm policy 
Apartment	2 points, Costs a little more but comes with more freedom (roommates optional)
Scooter	        2 points, Or a Segway or any other crazy non-highway ready vehicle 
Laptop	        2 points, Wi-Fi capable and plenty of room for porn
Car 	        3 points, A full tank of gas included
House 	        3 points, No neighbors and more space than an apartment
Expensive Stuff	3 points, Night Vision Goggles, Rare Occult Books


Like I said above, this is not a complete list of possible flaws but is a good starting point. I may allow other flaws within reason, but I need to be careful not to allow some characters to overload on these things.

[b][u]Flaw		Effect[/u][/b]
Clumsy	        –2 penalty to Agility based checks
Weak	        –2 penalty to Strength based checks
Sickly	        –2 penalty to Fitness based checks
Dim	        –2 penalty to Intelligence based checks
Careless	–2 penalty to Perception based checks
Rash	        –2 penalty to Wits based checks
Annoying	–2 penalty to Charisma based checks
Lazy	        –2 penalty to Drive based checks
Jinxed	        –2 penalty to Luck based checks
Attack Penalty	–1 penalty to attacks. Can be taken multiple times.
Defense Penalty	–1 penalty to defense. Can be taken multiple times.
Frail	        –10 Health points.  Can be taken multiple times.
Fatigued	–10 Energy points.  Can be taken multiple times.
Horny	        –10 Arousal Threshold.  Can be taken multiple times.
Nervous	        –4 penalty against Fear effects 
Mundane	        –2 penalty against Magical or Spiritual attacks 
Unguarded	–2 penalty against Psychic or Mental attacks

And that's the rules. At least, all the important things that the players need for character creation and to get an idea of how things will work in play. Questions are really really welcome, since I'm sorry for making you have to slog through all of that just to make characters. :eek:

Hopefully, some of you are still interested after all of that.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Gah! I missed this initially :(
I hope there's still a spot. Gonna make a character ASAP.

EDIT: erm - it may help people if you would compile the creation rules into a character sheet.
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Gah! I missed this initially :(
I hope there's still a spot. Gonna make a character ASAP.

EDIT: erm - it may help people if you would compile the creation rules into a character sheet.
Like I haven't spent enough time posting to this frickin' topic already today ;) Okay, let's try to consolidate into something readable. You start with 40 Character points.

1) Figure out a name, background and character idea.

2) Buy Attributes:

[B][U]Attribute 	Cost[/U][/B]		[B][U]Attribute	Cost[/U][/B]
1		1		7		9
2		2		8		11
3		3		9		14
4		4		10		17
5		5		11		20
6		7		12		24

3) Figure out derived attributes:

Combat Value		(Physical + Mental + Spiritual /3) with a –2 penalty
Combat Focus 		+2 to Attacks, +2 to Defense or +1 to both
Health			(Physical plus Spiritual) x 5
Energy			(Mental plus Spiritual) x 5
Arousal	Threshold	(Physical plus Mental plus Spiritual) x 3

4) Spend remaining points on elective attributes:

[B][U]Attribute		Cost[/U][/B]
Major		2 points, +5 to all rolls related to topic
Minor		1 point, +3 to all rolls related to topic
Skills		1 point, +2 to all rolls for chosen skill
Training	2 points, +1 to attacks, +1 to defense or +5 damage per rank
Toughness	1 point, +10 Health
Focus		1 point, +10 Energy
Traits		2 points, Special effects
Equipment	1, 2 or 3 points.
Flaws		+1 point per flaw

5) Post them here so I can be all approving! :D
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

And now I'll do a sample character, that my random name generator tells me is named "Lorrie Roesler."

Let's say Lorrie is proud of her physical fitness and works out almost obsessively. We'll buy her a Physical of 7 for 9 CP. She's smarter than average and wants to pursue a law degree post-grad, so we'll buy her a Mental of 6 for 7 more CP. Finally, she's not all that interested in Spiritual things and, in fact, let's make her a skeptic and just buy her the baseline 5 Spiritual for 5 CP.

That takes 21 of her 40 CP. We buy her a major and a minor; picking Psychology and Poli. Sci somewhat arbitrarily but fitting in with her pre-law character idea. I'm not real happy with her combat readiness after figuring out her derived attributes, so lets say she's taken a few self-defense courses along the way; we select the defensive option for her combat focus and then add to it some attack training, some damage training and one point of Toughness. Now she can handle herself a little better in a fight. That's another 9 CP, leaving her with 10 to spend.

Since we decided that she's not into all the magical/religious stuff let's buy her the Skeptic trait which will help compensate for the lower Spiritual should she get attacked by a magic using enemy. Since Charisma is also normally a part of the Spiritual attribute, we decide to make train her in Charm and Inspire for 2 more CP to make her a little better of a potential lawyer.

With 6 points left, we want to have some useful equipment on hand for Lorrie so we purchase a cell phone, a single room where she can go for privacy and safety and one of those handy stun guns for a total of 4 CP.

With 2 CP remaining, we decide that Lorrie also took enough first aid classes to justify training her in Medical and pick up a first aid kit that will give her a bonus to those checks.

And we're done. Behold, our sample character:

Lorrie Roesler, student

Physical: 7
Mental: 6
Spiritual: 5

Health: 70
Energy: 55
Arousal Threshold: 54

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 5
Defense Value: 6

Major - Psychology
Minor - Political Science
Training (Attacks)
Training (Damage)


Cell Phone
Single Dorm Room
First Aid Kit (+1)
Stun Gun (10 damage)
Under construction

Quetzacoutl "Quetz" Rhinehart, Student

Physical: 5 (5points)
Mental: 7 (9points)
Spiritual: 6 (7points)

Health: 55
Energy: 65
Arousal Threshold: 54

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 3
Defense Value: 7

Major - Robotics (2points)
Minor - Computer Science (1point)
Training (Defense) (2points)
Sensitive (2points)
Danger Sense (2points)
Quick Recovery (2points)
Attack Penalty(-1point)

Technical (1point)
Computers (1point)

Leather-man[multi-tool] +1 (1point)
Cell Phone(1 point)
Single Dorm(1 point)
Laptop(2 points)
Stun Gun (10damage)(2points)
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

I think i did this right.

Lilliana Scott, Student

Physical: 7 (9points)
Mental: 6 (7points)
Spiritual: 5 (5points)

Health: 70
Energy: 55
Arousal Threshold: 54

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 4
Defense Value: 6

Major - Economics (2points)
Minor - Math (1point)
Toughness (1points)
Perceptive (2points)
Dexterous (2points)
Smart (2points)
Nervous (-1point)

Charm (1point)
Inspire (1point)
Awareness (1point)
Stealth (1point)
Computers (1point)

Cell Phone(1 point)
Single Dorm(1 point)
Mp3 Player(1 point)
Laptop(2 points)
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Before I go crazy and start making a character here, is there a cap on what kind of weapons we are allowed to take from the start?

IE: Someone wants to take a 9mm handgun (Allowed/Not Allowed?)

I think that is the only question I have right now, will post again or edit if I think of something else.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Gah! I missed this initially :(
I hope there's still a spot. Gonna make a character ASAP.
I didn't actually answer your implied question. Yes, there is still room but you're the cut-off. Assuming that everyone who posted interest is still interested after seeing the rules, that's 8 people. That's a little bigger than I wanted but I'm okay with it. (Besides, I more or less promised you a spot before)

IE: Someone wants to take a 9mm handgun (Allowed/Not Allowed?)
Here's the thing; I'm in college and I know people who have guns. It's allowed. You're probably not going to want to show it off in places where it's going to attract attention but guns are fine.

Likewise the 1, 2 or 3 point armor. I had imagined at 1 or 2 points it can be something like a leather jacket or something that won't draw a lot of attention. If you intend to go walking around campus in full tactical riot gear, you're going to get some strange looks.