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Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Can I attack the creatures that have grappled me, or do I need to escape grapple first?
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

You can attack the creatures that grappled you, but only with your hands and feet or other natural attacks.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

I am so sorry, my router crashed and i had to get a new one. Should be posting normal now.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

I am so sorry, my router crashed and i had to get a new one. Should be posting normal now.
That's fine; honestly I think posting once a day is fine. Once I'm at school I'll probably be trying to check and post at least twice a day, but I can't guaranee I'll make it every time.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Welcome Back then Innocent.

Also, I'm holding off on my post in the Professor Price thread until you post Janna, since the initiative order says the creatures go before I do.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Oh, I still need your actions so I can resolve the whole round at once. In combat, I like to get all of it handled at the same time. :D Sorry ;)
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Alrighty, will post then.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Hey, Janna you're not going to kill me off this quick are you? I already feel shafted and lonely enough with forum members that seem fairly new and who also have low post counts. (Damn, maybe I should've made my re-entrance into this forum sooner, no offense to my teammates)
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

The next thing that is going to happen for the people down in the shelter is the start of a giant combat round. That's going to take some setting up, so I'm going to call it a night for updates; work everything out onto a table and post tomorrow in the morning.

(And to answer you question, Tomoe, I'm not out to get anybody in specific. I doubt that the other characters are going to say 'Oh okay, lets just join the cult and let them sacrifice her.')

I'll have more updates tomorrow but I need some breathing time.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

I probably should have asked this before posting my next action but I can still perform an action while in the "peaking" state right?
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

I probably should have asked this before posting my next action but I can still perform an action while in the "peaking" state right?
Yes you can. There's no additional penalties aside from being extremely vulnerable to stimulation.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Don't forget that in combat, you can spend an action to make a Meditation check to recover some energy (once per scene) or a Medicine check to heal your own, or another character's wounds.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Got it.

Hey Janna, an interesting thought here, what made you choose Sumerian for the tablets? It's funny because one of the languages I know from a T.V show is a mixture of Latin and Sumerian.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Hey Janna, an interesting thought here, what made you choose Sumerian for the tablets? It's funny because one of the languages I know from a T.V show is a mixture of Latin and Sumerian.
It was mostly just coincidence. I wanted a very old civilization that had a good polytheistic but kind of obscure religion (so that I could mess with it without having everybody complain).
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

It works very well. Sumerian is one of the older civilizations. It's what half the Ori language from SG-1 was based off of, the other half was Latin.

Three of them I'll put here.

Ex Uno Disce Omnes.

Enim Lupin Purnum Pravus Intus.

Calium Videre Eessit, Et Eraos Ad Sidera Tollere Vultus.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Just a quick question, since I see it pop up every so often in the rules. What exactly is a scene, and how do we know when we have changed scenes?
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Just a quick question, since I see it pop up every so often in the rules. What exactly is a scene, and how do we know when we have changed scenes?
There's not a hard and fast rule for that, really. It's basically one sequence of the game that can be anything from just a conversation with someone, or a fight or several fights all in a row where there's no time to rest.

Alexis, Hannelore and Regina have pretty much finished a scene right now, as soon as they decide what they want to do next I'll be giving the end of scene recovery stuff.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

Hi, i have a question

in this turn im going to heal me, but i also can take a weapon of the guards or go to the center.

Which comand can i combine in a turn?

Also, wich is the distance limit to use mind read?
Re: Fear of the Dark, Out of Character and Game Chat

in this turn im going to heal me, but i also can take a weapon of the guards or go to the center.
Doing first aid takes the whole turn, so you couldn't pick up the weapon or move at the same time.

Which comand can i combine in a turn?
You can always talk during a turn when you do some other action. But using psychic powers or attacking or moving do a different area will all take the whole action.

Also, wich is the distance limit to use mind read?
You can mind read anybody that you can see (or, if you use Clairvoyance, anyone you can see through that).