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Jungle Girl
Apr 4, 2017
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Hi there everyone,
I just read a thread called 'patreon subforum', where the bottom line was that too many patreon gamethreads are floating around in this forum. I thought to myself that this would be the perfect time to present you my game! :D I am Darktoz and I am creating fetish games. I've just finished my first game called 'Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament'. Feel free to check it out! The demo is completely free and available for download!

In the near future, governments do not longer exist. Only chaos rules the streets of your city and you struggle to make money to survive. That’s when you hear about a secret underground tournament organized by a mysterious woman called Lady Lynx. You don’t know much about the rules but you do know that there is a big paycheck waiting for all who participate in this tournament. And since your stomache is as empty as your fridge you don’t have any other option right now.

The game is mostly about Female Domination. It also features some brutal/violent scenes, especially in the beginning. If you are not into that at all, you might not enjoy this game.


If you liked the game demo or see potential for interesting games in the future you can think about ! Help me with design decisions on the next game: "Femdomstories: The Asylum!".
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Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

Interesting idea, something I could be up for. Couple of quick points/thoughts.

Anyway to speed up combat? I know it's part of the engine I believe.... But staring at a picture (even nice ones) when you wait for the slash/sound each and every round.
I find that almost unbearable in hrpg with actual tactics required.
Especially with the random combat (can't avoid on screen enemies). And with no loot drops, don't see how you're meant to survive unless you do perfect map runs.

With the combat the way it is, don't want to do multiple map runs to find the optimal route before running out of health. And I assume no GoR to make those failed runs better (some side benefit)?

Played it twice, died twice (got out of first room, saw cutscene) and with the combat....
But there is some potential for a game here.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

You can use "Catch your breath" to heal yourself. As well as the medkits you find in the boxes. You can use the medkits in and out of combat.

Especially in the first few Levels you can use "Catch your breath" to heal up completely during combat (and save the medkits for later), since the first enemies don't deal much damage.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

You can use "Catch your breath" to heal yourself. As well as the medkits you find in the boxes. You can use the medkits in and out of combat.

Especially in the first few Levels you can use "Catch your breath" to heal up completely during combat (and save the medkits for later), since the first enemies don't deal much damage.

Yeah, caught onto that, so long as you don't run out of SP. As while it doesn't seem to use any, you can't use it if you're out. Note sure if that's intended... but means if you're really wandering around a lot, can still run out.

But it's not ideal because it lenghtens combat that much more... when the bulk of your healing is done through many rounds of spamming Catch your Breath in combat.

It's doable, but I just stopped because of the combat and time. But there's a lot that could be done with the theme. Team up with NPCs, bet betrayed by NPCs. Traps. Some non lethal losses etc.
Good luck with the project.
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Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

Yeah, caught onto that, so long as you don't run out of SP. As while it doesn't seem to use any, you can't use it if you're out. Note sure if that's intended... but means if you're really wandering around a lot, can still run out.

There is an item for restoring your SP, called 'Energizer'! Again, you can use it in and out of combat.

Oh, and you do team up with NPCs at a certain point of the game. It's just not in the demo.

Updated the screenshots, they should be up again now.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

Nice, looks a bit different than the average RPG Maker Game. Femdom is one of my main fetishes, so I'll give it a try!
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

Thanks, there is another project on my homepage, called 'The Asylum'. You can only play the first minutes right now, but you might want to check that out as well :)
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

I liked it, but I am way more interested in the asylum. Seems like a very interesting game and I hope you can release a demo soon.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

I'm stuck at the spike traps in the second room. I changed all 13 coils to pink, but the traps do not disappear; is that the end of the demo?

Okay, if you disable the traps it just looks like they are still active.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

They should stop moving after you changed all 13 to pink, but they stay in place once deactivated. It is then safe to pass them.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

I would like to give a bit of feedback hoping that it helps.

Personally when I first saw this game I kind of hoped something different, I think that the BDSM tournament would have been more interesting if more than a "hunt", it would have gone on the lines of different factions fighting to win a price.

The game itself wasn't bad however it feels like many characters didn't live long enough to show their worth and that's a shame. At least this is how I view it.

Another point is that most of the sex is the suffering of others, I can understand it in part, however perhaps it would have been better to add a few scenes between the main character and the two girls, perhaps even adding a few different endings based on who dominates you...

Now, about the asylum, your next game, it seems quite better (at least from the intro) compared to BDSM tournament, so I will just say good luck, I don't have enough information to truly give a bit of feedback.
Re: Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [Patreon][Free Demo]

Thanks for taking time and for your feedback. 'The Asylum' can't be played right now (only the intro), but I hope I can release a demo of it soon. It will be very different to 'BDSM Tournament', but again it will include mostly femdom scenes.
The game is now available completely 4free! Happy easter ;)


There is also a walkthrough guide now on Darktoz.com