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Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]


Dec 9, 2008
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Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]
Age: 18
Sex: female
Race: Human
Appearance: Image
Bio: Pacifist, Will use self defense if dangered.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}

As Fia wakes up in a dark and damp dungeon, nothing but rags on, she feels something scurry across her hand and then back into the corner of the room. Quickly examination of the room she can see that it is some kinda snake-like creature in the corner of the room.

{Approach It} {Run} {Examine Room} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Frightened, she stood.
She examined the room concentrating in the place where the 'snake' retreated to...
'Wh...where am I? Was I ... WAS I KIDNAPPED?'
'And what was that thing? Am I dreaming?'
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}

As Fia starts to examine the room she puts one foot in front of the other just to stop as she noticed a small circular rise on the stone tile in front of her, she moves back to her original position and examines it closer to see that it is some kinda trigger, no doubt to something nasty. She can also spot some other differences in tiles around the trigger, which she can only assume to be some kind of trap. Though her eyes never leave the creature in the corner. As you catch out of the corner of your eye the creature comes barreling towards you and leapts into the air towards you but you duck out of the way the creature flying clear over you and hitting the ground on the other side.
ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}

{Run} {Trigger Trap Anyways(XD I love options like this >.> Not wise one tho)} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Thinking fast she saw that the tentacle is near the trap, so she took the risk and try to let the tentacle set off the trap...
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
4- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
6- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
7- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}
8- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]}

As the tentacle creature scurries across the trap and seems that wires rise out from the tiles around the trigger and wrap around the tentacle and sent short bursts of electricity through the tentacles body but its not painful bursts, before long you see the tentacle discharge a white liquid. Though the noise from the tentacle and a small high pitch squeal it lets off, soon you see more tentacle creatures coming out of cravices and holes around the room joining the one in the trap who is continously pleased.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
(Technically that wasn't an option XD but that isn't hard to factor in. :p)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She screamed.
And finding the door, she ran for it.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Pinned (Bound)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Missed]
4- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
6- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
7- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Missed]
8- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]

Fia starts to run away but before she can get through the door one of the tentacles slithers across her foot and makes her turn around in another direction. The free tentacles took a lunge towards Fia, the first latching around her wrist, the second missed by a long shot. The middle three latched around her ankles. Another one went flying towards her but missed and the final one latched on to her other wrist, the combination kept her pinned.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Fearing for her viginity, she shock around madly trying to free herself from the snake-like creatures and keep the others from doing the same.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115-27=88/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up/Being Raped (Bound/ Red Spawn In Ass, Blue Spawn In Vagina)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
4- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
6- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
7- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
8- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia tries to escape the grasp of the tentacles but the tentacles combined are just too much for her to break free of and before she can get away from the others, the two remaining ones that are free leapt onto her and join the pin party. Her body felt a small stinging sensation as the green tentacle pinned her as well, almost as if it had stung her body with something. As well as it wasn't long that she felt a couple of the tentacles start rubbing against her breasts as well as two had found their way inside her, each taking a specific hole and she felt herself penetrated from both the front and behind by the tentacles thrashing within her. Her body was starting to feel a bit worn out from the obvious 'work out' she was getting. She can feel her vagina getting wetter not from herself only but the tentacle seemed to suscrete some kind of self lubrication of its only, cause the sensation to feel even better.

{Try To Escape Pin/Rape} {Attack} {Give In(no loss of hp/stamina, risk of pregnancy/loss of exp}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She sobs, as her virginity was taken by these creatures, still trying to rid of the tentacles that had taken something she considered to be important. "Get off me!" she screamed, trying to break out of the surfacing pleasure.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][88/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up/Being Raped (Bound/ Red Spawn In Ass, Blue Spawn In Vagina, Red Spawn In Mouth)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
4- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
6- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
7- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
8- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia tries to escape the pleasure from the tentacles and the grasp of the creatures. While they looked weak, their combined force kept her held strongly down as the two tentacles continued to ravage her body. A third tentacle spawn slithers up her chest and pops out between her breasts, slipping fast into her mouth. Thrashing about like the other two were doing. While another joined in on caressing and slithering over Fia's body. Fia can feel her body being more extreme but she holds out on letting herself release though it was becoming harder and harder by each passing second.

{Try To Escape Pin/Rape} {Attack} {Give In(no loss of hp/stamina, risk of pregnancy/loss of exp}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She tries to roll on the floor/wall (Dunno if shes on the ground or not)
and force the tentacles off of her or maybe squish some of them, still trying her best to not be dragged into the new pleasure she had never experienced before.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][88/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Pinned&Felt Up/Being Raped/Crying (Against The Ground/ Every which way :p /Pregnant)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
4- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
6- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
7- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia tries to hard to shake them loose by rolling on the ground but fails in doing so. Fia can feel the creatures work her hard until the one in her womanhood seems to cease up and the next thing she can feel is a warm liquid being released out of it and into her. The creature pulls out and is quickly replaced with another who works just as hard as the last but the one who had let his blissful release slithered off and away from Fia, leaving 7 tentacles still around, 6 who are persuing her. 4 in her holes and 2 who are just feeling her body up.
Fia IS pregnant.
Fia's body starts to feel weird, signing her on that the thing may have very well impregnated her and she becomes very sad, a sadness that came out of no where.
Pregnancy Status: Sad (0/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To A Sudden Sadness}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Yeah cancel the sudden part, she has a very good reason to lol)
She feels tears flooding out, still trying her best to fight this hopeless battle.
Another thrust, and another, each thrust pulling her deeper into her sorrow, she knew something was in her now, and there was nothing she could do, she considered giving up... and let the tentacles have their way... all seems gray, and hopeless...
(No, shes not giving up.)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][88/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Being Raped/Stunned (Every which way :p /Pregnant/Orgasmed)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
4- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
5- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
6- Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia was having an emotional break while the tentacles continued to ravage her body. The one ravaging her mouth wildly let loose and filled her mouth up with his warm and hot juices, the sensation of the tentacles ravaging her body slowly brought Fia to an orgasm. Her body shivering from the pleasure while the one tentacle who released in her mouth slither away, the two who were feeling her up took its place and started to ravage her body as well.
Fia's emotional state swings once more as she ends up in a suicidal mind frame but as much as she wanted to harm her stomach, destory what was inside of her, she couldn't harm herself due to being unable to move from her orgasm.
Pregnancy Status: Suicidal (1/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Her Orgasm}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Told ya it won't be good)
"No! I don't wanna! GET IT OUT OF ME!!! GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!!"
She tries to move but... in the end, a waste of strength
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][88-17=71/115]}
{[STR:][10(/2)]} {[CON:][20(/2)]} {[SPD:][35(/2)]} {[INT:][35(/2)]}
Status: Being Raped/Stunned (Every which way :p /Pregnant/Orgasmed)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia struggled with the tentacles but couldn't fight the urges as she felt three more of the tentacles release inside of her, releasing into her vagina, ass and mouth all at once. The levels of arousal hit a high level as she felt herself orgasm once more! Her body shivering and shaking from the pleasure flooding over her body, her body feeling queezy and blissful all at once. The tentacles that had their fun, quickly exited out of the room, leaving her feeling even more used.
Fia's on the edge emotional state slowly dies away but only to bring her an uneasy stomach.
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (2/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Her Orgasm}
(unlucky @_@ Nearly held off the orgasm!)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Orgasmed twice in a row? I AM unlucky >>)
Once again, the new feeling consumes her not allowing her to move due the immense pleasure, draining her of her enegy just as much as the tentacles continue to rape her in her weak state.
(She can't speak now lol)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][71-31=40/115]}
{[STR:][10(+100)]} {[CON:][20(+100)]} {[SPD:][35(+100)]} {[INT:][35(+100)]}
Status: Being Raped/Stunned (Every which way :p /Pregnant/Orgasmed/Winded)

1- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Trapped in a Sexual trap]
2- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]
3- Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 3, {[Health:][24]} [Penetrated]

Fia's seemingly weak body due to her immense pleasure was continued to be ravaged, the tentacles working on her harder and faster but seemingly not as if they'd ever stop, even through a third! Orgasm they still didn't release themselves and move on. They weren't done with Fia yet and she could feel it. Even through yet another orgasm she knew they were still ravaging her body.
Fia's uneasy stomach slowly left her but only to find herself feeling even through all of this motherly towards what was growing inside of her, even though she was still being raped.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (3/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Her Orgasm}
(God Fucking Damn she's orgasmic. O_O)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(It's her first time, a bit excited should be uh... reasonable I guess?)
Another wave of pleasure washed over her, pushing her on the edge of her sanity, she can feel her pussy twitching, spilling more of her juice, flooding the floor around her leg as the two creatures contine to dive into her.