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Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][40/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Horny/Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Fia's body is able to withstand the creatures touches this time but luckily for her the creatures give way and they fill up her holes once more. Though finally she feels a sense of relief as no more creatures slither into her over sensitive hole. Though soon as she starts to recover her vagina starts to become really warm and start to get wetter, if possible, she starts to feel really horny as if she would let anything, the first thing she finds, fuck her once more. Her first thought is the creature trapped in the trap but when she turns back to find it, its gone with a pool of its juices around, obviously having broken free and had its fun with the trap.
Pregnancy Status: Horny (4/10)

{Move On} {Wait}
(Girl's a sex maniac now. hahaha)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Lol this game is ruining my char's character)
Unable to hold it, she waits in the room as she touches herself, trying to relive some of the feeling that had suddenly taken hold of her, diving her fingers inside her hole, moaning loadly...
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][40+15=55/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Queezy/Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Fia's horniness soon passes and she feels a bit less winded but still feels rather weak. Though soon as she feels her vagina cool down, she feels a queeziness from her stomach.
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (5/10)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

By then she had stopped touching herself, but with a replaced feeling she stayed where she is to see if she can wait for it to pass.
(Lol still in the 1st room)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][55+2=57/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Crying (Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Fia's decides to let her queeziness subside and it did but by the time her queeziness subsided, she started to have tears well up in her eyes again before she started to cry, unable to stop crying.
Pregnancy Status: Sad (6/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Sadness}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

After what had happened, she cannot control her emotions and she finally let it burst. Allowing herself to cry... perhaps something good might happen soon, but right now... she needed this the most.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10(/2)]} {[CON:][20(/2)]} {[SPD:][35(/2)]} {[INT:][35(/2)]}
Status: Free (Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][87]}
Fia's sadness soon turns to a queezy feeling but what is worse is she hears a cackle from behind her. "Pathetic, do women always give up so easy in this dungeon? You let those things fill you up! You're shameful for the female race." She shook her head and stared at Fia, "Do you always wish to be so weak?!"
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (7/10)

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Answer}
(WTF, do the amazon's only appear to pregnant ladies? I swear if Violet gets an amazon appearance before she gives birth. its that. xD)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

"Maybe I am weak... but I help those who are stronger, is that wrong? This whole world has a balance, a balance where the strong will fall if the weak unite, but I've been always used to a team of where the strong protect the weak, while the weak support the strong... but right now, I am alone with no one to be with... Maybe, all I want is a friend I can have in this place." Fia answers, aware of the queesy feeling, and aware of how weak she is... but also strong in her belief. (Can you wait and answer?)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10(+100)]} {[CON:][20(+100)]} {[SPD:][35(+100)]} {[INT:][35(+100)]}
Status: Pinned (Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][87]}
The amazon shook her head. "Women are strong, you make us out as if we are the maids of the strong. I bet you wish to be in a kitchen too." Amazon was in a way disgusted and almost in an instant, the amazon lifted Fia up and pulled her close. "I'm going to teach you how to be a strong woman before the day's through and if not, you'll die trying." She said with an evil look in her eye before she tossed Fia back to the ground and placed her foot on Fia's stomach.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (8/10)

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Answer}
(Not this time, for the pure fact...I've been treating talk/answer more of a talk your way out of a situation which takes effort/focus. :p Next version it'll take stamina only. :p Actually gonna post on the most common actions after this post.)
Last edited:
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Lol distraction would be a good option to add in)
"Ugh!" Fia screamed, trying to push the Amazon back and running away.
(And isn't my char pinned? so why isn't there a break pin option? And if you made a typo then change running away to break pin AND running away)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(BAH! >.< what is with me, so unfocused. I'll edit the above to the right options. >.> Then get to this after you can edit/I edit it.)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Lol distraction would be a good option to add in)
"Ugh!" Fia screamed, trying to push the Amazon back and running away.
(And isn't my char pinned? so why isn't there a break pin option? And if you made a typo then change running away to break pin AND running away)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Crying (Pregnant/Winded/Used)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][87]}
The amazon was easily knocked to the side by Fia's seemingly burst of energy out of no where, the amazon even seemed very impressed by her speed and ability to break free. Though it just turned to laughter as it seemd Fia was having another emotional break down. The amazon just laughed and barely could reply with her words of, "You fight big but you sure don't stay very durable. Crying in the middle of the fight? What the hell?" She was kind of insulted even by the way the girl was acting. Though she made no more move as of yet to pin Fia.
Pregnancy Status: Sad (9/10)

{Cannot Do Anything Due To Sudden Sadness}
(-_-'' I meant edit the junk out. And you can't run away same turn you break free. :p but character wise she can think or try that. but yeah think you know that already. :p)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

...Fia didn't know why neither, she just cried her eyes out a moment ago, but she felt so sad, it didn't matter as she cried on and on.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10(+100)(/2)]} {[CON:][20(+100)(/2)]} {[SPD:][35(+100)(/2)]} {[INT:][35(+100)(/2)]}
Status: Free (Pregnant/Winded/In Labor)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][87]}
The continued to laugh as she watched Fia cry and then start to pant a bit, it was most obvious that the baby was making its way out by the way she was acting. She was going into labor and the amazon just stood laughing. "You really aren't in our league. Amazons are strong and you go from crying to giving birth to those filthy things baby." Fia could feel as if the baby was caressing every inch of her inside as it started to come out.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (10/10)
Going into labor.

{Attack} {Run} {Wait}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Thinking that this is even a worst news then tentacles she made a dash for the door, despite whatever was coming out, she need to move.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10(/2)]} {[CON:][20(/2)]} {[SPD:][35(/2)]} {[INT:][35(/2)]}
Status: Free (Pregnant/Winded/In Labor/Being Baby Raped)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][30]}
Fia took off running out of the room with the amazon just laughing behind in the previous room but her running sent her straight into an old man who was wearing a robe, crouched over and holding some kind of staff/wooden cane. He looked the girl up and down and he gave her a devilishly glare that could only be assumed to be wicked thoughts brewing within his mind. Thats when Fia felt the tentacle baby slip out slightly but only enough to start caressing her clit and her thighs, any where it could reach near her vagina, it was working on her inside as it was deciding to come out or not. She felt the warm hotness return to between her legs but she didn't let go this time. She kept a straight head, best she could.
Pregnancy Status: Being Baby Raped/Giving Birth.

{Attack} {Run} {Wait}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She kept running, although very tired and with the thing inside her moving around, she was feeling very hard to do so, but she didn't care as she forced her legs to move towards the next door.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Magically Pinned/Stunned (Winded/Orgasmed)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][30]}
Fia took off running again but as she felt a splash of pleasure from her womanhood, she stopped dead in her tracks, the tentacle baby slopped out of her and was covered in juices, its own and hers. Though that little pleasure wasn't the only thing she felt, she felt a pull on her body as her body was drug back onto the wall and pinned against it, above the ground about two feet. As well as the tentacle baby started to crawl towards Fia only to have itself be lifted into the air by some magic and thrown out of the rooom. "Can't have that thing having all the fun, now can we?" The old man cackled.

{Unable To Do Anything For 1 Turn}
(bad luck. >.<'')
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Lol aw, I wanted the tenta baby to rape my char... these guys are so mean...)
"...What do you mean?" Fia asked as she struggles against the bonds.
"Lemme go... please, I just wanna go home..." She begs