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Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Magically Raped (Winded)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][30]}
Fia could feel some pressure enter her vagina, as if something invisible was entering her womanhood. The next thing she felt was that pressure moving in and out, it felt like she was being raped again but she couldn't see anything or understand why until the man spoke up. HIs wizard staff glowing brightly. "See, I'm far too old to rape you myself....but my magic, thats endless. I can give you the pleasure that'll drive you mad without even touching you!" His words ended with a cackle and almost immediately it felt like there were millions of fingers all over her body, stroking every inch of her body.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Give In} {Attack}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

"Kya~" Fia yelled out, wondering if everything acts this way. And she tries to reason with the old man... "But why would you want to do that? I didn't do anything wrong, nor are you capable of causing any pleasure for yourself so why?"
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][57-10=47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Magically Raped (Winded)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][30]}
The man seemed to refuse to listen to her. "You're wrong my young one. Everything that is happening to you is happening to my mental state, my mind is feeling every soft touch you recieve. So, I am feeling it and getting much pleasure out of it." The old wizard let off a gasping moan as Fia started to feel the thrusts increase inside of her. She wasn't ready to release quite yet, though her body was starting to heat up with each and every touch. Almost, if not the same, attention she received from the tentacles. She felt from this magic.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Give In} {Attack}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Something in Fia finally snapped, sick and tired of people using her for their own needs and enjoyments, she sends a fast kick towards the jaw of the wizard.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Stunned (Winded/Orgasmed)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][30]}
The man seemed to pin her legs down tightly with his magic when she went to kick him, only to feel herself release due to the magical touches. Her warm juices dripping down her inner thigh while the magical touches stopped, she dropped down to her feet and then knees/on her ass. The man seemed to moan and groan but almost as instantly as it waso bvious he was having an orgasm his body seemed to go up in a cloud of smoke and he was gone, leaving Fia, used once more.

{Cannot Move For 1 Turn}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She lay there... Not wanting to move, drowned in pleasure but also feared for what would be next.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Exhausted)

Fia slowly regained her senses and was able to move on if she wished. The room remained quiet after the last attack upon her body. There was no more things or people around and seemingly nothing around at all. One could think of it as she was used and left to rot.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

But the memories of her life returned, reminding her how much she still wanted to do, and she moved on feeling braver.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Exhausted)

Fia moves on to the next room to find herself in a room that is covered in tombstones and within the middle of the room was a female woman whose only seeable trait was she was in a solid black leather, so tight it looked as if it was painted on. Her body moved fully with the leather, each curve of her body showing as she stood in the middle of the room, doing almost a spiral dance. The only sign of her body exposed was anything above her neck, as well as she has long black hair.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

She didn't really care as to whats inside the room as the room itself was already giving her bad vibes, she knew it isn't good and ran for the door.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Exhausted)

Fia takes off running and with one glance back at the female she can see the female drinking out of a wine glass, a red liquid, and what even could send more chills down Fia spine if she paid attention the female's eyes flashed red and she gave a toothy grin. Upon entering the next room she gave a scan around to find that there was no creatures and it appeared to be a normal, everyday, stone room.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Room}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(I hope you meant store room)
Carefully she examined the room.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Exhausted)

Fia starts to examine the room when she spots a stone tile, slightly higher than the rest, knowing in this dungeon everythting is not as it seems. She examines it closer to find that there is also the same stones within range of a person's average height. No doubt some kind of trap.

{Wait} {Move On} {Trigger Trap Anyways}
(haha, I meant to be a normal dungeon, everyday, stone room...or something along those lines. >.> :p)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Like last time she hopes that when the time comes she can just the trap to trap her enemies so she sat down and started to catch her breath but still aware of everything around her.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][47+8=55/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (Exhausted)

Fia catches her breath and to her surprise, she's left alone for now. No creature enters the room and nothing else wild happens. Though the trap still is there but luckly for her she already found it and is full aware of its presence.

{Wait} {Move On} {Trigger Trap Anyways}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Waiting is always the best option when there are no more good options.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][55+17=72/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (A Bit More Than Half Energy)

Fia's waiting seemed to pay off, no creature bothered her and nothing else moved around. She even felt much more relieved.

{Wait} {Move On} {Trigger Trap Anyways}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

But she feels is not enough as she only feels half strength so she decided to wait a bit longer just in case.
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][72/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (A Bit More Than Half Energy)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][50]}
Fia hears a loud splash from one corner of the room and upon looking into that corner she can see some kind of slime dripping down from the cieling and into a pool of slime on the ground.

{Wait} {Run} {Trigger Trap Anyways} {Attack}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

(Dang, she was just raped by slime in the other thread on the blank page...)
She knew for some reason, that it would rape her also, so she moved on as fast as she can thru the door.