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Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][72/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Pinned (A Bit More Than Half Energy)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][50]}
Fia feels something cold and wet wrap around her ankles, she had moved on a tad bit too slow and the big blob was able to grasp her ankles and feet. She glanced down to see the slime had 'consumed' her feet and ankles, latching her in place. It actually seemed to be massaging her feet, whether it was its natural feeling or its mind working. It wasn't a good position to be ini wither way.

{Wait} {Run} {Trigger Trap Anyways} {Attack}
(lol she's being raped somewhere else too? haha)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Whatever it's doing it won't be good, so Fia tried to break free and run.
(lol, yea. Go to the blank page and find my thread you'll see.)
P.S i'm stuck on my PS3 :(
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][72/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (A Bit More Than Half Energy)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][50]}
Fia was able to break free from the grasp of the blob but whether or not it was through with her was unknown as it seemed to slide out of sight for a bit but when she heard a loud splash in one corner she knew it was coming back.

{Wait} {Run} {Trigger Trap Anyways} {Attack}
(bah forgot to put 'try to escape pin' instead of run last time. -_-'' I dunno why but you and Ryu I must try to rush or you two just distract me as everytime I have a typo its mostly with you two now. xD)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Fia runs toward the door hoping that the slime would not catch her.
(I am just unlucky so that might be affecting your typing effectiveness)
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][72/115]}
{[STR:][10]} {[CON:][20]} {[SPD:][35]} {[INT:][35]}
Status: Free (A Bit More Than Half Energy)

Fia ran out of the room before the blob could get ahold of her, when she scanned the room she was in now. She was surprised to see that nothing was inside the room. A sigh of relief and possible frustration no doubt followed.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Fia Lein [ZeroSpace]

Deciding that a rest would do her good, she sat down making sure that theres nothing around.
(Examine room lol, and Wait)