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Fight for Freedom (freeko)


Dec 6, 2009
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Chryssa sat in her cell at the Colosseum awaiting her new owners to arrive and inform her of next battle. They had been offered to sell her to a wealthy pair of serpent women were she able to defeat their current champion in the gladiatorial tournament coming up in a few days. There were several gladiators enlisted or enslaved to the tournament, many of them having amassed great prestige in the Colosseum and willing to fight to the death to keep it, many others also fighting for their freedom and not willing to be slaves much longer. It would be a long hard trial for her to earn her free will back, but she was determined to get her life back. After several moments, her master, a tall well built handsome man bearing an air of nobility would approach her. "Chryssa, you're in quite a bit of luck. Normally we wouldn't consider trading our slaves, but the serpent women have offered a considerable amount of dinar for you for some reason. The only stipulation is if you can manage to defeat their champion, who is of reputable strength and prowess. Even if you don't succeed and the deal goes through, this is still a good oportunity for me. The tournaments draw in a great amount of profit to those with warrior slaves entered. Consdiering you prove to be relatively successful, I stand to profit even if I don't give you to the serpents. I trust you to not disappoint me...."
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Re: Fight for Freedom

"Well being bought and sold is not a new thing for me. But why would you sell me if I win?" Chryssa would wonder to herself...

Chryssa knew her place in the world now, and was likely going to be put into this battle whether she wanted it or not. When it came to battle in the Colosseum, Chryssa certainly wanted it. Sometimes she would be thrust into impossible odds just to entertain the crowd as she gets reduced to being nothing more than a toy for her attackers to do as they pleased. Other times she would be part of a larger group sent in against an exotic beast of some kind or another group from another slaver.

This time felt like it was different. One on one battles were seldom a fair fight around these parts. The other faction made their stipulation, and Chryssa's master would likely decide how the match was won.

Since there was considerable money on the line, a fight to the death seemed highly unlikely. This was likely going to use blunt weapons like bo staves and be a contest to see who could knock the other one out first. Then again, Chryssa might well be overestimating the situation and this could be another match to test her sexual prowess. The possibilities were many, and it woyld be up to her master to decide these terms.

Some of her previous owners would consult her as to what might be the best course of action. Though generally Chryssa was just thrown to the wolves as it were, left to fend for herself in unknown conditions.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

A few days would go by as the first bout of the tournament would finally arrive. The Colosseum was packed fairly full with spectators and wealthy noblemen and ladies placing wagers on the outcome of the fight. Her first opponent would be a slender, young woman in a black halter-top style one piece with flowers adorning the bottom, a belt wrapped around her torso, a single shoulder pad, gauntlets, and greaves wielding a battle ax. The announcer would appear in the sky box introducing the combatants. "Representing the Iliyx House, is the battle maiden, Ophelia! Ophelia is a fairly fresh warrior, serving off a debt to the noble house! Representing the Nyxia House is the fallen Amazonian, Chryssa! A warrior woman we are all very familiar with, being passed from house to house, will she have it what it takes to make her way to and or beat the champion!? Only time will tell! The rules for victory are the same as always. Sexual submission or last man left standing! Begin!"
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

With the first round of this tournament now under way, Chryssa would see what exactly she was up against. It was another woman indebted to a royal house by the name of Ophelia. Having a quick glance over her, Chryssa would see quite a decent figure. Wearing a one piece dress, Ophelia left about as much to the imagination as Chryssa did in her two piece leather outfit.

Chryssa had on her trademark necklace, as always. Along with that she was wearing a fairly short black skirt belted around her waist along with what was left of her leather armor that was just about enough to cover up the important parts though little else anymore. Given the rules of these contests, it was not like her clothing was going to stay on very long anyway. Along with the main body of her armor, Chryssa had a small circlet that was holding her hair up that looked like little more than a headband.

Chryssa would have a fairly small wooden shield with her longsword to meet Ophelia's battle axe. If previous experience was any indicator, these fights generally lasted with the weapons long enough for them to prove their skill over the other and almost everyone in the arena knew that this match was almost certainly not going to end with a knockout if Chryssa were going to win.

As the gong sounds to begin the match Chryssa would look to disarm and disrobe her opponent as the opportunities arose to do so.
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Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

The ax wielding woman would slowly and steadily hoist her weapon up into the air in front of her of her as the match would begin and take two slow cautious steps towards Chryssa, before lowering her ax in front of her horizontally like a staff in a defensive posture as she awaited for Chryssa to make her move. As the warrior woman would charge with her staff, Ophelia would attempt to sidestep away from her blow and attempt swing her ax at Chryssa, aiming with the flat dull side of the ax to avoid lethal damage.

Chryssa's Fighting Roll(6d6)+0: 5,1,2,4,1,4,+0 Total:3D VS Ophelia's Dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 4,4,3,4,5,2,+0 Total:5D failure
Ophelia's Fighting Roll(6d6)+0: 5,2,3,3,3,5,+0 Total:5D VS Chryssa's Dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 4,6,1,1,3,1,+0 Total:3D
Chryssa takes 1 point of damage.

Unfortunately Ophelia would manage to sidestep Chryssa's attack fairly easily and managed to land a solid hit to the back of Chryssa's head, disorienting the other woman somewhat. Fortunately she would not be hit hard enough to knock her prone despite the smack to her head, and after a moment of stumbling would steady her feet and be able to turn to face Ophelia for a second try.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa would walk right into Ophelia's bait, and take a shot to the back of the head because of it. She should have known better than to think Ophelia was just going to roll over and lose. Mistaking Ophelia's defensive stance for someone who was timid was a pretty big mistake. At least Chryssa was not knocked out by the blow to the back of her head, though her ears would start ringing a bit.

Chryssa was going to have to work for this one. From the looks of it, Ophelia takes a long time to strike, so it could be possible to get in and get out while landing some damage on the other girl's clothing. Maybe if the opportunity arose, try to trip Ophelia to get her on the ground where her axe would be of absolutely no use to her what so ever.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa's Fighting Roll(6d6)+0: 4,3,5,3,1,6,+0 Total:5 Success vs
Ophelia's Dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 2,3,1,6,5,5,+0 Total:4 successes Success Damage Roll(1d4)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 - Ophelia takes 1 damage
Wild Die to determine clothing damage- Roll(1d6)+0:
2,+0 Total:2 nothing
Ophelia Attack Roll(6d6)+0: 5,4,6,2,4,2,+0 Total:4 Success vs Chryssa's Dodge
Roll(5d6)+0: 1,5,5,6,5,+0 Total:4 success Miss
Chryssa's Attack Roll(6d6)+0: 5,2,1,2,5,4,+0 Total: 3 Success vs Ophelia's Dodge Roll(5d6)+0: 2,2,3,4,3,+0 Total: 5 Success Miss

Chryssa would be able to get in through Ophelia's slow movements and land a hit into her opponent, but sadly she wouldn't manage to do anything to the other woman's clothing. Ophelia would attempt to trip Chryssa with the lower end of the axe but Chryssa would be quicker on her feet and deflect the attack, but still have to step back. She would try another quick strike with her staff but Ophelia would manage to step out of the way and make a wide swing of her ax at Chryssa's mid section to get the woman to back off more. They were currently at a stalemate, with one hit each and neither one looking to be showing any signs of giving in...
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Both girls now landing a hit on each other, the battle was starting to get going. Neither seemed too willing to commit fully to a method of attack, and they would both make fairly cautious attacks because of it. Chryssa could approach this two seperate ways.

The first would be to just go for it and attempt to overwhelm her opponent. Chryssa could attempt to take the initiative and dictate the pace of the match. Of course this could backfire if Ophelia was any good at countering attacks, and judging by how the match had started this seemed like a bad way to do things. Chryssa's head was still ringing a little from the shot she took at the start of the match.

The second one was to grind this one out. Probably both figuratively and literally once Chryssa would hopefully gain an advantage. It might not be the best strategy for putting on a show as it were, but it was safer in principle. Stay back and try to frustrate Ophelia to the point that she would simply start making mistakes.

Chryssa of course was not going for a knockout. What Ophelia's intentions were, only one who would know that was her. Chryssa also understood that this was all a show, so looking good and losing was generally better than looking bad and winning.

So even though it might end up working against her, Chryssa decided that it was time to try to step up her attack and hopefully overwhelm her opponent.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Attack round 1:
Chryssa 3 v Ophelia 2 - hit 1 damage
Ophelia 3 v Chryssa 3 (wild die 4) miss
Round 2:
Chryssa 6 vs Ophelia 3 - hit 3 damage
Ophelia reflex roll 6 no knockdown
Ophelia 4 vs Chryssa 5 - Miss
Chryssa 4 vs Ophelia 5 - Miss
Ophelia 5 v Chryssa 5 (Wild dice 6) hit, trip attack successful

Chryssa and Ophelia would change blows back and forth, Chryssa's staff smacking Ophelia in the back of the head, before the girl would try to kick Chryssa in the back of her knees, only for the kick to be deflected. That would cause Ophelia to become off balanced for Chryssa to Attempt to get an attack of opportunity off on her, but unfortunately the woman managed to right herself in time. They would then attempt to land strikes on each other back and forth, each one managing to block the other, until Ophelia would wisen up and manage to knock Chryssa off her feet with a well timed and placed sweeping strike. She would then get over Chryssa before levelling her ax at her throat, "Do you submit!? "
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa would return the favor of being hit in the back of the head previously. After evading the return strike from her opponent, she would follow up with an attack that seemed to land fairly cleanly and stagger Ophelia backward. How she was able to stay upright was a bit of a surprise. The pair would play it a little more cautious for the next few strikes, neither really wanting to open themselves up to an attack or be out of position to be countered.

Chryssa would eventually be the one to make a mistake. With their weapons clashed together, Ophelia would be able to move quick enough to throw Chryssa off balance and down to the ground. Moving her axe over Chryssa's throat, it was clear that Chryssa had been beaten.

No one would have been satisfied if the match ended this way though. Chryssa certainly knew this, and would say as such.

"Looks like you got me, but I certainly cannot submit. Why dont you make me? Dominate me sexually, and I will submit to you. That's what everyone here wants to see."

Chryssa couldnt be more obvious that she wanted this fight to continue, and if she could convince Ophelia that it was all part of "the show" to continue this bout, all the better. Even if it was just Ophelia having her way with Chryssa, it was certainly better than losing her head to a blunt axe.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

At Chryssa's words Ophelia's face would turn beet red and she would go rigid as a board, "D-dominate s-s-s-sexually!? N-no one ever said anything about s-s-sex! I thought this was just a f-fight!" She stammered out giving Chryssa enough time to roll out of the way and take a swing at her. The staff would land square in her jaw and cause her to stagger back a bit before clearing her head and leveling her axe towards Chryssa in a ready position! "Oh.... You harlot! Taking advantage of me in my confusion like that! Fine! I'll just have to take you down again, then I will f-... I will fu-... I will... DO THIS AND THAT WITH YOU!" She cried out with her eyes clenched shut in frustration and flustered-ness, still not quite able to get the actual words out.

wild roll for stun: 3
Chryssa attack: 4 successes vs Ophelia dodge roll: 6-2 3 successes- failure. 1 damage
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

"Oh it is a fight all right, but do you really think we are here for that? No, we are here to give the crowd what they want to see. They only want to see us naked and one of us moaning like a cheap whore."

Chryssa's gambit worked, taking advantage of her naive opponent. Chryssa had to admit, her opponent was good. Though her inexperience could potentially be exploited further. With Ophelia's eyes closed, Chryssa figured this was the perfect time to attempt to get that axe away from Ophelia. The next order of business were Chryssa to get that weapon away would of course be to start on that dress.

(If Chryssa disarms Ophelia, she would throw her weaponry aside as well)
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa Disarm roll 6d-1: 4 successes vs Ophelia's fighting roll 6d-: 3 successes - Chryssa Success
Chryssa grapple roll 6d: 5 success vs Ophelias Dodge roll 5d: 4 successes - Chryssa success auto hit on clothes- 1 CP damage
Ophelia's clothes points: 4/5

Chryssa's ploy worked and she swiftly disarmed and mounted the other woman, tearing the dress from the left shoulder exposing some cleavage. "Kyaaaaa!" the woman cried promptly trying to kick Chryssa off from top of her.

Two success
One success

Fortunately for Ophelia, but unfortunately for Chryssa, the other woman was able to buck Chryssa off of her and get back to her feet.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Having hopefully devolved the match into the rather vulgar display of tow women fighting for sexual dominance over each other, Chryssa would try to keep things as they were. Taunting Ophelia so that she would forget about her axe and concentrate on attacking her directly.

(Forego an attack and taunt Ophelia so that she attacks Chryssa)

"Hmm, looks like its time to make good on that word of yours. You gonna take me down or am I gonna have to keep working on that dress of yours? C'mon take your best shot."

With that, Chryssa would hopefully goad Ophelia into attacking her. With no real motive aside from keeping Ophelia away from her weapon, Chryssa would not have any special manner of dealing with Ophelia if she were to happen to overwhelm her.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa's Bluff Roll: 0 successes
Ophelia's Attack Roll: 5 successes
Chryssa's Dodge Roll: 5 successes Hit
4 damage
Ophelia's Attack Roll: 4 success
Chryssa's Dodge Roll: (-2) 2 successes Hit
4 damage

Unfortunately Ophelia would not let herself be flustered into dropping her guard a second time and would snap back at her opponent, "SHUT UP YOU!" and would throw a feint at Chryssa swinging her elbow towards Chryssa's face but following up with a viscious knee to her gut. The attack would take the air out of her opponent and leave Chryssa open to a follow up attack. The axe woman immediately followed through with a nasty blow to the small of Chryssa's back sending her flying head over heels and landing on her back, the wind thoroughly out of her sails by this point. She would quickly make for axe before getting back on top of Chryssa the handle of the axe pressed against her neck. "Hah! You're all talk! Now get your head out of the gutter and fight or just submit already!" She taunted her floored opponent.
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Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Ophelia would again overwhelm Chryssa with her attacks. She was seemingly just younger and faster. Chryssa would need to find some way to outsmart her opponent. It was instead Ophelia who outsmarted her, as Chryssa walked right into reacting to a feint again from Ophelia and would get a knee to the gut that knocked the wind right out of her.

The next thing Chryssa felt was something hitting her back as she went tumbling along the ground. By the time she even realized what had happened Ophelia was on top of her again and she had seemingly gotten her axe as the handle was pressed up against her neck.

"Make me.." Would be all Chryssa would bother to say, clearly unwilling to submit. Though Ophelia having an axe with Chryssa being unarmed was a problem that needed to be solved sooner rather than later. Chryssa would need to try to get Ophelia off of her before she could do anything.

Chryssa though maybe a different tactic would work. Instead of trying to fight her, since that was working horribly so far. Trying to assault her body in a different way would work? Chryssa would attempt to attack her opponent's breasts.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa Pleasure Roll(1d6)+0:
Total:6 PP

Wild Roll(1d6)+0:
Total:4 Nothing

Ophelias stay upRoll(3d6)+0:

Chrysa's PleasureRoll(1d6)+0:
Total:1PP damage

Wild Roll(1d6)+0:
Total:2 nothing

Ophelias Stay Up Roll(3d6)+0:
Total:12 success

Chryssa's pleasure Roll(1d6)+0:
Total:5 PP damage

Wild Roll(1d6)+0:
Total:2 nothinf

Ophelias Stay Up Roll(3d6)+0:
Total:11 success

Ophelia's pleasure to orgasm: 34/44

"Kyaaaa! Stop it!~ That tickles! Wh-what are you doing!? F-fight fair, you temptress!" Ophelia would scream out, but unfortunately for Chryssa her assault on her breasts seemed to be doing nothing to her, or at least not enough to get her to drop her weapon, on get off of top of her opponent. It was likely that she wouldnt budge unless Chryssa got a lucky hit or caused her to orgasm.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

(Did I do 6 + 1 + 5 = 12 PP damage?)

Chryssa seemed to stun Ophelia with her change in tactics. Loosening Ophelia's grip of her a little, but nowhere near enough for Chryssa to free herself. The attack seemed to be effective enough, though Chryssa would need to figure out how to keep things going in this manner soon or Ophelia would simply snap out of it and continue to press her advantage over Chryssa.

"No one seems to be crying foul now do they? Do you not hear the cheers of the crowd? This is what they want to see."

With this, Chryssa would try again to remove some of the clothing Ophelia was wearing. The subtle hint that it was Opehlia's breasts that Chryssa was referring to in her last statement was reinforced by Chryssa attempting again to liberate Ophelia's breasts from her clothing.

Knowing full well that her own breasts were her own weak point, she was hoping to capitalize on Ophelia not having any idea of what to do about this manner of attack. Or at the least get Ophelia to re-engage at her level since death by blunt axe was not going to be a desireable outcome in this match. Losing by being sexually dominated was something she could live with.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa attack roll: 3 successes vs Ophelia's dodge roll: 3 successes - tie- attacker wins
5 TP damage to Ophelia's top
Ophelia's breasts are exposed
Wild Roll: 6- Ophelia is stunned

With her hands occupied with the axes handle, and gripping it firmly Ophelia was with no way of preventing Chryssa from tearing the rest of her top off, freeing her modest sized yet perky bosoms, "KYAAAA!" The petite woman cried before promptly dropping her weapon in an attempt to maintain and protect her modesty. This would leave her open to whatever maneuver or action Chryssa had in mind next.
Re: Fight for Freedom (freeko)

Chryssa's act of desperation seemed to be successful. Lashing out and kneading Ophelia's breasts allowed her an opening that would cost Ophelia her top as Chryssa put all she could into yanking away at the already ripped cloth. As Ophelia's breasts were exposed, she seemed to recoil in shame.

Dropping her weapon and instictively moving her arms to cover herself, Ophelia was now unbalanced and Chryssa would look to reverse their fortunes and roll Ophelia over onto her back. From here, Chryssa would look to maneuver herself into a position where she could attack Ophelia's breasts by sucking on them while trying to slip one of her hands down and try to start working on Ophelia's pussy.

Hopefully Chryssa would be able to get Ophelia pinned to the ground where all she could do was try to get herself free.