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Fighting Legacy CYOA

Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Well, so much for the story book career right? Julia lost, and not only that a rather humiliating loss at that. After taking a few uneventful days to recover and simply come to grips with the less desirable aspects of the winning and losing scale, you realize that you need to train and get better. Only then will you ever get to a point where you can take Sapphire on, and leave her shivering in the ring from how hard you will make her orgasm in the ring. So you muster up the courage to get back at it, and head over to the training facility once more. Of course Yuzo greets you soon after you get in the door.

"I feel that I should apologize for making that match, as I knew you were not quite ready for that level of competition just yet. Though I hope the lesson learned was that you need to fight through an obstacle like this, otherwise we are both wasting our time here."

With that said, you almost immediately reply with:
"Well, I am here am I not? I need you to teach me more of what you think I need to become better. That way I am not getting in my own way by wasting training time on things I will never really use so much."

Yuzo seems almost taken aback by this. The lesson that Yuzo was trying to pass on, seemed to have been learned by Julia. Yuzo takes a few moments and then starts to reply.

"Well, the most important thins in the ring are probably going to be in this order: striking, defense, submissions, sex, grappling, and speed. Without good striking you will never be able to get any momentum going, and without good defense you will never stop your opponent's momentum when they happen to get the advantage. Submissions, and sexual attacks are generally what finish fights so you certainly need to have some training there. Though grappling and speed are not really all that important, as you only use grappling to remove your opponents clothing and speed really only determines who generally gets the first attack advantage in a round. If your defense is good, you can turn the opponent's speed against them."

So if you want to do this my way, you will be focusing your time on striking and defense this week. Since there is alot more time than we normally have between fights, we can easily put in enough time on both those aspects to improve your ability. If you truly become good at striking, you can then pick how you want to finish off your opponent. Of course your defense needs to be good otherwise it will be your opponent's choosing how they want to finish you off instead. Go get changed, and we will start your training."

With her plan set, there really would not be much else Julia would do. She wanted to focus on her training and give herself a minimal amount of distractions to that training. No going to the bars at night, no doing anything wild and crazy, and instead trying to focus herself on only her training. This was her life now for these two weeks.

As the days had passed, she could feel how much better she was now that she had put the time into her training. She started to learn why it was that she was able to send Ruby to the deck twice when they had fought. Julia had fists of stone it seemed, and now that she was starting to learn how to use them alot more proficiently, she might just be able to get a few more knockdowns during these upcoming fights.

Yuzo again would have some things to say before this first real fight.

"Hopefully what you learned so far will help you. Your opponent is Jade for this match. She had an exceptional ability to defend herself, though your striking should be able to overcome her guard, just dont tire yourself out in the process. Jade usually wins with judges decisions, though its not unheard of for her to make an opponent orgasm from time to time."

So, round 1 of Julia's first real fight. Might help to have a plan going in, so what exactly is this plan?

A: Stick with what Yuzo said and focus on your strikes
B: Try to grapple with Jade and get her clothes off (pick another general strategy as well with this one)
C: Make Jade submit, though with such underwhelming ability it could be difficult.
D: Try to make Jade orgasm, and make your statement on how you win these fights.
E: Fight defensively, as Jade likely will be doing the same if Yuzo was right about his scouting of Jade.

Julia: 0-0

striking: mediocre (5) ^up
grappling: awful (3)
submissions: pitiful (2)
sexual: inept (4)
defense: inept (4) ^up
speed: pitiful (2)
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Well, so much for the story book career right? Julia lost, and not only that a rather humiliating loss at that. After taking a few uneventful days to recover and simply come to grips with the less desirable aspects of the winning and losing scale, you realize that you need to train and get better. Only then will you ever get to a point where you can take Sapphire on, and leave her shivering in the ring from how hard you will make her orgasm in the ring. So you muster up the courage to get back at it, and head over to the training facility once more. Of course Yuzo greets you soon after you get in the door.

"I feel that I should apologize for making that match, as I knew you were not quite ready for that level of competition just yet. Though I hope the lesson learned was that you need to fight through an obstacle like this, otherwise we are both wasting our time here."

With that said, you almost immediately reply with:
"Well, I am here am I not? I need you to teach me more of what you think I need to become better. That way I am not getting in my own way by wasting training time on things I will never really use so much."

Yuzo seems almost taken aback by this. The lesson that Yuzo was trying to pass on, seemed to have been learned by Julia. Yuzo takes a few moments and then starts to reply.

"Well, the most important thins in the ring are probably going to be in this order: striking, defense, submissions, sex, grappling, and speed. Without good striking you will never be able to get any momentum going, and without good defense you will never stop your opponent's momentum when they happen to get the advantage. Submissions, and sexual attacks are generally what finish fights so you certainly need to have some training there. Though grappling and speed are not really all that important, as you only use grappling to remove your opponents clothing and speed really only determines who generally gets the first attack advantage in a round. If your defense is good, you can turn the opponent's speed against them."

So if you want to do this my way, you will be focusing your time on striking and defense this week. Since there is alot more time than we normally have between fights, we can easily put in enough time on both those aspects to improve your ability. If you truly become good at striking, you can then pick how you want to finish off your opponent. Of course your defense needs to be good otherwise it will be your opponent's choosing how they want to finish you off instead. Go get changed, and we will start your training."

With her plan set, there really would not be much else Julia would do. She wanted to focus on her training and give herself a minimal amount of distractions to that training. No going to the bars at night, no doing anything wild and crazy, and instead trying to focus herself on only her training. This was her life now for these two weeks.

As the days had passed, she could feel how much better she was now that she had put the time into her training. She started to learn why it was that she was able to send Ruby to the deck twice when they had fought. Julia had fists of stone it seemed, and now that she was starting to learn how to use them alot more proficiently, she might just be able to get a few more knockdowns during these upcoming fights.

Yuzo again would have some things to say before this first real fight.

"Hopefully what you learned so far will help you. Your opponent is Jade for this match. She had an exceptional ability to defend herself, though your striking should be able to overcome her guard, just dont tire yourself out in the process. Jade usually wins with judges decisions, though its not unheard of for her to make an opponent orgasm from time to time."

So, round 1 of Julia's first real fight. Might help to have a plan going in, so what exactly is this plan?

A: Stick with what Yuzo said and focus on your strikes
B: Try to grapple with Jade and get her clothes off (pick another general strategy as well with this one)
C: Make Jade submit, though with such underwhelming ability it could be difficult.
D: Try to make Jade orgasm, and make your statement on how you win these fights.
E: Fight defensively, as Jade likely will be doing the same if Yuzo was right about his scouting of Jade.

Julia: 0-0

striking: mediocre (5) ^up
grappling: awful (3)
submissions: pitiful (2)
sexual: inept (4)
defense: inept (4) ^up
speed: pitiful (2)

Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

We can always strip her and make her orgasm after we've softened her up a round or two.
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

As is the custom, once something gets 5 votes I consider that the majority.

Voting log:

A (4) - azr, tom, max, min
D (2) - azu, kas

(I will be busy for a few hours after this post, after which I will resolve the vote and proceed with the story if a majority is reached or not.)