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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Wait-" the pale girl managed word one of her call for Pano to hold himself back for a minute before she was up in the air and being spun around like a sack of potatoes. Tamonten was getting far more practice at being picked up than she liked as of late and she certainly wasn't in the mood to be manhandled so right then. Despite her best efforts though, the pale woman couldn't even begin to manage to pry herself from the demonic man's grasp, especially in her weakened state. She could only hold on for the ride and hope both that her empty stomach didn't conjure anything to lose during the ride and that her full bladder didn't cave under the pressure against her waist, followed by thanking the heavens once she was placed onto the ground that she didn't manage to lose anything from either end on Pano and that her stiff legs held as Nellic offered those friendly pats against her shoulder. Now if only the room would stop spinning....

Her inquiry about the chess game's progress would still come, though not for a full minute after Tamonten was firmly on the ground again and certain that opening her mouth wouldn't cause her to lose whatever was left of her breakfast from so many days prior. She felt like she should say something about Pano's chess prowess but decided against it. The swordswoman still couldn't help but wonder if perhaps chess wasn't the game of tactical masters that she had been led to believe it was. Yet Nellic seemed a clever enough man. Was it possible that under the demonic man's seemingly simple facade he was such a master of strategy? Was his strange nature all an act to throw observers off guard so that he could catch them unaware with his intellect? He had gone to college, after all.... No, down that road of thinking laid a madness worse than any that she had been briefly subjected to due to the outsiders. Best to focus on other pressing matters for the moment and consider the possibility that Pano might be some sort of genius when she was in better condition to handle the prospect.

So, she would make her other inquiries. The moment the pitcher was pointed out to her she would wander over to it and proceed to press the entire thing to her lips and upend it in the hopes that it might quench her thirst, listening to the demonic man as she guzzled the water down. That pitcher wouldn't be set back down until after Pano had finished his answer. "Two days? That explains a lot," Tamonten would remark after a gasp for air following her nearly successful effort to chug an entire pitcher of water in one go. It certainly shed light on why she was so stiff, at least. The thought of losing two days to sleep didn't bother her as much as the idea that the kitsune and angel had similarly lost two days worth of sleep over her, along with guilt that Krig had worried over her. There was nothing she could do about it then however, other than to let them sleep for now and apologize to Kringlicsly when she did wake up. "Best to let those two sleep then," she would remark as she cast a glance at the two on the loveseat.

Tamonten wouldn't remark on her ban from accompanied baths. It was hard to be offended, given what she'd done on every single trip into the mansion's guest bath. She had abused Xeon's hospitality enough and intended on being gone from Acheron soon and if it came down to it she had a perfectly good bedroom to make messes with Krig in. Regardless, it wasn't the sort of biological urge that was on her mind at that moment, although she didn't really want to get in depth about her pressing need to relieve her bladder to Pano or Nellic. There were some things she still wanted to keep to herself even if she had spent a large amount of time naked around the two, so she would handle that once she had a bit more privacy.

"Varthic and Grenewald are sparring?" The pale girl would add a short pause after her comment on Krig and Sensensiel. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she inquired about it. Pregnant and weakened by the ritual, the desire to join the two was probably the worst possible urge she could have been taken by. Tamonten was feeling a bit stir crazy though, especially after three days with little physical activity beyond attempting to fuck Krig and Sensensiel into a coma and the angel and foxgirl's efforts to return the favor, and she had an newly unshackled left arm free of her demon to test out. A quick little trip to the training room couldn't hurt, right? She might not do more than watch, or at least that was what she convinced herself to overcome the more rational side of her brain which was urgently warning her that a match with those two in her condition was a bad idea.

"Where's the, uh, training room?" The swordswoman would ask as excitement triumphed over caution. "I just want to move around a bit and watch those two in action," she hastily added on the chance that either of the two men might try to warn her off of the idea. "There's no need to mention this to Krig or Sensensiel either," she noted with a wry and certainly suspicious grin.

Not sure on MANSION BATHROOM status and it feels weird to have her inquire about them after five days of staying in Xeon's mansion so Tamo'll visit the toilet or whatever on her way to the training room, which she will head toward once she has directions assuming Nellic and Pano don't make a really convincing argument against her going.

Also, I was totally going to have her use vampiric futanari for her bathroom trip, both so she could stand while peeing and also see if she could still summon her deemin magix. >.>
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Probably!" Pano agreed when Tamonten suggested she let the kitsune and angel sleep off their concerned vigil of the swordswoman, "I'm not sure if it was serious, but I think they were planning on doing something to you when you woke up." Pano would only elaborate if Tamonten asked, but regardless of whether she did or not would nod when Tamonten asked for confirmation on what two of the others invited to her party were doing. "Yup. Have been for a couple hours now. She's probably got a badly bruised backside by now!"

"Down the hall," Nellic replied when she asked for directions, the big man not looking up from the chess board as he pondered a move. "Take a right, and then a left, and then your second left. Fifth door on the right are the stairs down to the sparring chamber," he continued casually as he lifted a pawn only to set it back down in the very place that he'd lifted it from. "You got it!" Pano said brightly when Tamonten asked them to keep her plans a secret should Krig or Sensensiel awaken while she was gone, "if they wake up, I'll tell them that you, uhhh.... Went sleep walking! Yeah! That oughta keep 'em busy, and if it doesn't work, we'll just knock them out!"

After whatever further response that offer might evoke from Tamonten was handled, the pale swordswoman was now free to be on her way with whatever gear she might prefer going with her. The first step wasn't even far out of the way, the baths including a room with toilets where she could relieve herself, and when she arrived she found it empty save for the goblin janitor who was mopping the floor. He shot her a hateful glare briefly upon recognizing her, but then returned to his work, and she was able to acquire some privacy in a stall to do her business. There, she could finally test out the use of her demonic gift, both for the first time since she'd been rid of the dark spirit and her first test of the advantage that men enjoyed when doing what she needed to do. Both would prove effective, though given that it was her first time the aim might initially be a bit off even with the practice she'd gained in aiming an entirely different fluid that had often been shooting out of one of her conjured cocks.

Once she had taken care of that matter and possibly cleaned up a little, however, she wouldn't be able to follow Nellic's directions in their entirety without one fairly significant interruption. A maid that she had only recognized as one who had been present in the ritual chamber had been on duty in the guest hallway, and had only offered a nod of acknowledgement upon spotting Tamonten exiting her bedroom. As she made the first left into a hallway that she had been down numerous times before, however, she almost ran into herself.

Or rather, she almost ran into someone who looked exactly identical to her. Tamonten stopped not three feet from a near perfect clone of herself, the only differences being the lack of blackness staining portions of her body, the color of her eyes being red instead of green, and the outfit in which she was clad and the attached gear. Her demon smiled at the swordswoman with Tamonten's face, her long mane of milky hair drawn into a braid that still ran all the way down her back but otherwise identical to Tamonten's, and offered a brief curtsy. "Ahhhh, you're awake," she remarked in a perfect imitation of the swordswoman's voice, "good. It's nice to finally meet you... Face to face." The demon who had tormented her for so long now stood directly in front of Tamonten, with a body of her own that was almost an exact replica of Tamonten's and clad in the garb of one of Xeon's maids, and spoke to her as casually as if they were nothing more than old acquaintances. How the swordswoman was going to take that was entirely up to her, however, as there were no other maids around to interfere in the event of an altercation.

Regardless of how she chose to react to her demon's presence, the former inhabitant of her arm wouldn't do anything that would stop her from proceeding onwards to the dungeon where Varthic and Grenewald were training. Assuming that the sudden meeting didn't sour her mood, Tamonten would enter the dungeon to the sounds of movement and grunting, and sure enough the demon prince and orc knight were locked in combat in the center of a circle drawn in chalk some thirty feet in diameter. Both of them were armored but neither of them were armed save for their hands, the orc's weapons placed off to the side against a wall and Varthic having never used any weapon that Tamonten had ever seen anyway. Both of them were sweaty and panting, and as she entered they stopped making circles against one another and closed in again.

Varthic was a tiny bit slower, meeting the orc knight just a step less than halfway and allowing her to make the first few punches. That was clearly a deliberate choice on his part, however, as he deflected or dodged the first barrage of jabs from Grenewald's armored fists. One, two, three punches did nothing, one slapped away by Varthic's open palm, another dodged by a quick shift that saw it barely glancing over his shoulder, and the third struck aside by the back of Varthic's hand against her wrist. Grenewald's next punch, a left hook, turned into a feint suddenly, and she shifted to deliver a right to the demon prince's face only for Varthic to prove a step ahead of her. Anticipating her punch, he caught her wrist in his right hand and sidestepped, dragging her forward with the momentum of her punch and putting her off balance. One leg shot out and swept the orc warrior's legs out from under her, and Grenewald went down with a grunt and a clatter. Varthic followed her down, twisting her so that she landed face down, and though she caught herself with her free hand and kept her momentum from slamming her nose into the stone floor, the demon prince was on top of her before she could react. He hadn't released her right arm, and as he came down on top of her he twisted her wrist and arm in a way that looked incredibly uncomfortable and rested his knee against the back of her neck, pressing her face against the floor. There were a great many things that he probably could have done to her at that point, none of them pleasant for Grenewald, but when the orc knight gave up on squirming and went still he simply released her arm and hopped back up to his feet.

"Nineteen," he said coldly as Grenewald pushed herself back to her feet, rotating the formerly captured arm and scowling at him. That was when she first noticed that Tamonten had joined them, and her attention drew Varthic's such that he looked over his shoulder at the newly awakened and demon free swordswoman. "Ahhh, you're awake. Good," he said coolly, unknowingly repeating the words of Tamonten's demon as he slowly turned to face her, the two momentarily ceasing their sparring at the sight of her. "I knew ye weren't gonna take more 'n two days before ye were up again!" the orc slurred, her first speech allowing Tamonten to see that her teeth were all stained red with blood.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Planning something?" The pale girl would ask before she could stop herself. She wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or relieved that the two hadn't been able to spring their surprise on her when she woke up. With her body in the state it was in she wasn't certain that she'd have made it through a repeat of the things she'd been doing with the kitsune and angel since her group had arrived in Acheron. There was a temptation to ask Pano just what they'd had in mind, but in the end Tamonten abstained. If it was something lewd then she doubted they'd shared it and whether it was or wasn't she'd just wait until they woke up to discover what it was. She would say as much. "I suppose I'll find out when they wake up."

Tamonten would nod once she had received directions to the sparring room and nod again as Pano agreed not to mention her plans to the two. "Thanks but, um, maybe just tell them that I went for a walk, and please don't even try to knock either of them out. I'll be very upset if I come back and find even a hair on, er, Betty's head harmed." Though inwardly the swordswoman wondered if Pano could manage it even if he tried. He was strong but the pale girl had seen the things that Kringlicsly and Sensensiel were capable of, and Krig had the benefit of being a mind reader. Actually, wasn't it possible that the kitsune would just read Pano or Nellic's minds for the information if she did wake up? Too late to worry about it now though, she guessed. Tamonten would just need to make sure she was done in the training room before her lover was awake.

And so she was off toward the sparring room, with a brief stop in the bathroom, complete with a shrug at the goblin janitor, in order to relieve her bladder, and deciding that the ability to do so while standing up was easily the second best ability she'd gained from her demon, with the first being the things she could do to Kringlicsly while standing up. After dismissing her conjured manhood she would decide to take full advantage of her access to the guest baths and spend a few minutes in order to strip down and take a quick bath afterward. It was a very spartan event without Kringlicsly present, coming in at about fifteen minutes instead of the several hours she had usually spent with the kitsune, and with ten of those fifteen dedicated to cleaning her long mane of hair.

After she had dried herself off and redressed, Tamonten would return to the door of her room and attempt to follow Nellic's directions from there. Right, left, second left, fifth door right, the pale girl repeated in her head so that she could remember how to navigate the twisting hallways of Xeon's mansion. She was so deep in thought trying to remember those directions that she nearly ran into... well, herself. Herself in a maid outfit.

It took a few seconds for the significance to dawn upon Tamonten, but when it did her eyes flashed with violence. The demon who had caused her years of misery stood right in front of her, in the flesh where she could strangle it. Her entire body tensed. The urge to slam the creature into the wall and wrap her hands around its neck so that she could choke the life out of it was overwhelming. Or to grab its own braid of long, white hair and use it as a leash to slam its face into one of the walls until its nose and teeth were shattered and the twitching stopped. It took deep breaths and frequent reminders that she was a guest in Xeon's mansion, whereas her tormentor of so long was apparently now a maid in the Lady of Acheron's employ, to prevent herself from following through on either of those fantasies.

Of course, that didn't make the prospect that it was walking around as her doppelganger any less aggravating. It helped even less that she wasn't sure how much it was a clone of her and how much she was a clone of what it had wanted to look like anyway. Tamonten had never been so milky white before it had attempted to seize her body, her skin was bronzed so many years prior, like that of her mother and father, and her hair had always been black as night. The only claims she could really make that it had stolen from her was her physique, the length of her hair, and her voice. The thoughts aggravated her even further, especially when she noted how it had gotten away without the blackening of its own left arm. For some reason that the swordswoman couldn't put her finger on, it was an extra insult on top of all the others that it managed to pull off the maid look so well.

Since she couldn't respond with violence, however, and her other usual methods of handling irritation were strictly off the table, she resolved to be the better... humanoid. Or at least as much the better humanoid as she could manage to be, which in this case just meant not punching her former demon and not being direct in her insult. She had only talked about giving it a chance for redemption after all, the pale girl had said nothing about herself trying to be civil toward the demon. "Nice outfit," she hissed through her teeth. "Did it come with a feather duster?"

After that she would simply walk past her former demon as if it didn't even exist, returning to repeating Nellic's instructions in her mind as she attempted to find her way to the training room. Of course, years of hatred toward something didn't simply vanish by willing them away, and a sizable portion of her walking was spent trying to convince herself that she'd made the right decision and that nothing good came from dwelling on the past in an attempt to soothe her anger at herself for not just punching her doppelganger.

With their display, Grenewald and Varthic would ably manage to take Tamonten's thoughts off of her disappointment that she didn't take greater action against her former demon. The swordswoman watched the dizzying display with a smile. She had learned about unarmed striking and grappling under her father, it had been a natural extension of her training in swordsmanship, but she doubted she'd ever be as proficient as Varthic was in it. Seeing him against someone so powerful and skilled as Grenewald only made it more noticeable. The demon prince was very talented indeed, as she herself had learned when she'd been on the receiving end of his attacks. He read the orc like an open book and his reactions came easily, seeing her first strikes deflected to uselessly sail through the air and then, at the very moment he wanted to, turning her not inconsiderable force against her and seeing her brought helplessly to the ground. The man turned the brief, vicious exchange into art, though Tamonten would, of course, never admit that aloud lest Varthic's ego swell so much that his head burst.

She would offer them a grin as they turned their attention toward her, followed by a wince of compassion as she saw just how rough a go Grenewald had been having of it. "Seems like you two have been busy while I was dreaming," she replied. "I felt left out, so I thought I'd come and see you in action." She actually thought she would join them, but the sight of the two convinced her that it wasn't the greatest idea. The outcome of an unarmed sparring match with Varthic would be questionable even if the ritual and her days in bed hadn't left her so stiff and weakened, it would be a slaughter with Tamonten as she was. Still, she hadn't traversed the stairs just to stand back and spectate, and she was convinced that if she didn't work a few of the muscles that weren't located in her pelvis sometime soon they'd shrivel up and disappear.

"Actually, I was hoping to get in on a little bit of that action. Maybe a friendly bit of wrestling to submission? A warm up to get the stiffness out for me and a nice little breather for either of you?"
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Pano simply nodded at her request to avoid trying to knock either Krig or Sensensiel out, and as Nellic had probably not ever actually planned on going along with that idea it seemed safe to say that the kitsune and angel would remain unharmed should either of them awaken before Tamonten returned. "Good luck, comrade Tamonten!" the wrestler said while pondering his next move, and Pano gave the swordswoman a salute as a manner of temporary farewell before Tamonten was out the door.

When she suddenly ran into her demon after testing her newfound ability to pee while standing up and taking a quick bath, the goblin janitor having shot regular glares at her all the while, her venomous hate would seemingly amuse the demon who had up until a short while ago lived in her arm. "It did," she replied dryly to the swordswoman's hissed question, but made no effort to stop Tamonten from simply walking around her and being on her way. Though it might seem like she intended to say something towards Tamonten's retreating back, no further quips followed her down the hall, and the swordswoman was able to leave her tormentor behind without issue.

Finding the training room a few minutes later, her quipped response to their attention allowed the demon prince and orc knight to share a slight smirk. "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away for long," Varthic remarked, though after Tamonten's request to join in with a bit of wrestling his smirk turned into a calculating look. "Heh, sure!" Grenewald answered without any hint of her sparring partner's hesitation, and after a moment the demon prince shrugged and nodded, "sure." He turned to Grenewald, "I'll let you have a few rounds, let you get a bit of morale back after the beatings I've been handing you all morning!"

Then he strolled out of the ring, making room for Tamonten while he settled onto an empty bench set against a table, leaning back and resting his elbows on it while watching the ring in a state of apparent relaxation. Grenewald took the opportunity while his back was turned to roll her eyes before directing her full attention towards the swordswoman and beckoning her forward. "There are some training pads if we want 'em," she would add on seeing Tamonten unarmored, "might save you a bruise or two at least."

Whether Tamonten opted to take her up on that offer or not, once she was ready for the match the orc would settle into a readied pose, her arms set wide apart and her body set low and braced towards the swordswoman. "Ready when you are," she would grunt, before gritting her teeth in preparation for an impact as she prepared to rush the swordswoman. The orc was definitely heavier than Tamonten, especially with her metal armor on, and though her matches with Varthic hadn't seemingly been going in her favor the orc had already had a good warm up to prepare her for the upcoming exertion. Tamonten, on the other hand, had just been asleep for two days and still felt lingering fatigue at having had her life force literally split on half. How she intended to deal with that split in physical preparation between herself and her opponent was up to her, however.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Normally the pale girl would've declined the offer to use the training pads, not out of any foolish notion that their use would make her appear weak but just because she wasn't used to wearing excessive padding or even armor and wasn't comfortable in it yet. This time, however, she would nod at the offer and take long enough to put on torso equipment, though nothing else. The previous week had left her feeling particularly mortal and she had another life inside her to consider, one which she valued infinitely more than she had valued the demon's life. Best to keep her unborn child safe as she could during her own recklessness.

Afterward the pale girl would take her own position across from the orc, doing a few last second stretches and arm swings in order to try to get some blood moving before she thrust herself into wrestling with the limbered up orc. The swordswoman herself recognized just how bad of an idea it was. She hadn't jogged, she hadn't swung her sword in practice, nor had she done any sort of physical training since she had lopped Elawdrin's head mostly off, all while Grenewald had consistently trained since they set foot in Acheron. Moreover, the formerly possessed woman hadn't even really begun to recover from the effects of the ritual. She was probably about to get her ass handed to her.

The thought of imminent defeat caused Tamonten to grin rather than frown in the training room though. She preferred winning over losing every time, but losing in a friendly little competition didn't hurt her feelings as long as she got the chance to test herself and work herself to exhaustion against combatants so skilled as the orc and the prince. It seemed like she'd really have to work to put in a good showing this time around.

"Don't go easy on me," the swordswoman would remark at Grenewald's proclamation of her readiness, and then nod to signal that she was prepared. The orc's ensuing rush wouldn't surprise the pale girl as the armored woman had proven to be a very straightforward combatant. What did cause Tamonten some pause, however, was how she would deal with that rush. Normally, she would've relied entirely on her brute, supernatural strength and met the other woman head-on in order to turn it into an ungraceful and inefficient battle of raw power, but in her present state, limited by her own weakness and stiffness, that strategy would almost certainly get her pinned in short order by the armored orc and she'd have no chance of getting out once that happened.

Sadly, her skill and technique was lacking in martial disciplines beyond the sword. Still, she had enough knowledge of grappling to come up with some idea of what she might do to claim victory against a physically superior opponent. In that brief second between Grenewald beginning her rush and being upon the swordswoman, she would decide to attempt to sidestep most of the armored woman's charge at the last second and hopefully use her momentum against her. From that position, if she managed to shift smoothly enough, she would do her best to get a firm grab around the orc and get herself behind the other woman, aiming to get her arms into a lock around Grenewald's neck. Tamonten knew she had to try to take the orc's back and then get her into a chokehold in order to make her submit quickly and have any chance of victory, she wasn't limber enough to effectively aim for her opponent's other limbs and wouldn't have a chance if she tried to turn it into an endurance match. She couldn't let herself end up under the other woman's superior weight without having her back or her neck either or she'd be at Grenewald's mercy with no strength or dexterity to get out from under her.

Tamo has +82 grapple base, so +72 after the Weakened. I'm suggesting just rolling d20s until one side keeps the other in a submission hold for three rounds to determine a winner just for the sake of haste.
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Round 1: Tamo wins.
Round 2: Tamo wins.
Round 3: Tamo wins.
Round 4: Grenewald wins.
Round 5: Grenewald wins.
Round 6: Tamo wins.
Round 7: Tamo wins.
Round 8: Grenewald wins.
Round 9: Tamo wins.
Round 10: Grenewald wins.
Round 11: Grenewald wins.
Round 12: Tamo wins.
Round 13: Tamo wins.
Round 14: Grenewald wins.
Round 15: Grenewald wins.
Round 16: Grenewald wins.
Round 17: Grenewald wins.

Not really of course.

"Wouldn't dream of it~" the orc grunted before clenching her jaw, ensuring that her tongue was safely tucked behind her teeth and that the oncoming struggle wouldn't cause her too much damage. She lunged without further warning, and only a bit of quick footwork saved the pale swordswoman from being buried under her heavier opponent and allowed her to twisted around and leap onto the orc's back. Grenewald stumbled forward about halfway to the edge of the ring, and her moment of surprise allowed Tamonten to get one arm around her throat and the other into a locking position to keep it there.

The orc gasped and then sputtered as her air was cut off, Tamonten's legs able to lock around her waist so that she couldn't as easily step out of it, and though she clawed at the swordswoman's arm she didn't manage to dislodge the chokehold. The heavily armored woman stumbled back and forth, thrashing and clawing for the better part of a minute before it seemed as if she were finally about to fold.... Only to reach up and grab Tamonten's, her body straightening and momentarily allowing the swordswoman a better choke only for her hands to settle on the pale warrior's shoulders. With a violent wrenching motion she ripped Tamonten off of her back and slammed her onto the ground, effectively knocking the wind out of her and allowing her to slam down on top of Tamonten while she was stunned.

The orc scrambled to pin the swordswoman while she could, and managed to force the warrior's arms over her head while resting her forehead against her chin, preventing Tamonten from trying to headbutt her to get her off. Grenewald had underestimated Tamonten's physical might, however, and the swordswoman quickly pulled her wrists free and wrestled the orc onto her side. Grenewald locked her legs around the swordswoman's waist, but she briefly managed to place an arm against her opponent's throat before she pushed Tamonten onto her back and returned the favor. She was quickly able to put that arm aside, however, and the two tussled for a minute before Tamonten was able to get back on top of her again.

Her advantage was short lived, however. The prolonged struggle had done exactly what Tamonten had wanted to avoid, turning their match into an endurance match, and though that normally wouldn't have been a problem in her weakened state it left Tamonten's strength flagging. One error left her suddenly flipped onto her back with her arms tugged behind her back, and with the orc knight's weight now resting on her back there was no hope of struggling free of that hold without magical assistance. After struggling futily for a few minutes the swordswoman would eventually have to surrender in frustrated discomfort, and when she did Grenewald would release her and help her to her feet.

"Not bad fer someone who's half dead," the orc remarked, before Tamonten suddenly felt a particularly enthusiastic pat on the ass courtesy of her opponent. Grinning almost maniacally, the orc knight added; "Rematch when yer not so floppy, eh? We can do it in my room next time~" It was hard to tell whether or not the orc was being serious, but before Tamonten could ascertain one way or another Varthic would hop up from his seated position. "So.... Warmed up yet?" he asked somewhat maliciously, "or would you like to keep playing around?" Grenewald scowled at him, but the demon prince was looking solely at Tamonten and opted to completely ignore the orc knight with whom Tamonten had just had a fairly good sparring match.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The swordswoman was beyond pleased when her initial efforts almost bore fruit, perhaps too much so. Her hopefulness that the orc might tap soon caused her to grow sloppy in establishing better control over the other woman's escape avenues. Tamonten would pay for her carelessness as what should have been a simple enough victory soon saw her tossed to the ground by the armored woman's impressive strength and pinned in short order. From there it was all downhill.

Grappling simply wasn't ingrained into her in the way that swordsmanship had been, and when her first plan fell apart she panicked and went forward on her instinct, which was to simply try to overwhelm Grenewald with strength. It might have worked had she not been so worn down as a result of the ritual. It allowed her to slip from the position that the orcish warrior had put her in and even briefly mount the other woman again. By then, however, she was so worn down that she couldn't even begin to get the orcish woman into anything resembling a submission hold. She was panting and sweating and her limbs burned with the effort of trying to wrestle her powerful opponent.

And eventually, in a moment of exhaustion, she would push to seize what she thought was an opening to end the match and leaned in so that she could reestablish a hold on her opponent's neck and reposition for another choke, only for the orc woman to slip past Tamonten's side before the pale girl's arms could even begin to get into position and make the swordswoman eat the mat. From there it was simply a matter of Grenewald controlling her arms and keeping her weight on Tamonten, though the swordswoman still didn't give up easily. She didn't have the sense to submit immediately even though it was quickly obvious that she was done for, and it wouldn't be until after she had thrashed around for at least another minute that she finally announced her defeat. "I submit," she would groan.

The rise to her feet would be less than graceful for the new soreness in her limbs, though Tamonten couldn't complain as it was by far preferable to the soreness that had arisen from days spent in bed. Indeed, even though she had lost she had no hard feelings toward Grenewald about it, the pale girl was too busy picking out her own mistakes and resolving to train harder so that she didn't panic next time. The pat against her ass nearly earned the orc warrior some complaint, but in the end the pale woman let it be with nothing more than a light blush of embarrassment and an exaggerated frown. "I'll take you up on the rematch but I hope you won't mind if we stick to the training room," she offered in reply, her lips turning upward into a small grin.

That grin would fade as Varthic spoke. His single-mindedness toward her probably should've made her nervous if she'd had any sense. She didn't stand a chance against the prideful demonic prince in her state, certainly not without at least a sparring sword and definitely not in wrestling alone. The butterflies in her stomach that had arose as a result of his words stemmed more from excitement than nerves though. Testing herself against a demonic prince again... how could she not be excited for the prospect? If she didn't have her unborn child to consider she'd have even picked up a sparring sword for the coming rematch.

"The way I see it, I've got all the time in the world to play, at least until Krig wakes up and comes to reprimand me," she replied without much hesitation, her grin slowly returning. "Don't know that I'll be much of a challenge for you, but I won't turn down a chance to get in more wrestling if that's what you're after," she offered.
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant, probably in some pretty severe pain

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Her hesitant refusal to meet the orc in her bedroom for a rematch only caused Grenewald to chuckle, the orc knight taking the refusal in stride. Varthic, in turn, grinned almost maniacally in response to her acceptance of his challenge. "Heh, good. I knew you couldn't resist the challenge!" he said as he strode forward, briefly casting a dismissive look towards Grenewald and speaking to her in the same tone; "Alright, make way! It's time you made room for a real warrior!" The orc simply rolled her eyes and strolled over to the bench where he had originally been waiting, sitting down to watch the spectacle while Varthic settled into a readied position like none she'd ever seen before, his knees bent and his feet crossed while facing in odd directions, his hands raised and fingers bent into claws.

What followed then was by far the most brutal session of training that Tamonten had ever endured. It even outdid some of the fights she'd been in, especially when the demon prince started getting more creative with his counters, as he refrained from striking any blows or performing any throws that would jar her too severely. That was about the extent to which he pulled his punches though, and for the entirety of her time spent in the ring with him Tamonten found Varthic to be as viciously ruthless as his title suggested. Even had she not been weakened from the ritual that had removed the demon from her arm and still somewhat stiff from a lack of motion, he would probably have beaten her soundly in pure hand to hand.

As it was, she never even managed to land a favorable grab, and indeed only even managed to touch him when he allowed it for the purpose of his counter moves. Every time they engaged he was the first to twist, moving with such speed that she could barely keep up and such smoothness that what she could track she could only barely follow. At first he only won that way, twisting and turning and winning in ways not dissimilar to the tactic that she had almost managed to claim the match against Grenewald with. Tamonten was never given the opportunity to press him with her full strength, never allowed to fight him on anything approaching her turns, and thus ended up pinned again. And again. And again.

That was before he started getting cruel, however, as she was not permitted to exit the ring. She was given enough time to get back to her feet before he barked; "Again!" And that was all the rest she was given between bouts. After a little while, however, Varthic's moves began to change. It was a subtle shift in styles, but one that let her seemingly engage him squarely at long last. And then she lost again, being spun, flipped over him to land on her front, and pinned in short order. That happened a few more times before Varthic finally seemed content with his revenge and stepped away to create some distance, only lightly panting compared to the heavy breaths she'd been forced to start making.

Every muscle and bone seemed to ache horribly, and every movement took an effort of will. He had managed to pulverize her without doing any significant damage, however, so the swordswoman might at least be thankful that she hadn't walked away with anything broken or sprained or pulled. "Heh... Not a bad warm up! Come back when you aren't having trouble standing and we can have a real rematch!" the demon prince said eagerly as he walked back towards the bench. Grenewald had watched the bouts with numerous winces and several uncomfortable looks, but now looked towards Tamonten questioningly. Krig had yet to barge in and furiously berate her, so she could take another match with the orc if she so desired, but could just as easily call it for the day and take a rest before going back to her room.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

That's ridiculous. Nobody really uses forms like that, they're not efficient. The pale girl would never admit her first thought at seeing the prince adopt his stance, and it was just as well given how in the following so many minutes she was soundly reminded that what was efficient for a normal human and what was efficient for a demonic prince were two entirely different things. Her own guard was much more pragmatic, keeping her hands up and between herself and her opponent, and when it was clear that Varthic was fully ready she would make the first move in the hopes that it would catch him off guard.

It didn't. She shot for his leg, hoping that she could take him down and find some position favorable enough, but she never made contact with her target before she was in the same rear choke that she had tried to put Grenewald in. It would've been a dazzling and enviable display of skill if she hadn't been the practice dummy for it. She tapped out quickly, unable to speak her submission aloud and not really wanting to be choked into unconsciousness.

The rematches didn't go much better. The second, she tried another ill-advised rush only to get flipped over onto her back by a small application of force and then pinned. "I submit." The third, she tried to shift to the side and attack only to end up in a headlock. "Submit." The fifth, she lost her cool and attempted a kick only to have her leg harmlessly go past him only to be snatched and used to corral her into a new submission hold. "Submit!" It only got worse as he shifted styles, and she found herself flipped through the air again and again not by brute force but by sheer overwhelming technique. It had been a montage of failures for the swordswoman.

The pale girl never stopped standing back up though, even if she'd lost her ability to come up with any sort of strategy or do much more than helplessly flail against her opponent around four bouts before Varthic had decided his revenge was concluded. It wasn't until the demonic prince announced that they were finished that she finally allowed herself to simply flop back down directly onto her ass. "You can count on it," she gasped out between wheezing for breath and throbbing with pain and then promptly fell onto her back. Tamonten was certain that the only way she could've hurt worse was if he'd actually broken every bone in her body.

And yet, she'd had fun. She'd had a lot of fun. Being trounced so thoroughly was a high contender for the most fun she'd had in days, including the ones she'd fucked Krig senseless on. It was like a reminder of why she was alive. Was there anything so satisfying as to be matched against a skilled combatant and testing herself against them? Even sex and the pleasure it wrought was challenged by that feeling. In true combat the sensation was dulled by the need to protect her friends and loved ones, but in a sparring session it shined. Even losing in training was thrilling. The knowledge that she could always improve was what gave the struggle its meaning and what ensured that swordsmanship and all its facets and kin never became boring for her. This was just a sign that she'd been too lazy and needed to train harder and get better so that she could give Grenewald and Varthic a challenge.

Perhaps it was a sign that she was too bloodthirsty or more masochistic than she ever could have imagined, but even the pain was wonderful, oh so wonderful, in that light. She let out a pained, drunken giggle before falling silent for a few moments as she rested enough to move again. "I want a rematch with both of you," she would groan once she was able to exert some strength and then she pushed herself back up onto her butt and from there to her feet. She wanted to challenge Grenewald again, but Tamonten knew she'd just be wasting the orc's time as exhausted as she already was. "But that can wait until I won't fold like a house of cards if you hit me. Thanks for the matches, think I might go sleep for another two days after that," she offered with an easy grin. Following that she would give a lazy wave farewell and moved to hobble back off to the stairs in order to return to her bedroom.

At the last second though she would turn back and call out to the prince. "Oh! By the way, I'm not sure if the others passed it on but we're going to crash a tavern when I've recovered a bit. Drinks and food are on me if you want to come," she offered. She would wait to receive the man's response but regardless of whether it was acceptance or denial she would end up slowly limping her way back to her guest bedroom.
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant, probably in some pretty severe pain

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Tamonten's eager response to the challenge for a real rematch only made Varthic grin approvingly, and Grenewald actually adopted a similar expression all too quickly once the swordswoman announced that she'd like a proper rematch against both of them when she got the chance. "I'll be looking forward to when you can put up a real fight," Varthic said simply following her statement excusing herself. "Eheheheh.... Not sure how long I'll be around, but I wouldn't pass up the opportunity!" the burly orc replied, smirking, and with that the swordswoman was able to leave.

After a short walk through Xeon's palace in which she thankfully did not pass her demon again, Tamonten would find herself moving down the guest wing corridor towards the room she and Krig had been given to stay in. Strangely, Pano was standing outside of the closed door, and looked somewhat surprised to see her coming down the hall. As she got closer, Tamonten would hear muffled cries of an all too familiar sort emanating from her room.

"Uhhhhhh.... Hi there!" the burly demon said, smiling somewhat nervously even though his voice didn't shake. "So, uhhhh.... I'm gonna need you to do something for me," he said calmly, "I'm going to.... Uhhh.... Need you to promise that you won't get mad about what I'm about to tell you."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl wished that she could say she wasn't both surprised and hurt by the noise coming from her guest room as she approached, but it wouldn't have been true, and it wasn't exactly like she needed to lie for Pano's sake. The big demon's nervous request earned a frown, not aimed at him but at the admission of what was going on. "I won't," she promised truthfully, even if her frown might not necessarily reassure him. "It's not your fault. Go ahead and tell me."
Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant, probably in some pretty severe pain

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"So, uhhhhh.... You know how I said Betty and Sense were going to do stuff to you when you woke up, but they fell asleep?" Pano launched into his explanation immediately following Tamonten's reassurance, "well..... While you were gone, they woke up, and uhh.... Betty was kinda pissed off. And, you see, Sense lady tried to talk some sense into her, but she was... Uhhh.... Really REALLY pissed off. The cool guy who's bad at chess tried to help, but she started digging around in that bag of sex toys you took from Elawdrin."

The massive demon paused then, letting all that settle in for a second, before continuing without giving Tamonten much opportunity to formulate a reply; "So, Betty went digging around in there, and she found this metal cube thing. And then she opened it. And all these weird things came out of it, and it got really awkward, and Nellic tried to help but he got caught by one of them too, and I kinda just got out before it all got really messy. So, yeah. That's a thing, I guess. But on the good news, I think Betty's probably going to forgive you for walking out while she was asleep! She totally said she was going to go to the training room and hold you down in front of everyone and rape you until you couldn't walk anymore! Not much chance of that now!"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

It took a series of blinks, but once Tamonten had processed Pano's words her rage flared. "And you left her in there and didn't even get help?! And then you wasted time asking me not to be mad?!" The swordswoman's furious question was probably audible from halfway across the mansion. In a fraction of a second she went from being so hurt that she was ready to slink off into the bathroom to knowing that she had to bust into the guest bedroom and save Krig. "Okay! I lied! I'm really mad! But you're off the hook because I have to go help her! Go get a maid! I'm going in there!"

The pale girl would instinctively call upon those remnants of demonic power in her arm, and oh gods did it hurt with her spirit and life force still in disarray from the ritual two days earlier. It didn't matter though, she had to help the three who'd been caught in the room. Once she could feel the telltale pulse of inhuman power coursing through her muscles she grabbed the knob, twisted it, and burst into the room without delay. "Krig!" The swordswoman called out before she even saw whatever sight awaited her in the room.

Fell Might X = 10, costing Tamo 10 EP and 1 HP this round, then charge into the room of probably tentacle rape.

Stats (Adjusted for Fell Might, Unarmed, and Weakened): 81 Dodge, 102 Grapple, 36 Resistance.

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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 51/60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 9

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Hey! You promised!" Pano protested, but Tamonten likely didn't care much for his complaints given the situation. Bursting into the room, Tamonten was treated to something of an unusual sight, and perhaps an enticing one were it not for the context of the situation. Sensensiel, Krig, and Nellic were all intact, bodily at least, but each of them were also naked and enduring some lewd act or another.

Her first concern being her lover, Tamonten would see Krig suspended by a dozen tendrils that were seemingly made of solid steel. She'd been put into a position with her legs pointed toward the floor and waist bent to form a 90 degree angle, her wrists had been dragged behind her back, and she'd been trapped between two metal plates, each with a solid rod pointing at her. The two plates were moving in unison, one pushing into her mouth and pulling back while the other pushed into the suspended kitsune's sex and smacked into her rear hard enough to send delightful looking ripples across her meaty backside. She didn't seem to be actively struggling against the embrace either, her squirms only serving to push back against the one thrusting into her from behind and her tongue visibly lapping at the steel shaft in her mouth even as it slid in and out of her throat. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head completed the image, and the audible but choked moans coming from around the false cock being pumped into her mouth only served to add to it.

Sensensiel was barely more than ten feet from Krig, likewise suspended but held upright with her legs bent fully at the knees, her ankles tied to her thighs which had been spread apart. Her wrists were also tied securely behind her, and her wings had been intricately bound in a cage-like mesh so that they couldn't move. A metal blindfold covered her eyes, and she was getting it decidedly rougher than Krig. Two metal tendrils were taking it in turns to whip her backside, and she had not one but three tendrils squirming around in her pussy while two more took her ass and a last one was sliding in and out of her mouth. Two more tentacles were roughly clamped onto her breasts, twisting the sensitive tips in what could only be extremely painful for the sensitive nubs. Her reactions by that point were no less submissive than Krig's despite how she thrashed whenever the tendrils cracked against her backside, however, and she showed no further signs of resistance.

That left Nellic, the only one not suspended and that was simply because he'd been pinned to the floor by a feminine figure. One of the figure's legs was wrapped unnaturally around his neck, and his one free hand was still pushing against that grip, albeit fruitlessly. The other had his other arm pinned to the floor just below the elbow, and one hand on his hip and tendrils around his ankles prevented him from simply kicking out of the hold. That left the woman's other hand free to stroke his exposed and fully erect manhood, which was already covered in enough of the man's cum to suggest that he'd suffered multiple releases from his captor's ferocious attention, including one that looked quite recent given that the dregs were still oozing from the tip even as the woman atop him ground her thumb across the rounded head, a contact that was no doubt far more uncomfortable than pleasurable by that point. He alone still seemed to be resisting still, but he appeared dazed and exhausted as well, leaving the likelihood of assistance from his end potentially unlikely.

That left the woman who was dominating him, who looked up as Tamonten entered. It was Elawdrin. Or, at least it wore Elawdrin's face. It lacked her wings, however, and on top of that seemed to have been made out of solid steel if the texture of its skin, which was a cold granite gray color, was any indication. Even her hair looked the same, despite moving in a similar manner to the real thing, and after a moment Tamonten would realize that there was not one figure, but three. Two more metal Elawdrins watched over Krig and Sensensiel as they were abused, and both turned towards Tamonten as she entered the room.

None of them moved to attack, however, and while it might not matter to her the nearest of them, the one next to Sensensiel, spoke up in a voice that was both Elawdrin's melodramatic and melodious one and the voice of someone who had been working in a coal mine their entire life while smoking ten packs of unfiltered cigarettes a day; "Ahhhh, mistress! Excellent! We captured this one opening us without your permission!" It gestured to Krig, "These two attempted to prevent us from punishing her," it gestured to Sensensiel and Nellic, "what would you like us to do with them?" All three of the not-Elawdrin's looked to her expectantly without even slowing in their abuse of her three companions, leaving Tamonten with the choice of how to respond.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The sights she was greeted with fueled Tamonten's rage, though none more than the sight of her lover trapped between the two fake cocks. She had not come all this way just to watch the woman she cared so deeply for violated. The swordswoman glanced around the room for a target she could bludgeon to death or destroy in retaliation for their crimes, and she found perfect ones in the apparent clones of Elawdrin. She dropped into a stance, intending to lunge in and break one of their faces even as she cursed her own stupidity. Of course it had been the fallen angel behind it. Of course she would have trapped her own toys expecting one of her foolish prisoners to have a libido too strong to consider the dangers of keeping it. Of course the doppelgangers would use their first opportunity freed to... call her mistress?

Wait, what?

She stopped dead. Had she heard correctly? Were her ears clean? She stuck a finger in just to check for earwax. Mistress? What? "Eh? You mean... you're loyal to me?" The pale girl's bewilderment wasn't well hidden at all. Yet, if they answered her in the affirmative....

Such power at her fingertips, suddenly the sights in the room took on an entirely new tone. The sight of her lover being pistoned by two machine cocks was no longer abhorrent, it was arousing simply because those were, by extension, Tamonten's toys. The pale girl even briefly considered how fun it might be to replace the metal shaft the kitsune was lapping at with her own alternative for the spirit wielder to suckle. The sight of the angel's ass being whipped and her body being manhandled had the swordswoman wanting to take another turn at playing with the masochistic woman personally. Even Nellic's thick cock on display for perusal at her own leisure had Tamonten's attention. She blushed with arousal at the thought of having such control over all three of them, the formerly possessed warrior couldn't blame her demon for it this time either.

She had to shake herself out of it. The swordswoman couldn't let herself get carried away so easily, not before she was even certain that they hadn't been harmed too greatly. She allowed her demonic empowerment to fade away before beginning to speak to the trio again. "The woman who opened the cube is my lover. She has my permission to open, uh, you whenever she desires in the future, so let them go, please," she would command against all of her urges to use her new-found toy to the fullest. "I do owe her punishment for something else though, so don't go anywhere yet," she added as a compromise toward that previous desire. She would wait until her lover and the other two were free of their respective torments before asking her next question. "Will they be okay? Nothing lasting has been done to them, right?"

"Okay," Tamonten would continue uncertainly following their answer, "I'm a little new to this so, um, I have a few questions. First off, can you change your shape?" The idea of having more Elawdrin in her life wasn't terribly appealing to the swordswoman at that point in time. "How about taking her shape? In the future I'd prefer it if you'd take her appearance by default." The pale woman would motion toward Kringlicsly. Once that was answered and fulfilled if possible she asked her next question. "And, um, can you tell me who you are?"
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Re: Finding Peace (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 51/60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Yes mistress. Unquestioningly mistress," the main metal Elawdrin replied, needing to raise her voice as Krig suddenly let out a loud cry around the false cock in her mouth, fresh waves of her honey squirting around tool pounding into her pussy and the plate behind it. As if to confirm their answer, the metal Elawdrins in unison answered her request to let her friends go; "Yes mistress." The one holding Nellic simply climbed off of him, the cum on its hand simply vanishing into its body but leaving the rest of the mess on the wrestler's abused manhood. That left him looking around in a daze but otherwise alright.

The tentacles pulled out of Sensensiel one by one, leaving the suspended angel shivering with every one and her hips lightly pushing back every few seconds as if expecting to feel another lashing tendril against her ass at any second. The last one out was the one in her mouth, pulling out and leaving her gasping for breath. Then the accouterments were removed, the blindfold, wing cage, and the nipple clamps pulled away before the tendrils holding her lowered her to the ground. The blue haired angel simply melted into a twitching puddle of flesh, making no effort to move once she was on the floor.

That left Krig, who was given a chance to draw breath before the tool being applied to her sex was pulled out with agonizing slowness, letting Tamonten see exactly how soaked her lover's pussy was and how it quivered as the thick and tightly packed ridges of the false cock slid past her nether lips. She moaned with every single centimeter, her legs twitching repeatedly and her toes curling and uncurling as the slow removal of the thing nearly brought Krig to another orgasm. It didn't, however, and like Sensensiel she was lowered to the ground only to flop over and lie there twitching in post coital exhaustion.

"Yes mistress," not-Elawdrin replied, "we have not yet begun conditioning them, though this one hardly needs it." The speaker was the one who'd been overseeing Sensensiel this time, and she gestured towards the angel with her head. "We can, yes" the constructs replied in unison when Tamonten asked if she could change shape, and suddenly Tamonten was staring down three metal Krigs instead of three metal wingless Elawdrins mere seconds after her request.

"Yes mistress," it replied once again when she asked that that be her default form, and the three metallic beings moved together and simply walked into one another. Then they folded together, the various tools they'd summoned doing the same, until only one metal Krig remained. "We are called Drawneli," it replied, now in Krig's voice rather than Elawdrin's but still slightly warped, "we were created to serve the mistress, fulfill her needs, and punish her enemies. How may we serve you?"
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten watched Kringlicsly in particular as if she were hypnotized by the scene of her lover's abuse coming to an end. The way she clung to the thick toy as it was withdrawn made the pale girl flush with arousal, and it intensified her desire to replace that toy with her own cock. If she were to be honest though, while the swordswoman would choose to pair with the foxgirl over the other two in the room every time, if there was one of them that she wanted to change places with it was Sensensiel. To be bound and pushed to the very limits of her endurance as she was broken down by that heaven's nectar of pain and pleasure... the warrior shivered with excitement.

She didn't let herself completely forget that the three had just been violated though, even if the toys which had done it were now under her control. Even being briefly surrounded by metal versions of her lover, while it stoked the fires of her raging libido, wasn't enough to make her forget that. "Serve and fulfill my needs," she would echo in a murmur following the answer of the strange, apparent denizen of the cube. "Okay then, first make sure that she's arranged more comfortably, she's probably going to get sore like that," she nodded toward the twitching pile of angel. Nellic seemed like he was as comfortable as he'd get lying on his back on the floor, and Tamonten had plans for the bed which wouldn't allow for any additional occupants.

First and foremost among her plans was to pad over to Krig and hoist her up in a bridal carry. "I'm here now, you're safe," she would whisper to her lover, even though the foxgirl was probably still comatose and probably couldn't understand a word of what she was saying. "Little bit of an overreaction to me having gone, wasn't it? Don't you dare think that I'm not holding you to holding me down bit later though," she mused as she recalled Pano's explanation with a bit more clarity now that the situation no longer seemed dire. The pale girl would, after her likely one-sided exchange, gently lay Kringlicsly on the bed. The swordswoman would take a seat at the edge of the bed after depositing her lover, exhausted beyond belief between everything that had transpired that morning.

That would, unless any of the others stirred, leave her all but alone with Drawneli. "In the future," she would start once the strange thing had finished its assigned task of laying out the angel in a more comfortable position, "don't do anything that might cause permanent harm to those who open you without my permission. Hold them until I return," she ordered, hoping that she'd covered all her bases by that. The pale woman was quickly getting into the groove of ordering her odd toy around and so by then she expected another simple 'yes, mistress' to confirm her order and quickly turned her attention toward other matters: namely, how she'd gone from physically pained to emotionally pained to frightened to horny in an incredibly short span of time and was probably the only living being in the room not in a pleasure coma.

She glanced longingly at her lover, but while Kringlicsly may very well have accepted anything Tamonten would do to her in the state she was in, the idea lost some appeal because she preferred to be the one to cause that state in the first place. Plus, she wasn't so far gone that she'd mount her lover immediately after the kitsune had been abused by a renegade sex toy, not until after Krig regained enough sense to have it fucked back out of her, at the least. The pale girl wouldn't touch Sensensiel or Nellic without her lover's permission either, both because they held less appeal than the purple-haired kitsune and because she didn't want to put the spirit wielder in the same position that had caused the swordswoman herself such dread, no matter the appeal caused by her power over them. That left her with one option, one which happened to not only look very much like the spirit wielder but also seemed more a toy than a living being which she'd betraying Krig's confidence with.

"You're pledged to fulfill my needs, you said?" The pale girl asked the metallic doppelganger of Krig to confirm, biting her lip at the end of her question. I want what you did to the angel, she very nearly said aloud once Drawneli confirmed her role. The words were right there on the tip of her tongue, the desire stirred her loins and caused her heart to flutter. Some last vestige of common sense was the only thing that kept that desire from escaping her throat in the form of an order. Leaving herself entirely at its mercy was probably just plain stupid, so she came up with an alternative plan which, while it likely didn't qualify as wise in its own right, would leave her in some control. It would certainly make for an interesting way to alleviate her arousal and wait for Krig to regain her senses, at least.

"You can make extras of yourself then? I want three... no, four.... Five. I want five of you." The swordswoman pulled her top off and shifted her pants down her body until they were left around an ankle so that she could spread her legs, exposing herself entirely. She was far past the point of being embarrassed by her nudity around the angel and wrestler. "You," she pointed to one of the doppelgangers in particular before patting the bed, "crawl up here and massage my back. I'm really stiff. You," she pointed to the next, "work on my front. Don't be shy with your mouth." Even ordering Drawneli to do lewd things seemed to come easier the more practice she had at it.

Once the first two moved to acquiesce, the swordswoman swept her eyes across the remaining three before moving a hand to cup at her crotch and eventually assist a spiritually crafted cock in sprouting forth from her flesh. A finger from that hand would idly rub the tip after it reached full length, easily as thick and long as the equine rod that Kringlicsly had demanded she grow so many days earlier only human in shape. The swordswoman's new erection gave a powerful twitch as she ordered, "you three are to take care of the stiffness in this. Make sure to be thorough," she commanded with one last tap of her finger against it before allowing her hand to fall away. Gods, she could get all too used to this, she decided as she awaited the attention of the denizens of her new odd toy, and it seemed like she'd have plenty of time to do just that as she awaited for her allies and lover to recover from their pleasure comas.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 51/60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Yes mistress," the construct replied after Tamonten's second order, and arranged Sensensiel a bit more comfortably so that she hadn't simply flopped over, though the angel still gave no response more energetic than a few intense twitches upon being touch. Krig, in the meantime, would hang limply in Tamonten's arms, having passed out shortly after being released from the embrace of Drawneli's tendrils. She was easily deposited on the bed, and with her other orders followed and Nellic left where he was on the floor the swordswoman was able to take a moment to ensure that it wouldn't do this sort of thing again.

"Yes mistress. Such is standard protocol," she, or perhaps more accurately it, replied when ordered not to inflict permanent harm on those that it caught trying to open it. "Potentially hostile elements attempting to access are to be subdued without causing severe dismemberment or enacting conditioning practices through the least damaging means possible without causing physical trauma. The most effective method of maintaining this with minimal threat level to both myself and my attacker is to subdue via overstimulation until the mistress - you - arrives and offers further instruction. Would you like to edit this setting?" Drawneli continued, perhaps offering a better idea of how the strange artificial being worked and thought, if one could call it that.

Once that was sorted out, however, Tamonten was left with the decision on how to take advantage of her new toy. "Yes mistress," it replied simply before Tamonten had even said anything just after the swordswoman had suppressed her nearly spoken request to be given Sensensiel's treatment, and tentacles simply sprouted from Drawneli and began to creep toward her through the air. She had maybe five seconds to command the construct to stop, either mentally or aloud, before she would be hoisted into the air and given exactly the sort of treatment she'd seen the angel getting.

(After a decision making coin flip on Haf's part....)

And Tamonten would not. Perhaps because it struck a deep chord with her innermost desires, perhaps because it had looked like so much fun watching Sensensiel suffer through it, or perhaps simply because she couldn't process what was happening before the tentacles were all over her. Drawneli pulled her clothes off without tearing a stitch and then lifted the nude swordswoman off of the ground, the metallic tendrils quickly binding her in the exact same manner as they had Sensensiel, including the cage for her wings and the metal blinder that shut off her vision completely. The very second her mouth opened to protest she felt her mouth filled with a tentacle, and despite its metallic appearance the appendage had not only a softer than expected organic texture but a pleasantly fleshy taste.

That pleasant mixture of soft and hard was rebalanced for the ones that went for the swordswoman's holes, however, all five of which were harder than the steel of her enchanted greatsword. First one squirmed its way into her pussy, ridges along its length grinding wonderfully against her inner walls, and then a second did the same to her ass. After the first two to penetrate her squirmed for a moment the one in her pussy was joined by a third, and then her ass was made to stretch as well. One final tentacle squirmed into the blinded swordswoman's pussy to complete the trio, and then the swarm of tentacles suddenly surrounding her set up the same set of motions she'd seen them using on Sensensiel not more than a few minutes ago.

It felt even better than it had looked. Even with the stretching, or perhaps because of it, every nerve along her inner walls was sending veritable tidal waves of pleasure signals up to her brain, such that it was almost overwhelming, and the golem's tendrils sought out her sweet spots like she'd been given a map. One of the tendrils in her sex ended up sporting a set of ridges that simply wouldn't stop grinding over the swordswoman's g-spot, and one of the ones in her ass put rhythmically alternating but unceasing pressure on her perineal sponge. Even the ones that were simply squirming while pumping in and out felt wonderful, however, and the sheer overload of stimulation sent Tamonten rocketing towards an orgasm faster than she'd ever had one built.

It was right as she was about to hit her peak that she felt the first sharp crack of another tentacle against her ass, the blow landing hard enough to make her flesh jiggle and redden. While that might have been enough to send her right over the edge normally with all of the other stimulation, the tendrils in her holes slowed just enough to deny Tamonten her release, and after a second blow landed on her second cheek the swordswoman only felt them slow harder. "Calibrating," Drawneli said in a monotonous impression of Krig's voice, and for the next few moments Tamonten would be tortuously held on the precipice of her peak while the tendrils just kept on slowing down. Even the strikes against her ass would start coming more slowly, but after a few minutes Tamonten would realize that the first tendril to attack her had stopped moving.

The tentacle in her mouth had halted, only just barely past her lips such that a fairly phallic tip rested on her tongue. As her briefly overwhelmed senses realized that, should she start to give that false organ the attention that it deserved, Tamonten would feel the attention provided to her in turn speed up. The more she worked to please the object in her mouth, the harder she would get it from the rest, and this time she wouldn't be able to reach an upper limit that Drawneli couldn't accommodate, leaving her easily able to reach one peak.... And then another. And many more after that, depending at least partly on her actions. Of course, there was much more that the golem might inflict upon the swordswoman, and what those things might be could very well depend as much on her as on the constructs creativity. It had already proven that it could read her desires, after all, and it might very well be able to dig far deeper into her innermost fantasies if she left them too vulnerable.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl could barely follow Drawneli's explanation. She wasn't quite sure what the difference between severe dismemberment and non-severe dismemberment might be, perhaps she just wasn't tough enough to imagine a situation in which she'd only be inconvenienced by losing a limb. The rest didn't raise any major alarms, at least not when the strange creature phrased it in the way she did and made the point that it was the least dangerous for everyone involved. "No.... That sounds okay, I think," she would answer.

The swordswoman was still deep in her daydreams later on when Drawneli would answer her. "Eh, but I didn't...." Tamonten trailed off as she shook off her thoughts enough to take in the scene that was unfolding in front of her, and then she stared like a deer caught in the gaze of some hungry predator as she realized that the metallic woman had sprouted tentacles and that they were intended for her. Her mouth hung open, perhaps not the wisest position to be in as those slender tendrils came closer, but nothing came out. She should've said something, she knew that much in her head but it was outvoted two to one by her chest and loins. Whatever protest she might raise out loud it was nothing compared to the primal desire to have her brains fucked out in mimicry of what had happened to the other three while she was gone.

She shivered in anticipation as her shirt was pulled away from her by the deft work of a single tentacle, swallowed hard as she was grabbed and hoisted into the air as easily as a leaf, and gave Drawneli a nervous look when her pants were slid off of her and directly onto the floor. Her breathing grew erratic as the metallic woman began to bind her. Her ankles were pulled to the back of her thighs and held there by a wrapped tentacle, her wrists were tied behind her back, and her wings captured in the same mesh cage that Sensensiel had been bound in. The swordswoman struggled against her bindings in the same way she had struggled against the ones Krig had set against her and found not only that they weren't just for show, but that she wouldn't be able to muscle her way out of them even with her strongest application of force. It was the most secure she had ever been bound. It was frightening, and that was what made it so exciting. Exciting enough that she never mentally or physically made any effort to get Drawneli to desist even when she puzzled out that the odd woman was responding to her initial desire and that the swordswoman was about to experience everything that the angel had.

The blindfold was attached last and with it Tamonten's sight was robbed from her. It was a new sensation for the swordswoman, she'd put a blindfold on Krig once but never worn one herself. Anyone could be staring at her and they'd be able to see every part of her, and bound as she was they'd be able to do more than just stare. They'd know the truth, they'd see how aroused she became at the mere act of being tied up and seen and she'd be judged for it. Her entire body blushed at the imagined leering and insults of thousands of people who weren't actually in the room. She couldn't tell whether the feeling that was making her mouth dry and her heart skip beats was vulnerability or liberation though.

All evidence pointed to the latter when, even as she nursed the thought that Nellic or Sensensiel or even her beloved Krig might be watching her, she opened her mouth not to protest but because she knew what was coming. Her lips parted knowing full well that a tentacle was bound to claim her mouth eventually and she wasn't disappointed as it pushed in. She lapped and sucked at the fleshy tendril as eagerly as she would've while servicing Krig's cock, even more so for the way her arousal spiked when she considered that someone might see her eagerly bobbing her head along it and she'd never know it. Tamonten abandoned her inhibitions almost immediately, more than willing to let anyone who watched see her for the lustful creature that she was. She wouldn't grow lazy in her oral efforts until the harder metal tentacles began to push into her ass and pussy and thoroughly distracted her.

The intrusion of the steel-hard rods pushing all the way from her crotch and rear into her belly forced the air out of the swordswoman's lungs in the form of a low, guttural moan that escaped around the thick tentacle plugging her mouth. From then on she'd establish a rhythm, her lungs would be refilled by an equally pleasured gasp when the tendril-like cocks began to recede only to be lost to another wanton cry as they pistoned back in. The sensations were beyond her wildest dreams. There wasn't any pain at the way she was lewdly stretched and quivering around the phalli buried in her, only unending ecstasy. Her tail wrapped around one of the five not to try to pry it out but to keep it inside her besieged lower body.

The five invaders were unerringly accurate in their targets and rhythm. In the course of a minute the pale warrior was moaning like a bitch in heat as each found its own target with which to stimulate her toward heights she'd never before experienced. While one targeted that sweet spot in her ass and another found the one in her pussy, both the same sensitive places that Kringlicsly had discovered and used to great effect in driving Tamonten mad with pleasure but only ever one at a time, the other one in her ass did it's job simply by pistoning and stretching her tight hole in the same way as her lover had, while one of the three in her cunny tapped at her cervix with just the right amount of force to cause her legs to quake and another still curled and managed to hit every other sensitive spot around her convulsing inner walls, in the process sending waves of electric pleasure up her spine that utterly obliterated her ability to think coherently for more than seconds at a time.

By the second minute Tamonten was in the grips of a coming orgasm so powerful that her vision had turned white and her limbs were shivering in their bonds even before she crossed her peak. That first lash against her ass combined pain with pleasure in such a way that the two were indistinguishable and for a moment her body threatened to enter a climax so intense that it would rob her of all muscle control and maybe even consciousness, but Drawneli denied the swordswoman as the tentacles began to slow which in turn caused the pale girl to become enraged with unfulfilled arousal.

Tamonten thrashed and flailed in her bindings in a display that mimicked Grenewald's actions when the orc had been locked in that cage during Elawdrin's game. The pale swordswoman was so maddened by denial that she decided that if Drawneli wouldn't allow her to experience the powerful climax she'd been approaching then she would literally break the tentacles to escape and rape the metallic woman to completion. It was to no avail, even if she hadn't been weakened by the ritual she'd have never broken out of the bondage she'd been placed in and the more she struggled the closer she got to rendering herself utterly helpless against the strange woman's mechanisms. She even made every effort to forcefully pull the tentacle she had wrapped with her tail back into her at its original pace with no success.

When her strength began to fail she tried begging, first through muffled whines and eventually mentally as her faculties began to return with each source of pleasure that was lost. Please! Don't leave me like this! I want to cum! I need to cum! Fuck me harder! Fuck me! I thought I was your mistress! I order you to fuck me harder! Whip me! Choke me! Degrade me! Break me! I don't care! Just make me cum! It's not fair! You can't stop when I was so close! Tamonten's mental pleas and demands would grow increasingly incoherent as she drew ever further away from impending orgasm until eventually they were all simple variations of 'fuck' and 'me.'

Assuming Drawneli didn't choose to take her orders at face value, the pale woman would simply hang in the air in her lewd position for several minutes, and it wasn't until those minutes had passed that she gave any thought at all to the tentacle pressed against her tongue. She was on the verge of frustrated tears as the presence of the invaders still stretching her lower holes caused just enough stimulation to remind her of the pleasure high she had been approaching but their utter lack of movement left her completely unable to get anywhere near it again and her bindings meant that she could do nothing but bear with her frustration, it was only as the sensations began to fade that she recognized there was at least one tentacle she could have her way with. She began to lick it and bob her head along it again, more out of spite than anything at first.

Even when the crack of the tendrils sounded against her ass and sent another jolt of mixed pain and pleasure through her body she initially misunderstood and believed that Drawneli was punishing her rather than rewarding her, but as the five split between her pussy and ass began to stir again realization dawned on the pale woman. Once Tamonten had puzzled out that her pace with the tentacle in her mouth affected the pace those buried in her lower holes she began to lap at the tendril in her mouth as if her very life depended on it, even pushing her head forward to take it as deep as she could in her position. Her reward was nearly instant and within a minute she had the tentacles plowing into her at a rate faster than any she'd experienced before and whipping her ass with each push.

The swordswoman's long denied orgasm caught up with her quickly and she went over the edge eagerly. Her holes tightened around the phallic tendrils assailing her lower body and a fountain of her honey sprayed from her pussy as she reached her peak, leaving a small puddle on the floor. The rest of her body went limp except for her head as she rode out her orgasm, as she was determined to keep the tentacles moving at the same pace and to remain high on the clouds of a veritable nirvana of ecstasy that she had been thrust into for as long as she was physically able. Tamonten was lost in that pleasure hell for minutes, every added whip and push extending her orgasm by full seconds. If anything the promise of another orgasm like that dedicated her to focusing on keeping the tentacles going rather than distracting her from it, and her tongue continued to lick and swirl around the invader in her mouth even when she came down, maintaining that breakneck pace and sending her into another orgasm not more than minutes after the first.

And it happened again, and again, and again. In the span of no more than ten minutes she came five times on those metal cocks, leaving an absolute mess of her own sexual fluids on the floor beneath her. Tamonten quickly found herself unable to muster concern for the world outside of the tentacles she had been beset with and the pleasure they could offer. Drawneli proved all too perfect as someone to dominate the swordswoman into utter submission. The golem had no physical limits and would never tire out or finish before the pale girl, she never had to worry about alienating the metallic woman with her more extreme requests, and greatest of all the strange toy even seemed like she might be stronger than Tamonten. She loved Kringlicsly dearly and wouldn't ever rank her trysts with the kitsune as anything less than the best she'd ever had even counting those times when her lover was more clumsy, but at that moment in time Drawneli had managed to put the pale warrior into a level of pure submission that Krig simply hadn't been able to manage yet.

And Tamonten loved it. In what few coherent thoughts she could manage she found herself wanting more even as she was fucked absolutely senseless. She wanted to feel a tentacle wrap around her neck and control her in that way, to alternate between a leash and a choker with which to constrict her air in the same way that Kringlicsly had. She wanted to feel the lash against her back as well as her ass and be forced to endure and struggle more before she was broken down into complete physical exhaustion and wanted the fleshy tendril in her mouth to simply claim her at its own uncaring pace so that she could let go of what little focus she was retaining and be slammed into sexual exhaustion by the tentacles as well. She wanted to eventually be deposited on the floor in the same blissful state that the other three had been in.

With each fantasy that Drawneli acted upon, the swordswoman would be driven from peak to peak that much quicker with less time spent in-between until eventually tens of minutes vanished in blurs of overwhelming stimulation. She would abandon what little inhibition remained of the prospect of being seen by any of her companions if they awoke early on, quickly becoming lost in such a masochistic haze that the thought of them seeing her cumming all over the tentacles like a hopeless slut only intensified those same climaxes which arrived in an endless chain for what may very well have been hours. Let them insult and degrade her, as Kringlicsly had in the bathroom, the idea made her shiver with pleasure. The only other wish that her body craved right then was for her greedy holes to be filled with cum and to be used as a toy for her own toy in front of the trio until she was covered in its seed as well.

And later on, long after Tamonten had lost her ability to move by her own power and underneath her blindfold her eyes had rolled up into her head to stay until she finally gave into unconsciousness, the golem had only failed to fulfill one of the swordswoman's pressing aches and desires. It was simple, as it couldn't exactly afford not to be simple since the pale woman's thoughts were fragmented at best and more accurately nonexistent by then. The only other improvement that the pale woman could've imagined for the session was if she'd received the entire treatment by way of Krig's cock and had been filled with her cum instead. By then, however, she was well past the ability to coherently direct Drawneli to do so and only remained conscious for the stimulation still being applied to her, left as little more than putty in the golem's grasp.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 51/60, Status = Weakened for 5 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

While the few remotely coherent thoughts that Tamonten could manage after ten minutes under Drawneli's attention might have been incomprehensible to most, the construct that she had inherited from Elawdrin seemed to understand them just fine. It shifted gradually in its efforts as each new fantasy played through her head, first coiling a tendril around her throat some time after her fifth peak and rhythmically choking off her air, leaving her gasping for breath even harder and cutting it off almost completely whenever she found one of her many, many orgasms under the golem's attention. Then it began to simply fuck her mouth, removing the only obstacle between her and her full mindless enjoyment of the pleasure that Drawneli could bring. Its tentacles began to lash out at other areas, first spreading from her ass up to her lower back but then spreading as more appendages joined the fun, two even beginning to slash against her breasts which were the only point where her treatment had different from Sensensiel's before the construct had begun working in her changes.

Slut,” a derisive voice grunted softly from just beside her. “Such a filthy whore.... Look at her cumming with all of those things pounding away inside of her!” It was Krig's voice but slightly altered, leaving it at once both familiar and excitingly unfamiliar. “I'll bet she loves it... She'd probably get off just from the whipping!” The voices kept on changing, some even becoming masculine, but after a while detectable personalities and tones forming, and with how they seemed to be positioned around the room it felt like a crowd was watching her abuse while verbally degrading her constantly. It was about then that she felt the golem beginning to siphon away portions of her soul as well, energy in excess of what it offered naturally being drained by the golem and amplifying the sensations that were already leaving her completely overwhelmed, though even then it wasn't even as much energy as she was generating thanks to the pleasure that Drawneli was providing despite that she could have easily taken a great deal more.

The tendrils claiming her only seemed to become more vigorous by the minute as she was pushed to orgasm after orgasm, the titanic waves of pleasure steadily beginning to blend together into a constant chain of highs and increasingly short lows. After a few more peaks, however, Tamonten would get another wish as the tendrils, without any warning, throbbed and then exploded inside of her. The one in her mouth began pouring ropes of sticky cream right down her throat, its relentless pushes only giving her a few spare tastes of the bitter liquid that it spewed, but her ass and her pussy suffered far worse in the barrage. Her womb was filled until it began to expand to hold all of the golem's cum, the trio of tendrils in her sex blocking most of it from escaping, and her bowels quickly followed suit. Streams of warm fluid landed all over her, swiftly leaving her coated practically from head to toe in sticky seed.

Another few minutes later, it happened again. Her holes had been given just enough time to drain before they were filled up all over again, and the voices around her kept up their constant stream of derogatory remarks right up until the orgasm that Drawneli's latest release into her had inspired finally faded. Then the tendrils slowed, the comments stopped, and suddenly Tamonten's blindfold was removed. It was almost pointless, given how covered she was in cum, but even with one eye glued shut she could still see into the room.

She could see Nellic prone on the ground, once more pinned by one of Drawneli's humanoid constructs but now looking like Krig rather than Elawdrin. He was even more dazed than before, and no longer struggled against the metal kitsune's light hold while her hand steadily stroked his long, meaty length. The muscular wrestler's chest was heaving as he was jerked off and made to watch Tamonten's abuse, and just after the swordswoman's blindfold was pulled away the golem holding him would start jerking much more quickly, to the point that only a few seconds later she would be treated to the sight of his cum exploding from the tip of his cock, ropes flying into the air only to land back in his lap as a result of Drawneli's efforts.

Sensensiel was only a few feet away, now also more or less against the wall, and somehow she had regained consciousness. The angel wasn't even struggling anymore, her legs giving the occasional limp twitch but otherwise unmoving while another metallic Krig slowly but steadily fingerfucked her while giving token efforts to hold her in place. Judging by the pool of love juices between her legs, she'd either been there for a while or had simply cum a number of times in a very short while, and just like Nellic she would be brought to a climax of her own just as Tamonten's sight managed to focus on her while she helplessly watched the swordswoman cum from Drawneli's abuse.

The actual cause of her unblinding, however, was quickly revealed when her dark twin strode into view. The demon who had lived in her arm was grinning knowingly, and while her ability to comprehend speech by that point might be questionable considering that her number of orgasms was well past double digits by then, she still managed to catch at least some of the conversation taking place between the demon and Drawneli. “Yes mistress. I am adapting to please you based on information available in your subconscious,” the golem said calmly, another physical form in Krig's shape standing next to the version of Tamonten standing only a few feet away from the suspended swordswoman. “Ahhh, of course.... It's too bad I won't get to study you,” the demon replied in an amused tone, “this really is very impressive. That angel had real talent~ It's too bad she was insane and had to be put down, else I'd have liked a chance to speak with her more about your creation.

Drawneli had no apparent response to that, and so she and the false swordswoman simply stood and watched as the golem's tendril worked Tamonten into yet another mind shattering climax. She was closer to thirty than twenty by that point, but another one was already quickly building, and as she watched the demon chuckled softly. “Oh, if only I weren't bound to Xeon~ If I were how I was before, I'd never pass up an opportunity like this! Sadly, as tempting as it might be to just gobble you up while you're helpless like this, I guess our time together let you change me as much as I changed you!” A hand rose, and a finger casually flicked against one of Tamonten's abused nipples just before Drawneli's tendrils seized them both and began to twist the sensitive buds back and forth. “I'll have to content myself with letting someone else do it for me~ Do have fun!” she continued, and then turned on the spot and started striding back towards the wide open door. “Put her to bed with the kitsune when she passes out, release those two, and power down until she calls on you next,” the demon in a maid's garb said in parting, and Drawneli simply replied; “Yes mistress.

And then Tamonten was turned around, and got to see Krig sliding off of the bed, now awake. And crawling toward her. And a few seconds later planting a kiss on her clit while the trio of tentacles that Drawneli had been using to fuck her senseless pulled out to make way for the kitsune's tongue. As inexperienced as her favored lover still was, Krig was anything if not passionate, and she had been getting a lot of practice lately, particularly with the swordswoman as her partner. Her tongue pushed into her abused, cum filled folds and began to squirm, seeking out the familiar sweet spots that Drawneli had been using to make the swordswoman rush through a chain of climaxes unlike any she'd ever experienced, and while the sheer quantity of stimulation was simply not even close the emotional attachment she had with the kitsune combined with the more organic compassion compared to the golem's systematic ravishing was a suitable substitute.

Krig's tongue brought Tamonten to two more orgasms with the help of Drawneli's other appendages, which had continued unabated, before the kitsune rose and Tamonten found her sporting a cock as large as any they'd grown to use on one another over the last few days. There was no hesitation, no teasing preamble. Krig rose, grabbed Tamonten's hips, lined her cock up with the pale warrior's folds, and rammed in to the hilt. There was certainly no shortage of lubrication, and the white hot bolt of pleasure that shocked through her was quickly followed by more of its ilk as Krig began to roughly pound into the suspended swordswoman with all her might, the kitsune's feet planted and her hips moving back and forth as hard and as fast as they could in order to drive her cock in and out of Tamonten's clenching fold with as much speed as they could manage.

Apparently, Krig like Sensensiel hadn't fully recovered from Drawneli's initial round with her, as only three more orgasms in Tamonten's folds milked her lover's own peak out of her thick rod. Krig's loud outcry joined Tamonten's as a volcano of her hot, potent seed began to pour into Tamonten's womb, replacing what Dranweli had poured inside only a short while ago, and the golem simply joined them and sprayed both women in cum. Krig never stopped thrusting, not during and not after her peak, and while one of Drawneli's tentacles wormed its way into her mouth it didn't spoil her motions in the slightest. She simply started sucking on the golem's appendage just as vigorously as Tamonten while continuing her thrusts, ready to go until she was once more too exhausted to move.

Behind her, Tamonten would be dimly aware of the jealousy on Sensensiel's face, of the greed and wanton lust with which she watched Krig's cock vanishing into Tamonten's folds. It was obvious that she wanted to be in Tamonten's place for more reasons than one at that point, but Krig couldn't even see her and Drawneli never let the angel up, leaving Krig to drive Tamonten through another series of peaks with the golem's help while working her way towards another of her own. At some point Krig began to join in on feeding on the swordswoman's soul, and between the two partners her essence was being drained just a tiny bit faster than it could be replaced, leaving Tamonten able to feel it intimately as her soul's strength was slowly but surely drawn out of her in the most tantalizingly erotic way possible as pleasure continued to drive through her like she'd never experienced before. Krig would fill her pussy full of cum twice more, and Drawneli would fill her ass and cover them with her own false but convincingly realistic release one more time before Tamonten finally passed out.


When she woke up some hours later, Tamonten was cleaned up and lying entangled in her bed with Krig. Sensensiel and Nellic were nowhere to be found, the door was closed, and the metal cube that was seemingly Drawneli in her inert form was sitting on the table set beside their bed. Both she and Krig were naked to the skin, and though she was seemingly asleep the kitsune was also softly nibbling on her neck and lightly fondling the swordswoman's ass, playfully kneading the soft meaty portion of her backside. They were facing one another, Krig's soft breasts lightly pressing against Tamonten's chest, and she could feel her lover's tail tickling her thighs beneath the blankets now covering them.

Whether she would opt to give in to the siren call of her sleeping lover's molestations was up to Tamonten, however. Her loins ached like never before, and she was both ravenously hungry and desperately thirsty. Her soul had rebuilt itself from the pleasure provided, Drawneli and Krig having ceased their feeding to allow her to build back up so that she wasn't ravenously horny too, but all of these factors might not stop Tamonten from taking an opportunity for a lewd wake up call.