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First Fight!

Re: First Fight!

Okay, so no word from Keylo.

If I haven't heard by Wednesday then could one of you please choose a move for his character. I really dont want the game to bog down, it seems like a good way for it to die.
Re: First Fight!

Rho: Attack Attack Attack.
Re: First Fight!

Rho (Attack Attack Attack): 3 4 1 8 6 6
*all succeed*

With the witch's magic filling her veins, Rhos lays about her with her greatsword, sending the goblins tumbling backwards in full retreat. They do not get far, as the massive blade catches one, two, three...the next brief pause in the fighting sees Rhos standing amid corpses, and no goblins near her.
Re: First Fight!

The remaining goblins shout out a yell that seems almost more fearful than aggressive.

One doesn't seem able to help himself, seeing the thief actually visible for once, and steps forwards off the bridge, GRABing her and making it harder for her to escape.

The blowgunners and the other two goblins attack Grace, as their fellow move to keep the bridge filled with greenskins.

Goblin 1 - Move (to area 17), Opportunity (grabs Lorelai)
2 Blowdart goblins: Attack Grace (blowdart x2)
2 other bridge goblins: Attack Grace (grab x2)

rolls:10 10 5 5

Both darts are on target (defend against them as if they were strip attempts - the harder your armour the easier to avoid the effects), but the other goblins attempts to restrain Grace at the same time are miserable failures.

There are now 5 goblins on the bridge, and 4 equally split between the two areas behind the bridge.

Grace is on the bridge and has 2 incoming darts

Nico is in the starting area

The other two heroes are in 17, and Lorelei is grappled by a goblin (can't move, -2 to attack the goblin holding you)


(Keylo has said he'll not be able to post because exams, so if one of you posts for him until he gets back/the scenario ends, that would be great)
Re: First Fight!

Attack, Attack, Defend, and Defend

Grace moved to engage the goblins attempting to take the fight to them. However one of her foe proved to elusive and managed to slip by her and attack one of her allies. "Damn!" he was just to fast but she had four other problems to deal with just then. Trusting her armor to deflect the puny darts Grace once again put Vengeance her greatsword to work and attempted to slay two more of the foul monsters before focusing on the blowdarters.
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Re: First Fight!

Nico looked over the battle taking extra note of the blow-darters aiming for her ally "Oh no you don't!" the witch spun around her staff and smashed it's end into the ground making it shudder with magic and intantly granting boons to her allies of choice. Hopefully Nico put enough oomph to shield off the darts or blades incoming to the girl on the bridge aswell as grant the rogue empowered swiftness.

Defense boon on Grace
Escape boon on Lorelai
Defense boon on Grace
[Magic stat - 6]
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Re: First Fight!

"Gah! Get... Get off of me!" Lorelai spat angrily as the lesser monster grabbed onto her, and she tried to twist away and stab the goblin, before diving for cover into the bushes.

Lorelai does the following:
Attack the goblin holding her
Hide (if that's actually possible)

PM me if this action chain is impossible so that I can revise.

Her Stats:
Attack - 7
Move - 6
Toughness - 10
Escape - 7
Resist - 10
Stealth - 6
Rho: Move onto the bridge, attack, attack.
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Re: First Fight!

Rhos breathed heavily, her undershirt soaked in the fouls creatures blood. The goblins choose the wrong girl to try and undress. Glancing around she could see the rogue was caught, but was already making headway in her escape and retaliation. Seemed the action has moved on to the bridge and that's exactly where she was needed.

The girl gripped her greatsword tightly and charged forward! The goblins didn't learn why it's a bad idea to stand close together, Rhos was more than eager to remind them.


Move to Bridge

Next ones up for ranger I guess ;D
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Re: First Fight!

Grace (Attack, attack, defend defend) 8,3,8,9,9,8 (!!!!)
*all pass*

The paladin's eyes narrow, and the world goes in to slow motion for her as her blade sweeps in intricate circles. One dart veers away from her changing direction at the last second (and, unseen, floating to Nico's waiting hand). The next - heading for her face - deflects off the blade itself.

Almost as if coincidentally, two goblins fall with inch perfect cuts, one losing its head, the next cleft in two by the blade, though Grace barely seems to notice, or slow the deadly weave of steel.

Nico (Assist, Assist, Assist) 1 6 3 4 5 9
*pass pass fail*

The witch throws two strands of magic out, one to intercept (and capture) the dart, the other to slide into Lorelai's head. The rogues eyes glow purple, and her movements turn even softer and more sinuous.

Nico decides the dart might be too useful in future ...activities...to ignore, and carefully pockets it, though happily no monsters are close enough to punish her for this opportunity.

Lorelai (Escape, Attack Hide) 9 2 6 6 10 10
*all pass*

The rogue twists easily out of the goblin's grasp, lieaving a stupid expression on his face, and a knife hilt-deep in his belly. Before any other goblin can make a move, she hits the ground, slipping into a small depression in the ground, out of sight of her foes.

Rhos (Move, Attack, Attack) 6 2 1 3 6 2
*fail to move, needed at least one dice at 7 - OPPORTUNITY*

(continued in next post, as the bad guys are up next)
Re: First Fight!


The 5 goblins on the bridge watch, as the thief disappears, and Rhos is momentarily blinded by a spray of goblin blood. It looks like the fight there is going well, and goblins do love to be where the fight is going well.

As the last 5 goblins surge forwards on to the bridge (all move), Lorelai hears goblin feet pound by next to her, the remaining 3 moving up quickly to surround the momentarily disadvantaged warrior.

The first Rhos really knows of this is the feeling of a foot on the back of her knee, and a small hand coming round her chest to cup her breast, fingers pressing into the soft flesh and starting to knead. She can't help but sink to one knee for for a moment, and her other breast is soon subject to the same treatment. The goblin isn't even trying to hold her down, and she can stand easily enough - it's focussed entirely on massaging her breasts. As she rises to her feet, the goblin just holds on, squeezing and rubbing away...

The three goblins on the bridge MOVE. One takes advantage of the opportunity, and uses it to touch Rhos.

Rhos is now at sensitivity 1. She has to roll 1d10 and score at least 1 or reach critical condition (so she's fine for now).

There are three goblins in area 17, and 5 on the bridge. Grace stands along on the bridge, Rhos and Lorelai are in 17 (Lorelai is hidden) and Nico stands in the start area.

Re: First Fight!

'Filthy creatures...' Lorelai thought to herself, watching as one of their number was groped through the covering of her clothes, though she couldn't help but feel a slight excitement at the thought of it. Spring from the bushes, she tried to slash at the goblin groping her companion and then at another of them before diving back into hiding.

Lorelai does the following:
Attack a goblin.
Attack a goblin.

Her Stats:
Attack - 7
Move - 6
Toughness - 10
Escape - 7
Resist - 10
Stealth - 6
Re: First Fight!

Nico eyed the dart in her hand, this wasn't paralizing or deadly poison just as she thought. No this dart contained poison of mushc more interesting effect. The Witch put away her new toy for the moment as the goblins made their move.

Nico was about ready to start casting again, when the most captivating sight caught her eye. One of the goblins seems to be far more keen on other activities than just brute fighting. The witch paused a moment, gazing at the sight of the beautiful warrior being gropped, letting her mind wander to very perverse fantasies, before lightly snickering to herself and spinning her staff above her. She'd love to see how this escalates, but alas there was a battle to be won.

Attack assist on Lorelai
Escape assist on Rhos
Attack assist on Grace
Re: First Fight!

Grace's Stats
Attack: 6
Move: 7
Toughness: 5
Escape: 7
Resist: 9
Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack,
Grace deflected or otherwise dodge the projectiles unaware of the arcane boon she had been granted. Sadly Zeal had over come the knight on the bridge and she was keen on putting Vengeance to work cleaving goblins. Seeing reinforcements flooding onto the bridge Grace went ahead with the bloody work.
Re: First Fight!

Rhos Actions

Escape, Attack, Attack

Quickly shaken from her stupor Rho quickly acted to free herself and get revenge on the foul creatures.
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Re: First Fight!

(sorry guys, hectic week)

Lorelai (Attack Attack Hide) 10 8 8 5 2 9
*all succeed*

One goblin just disappears, falling backwards faster than gravity would have pulled him, and not rising. Moments later, another goblin several yards away suffers the same fate, the rogue not even breaking cover as she slid between shadows and dealt quiet death.

Nico (Assist Assist Assist) 4 8 4 9 4 2
First two succeed (Help Lorelai Attack, Help Rho Escape) Next fails

The witch sent waves of power out from her spinning staff, connecting Lorelai and Rho with invisible bands of energy. Rho felt herself gain a measure of the rogue's accuracy and agility, and in return Lorelai felt her muscles harden with the brute force the warrior could bring to bear.

(Rho wasn't grabbed, so I've changed it to an Assist Attack you only need to escape grabs, not touch attempts)

Grace (Attack x4) 5 9 10 5 8 9
*all succeed*

With a roar, the knight felt her Zeal encompass her. She used the narrow confines of the bridge to her advantage, and each goblin found itself faced several times with the choice of running into each other, the wooden rails at the edges of the bridge, or the warrior's lethal blade. The last chose to run into Grace, who leant forwards into the impact, the goblin hitting with a sickening crunch, and flying backwards where the knight lost no time stepping forwards and stamping on the foul things head.

Rho (Attack Attack Attack) 1 5 7 8 10 9
*all succeed*

The paladin recovered her wits, and with the magic assist lending an almost unnatural grace to her actions, she turned and calmly ran her attacker through.

Then again

Then again

Then again, and again.

By the time the other's reached her, the goblin was hardly recognisable....

(Technically there is one goblin on the bridge, but I suspect the odds are so far against him that I'm not going to waste time on one more round. Feel free to RP the aftermath here, and prepare for the next fight. I think the system works well, and I'm ready to use a more interesting and challenging variety of bad guys too...)

(also, if you have any feedback/suggestions, drop me a PM!)
Re: First Fight!

Grace stood triumphant on the bridge the bodies of her foes lying at her feet. Looking at the remaining green skin Grace's eyes narrowed and she took a single step forward. This was more than enough for the weak monster and he began to flee only to slip on the greasy blood of his comrades. This proved fruitful for both parties as the Goblin fell and cracked his head open on the bridge killing the creature sparing him a painful death at the hands of the adventures.

"We need to regroup and press our attack before the beasts take the hostage farther away."
Re: First Fight!

Nico leaned on her staff non-chalantly, what on earth were the girls yelling about this time. Still looked like their green little friend was absolutely petrified by the sight infront of him. He was alone versus the group that slaughtered dozens of his friends. And how adorable... he wanted to run away. The witch eyed the poor thing with predatory intent extending her arm... but then he slipped and flatout killed himself. Ugh she wanted the last kill... oh well.

Looked like the battle was won. Guess she can join her group now... swaying her hips seductively the witch would join her allies soon. The day was theirs "Not bad girls, not bad at all." she smiled innocently.

Aw~ I wanted to kill him
Moving freely since no more rolls needed, the battle is over
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Re: First Fight!

Lorelai peaked out from hiding to find that they'd made short work of the goblins already, and then straightened and broke from cover. The strange sensations caused by the witch's magic had passed, leaving Lorelai feeling somewhat woozy, but she was otherwise alright. "Well... I guess that's over with..." the thief said quietly, but Grace's words caused her to perk up and peer across the river, to where the remaining goblins had kept their hostage. Seeing them fleeing in the distance with their captive, Lorelai sprinted across the bridge towards the fleeing goblins, shouting over her back; "We have to hurry!"
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Re: First Fight!

(GM note - the young lady is not here, this was a rearguard. You will still be in hot pursuit as the next mission starts)
Re: First Fight!

(Derp. Edited my last post. Knowing that would have been nice though.)