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First Floor Commons Area


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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A large room, near the entryway, the commons area bears much resemblance to a pub, including an attached storage area containing food and numerous types of a wide range of booze.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Nice place, James" Vice says, walking into the commons area from the entrance, immediately smelling alcohol and noticing the bar "BOOZE!" he yells, dashing towards the bar and stopping in front of it, then jumping over it, landing behind it and searching the shelf in the back, finding a pint glass and filling it with beer "I love this place. I never want to leave!" he says, then takes a drink from his pint, smiling as he looks at the door, waiting for the others to come in
Re: First Floor Commons Area

She shakes her head at the childish behavior. "Oh brother..." she said, sliding up to the bar herself. "Wonder if they got any sake..."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Re: First Floor Commons Area

Vice ducks behind the bar, then returns with a jug of Sake and a small dish-like object in his hands, which he then sets on the bar "Fresh sake, I believe" he says, pouring some into the dish, then smiling "Drink up, the old man has plenty of it down there"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

She nods a soft "Thank you," before she starts to sip it quietly.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Mayra's reaction was simple; she danced around the room, making off-hand remarks, before finally settling into a bar stool. She shifted upon it, looking oddly dissatisfied. Brushing that off after a quick second, she looked up at the man behind the bar, and began rambling off a long list of teas, almost as if she were ordering every single one.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"We aint got Tea here. We only have booze." Vice says, taking a drink from his pint and smiling "That's the best beer I ever tasted"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

At that point, several tea kettles, filled with hot tea, come seemingly floating out of the back storage. These are set down in front of Mayra. Nothing seems to happen immediately after that, though...
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Mayra grins with all the happiness in the world, clasping her hands together in absolute joy as she grabs a cup and a kettle, singing a song that has nothing to do with the beverages in front of her.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Well ah'll be damned," Franklin says seeing everybody tucking into the alcohol already. "You'll know how ta' start early." Dropping his bags with a loud bang he walks over to the bar to check it out. After a few minutes looking Franklin grabs a random bootle and rips the top clean off. He then downs the bottle in one go. "Oh, tha' hits the spot," he says as he lets out a sigh of delight. A few moments later though Franklins stomach lets out a loud rumble which is followed by the loudest fart anyone has ever heard. The stench following it is enough to deliver a fatal blow to a new born child. "'Scuse me,"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

A high-pitched yip, and something akin to a very low whimper can be heard in the distance.

Suddenly, two thunderclaps can be heard from outside, just as a pair of window-sized holes are made in two places on the outside walls of the room.
James' voice can be heard from outside. "Finally! Somebody got rid of that damn demon poodle..."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Ah demon poodle?" Franklin repeats as he looks outside the doors. "Wha' kind o' place is this anyway?"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

James hops in through one of the holes in the wall. "Basically, it was a normal poodle, just more high-strung. And high-pitched. Damn near invincible too. Weird stuff like that, or people just randomly appearing in the front courtyard always seems to happen around here."

He then stops talking, and downs both of the Hurricanes that he'd been carrying, setting the glasses down on the nearest table.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Ah wondered how I ended up here..." Franklin says to himself, looking off into space. "Ah thought it was peculiar, ah was walking through the forest and next minute ah end up here. And that's some impressive drinking, mister." Franklin adds as he watches James down the two glasses.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

James shrugs. "What do you expect? Technically, I am a booze deity. Also seem to have influence in other areas. Don't worry about any formalities, though. I really don't give a flying rat fuck about them. And all drinks around here are free." He pauses, then points at Franklin. "Just make sure you're near an open window, if that kind of fart happens again."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Ah booze deity?" Franklin lets out a friendly chuckle. "Now ah've heard ev'rythin'. And ah cant promise anything, but ah'll try. Alcohol always gets me like tha'."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Mithral looked up a bit as she poured a second dish of sake, then shrugged again, returning to her drink.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Vice, who was rendered practically dead from the fart, has stopped breathing, even though his raised right foot twitches occasionally "God Damn, man. What the hell did you eat!?" he yells, and asks at the same time "Smells like someone killed a skunk and left it to rot for a month" he says, standing and shaking his head "Warn everybody before you do that so I can put on a gas mask."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Bob wonders in, completely lost.

"Umm, could anyone here help? I have no idea where I am, why I'm here or how I got here!"