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First Floor Commons Area

Re: First Floor Commons Area

Right about the time the new windows are installed...*Something* happens.

The sake that Mithral's working on seems to get tipped, probably spilling some on her.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Franklin makes his way back downstairs only to see that most of the people havent moved from where they were since he left them.

"Well, don't you all want to find rooms for you'selves or wha'?" He asks the room aloud adding a small chuckle at the end.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

She sputters a bit as the jug pours on her, quickly catching it and setting it back down. "Aw damn," she grumbled as her kimono got soiled. "Excuse me for a bit, will you?"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

A few footsteps can be heard heading away from Mithral...Behind the bar.

James merely rolls his eyes, then throws a nearby mug in the general direction of the footsteps. It merely bounces off of the floor.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

She peers over at the footsteps in curiousity. Subconsiously, she reforms her weapon into her hand. "What is that?" she asks.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"I do believe it is that invisible gnome that mister James was speaking of outside." Vice says, his tone more refined "If that little thing decides to get over here, I've got a pint for it" he says, holding out his pint of beer
Re: First Floor Commons Area

The mug that James had thrown earlier comes flying back out, aimed at Vice.

James shrugs at whatever follows, and comments, "I said dwarf, not gnome...He kind of takes exception to anyone making that mistake."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Mithral shrugged, and headed for the door to the rooms.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

The mug hits Vice square on the forehead, Vice just standing there motionless for three seconds, before falling over backwards "Little bastard. I think I need to go lay down now" he says, standing and heading towards the door to the rooms
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Finding the door open, Ronell sticks his head in while knocking. "P-p-p, p-p-p, shittingdicknipples. Excuse me but can someone tell me where in the 9 heavens I'm at?"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"Ah dwarf, ya' say?" Franklin asks James. "C'mere lil' fella," Franklin says as he walks towards the bar, his hulking frame barely able to fit through the archway. He offers the dwarf a bottle of alcohol that he had brought down with him, well he offers it in what he assumes to be the general direction that the dwarf is in.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Somewhere in all of this, James has somehow vanished from the room, along with his aide (of sorts).

The offered bottle...doesn't seem to get touched at all...
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Seeing the bar, Ronell's eyes go wide and he gets a goofy grin on his face. "W-w-woohoo I've died and gone to alcohol heaven, turkey testicles, I mean this place has everything." As he's yelling this he jumps over the bar to get a better look. Unfortunately he's so clumsy he falls over the bar head first with a crash.

"W-w-w, w-w-w, ah damn. Strange I don't normally fall down till after I get to the booze." He says standing up and hugging as much of the bar as he can with a sigh.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

A roar of fury comes from Mithral's room as she notices something wrong. After some silence, she stomps to the top of the stairs, stuck in a tower and holding her sword. "GOD DAMMIIT! WHO THE HELL TURNED THE SPRING WATER INTO VODKA!!!"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

"V-v-vodka, woohoo."

(Leaves to go check out other rooms and find one forhimself as well.)
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Vice comes out of his room in time to heart the screaming "Ow, tone it down, lady. Some of us just woke up" he says, rubbing his right temple with his right hand "I personally prefer beer, thank you. If they had a Beer fountain in this crazy-ass house, I'd be in heaven." he says, now moving his right hand to rub his eyes "'Course, that'll never happen"
Re: First Floor Commons Area

James can be heard distractedly hollering from deeper within the house. "Third floor, fourth hallway to right, then find the terraced garden. Should be there...Actually, that area may be next to your room."
Re: First Floor Commons Area

The area where Vice was is replaced with a smoke after-image, from Vice dashing out of the room towards said Terrace in said Hallway
Re: First Floor Commons Area

James' voice rings out through the building. "TO THE INNER COURTYARD! SOUND GENERAL QUARTERS! MAN THE BATTLEMENTS!"

Just after his call to arms, a voice that isn't James' hollers out. "ALL ABOARD!" Laughter can be heard following it.
Re: First Floor Commons Area

Moments later, a loud scream can be heard from upstairs in Vice's room "BEER!" is all that can be discrened from his shouts of glee echoing through the house