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Fish & Game Shop


Jun 15, 2009
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Just off of Main Street, one can find the local fish & game shop, as fishing and hunting are both very popular just outside of Peiquok's main borders. Bait and tackle, as well as neon orange and camouflage clothing (amongst other things) can be found here. It looks like if one wanted to get at the guns, however, they'd have to be able to get through the security gates.
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"Who is that?" Rosie wants to know as Melissa guides her to the shop, "shouldn't we do something? They sound hurt!"
Melissa pulls the girl into the shop, then closes the door behind them. "There's something out there, Rosie," she says, looking at the girl with her hand on her shoulder. "Right now, we need to make sure we're safe before we can help anyone." Melissa didn't want to tell Rosie that the cries for help had unnerved her. They had seemed wrong somehow. She couldn't even explain it to herself.

Stepping away from Rosie, Melissa starts to look around the room. "Look around, see if you can find anything useful. Radio, first aid, weapons, anything." Taking her own advice, she inspects the room, also keeping her eyes out for other ways into and out of the shop.

(check the room for items)
Re: Fish & Game Shop

All inside the game shop seems quiet, thank goodness, but the room is even dirtier and more run down than the town hall. This place looks all but decrepit, with paint peeling and rust lining any part of the room that can be oxidized...

Melissa searches
10+6+2 (Perceptive) vs 14

She and Rosie take to looking over the shop and find quite a few useful things: fishing gear and tackle, skinning and filleting knives, supplies enough to fill out a first aid kit, as well as two or three boxes of rifle ammo. There is a single hunting rifle left in the storage area behind the rusted security gate, but it looks like either it will need to be picked or, possibly, smashed open to reach.

"How do you mean, safe?" Rosie asks, not quite liking the tone of Melissa's voice.
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"I mean we need to know that we CAN help those people," Melissa said, looking at the knives with a glance at Rosie, "before we put ourselves in danger to try." She picks up one of the knives, holding it in her hand, noticing that she felt a bit safer with it, then put it in a nearby sheath and then into the hem of her jeans. Handing another knife to Rosie, she said, "Take this." With a motion to the medical supplies, she added, "And these. Now we can help people that are injured."

Turning her attention to the rusted security gate, Melissa looked over the lock. In her time she had caught her fair share of B&E's with lockpicking gear, but she had never been tempted to try it herself. Still, that rifle back there looked very inviting, with her pistol back home. Taking a few steps back, She charged the gate and aimed a kick for the lock.

(attempt to break the lock)
Re: Fish & Game Shop

Melissa and Rosetta have gained 1 knife each (+10 and +5, respectively)

Melissa attempts to break the lock
8+8+2 (Drive) vs Lock 18, Graze. +2 to the next attempt.

Rounding a kick on the lock, Melissa manages to partially smash the rusted gate in, sending a pang through her leg as she does but luckily avoiding hurting anything seriously in the process. When she backs off, she sees that the lock is still in place, though the gate itself seems like it won't withstand a lot more of that kind of attention.

Rosie, cringing, asks, "is that really necessary?" She hefts a rifle that she's been carrying discreetly the entire time ((from the depths of GM forgetting to check the NPC stats list. :rolleyes:)) and raises her brows. "You can borrow mine if you want... That person outside sounded like they were in pain..."
Re: Fish & Game Shop

(haha, that's a big item for her to be carrying around so discreetly ;))

Melissa casts an apologetic look back at Rosie, a little embarrassed. "Keep it," she says simply, then launches another kick into the gate.

(attempt to smash open the gate again)
Re: Fish & Game Shop

((Yeah, I have absolutely no excuse for that. "She's wearing a REALLY big sweater?" "But it's a discreet rifle!"... just don't work.))

Melissa slams the gate
7+8+2 (Drive) +2 (Graze) vs 18, Success

This time the gate makes an awful clanging noise and Melissa feels another shock of pain in her leg, though the gate seems jammed on something...

"Alright." Rosie begins loading her rifle, pocketing several rounds as she watches Melissa. "So what are we doing to do after this? Help that person out there? Look for the place my grandfather was talking about -- if it's even real? Something's wrong around here... I can't help but feel that there's got to be a way to deal with this, just like... well..." she trails off, looking down at the rifle in her hands. Clenching at it, she refrains from saying anything else for a moment. "I keep thinking that we must have some say in what's going on..."
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Re: Fish & Game Shop

(Did you add the +2 for getting a 'graze' on the last attempt?)

Melissa kneels down, massaging her leg and cursing. She looks over at Rosie and says, "I'd like to start looking for a way out of this town. That riddle doesn't give us much to go on, and the blockade I passed through on the way in is probably still there." Motioning to the rifle, Melissa asks, "How good are you with that?"

Sighing at the gate, Melissa moves away from it. "Didn't you say you had a place out in the woods? Maybe we should head there. Just get away from this place."
Re: Fish & Game Shop

Melissa, kneeling and massaging her ankle, hears a rusty creak as the gate belatedly swings a crack open. The mechanics of this place don't always seem to add up, which may be a little more unnerving than the short range of sight and the uncertain cries coming from out of it.

Rosie, toting her rifle, grins at Melissa. "I didn't win top place in those annual shooting competitions for nothing," she tells the woman. "Heh, beat out his royal mastery Mister Griffen Mack the last three years running on the 300 and 500 yard lines, even. Not that that was in heavy fog, or at moving things in heavy fog... by the time that the hunting season starts up it's usually clear enough to, y'know, see your quarry."

She shrugs, thinking about what kind of quarry they might be up against. "I usually only hunt deer. Never anything that might attack me first. Yeah, heading to my place might be a good idea... I have an idea, too."
Re: Fish & Game Shop

Melissa stares at the gate as it creaks open. Cautiously she steps over to it, then swings it open and grabs the rifle, backing out towards the counter where the bullets lay. Loading the rifle, she looked at Rosie and asked, "I don't have all that much experience with shooting moving targets either. What's your idea?"
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"It's a dumb one," Rosie begins, as Melissa wraps her hands around the sturdy looking weapon.

Melissa has gained a +15 hunting rifle.

"I just... well, there's a shrine, out in the woods. I've seen it sometimes, it's not too far away from the cabin. I figured maybe if we stopped there for a second, you know... it's probably just more nonsense stories..."
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"A shrine? You want to pray that the fog lifts?" Melissa asked sardonically. On the other hand, with how strange things seemed right now, maybe that wasn't such a bad idea. "We can stop there, if it isn't too far away." she added, a bit more seriously. She grabbed the bullets and stuffed the box into an inner pocket of her jacket, then asked, "Alright, are you ready?" As much as she was telling Rosie that the two should head to the cabin in the woods, so far the game shop was quite. The idea of heading out into the fog gave Melissa an eery feeling.
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"Well, partially that," Rosie flushes, feeling either self-conscious or embarrassed for thinking about it. "Yeah, I'm ready. I'll give you instructions if we're taking your bike."
Re: Fish & Game Shop

"Alright, then lets get going. I think if we take it slow we should be fine riding on my bike." Melissa holds her weapon across her chest, then moves to the door and steps out into the fog...

(exit to main street)
Re: Fish & Game Shop

Melissa and Rosie exit the Fish & Game Shop to the Main Street