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Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

"Time to ourselves, huh...?" Sora raised a brow, feigning a skeptical look, though the smile didn't fade from his face. With a small gesture he invited her to sit next to him.

However, his brow furrowed ever so slightly as Akari brought up Souta and her confession to possibly having taken the less talented youth in his place. A pang of jealousy briefly traveled through his chest. Was that emotion something she was trying to trigger? He knew that Akari was the object of affection by many of his classmates, but never before had she openly admitted to giving one of them a real chance, let alone Souta. It confused him, but he didn't allow himself to get too flustered by the thought just yet.

"I see... amazing what one might miss with a tiny difference in choice," Sora mused aloud. "His loss. If he had only asked, it could be him out here with you instead." He forced a faint smile as a sense of curiosity returned. "But if he had only 'asked' for a kiss, would he have gone home with one less tooth in his jaw, or would you fail to stop him?" Sora's voice went quieter, despite the fact that no one else was around them. "Would you stop me if I tried to kiss you again?"
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari shifted slightly in her seat following Sora’s subtle invitation for her to move and sit next to him, making it seem as if she had either overlooked or misunderstood the blue-haired boy’s simple gesture. She was comfortable where she was for the moment, and being able to look across the short distance between them at one another made it easier in her mind for the pair to simply talk with each other for the time being. Even so, she wouldn’t do anything to dissuade him if he decided to move and sit beside her instead, simply offering him a soft smile and scooting to one side slightly to make room if he did so.

Either way, after she brought up her feelings about what had happened with Souta, Akari was surprised by the pang of jealousy that she saw briefly on her date’s face as his brow furrowed in reaction to her admission. What he said next was true, though. Thinking about it now, there was little doubt that Souta’s intention had ultimately been to simply try and get Akari to come with him to the festival, and if he had merely gone about it in a different way she would have. Sora’s question as to whether she would have stopped Souta if he’d asked to kiss her, however, and then specifically whether or not she would stop ‘him’ if he tried to kiss her again caused her to blush and glance away for a second, unsure if she actually would in that moment.

“And what would you do if I did?” Akari replied shortly after with a playful tone, a sly grin tugging at her lips as she looked back at him. Before Sora could respond, however, the heiress chuckled lightly in amusement at the sense of jealousy that she’d inadvertently caused within her rival before attempting to better explain what she’d meant. “Don’t get the wrong idea. I meant it when I said that I would’ve gone to the festival with Souta if he had just asked me – he’s a nice enough guy, after all...if a bit clumsy; but that doesn’t mean it would have really meant anything. I mean, I would have been fine going with Kyo, too, if he would have asked me. The same goes for Haru, or even Ryuu...” she explained, pausing a moment as if to consider what she’d just said. “...Well, maybe not Ryuu, hah-hah~” she corrected with a laugh before continuing.

“It’s like I said, though, I just thought it would have been fun to go the festival with a friend for a change. That’s why I agreed to go with you at first, too, but...” Akari hesitated for a moment then, struggling with what she wanted to say. “...It’s different with you than I thought it would be. I wasn’t really expecting to...enjoy myself as much as I have with you...” she said, the blush gradually returning to her cheeks as she spoke. “I don’t know what it is, but...there’s something about you that just...I don’t know...makes me feel more comfortable around you,” she admitted, her blush deepening as she continued. “...To be honest, you’re probably the first boy that I’ve ever...really...felt this way about...” Akari finished, finally making known for certain her own budding feelings for her long-time rival – as well as perhaps revealing a little more to the blue-haired boy than she’d intended if he was attentive enough to notice.
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

"So not Ryuu, huh? Probably a good thing," he replied in a lighter tone. "Part of me wants to say that he wouldn't have lasted five minutes without trying to take you to some secluded place in the woods... or a place like this one."

The subtle hints of surprise in Sora's visage would tell Akari that he had indeed caught the clue she (perhaps inadvertently) laid down for him about her sexuality--the keywords of 'first' and 'boy' causing his eyes to widen just slightly not long after they were spoken. "The 'first' boy you've ever felt that way about...? Does that mean--you know what, even if it does, I can accept that. I don't personally have any secrets quite that spicy, but if that's the case, you can rest assured knowing that yours is safe with me," he assured her with a grin. "Though I'm not quite as pretty or as delicate as a girl, I think, so, sorry to disappoint you there."

"Admittedly, on my end, I too was hoping that I wouldn't be forever stuck in that place of being the guy you punch and kick on a weekly basis," said the prodigy. "Its... yeah. It's sort of why I asked you tonight. I waited, maybe a bit too long, because I didn't want things to get too weird between us, especially considering that we see each other just about every day. But given how tonight has gone, it honestly hasn't felt like they have gotten too strange, so... I'm really glad I asked. If the date went this well, it makes me feel like I shouldn't be afraid to move forward with you like I had been all this time."
Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

If they weren’t already after voicing her own newly realized feelings for her rival, Akari’s cheeks would turn bright red at the fact that Sora had caught the inadvertent reveal of probably her most intimate secret – that she had always harbored a romantic interest in other girls more so than for boys. This was the second time that evening that she had said something in front of the blue-haired boy that she hadn’t really intended to – things that she had never told anyone, and yet it was just another on the list of recent occurrences that only seemed to further prove this odd feeling of comfortableness that she felt around him. As such, she nodded briefly as Sora gave his assurance that her secret would be safe with him, while at the same time feeling a sense of relief that her attraction to other girls didn’t seem to bother him, causing her blush to fade along with her initial embarrassment.

The heiress listened then as Sora further outlined the feelings that he had apparently been harboring for her for some time, having been too worried that things would become weird or uncomfortable between them had he made them known until now. It was perhaps still too early to really say whether or not they would be if things developed further from there, but for the moment that didn’t seem to be the case for either of them, something for which Akari was glad.

Even so, a light blush and the feeling of butterflies in her stomach returned at what Sora said next. “Move forward, huh...?” Akari said, gulping slightly as a sense of nervous curiosity ran through her as she looked at him. “...What did you have in mind, if you don’t mind my asking...?”
Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

It appeared that Akari's butterflies were contagious--that, or the inquiry she made in response had made Sora nervous in a way that she had never seen him exhibit before. It might have been a little strange, to see him so hesitant where he was previously so cool and collected. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but thought better of it, taking a slow, deep breath inwards. Then, as he closed the distance and leaned into her, the youth made it evident that his answer to her question wasn't something meant to be expressed in words, but in actions. Sora's lips moved in to claim those of Akari's. She could feel his breath and touch wavering against hers--he was every bit as nervous as she was, but didn't hesitate for too long, in spite of it all. This time around, provided the heiress didn't stop her date, the kiss would naturally progress, deepening as the two tasted each other. Sora's mind grew hazy as he continued in the heat of the moment, wanting nothing more than to deepen the connection they established tonight.

His hands wandered upwards, only to grip the top portions of the robe her mother passed onto her and slide it down halfway, exposing her shoulders and her petite yet perky breasts to the cool night air. When the sensation of another person's warm fingertips touching down upon the latter hit her, Akari felt a rush shoot up and down through her spine... the same kind that she felt upon touching herself. And as he gently cupped her right breast, fondling it in ways that were clearly reserved for only the most intimate of partners, the more sexual nature of their encounter became apparent. At that time the green-haired beauty had a moment of clarity; she could stop him here before things got too heavy or too fast for her. If she didn't, it would be hard to tell how their situation would end up in mere minutes from that moment.
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

After a few moments of uncharacteristic hesitation for Sora, as he finally gave his wordless answer to the heiress’s question and moved in to kiss her once again, Akari closed her eyes and hesitantly met his lips with a nervous excitement of her own as the feeling of his breath against hers and the gentle touch of his hands on her shoulders sent a feeling of warmth through her body. As the kiss gradually deepened, Akari’s hands slowly came up to rest gently against his chest as they had before, only this time there was no subconscious defensiveness behind them to push him away. The subtle feeling of his heart beating through his robes joined with that of the scent and the taste of him already flooding the green-haired girl’s senses, and as the underlying feeling of warmth spread she could feel herself getting lost in the cloud of pleasurable sensations filling her mind.

As their tongues slowly danced, Akari let out a quiet moan as Sora’s hand began to wonder along her collarbone and lightly gripped top of her robe, sliding it down passed her shoulders and baring them and her small but perky breasts to the night air. She let out a light gasp then as she felt her nipples harden from the cool air wafting over them, but when she felt the warmth of fingertips and then a hand touching down on and gently cupping and caressing one of her breasts, a sudden rush of pleasure shot through her spine; the same that she felt when she touched herself, only somehow more intense.

Akari’s eyes opened and she inhaled sharply then as the sudden sensation snapped her out of her own haze and back into a moment of clarity, breaking the kiss as her back straightened and her hands began to press lightly against Sora’s shoulders. “Wa... Wait...” she gasped out almost breathlessly while her hands eased the blue-haired boy back, but not outright pushing him away and only increasing in pressure or urgency if he seemed particularly insistent with his touch. “S-So that’s what...you had in mind...” she muttered between breaths, pausing for a moment then as she tried to collect herself, her exposed chest rising and falling a bit quicker than before under the moonlight as her mind raced to catch up with the situation.

It had felt nice...very nice, the gentle touch of his hand against her skin. Akari knew that she could stop things now before they went any further, and while she technically just had, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to...not completely. Her body certainly didn’t, if the warm, tingling sensation sparking through her was any indication. It had been too sudden, though, his touch coming when she hadn’t expected it and causing some part within her to instinctively resist. Perhaps it was because, in her own fantasies, it had usually been Akari herself moving to advance things with another girl – not dissimilar to the way Sora was now. Or maybe it was simply due to her own nervousness and inexperience with such things...she didn’t know. What she did know was that...she did want things to continue, she just wasn’t really sure how to...

Akari gulped nervously again when her gaze met with Sora’s, her own butterflies renewed as the conscious realization that she actually did want to continue with him echoed in her mind. “Maybe I’m naïve to even ask this, but...have you...done this before...?” she asked nervously, blushing then as she thought to finally move one of her arms and cover herself with a sleeve. “I...wouldn’t be upset if you have... To be honest, I’m...kind of hoping that you have... That way...at least one of us...would...know what we’re doing...” Akari added, blushing deeply now as she waited for the other’s response. Nervous as she was, there was a sense of excitement that had begun rising within the heiress as well, a hint of which might be present in her eyes and something that would likely come to surpass her nervousness before long if things continued to progress.
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

At Akari's sudden request, Sora did stop, in spite of the growing heat between the two. Despite visibly being as turned on as she was, he wasn't about to let instinct take over completely; perhaps it was the mutual sense of discipline shared by the informal rivals that allowed clarity to take over... at least for the time being. While an equally visible blush could be spotted across his cheeks, Sora paused to hear the heiress out, listening to her question carefully.

He took a deep breath and gave a slow nod, with a slightly guilty look--it was no secret at that point. He did indeed seek to be one with her that night. Whether it was something he had planned all along or had simply chose to do in the heat of the moment was still unknown, and not something he elaborated on, though signs pointed to it being the latter. But even the few seconds of foreplay had apparently done enough to arouse him, if Akari cared to visually check. The sight would beg the question: before all of this, had he pleased himself over the thought of coupling with her, in a way not dissimilar to the nights she spent fantasizing over him?

He sat down next to her, calming his motions just slightly. "I have, but... it's not as if it's something I try on every girl. Honestly! You're just... well, you're different. Moreso than the others, so I am admittedly pretty nervous." He did have reason to be--after all, Akari was capable of tossing him into the water if she so pleased, and she had a father who could do far worse. Sora shifted a bit in an attempt to hide the primary sign of his arousal. Was this where she would stop him? Akari could feel his eagerness to continue, but the date she chose for tonight wasn't one to continue trying if she herself didn't express herself as willing enough.
Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari took a breath and exhaled lightly after Sora gave his brief nod in response, feeling strangely relieved by the confirmation of his experience. She couldn’t help but blush just a little deeper though at the implication that came along with it, though, as well as the slight bulge that she noticed below his waist when she idly glanced down as he moved to sit next to her – an unmistakable sign of the blue-haired boy’s own arousal and desire for her. As lewd thoughts began briefly popping into her head at the sight, it made her wonder offhand if Sora had pleasured himself to thoughts of her the way she had on occasion to thoughts of him...like she had begun to do before bed the night before.

She shook those thoughts aside as he spoke, however, returning her gaze to meet his eyes again. It was a little surprising then when she heard him voice just how nervous he really was himself, however. It wasn’t something that she had expected, for him to be nervous in spite of the fact that he had these sorts of things with other girls before. Perhaps it meant that it was just normal to be nervous, regardless of experience, or maybe he was nervous because it was her...because it meant more to him with her than it had with the others...

“It’s okay... So am I...” Akari replied, admitting her own nervousness as well. “That’s why I stopped you before, because it just...caught me by surprise...” she added, explaining her sudden halting of things a moment ago and perhaps alleviating any worry that Sora might have had that he had pushed things too far. Even so, the fact that Sora seemed as nervous as he did despite having prior experience somehow helped to ease her own nerves. It was a strange feeling, but one that helped to grow her own confidence all the same.

“But...that’s also why I’m glad that...I’m here with you tonight, because...I know that I can trust you...” she said, slowly lowering the arm that she had been using to cover herself with her sleeve and revealing her petite breasts to him again under the moonlight as a brief sense of boldness surged through her, “...and...because now I know that I can count on you to...show me how it’s done...” she finished, a slight, almost impish grin appearing on her lips as a flash of her more usual confident and challenging personality began to reemerge from beneath her nervousness.

Were Sora to accept her apparent invitation to continue things where they had left off a few moments ago, Akari would close her eyes and gently welcome his kiss again with her own once again, letting it deepen and allowing him to resume his ministrations before slowly slipping her arms free of the sleeves of her robe, leaving only the sash tied around her waist to secure it and keeping her mother’s robe from falling to the floor of the boat completely. Exactly how things progressed from there would be up to Sora for the time being, but it wouldn’t take much doing to cause the fancy garment to do just that and ultimately leave the heiress seated before him in nothing but her panties and thigh-highs. In light of her own willingness and eagerness that she’d shown to continue, it was likely that the only thing that would prevent things from progressing would be if he tried to push things too quickly, but given enough time Akari’s own hands would begin to roam along her date’s body beneath his robes and move to bare his chest and shoulders just as he’d done her’s, signifying her own growing enthusiasm and excitement.
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Sora gave little response other than a slow nod in agreement to Akari's words. He didn't take offense to her explanation; if anything, his reaction was actually the opposite, and he expressed this by offering her a faint, understanding smile. The blue-haired youth looked all too pleased to receive the heiress' verbal affirmation of the trust she had put into him. Even if her admission was something he knew, it was certainly a nice thing for him to hear, which relieved some of the pressure from a potentially unnerving moment. The two had trained together almost daily, and while they had become quite familiar with the other's body and capabilities over the past several years, never before had they put each other to the test in the way that they were about to. That existing bond between them brought about a sense of comforting familiarity to the otherwise new experience.

However, even that wouldn't take away from the look of surprise and the blush upon the prodigy's face as Akari slowly and willingly exposed her bust to him. Normally, the blue-haired one had proven fairly respectable over the length of time that she had known him, and certainly not the type to steal too many glances at any compromising positions that the girl might have ended up in during training--unlike Ryuu and of course Souta. But when Akari lowered the arm that covered her chest for him, Sora couldn't help but catch an eyeful of her petite bosom for just a moment for once. Perhaps it was his own way of accepting her latest sign of trust and intimacy. Here was the heiress of the Red Phoenix Dojo, practically adored by every other student in its roster, and she had undressed herself for him--to think of the jealousy that would incite on the part of the other male students! Sora wasn't about to trigger much potential self-consciousness on Akari's part by staring or soaking in the fact, however, and didn't make her wait too long to feel the warmth of his own body against hers, gently easing his hands onto her waist and catching a feel of her smooth skin.

When his lips met hers this time around, there was a much greater sense of urgency and determination in the act. Knowing that she wasn't going to turn him down only encouraged a bit more boldness on the youth's part, and so he welcomed her into his embrace with a kiss that started off gently enough... but gradually deepened to one of a more adult nature. It certainly wasn't the kind that the heiress had shared with anyone beforehand. Still, the kiss was savored for its own sake despite the obvious promise of more to come as Sora's tongue soon met and mingled with that of Akari's. After just a few seconds of exploring the Honrainese beauty's oral faculties, it didn't take very long for him at all to catch on to many of the right motions that turned her on, sending additional tinges of pleasure through her system. If her mouth was an erogenous zone for her, as it was for many girls, she would find herself pleasantly surprised in how well her date treated that part of her with his own. As he was in everything, he proved to be calm and deliberate in his actions, making for an experience that the girl could easily get used to. If she sought to remove his robe at that time, he would make no action to stop her, instead moving his shoulders and arms so as to help facilitate the process and ultimately getting it off halfway to leave him topless. His body, well-sculpted from years of training with her, was easy enough on Akari's eyes... for a guy, anyway.

But while Akari could let the blue-haired prodigy kiss her all night, it was only a sign of things to come; a prelude to greater pleasures. His fingers slid up along her sides, triggering just a touch of a ticklish sensation if she was sensitive to it. However, such contact was only for a moment, as their destination was not at her ribs, but at her chest-bound assets. Akari wasn't the most well-endowed of girls, not by far, yet the care and attention that her date paid to her petite breasts was no doubt admirable. The feather-light brushes upon her torso that started out as a cause for squirms or light laughter soon developed into firmer strokes as his palms reached her soft bosom. If having been groped through clothing was pleasurable at all for Akari, feeling Sora's fingertips upon the bare skin of her chest was on another level, simple as though the act might have seemed. She had, more or less, given her verbal approval at this point, and so he would gently resume fondling her breasts, lightly circling her nipples with his fingertips.

It was then that his kiss broke off from hers, and he planted a smaller one at the edge of her chin, following up with yet another upon her neck, then down to her collarbone. If she thought to move, he'd keep her sitting on the boat's middle thwart as he lowered himself to his knees, resuming the trail of kisses until he reached her bust. Sora then began to grope her more eagerly with both hands, paying special attention to her sensitive nubs until they had visibly perked up. When they did, his gaze wandered up once again to meet hers... and her nipples, hardened from a mixture of stimulation and the cool night air, would soon find themselves warmed one at a time by the prodigy's warm, wet tongue. Gently, he circled each areola with the tip of his deft lingual muscle, then moved on to take firmer licks upon them. Every brush of his tongue upon her nipples proved intense, and a long shot from when she would stimulate them on her own.

Even if he didn't receive more than just an encouraging moan or two from the athletic girl, he would continue, moving on to suckle on the tip of each of her petite yet perky breasts. Akari felt jolts of pleasure travel throughout her body, stronger than ever before, as Sora enveloped her nipples between his lips, adding a bit of suction and sipping from them as though she had milk to give--even though, of course, she hadn't any. Still, that combined with the intermittent, rapid flicks from his tongue made for a sensation almost so pleasurable and intense that she might have to pull away for a moment.

If she needed to lay down, he would direct her to do so across the central wooden beam, which he would straddle at the very edge. It would be then that Sora would catch a glimpse of the wetness that had soaked through her panties as a result of his ministrations. That, combined with his own apparent hardness, was as good a sign as any that the next step was in order; that she was ready to be taken completely. But unlike the other students, Sora wasn't one for rushing here, not when there was so much more of her to attend to with his skilled tongue. "Relax a little for me," he reminded her as he methodically moved down, leaving her bosom glistening in the moonlight with his saliva. Small nips and kisses could be felt upon her abdomen, all the way down to a point just below her navel, where the blue-haired youth would pause.

He then worked to undo the sash keeping her robe on, undoing the knot in a matter of seconds. Akari's silky garment came loose and fell to each side of the thwart, serving as a soft cover of sorts for the wooden beam, and with that the girl was left in only her panties and thigh-highs. If she felt self-conscious about this, Sora wouldn't let her stay that way for long, slipping out of his own clothing entirely if she hadn't managed to undress him completely by that time, so that she wouldn't have to feel alone in her relative indecency. Should she allow her eyes to wander, she would spot his length fully erect, but he didn't seem to be in any rush to use it. Making eye contact, he showed her a calming smile as he reached a hand to feel up her front, then slid it back down along her midline and to her hips. Akari felt a few tentative strokes from the young man's fingers up and down along the length of her slit through the fabric of her underwear, and at that moment she knew that there was no going back from there, given the utterly aroused state he had put her body into. The prodigy took the opportunity to tease her a little more, rubbing at her wet spot with circular motions and gauging her reactions. He allowed her to voice her pleasure before moving on. Pulling one hand away from her crotch, he slid them both to her hips once more, pinching the sides of her panties and pulling them off slowly, exposing her moist cunny in the process.

"Akari... you're beautiful," he reminded her, before planting another kiss just above her patch of pubic hair, parting her thighs with his palms. If she was ever worried about him being too rough or reckless with his hands, she wouldn't have to, as the next sensation she felt upon her nether lips was not that of Sora's fingers, but of his soft yet strong tongue, slowly lapping her swollen labia up... then down. It was everything she might have imagined, and then some. Though he was physically not the feminine beauty that Akari sometimes fantasized about being with during masturbation, the blue-haired one showed himself to be eager enough in providing such wonderful oral services, and even just that was enough to get her off by virtue of sheer consistency. The strokes from his tongue soon kept coming, steadily, as he established a predictable yet utterly blissful rhythm. And though Akari might have squirmed, bucked or cried out, he would keep his head firmly lodged in between her legs, lapping away at her dripping pussy steadily until she could hardly stand it.

Yet he wasn't done. Though her clit had been left somewhat neglected, only brushed upon coincidentally during some of Sora's longer strokes, the girl's outer petals had received as much stimulation as she could hope for. Her inner folds would soon be treated to similar bliss as the prodigy slid his tongue deeper into her, enduring that her slick interior had been thoroughly tasted before things moved on from there. With Akari's legs spread and pushed upwards, Sora was free to go at it for as long as it would take for the green-haired beauty to reach orgasm. It wouldn't take long, with the girl's level of satisfaction rising steadily with each slurp her lover took upon her leaking crevice. A bundle of pleasure could be felt building up in her core, promising to explode into a sensation that was even more intense than anything she had felt up until now. She had done this only by herself in the past... but now, in front of her rival, she was going to cum.

And when she did, he would simply keep on licking away at her, making the eventual climax even more intense to the point where it was nearly unbearable. It was almost cruel of him to do so, as the feeling brought about by such actions was almost too intense, and she would have to grip something hard just to sublimate some of it. Yet, the only sensation he was causing her was pleasure--there was just so much of it to experience all at once. If she was embarrassed at all about the amount of secretions she let out, Sora would happily lap them all up as he continued to lick her pussy throughout the boat-rocking climax.

But despite a most satisfying orgasm, there was no calmness or fatigue to follow after the fact... only a renewed libido and a fire inside Akari that needed more of what her current lover had to offer. Sora would finally pull up once her spasms had stopped completely, but despite his apparent hardness, he wasn't going to take her immediately if she didn't want him to. Akari had a bit of time in which she could choose how things might progress from there.
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Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari gave her date a knowing look as he took the opportunity to briefly take in the sight of her petite breasts after she exposed herself to him for the first time. Unlike some of the other students at the dojo, Sora had never been one to try and steal glances or poke fun at any compromising positions that she might have found herself in during training, but even he couldn’t help but look now that she was revealing herself to him of her own accord – not that she minded him looking now, given the circumstances. In any case, either Sora’s respectful nature or his own eagerness to continue won out soon after, not risking triggering any self-consciousness that she might have felt from his stares as he leaned in and gently eased his hands onto Akari’s waist and capturing her lips once again with his own, the warmth that she felt before her earlier interruption almost immediately beginning to rise up within her again.

There was a stronger sense of...confidence behind Sora’s advance this time around as the kiss gradually deepened and he welcomed her into his embrace, the blue-haired boy no doubt encouraged and emboldened by the knowledge now that she wasn’t going to turn him down or push him away. On the contrary, if he had been expecting her to be passive in this moment it might have surprised him to feel Akari kissing him back with much of the same eagerness – if lacking the same sort of skill and practice – that he exhibited as their tongues met and began to mingle, each exploring the other’s mouth with Sora in particular quickly finding just the right motions to send short tinges of pleasure through her system. Akari found herself a little surprised at just how good something as otherwise simple as a kiss could feel, and as her date continued to carefully and deliberately probe her mouth with his tongue she could feel herself getting excited about the prospect of what was still to come.

It wasn’t long then before Akari gave away her own eagerness as her hands slowly moved along Sora’s chest and up to his shoulder, briefly rubbing him through his rob before lightly gripping the folds of the fabric and pulling it open, easing it passed his shoulders and arms to reveal his own well-sculpted physique to the night air just like he had done hers a few minutes earlier. With the two of them on equal footing again, so to speak, Sora began to slide his fingers up along Akari’s sides, causing her to shift and squirm slightly under his touch as he brushed across a ticklish spot just below her ribs. She hummed a soft chuckle in spite of her efforts to suppress her body’s natural reaction even as she continued to kiss him, but fortunately the distraction was kept only momentary as the youth’s hands continued to travel upward towards their real goal where they would waste little time in resuming their practiced touching and teasing of the heiress’s petite breasts, sending a whole new series of pleasurable sensations coursing through her body as he alternated between gently cupping and kneading her modest mounds and lightly circling her nipples with his fingertips, causing her to let out a few soft moans as he went.

Akari’s hands were not idle in all of this either as they began to roam along his shoulders and back before moving back around to his chest, pressing and rubbing her fingers and palms experimentally against his own nipples and firm pectoral muscles in an effort mimic somewhat what she knew made herself feel good. Her efforts didn’t seem to elicit the same sort of reaction from the blue-haired boy that he had managed to draw from her thus far, but she didn’t have time to really ponder why or what he was doing differently before he broke off from their shared kiss and began gradually kissing his way down, first planting a small one on her chin, followed up by another one her neck and then down to collarbone, leaving Akari to gasp softly as her eyes fluttered open and she glanced down at him while he did so.

The heiress’s explorations began to wane as Sora shifted over in front of her, however, leaving her seated on the center thwart as he lowered himself to his knees in the boat before her, continuing his trail of tender kisses down until he reached her bust. They then stopped all together as the blue-haired prodigy’s gaze wandered back up to briefly meet with hers before he leaned in and gently ran his warm, wet tongue against her visibly hardened nipples for the first time, sending a shiver shooting up Akari’s spine as she was unable to hold back a breathy moan. It wasn’t overly loud or drawn out, but it was as clear an indication as any that the green-haired girl was very much enjoying Sora’s skilled attentions, and they only continued to escape from her as he moved on to take firmer and firmer licks upon them, each one sending another spark of pleasure through her body. The intensity only grew from there when Sora closed his lips around her sensitive nubs and began to kiss and suckle on them as if he were trying to draw milk from them that she didn’t have, and that – combined with the rapid flicks from his tongue and the continued groping of whichever one of her breasts didn’t have his mouth’s attention – soon had Akari arching her back slightly and squirming in her seat as her breath quickened and a series of soft, pleasured moans began emanating from her throat, continuing to the point where she would eventually have to pull away for a moment in order to calm herself back down a little.

The sensations were incredible, with Sora’s ministrations somehow proving far more pleasurable than when Akari would attempt similar such actions on her own, leaving her mind in something of a haze for the moment. As such, when Sora directed her to lay down along the wooden beam on which she was seated she did so without a second thought, her hands coming to rest on her stomach and her legs parted slightly with her feet planted in boat on either side, putting herself on full display for Sora as she watched him follow suit and straddle the edge of the thwart, allowing him his first glimpse at the heiress’s most private place hidden only by her simple light-blue panties, the crotch of which was already wet with her arousal thanks to his skillful ministrations.

It was then during the brief laps in activity that Akari’s anxiousness caught up with her a little before Sora spoke, reminding her to relax. “Okay...” she replied softly before taking a deep breath and releasing it, feeling a sense of calm fall over her again as she let her arms come to rest at her sides, allowing Sora to continue leaving a trail of soft nips and kisses down her abdomen and to her navel, stopping when he reached the point where her sash remained tied around her waist, the only thing keeping what remained of her robe still on.

It didn’t remain that way for much longer, however, as Sora easily undid the sash and let it fall by the wayside, allowing Akari’s silken garment to come loose and fall open the rest of the way, leaving her to gaze back at the prodigy in nothing but her panties and thigh-highs with the beautiful night sky behind him. Akari watched him then as the blue-haired boy took this moment shed himself of the rest of his own clothing as well, exposing himself fully to her now wandering eyes as she took in the sight of his toned, athletic figure, as well as her first brief glimpse of his erect length between down his legs. The sight caused her to gulp slightly as a sense of nervousness, excitement and curiosity bubbled up inside of her, but that nervousness faded almost as quickly as it had appeared as the green-haired girl looked back up to see Sora’s calming smile. It was as simple a gesture as a person could make, but it was enough to reassure her of the trust that she had in him.

Akari let out a gentle sigh as Sora a hand out to feel her chest and abdomen once more before sliding it back down along her midsection passed her navel and to her hips, cooing softly at his sensual contact. But she couldn’t help but to gasp sharply when she felt his fingers begin to stroke tentatively along her slit through the fabric of her panties, the sensation causing her to squirm slightly and her hands to move back up to rest on her stomach. Her visible reaction to his touch only continued as Sora took this opportunity to tease his informal rival a little more, rubbing at her through the wet spot in her panties and causing the desire and arousal within her to continue to rise until it became almost too much to bear.

“Oh, Sora...” Akari moaned softly. “That feels...nngh...so nice...” she said between breaths as she looked back at the youth with half-lidded eyes, her breath gradually quickening as the heat between her legs continued go grow, one of her arms moving up to rest just above her head with her hand lightly gripping the edge of the boat. “S-Stop...teasing me...” she muttered under her breath, her body ready and beginning to plead subconsciously for more.

Whether he was answering her body’s plea or simply continuing on at his own pace, it wasn’t much longer until Sora had withdrawn his hand from Akari’s crotch and slid them both back to her hips before pinching the sides of her panties and giving them a tug. Without a second thought the young heiress absentmindedly lifted her bum up off the thwart slightly as he slowly slipped them off, and then subsequently pulled her legs up and positioned them as necessary to assist in the intimate garment’s removal. She didn’t see where he had let them fall once they were off, but she could hardly care as she watched Sora lean down between her thighs, further parting them with the palms of his hands as he planted another kiss just above the green-haired girl’s small patch of pubic hair, causing her to shiver slightly in anticipation as she pictured what he was about to do.

On most nights it was something that Akari had fantasized about doing with another girl – either being on the receiving end like she was now or performing the act herself, imagining all of the various sights, sounds and pleasure-filled sensations that her mind could conjure during those lustful moments alone in her room. But when she felt the first few long licks from Sora’s tongue up and down her slightly swollen labia, it was all she could do to clamp down on her bottom lip in an effort to silence her moans as her back arched and her entire body tingled at the sensation. It was everything that Akari had imagined it would be and more, with every series of licks sending new waves of pleasure into her core stronger than anything that she had ever achieved on her own, and as the blue-haired boy developed a steady, presumably practiced rhythm with his tongue – alternating between slower, firmer strokes and more rapid, feathery flicks, Akari soon found her ability to suppress her moans being relentlessly put to the test.

It was one that the green-haired girl would inevitably fail, however, as Sora kept his head buried firmly between her legs with his oral muscle providing constant stimulation, coaxing more and more of her juices from her dripping pussy. “...hng.....nngh...! ...Hah~!” Akari finally cried out in ecstasy as the prodigy suddenly delved his tongue deeper into her virgin folds, her hand tightening its grip on the edge of the boat above her head and her hips bucking back against his face slightly as she did so. She managed to regain control of her vocals shortly thereafter – limiting them as best she could to muffled whines and strained gasps, but not before treating Sora’s ears to the sweet sound of several lewd moans and pleasured cries.

She had never experienced these sensations so intensely before, and as that familiar bundle of pleasure began to build up within her core Akari knew that she wasn’t going to last much longer under her rival’s absolutely blissful oral services. She didn’t understand how he was able to consistently pleasure to her body better than she knew herself. Could it be that his previous experience with other girls really did make that much of a difference? Was there something about Sora specifically that seemed to make everything he did feel incredible? Or was it simply because it was another person performing the acts that made the pleasure so much more intense that when she touched herself on her own? Whatever the reason, the effect that the blue-haired boy had on her was undeniable with his efforts having reduced the young dojo heiress to a panting, writhing mess as she felt her peak rapidly approaching.

“Nngh...ahh...! ...Oh, Sora~! I...nngh... I-I...! Ungh... Haaahhhhh~!” Akari cried out when it finally came, her continued attempts to quiet her moans falling by the wayside as her orgasm crashed into her, hitting her harder than any that the green-haired girl had brought herself to in the past. “...Hahh~! ...Hahhh~! ...Hmhh...! ...Nnh-ahhh~!” she continued to moan as Sora simply kept licking throughout it all, drawing out her climax and lapping up her orgasmic juices as her body tensed and convulsed, her hand gripping tightly at the edge of the boat as the other moved almost reflexively to the top of Sora’s head with her fingers in his hair, unwittingly keeping him held snugly in place between her legs as she road out her orgasm.

It wasn’t until Akari’s spasms finally came to a stop that the blue-haired boy pulled away, however, leaving her feeling well and truly satisfied as her hand slid off of his head and came to rest on her small patch of pubic hair where she proceeded to idly rub her still tingling pussy with her fingers, moistening them with her residual juices as she came down from her peak. She then brought them up to her mouth after a few seconds and began to slowly suck them clean, briefly savoring the taste of her honey like she always did after one of her masturbation sessions, before opening her eyes again to look back at Sora, a feeling of butterflies bubbling up inside of her again as she realized what he’d just seen her do. It wasn’t embarrassment that she felt, however...only a strange sense of excitement and exhilaration that she couldn’t quite explain, which only served to add to the flames of arousal that were still burning inside of her.

“Mmmh... Oh, Sora... That was...incredible,” Akari began, her voice breathy as she removed her fingers from her mouth and slowly sat up, finally letting her feet back down onto the floor of the boat at either side of the thwart before leaning forward and briefly pressing her lips to Sora’s. “I’ve never...mhh...had it feel that good before...” she admitted after pulling away, allowing the blue-haired boy room to scoot forward and better seat himself near the middle of the boat. She then brought her hands up to rest against the prodigy’s chest again and began to rub gently at his pectoral muscles, a playful grin forming on her lips. “I guess it’s...my turn to do you, then...hmm?” Akari teased as she leaned in and planted a kiss on Sora’s collarbone during her first pause, and then another on his chest at the next, her eyes glancing back up at his after each one.

From there, Akari would let her hands begin to explore her rival’s well-toned body, using one to rub and grope one of his pecs while the other eased it’s way down to his stomach and around his side, feeling the firmness of his abdominal muscles against her palm and gauging his reactions to her touch, hoping to elicit a similar sort of response as her own from before. The green-haired girl was sure that she was doing it the same way that Sora had done with her earlier, and she knew without a doubt that it felt good those times she groped herself like this when she was alone. As such, the lack of any sort of meaningful reaction from the blue-haired youth in response to her own efforts to pleasure his body was puzzling to her. She tried going a step further shortly after, leaning in and planting sensual kisses along his chest again before settling on one of his nipples, flicking her tongue lightly at the presumably sensitive nub while her palm continued to press and massage around the other.

Akari would finally manage to coax a couple of soft grunts from the youth with her deliberate ministrations, but it was nothing like what she was expecting based on her own – albeit reserved – pleasured reactions from before. Was she still missing something with her technique because of her lack of experience, perhaps? Or could it be that Sora’s body simply wasn’t as sensitive as hers in the areas where she was focusing her efforts? In any case, Akari didn’t dwell on the reasoning for very long before slowly pulling back, her gaze idly wandering down the prodigy’s naked body as she did so to see his member still standing fully erect between his legs, reminding her of at least one part of Sora’s body that even she knew would be sensitive...

Akari gulped nervously then as the thoughts that flashed through her mind in that moment caused a blush to appear on her cheeks. The young heiress could hardly believe what she was thinking of doing, but before she knew it one of her hands had brushed lightly against Sora’s length, causing it to twitch at the brief contact and causing an overwhelming feeling of curiosity and desire to suddenly surge though her. She wanted to touch it, to stroke it...and even to kiss it and lick it, more so than she ever had before... She wanted to know what it would feel like to hold it in her hands, or between her lips; to know what it smelled like...what it tasted like... But more than anything Akari wanted to see her rival’s reaction to her doing so – to see the look of pleasure on his face and to hear the grunts and moans that she could provoke from him.

The green-haired girl unconsciously licked her lips before her gaze drifted back up to meet Sora’s, the newly-kindled desire unmistakably visible in her eyes as the hand still resting against the other youth’s chest began to press firmly into it, urging him to lean backwards in his spot on the thwart. “Lean back...” Akari said, sliding her hand down over the front of his body as he followed the instruction and letting it come to rest on his thigh. She then shifted her own position on the wooden beam back a little before returning her lustful gaze to Sora’s erection, which – along with his testicles below – was now fully in view thanks to the pair’s change in position, their respective roles from before now effectively reversed.

Whether the prodigy opted to lie back all the way the same way Akari had, or decided instead to keep himself propped up with his arms so that he could watch as his informal rival proceeded to service him, the next sensation Sora would feel would be that of her fingers wrapping tentatively around his shaft, followed shortly thereafter by a gentle squeeze and a few experimental strokes of her thumb up and around the underside of its head. She could only stare at it bemusedly for a moment as she felt it throb slightly in her hand, finding it to be not quite what she was expecting, but at the same time not really knowing what to expect with her only knowledge of this part of a man’s anatomy being the few simple sketches and basic clinical information that she had seen in one of her father’s medical texts. Actually seeing a man’s penis...Sora’s penis...firsthand; touching it...holding it... It wasn’t quite like anything what Akari had imagined up to this point.

It was hard...and hot, especially compared to the cool night air that surrounded them. And it was big...bigger than she thought it would be. She didn’t really have a frame of reference with which to gauge its size relative to others, of course, but the most that the green-haired girl had ever done when probing her depths was to dip the tips of her own fingers into her honeypot, only going so far as the first knuckle on her middle finger. Sora’s penis looked as if it was almost twice the length of her whole finger, in contrast, and nearly three times as thick. The knowledge – which had crept up from the back of her mind – that this very thing was meant to...go inside of her... It was at once an almost intimidating and yet strangely enticing thought, causing Akari to bite her lip with an odd mixture of both apprehension and anticipation as she idly slid her hand down to the base of his shaft.

Despite the distraction caused by her lewd thoughts, the young heiress would not miss the soft hum of pleasure that finally escaped her date’s throat as a result of her touch, sparking a sudden feeling of satisfaction within her. The level of confidence in what she was doing began to swell then at having confirmed where she would need to focus her attentions in order to pleasure Sora, and along with it the desire to sate her curiosities regarding his manhood. So after only another moment of hesitation Akari would lean forward until her lips were about an inch away from it before parting them and slowly taking the domed head into her mouth, briefly reminded of the last time she had taken the first bite of a deoricot fruit as she gently clamped her lips down around it and pressed her tongue against the tip.

“Mmmh...” Akari hummed softly, closing her eyes for a moment as her senses were flooded with the same enticing aroma that had been tugging at her all evening, hitting her stronger now than ever before and causing her to shudder slightly as the heat in her loins flared once again. The green-haired girl then slowly tilted her head up and opened her eyes to look back up at Sora, grinning impishly as she presumably met his gaze and let the head of his cock slip from between her lips with a faint slurping sound reminiscent to what she would make when eating a candied deoricot or other candied treat. The brief comparison caused her to chuckle lightly at the thought. “Hm-hm-hmm~ You know...” she began, pausing to plant a feathery kiss on the underside of his shaft, “...I’m not sure that...” she continued, followed by another kiss, “...I’ll be able to...” and another, “...eat deoricots anymore, after this...” Akari finished, grinning back up at her rival while she used her hand to better angle his penis down towards her lips before taking the head back into her mouth.

Akari then repeated that general motion a few times, slowing pulling the tip of Sora’s member out from between her firmly clamped lips and then taking it back in, occasionally flicking or swirling her tongue around it, all the while keeping her gaze fixated on Sora and gauging his reactions to her efforts. For as confident and as eager as the heiress become despite of her lack of experience, the truth was that she really didn’t have any idea what she was doing at this point. The only reason she was loosely mimicking the motions that she made when eating hard-candied treats was that it was all that thing she could think of that would allow her to try and pleasure Sora as effectively as he had managed to pleasure her. Luckily, however, her efforts – amateurish as they were – would prove effective enough to finally cause the blue-haired boy to moan and squirm slightly before her, boosting not only her confidence but her own arousal all the more as well.

The heiress then slowly pulled her lips off of his cock once more with soft ‘pop’, grinning as she lightly kissed it again before lowering her mouth down to the base of his length, briefly glancing back up at the blue-haired youth from behind his stiff rod before opening her mouth and giving it a long, slow lick along the underside from the base to the tip, where she would plant another light kiss before repeating the process once more. “Hmmh... So, does that feel good~?” Akari asked as he gaze met Sora’s, a part of her quietly hoping for a positive response from her rival despite the somewhat playful and teasing tone in her voice.
Re: Fist of the Phoenix (xgkf) GMed by Takimaru

Akari: HP = 76, PP = 33, EP = 33, Status = Fine

For someone in Sora's position, there were many things that could have been done 'wrong', as Akari had very specific points of pleasure and habits that a male--let alone someone other than herself--might not easily understand. Luckily for her, the heiress felt no such discomfort during the heated cunnilingus session. While her partner might have skipped over some of her favorite weak points, or ended certain degrees of attention too early, perhaps intentionally, he was, most importantly, dynamic and persistent with his oral efforts, which did wonders for the Honrainese beauty. Sora's choices didn't match the routine that his partner had frequently used on herself to the letter during those lonelier nights, and yet, the feeling of unpredictability, of interactivity, was a fresh one for the green-haired virgin. If nothing else, the prodigy's deft tonguework introduced Akari to new areas of bliss that she hadn't even considered before, but might very well make a habit of from then on.

And when she came, he would remain firm in his earnest efforts to help her enjoy the best possible climax she could--and what an orgasm it was. Not only was it more intense to have the feeling of someone's tongue fervently lapping away at her sensitive womanhood, but the waves of pleasure that hit her were more numerous, having taken her for a the longest 'ride' she could remember having. Was this Sora's doing alone, or was it simply how her body reacted when enjoying the company of someone else? It was hard to tell, considering she had little experience with anyone other than her current partner... but either way, Akari's body screamed at her for more. While the brief, yet satisfying peaks she had brought herself to in the solitude of her room were often enough to help her relax or find sleep, this one was different. It kicked her sex drive into high gear, making the urge to feel the newfound ecstasy that could only be experienced with a partner stronger than ever before. Even the juices she had released, while copious, were licked up without hesitation by the blue-haired youth.

Even after the series of spasms came to an end, Akari had ended up putting on something of a show for her lover, rubbing herself as she had only done in the complete absence of any others. But now, she was doing so just for him. Perhaps unwittingly, she proceeded to take it one step further with a full-on display of tasting her own honey. While perhaps more of an unconscious gesture on the girl's part, it earned her a wide-eyed look from Sora, who struggled to contain his surprise. It was an unexpectedly lewd thing to do for the otherwise reserved dojo heiress, at least in the eyes of her partner. But despite his initial reaction, he wouldn't let the outing of such a secret bother him for long, simply playing it off. "I thought you tasted pretty good too," he commented slyly, managing a grin. The prodigy was quick to embrace her once again, allowing her to feel his shallow, heated breath mingling with her own, as if letting her know that she wasn't the only one on the boat with a much higher libido than before.

Seating himself on the middle thwart as she had, he blinked several times at the girl's rather direct suggestion that she would willingly return the oral favor. "S... S-Sure," he stuttered in response, lacking some of his typical coolness for once. The thought of the heiress of the Red Phoenix Dojo getting on her knees for him, so to speak, was an astonishing thought even to one of the composed members of the roster. Ryuu might have jumped at the opportunity and proclaimed his deeds to all that would listen for days on end afterwards; Souta probably would have fainted. But Sora would just take in the moment, kissing the girl passionately before allowing her to descend along his neck and collarbone, with his heavy, audible breathing encouraging her the whole time. His firm muscles tensed at her silk touch, showing that even he, for as calm as he often appeared, was not immune to the nerves brought about by such a sensual and intimate experience. Sora's heartbeat was as rapid as her own, and Akari could tell as much before she had even gotten down to his chest.

As the girl turned her focus towards her lover's sculpted chest, she would indeed find that her partner wasn't quite as sensitive there in general as she herself proved to be; that is, until she reached his nipples, where he stifled a gasp and a soft pant in response to her dedicated work. "Unnnhh," he groaned, turning his head to the side, which might have at least earned some degree of satisfaction from the green-haired maiden. His hands found her upper back and gripped at her flesh, though he managed to stay much more quiet than Akari would be in the same situation. Yet the heiress would not allow herself to be discouraged by the difference in preferences, and a glance down gave her a new hope by which she could hang on in terms of returning all of the pleasure he had brought her that night. There, just down and in front of her, was his member, fully erect and pointing upwards at her face as if awaiting her much-needed attention. Luckily for Sora, Akari didn't leave the most sensitive part of his body wanting for long, bestowing upon him the soft, blissful touch of her fingertips.

At first contact, his rod twitched on its own, proving as alive as its owner was, and in turn igniting Akari's curiosity of how it must feel firmly tucked in her grasp, in between her lips even. She would seize her chance to experience the sensation for the first time. Sora wouldn't argue when the girl softly issued her command, and the powerful 'thump' of his heartbeat against the palm of the hand she used to ease him onto his back told everything Akari needed to know about her partner's anticipation of the event. In the position she had guided him into, he was essentially at her mercy. But this was no reason for the youth to feel fear or any sort of apprehension. After all, he had trusted his body with her care many times before, in both training and in sparring. While this was undoubtedly a different sort of encounter, it wouldn't be THAT different thanks to the strong bond they had already established over the years. It made the progression of events feel far more natural than it might have been otherwise.

As Akari wrapped her fingers around his girth, she would see Sora's head tilt upwards, just enough to take in the view of her grasping him with care. His blush from before had deepened, and he gave her a most vulnerable look, one that she had never seen on him up until now. "Nnnnhh," he sighed, involuntarily twitching once more in her hand and savoring the feel of her firm grip. His cock was unlike anything the girl had felt before. It had just a slight degree of fleshy give on the outside, but beyond that, it was about as stiff as it looked. The member was certainly rigid enough to pierce her depths without an issue, though the ease of such an event was yet to be realized. Its inherent warmth was another noticeable quality, and it was a rather pleasant feel upon her hand given the relative chilliness of the night air around them. But the climate wouldn't do too much to dampen the overall mood. If anything, it would only encourage Akari to stay close to her partner, to keep active, and to maintain the tense, hot, passionate atmosphere that had built up around them as a result of the intense yet well-paced foreplay.

"Ohhhh... Akari, I... uuuh!" Sora moaned aloud as his date wrapped her soft lips around the head of his cock. Akari would find that the underside of its head had a neat little triangular break, a delta of sorts, perfect for her to run the very tip of her tongue up and down along. When she did, her partner's reactions would grow even more dramatic, proving the spot to be a particularly sensitive one. Sora groaned and shifted about, writhing even more powerfully in tune with the green-haired beauty's services. His familiar scent filled her nostrils, causing a haze similar to when she got really close to him earlier that night, but even more intense. It was a stronger sort of musk down there, but certainly not unbearable, and given Sora's naturally attractive body chemistry it only served to get Akari's juices flowing once more. The sentiment was no doubt mutual, and while Sora himself didn't have a face full of the girl's scent to go off of, he did have her tongue's determined teasing all about the head of his rod, and of course, the enticing visual imagery of her working so hard to bring him to the next level of pleasure. "Hahh... hahh... h-heh, I wouldn't mind tasting you again sometime either," said the youth in response to her line about deoricots.

His glutes tensed beneath him, shifting his hips upwards just slightly and sliding the shaft deeper in between Akari's lips. Sora slid one hand forward to grip her shoulder, while the other caressed the side of her face, brushing a few stray bangs back over her ear as she continued. And while her efforts didn't bring the sort of reaction that Akari would think to be a full-on orgasm, as Sora managed to hold on valiantly in spite of her spirited approach, she did get something out of it other than his cries of pleasure and his tensing body. A small amount of a slightly salty, slightly sweet viscous fluid dribbled forth from the tip of his manhood, giving Akari a new flavor to experience as she hungrily slurped him up and down. It wasn't spurting out at full force, but merely leaking, and would trickle all the way down his length unless the heiress made any active attempts to keep it from doing so. Knowing that she could at least cause this much for him would be an encouraging thing, no doubt. Sora didn't even seem to notice at first, but his enjoyment was as high as ever. "Of... c-course it does... huhhnnh... you're amazing," came the answer to her inquiry.

By the time she had finished with her teasings, he was harder than ever before, his tool shimmering from tip to base in her saliva. The look of need and want in his eyes was intense... and it was directed towards her. "Akari... I want you," pronounced the prodigy, loudly and clearly, though his breaths were shallow and labored. Despite being a virgin, she could easily guess what he meant by the declaration--that he wanted to go all the way, to be deep inside of her. Rarely before had Sora exhibited such a desire for something, and this time around, it was to be one with her. His body was certainly ready, thanks to her own efforts... and the trickle of the girl's own secretions could be felt running down her inner thigh, confirming that hers too was as ready as his. Whether her heart was, was another matter, but that was Akari's decision to make, as the response to his statement, along with the next course of action, was all up to her.