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Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Her only real gesture towards the bunny-ing of the bunny being a raised eyebrow, Isabelle quickly moved on to see what little possible things they had to salvage from the fight. There was nothing real useful, but something dangerous was there in form of the aphro powder. Taking that stuff quickly, the maid went off and buried it, making sure that Penny would not have any bright ideas about taking that stuff along. There were surely more than enough possible obstructions on their path already, and some lewdness-inducing powder did not need to be a part of that. Seeing that stuff being dealt with, she moved on to get their camp off from the forest so they could move on, making sure that the bunnygirl did not go to dig at the powder.

With everything done, another mostly dull day of travel waited, but Isabelle was not too sad about it all as she felt better with no hazards to combat on the trail. The evening time brought them closer to their destination, and they could probably find a decent cave or similar to set up camp again in the foothills. This would be what Isabelle suggested, unless Penny had some other information about their surroundings.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny giggled ticklishly at Cutie's licks that he gave her, and a couple of cute little half gasps half moans too. Before leaving, Penny did grab the aphrodisiac powder, unless Isabelle did, figuring that it could come in handy perhaps. "What? Don't you trust me with it? I'd never use it on my friends, unless they asked me to of course," Penny asked Isabelle, looking a little hurt that she took the stuff powder so fast.

With them soon approaching the border as the day ended, and them exiting the forest, Penny tried to recall what she might remember about this area, to get them a decent place to bed down for the night, so they weren't caught out in the open by anything, specifically the weather. She was all for finding a nice cave though if they couldn't find anything better, and would insist on bringing some firewood from the outer edges of the woods so they'd have it, to keep warm in the night, because she knew how cool the nights could be in those hills leading up to the Ironridge Mountains.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

you're both idiots XD
penny 6, Isabelle 20. Welp, Isabelle gets the powder and it is teh buried.

Isabelle certainly got to the powder first, and while Penny didn't remember anything specific in this area...

luck.. 3 XD

Neither of them could find a cave to sleep in, being forced to sleep under the stars in or in the trees and shrubberies available to them at this moment in time. But! they had no really villianous problems to deal with in the night, save for Cutie, who was getting restless and gropey.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny mumbled under her breath at not managing to grab the powder first, but let it go without a word, before they moved onward.


After their search for a cave turned ended in failure, Penny sighed softly and lamented their lack of good shelter for the night, and got them a fire going in the best sheltered area she could find for them. While she was getting the campfire going, Penny would gently tell Cutie no if he insisted on teasing her, telling him that they had to get the fire going first, and some food, and then he could play some, though she would pet him on the head and give him hugs to appease him at least for the time being.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Getting her way made Isabelle feel a little bit better further. They really did not need the distraction.

With no real cave to use for a camp, the two had make do with the features of the nearby foothills nature. Looking for the best possible shelter they could find together with Penny, the maid eventually settled on a spot with her bunny travel companion. It was not the best, but would have to do. Getting her maid on, Isabelle started make the place as best as she could while Penny dealt with the fire and the tentacle... whateveritwas. She would make food and prepare some good spots for bedrolls, adding some natural camouflage around them if she could make any decent shelter-type thing from the surrounding natural material with reasonable effort.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Camo roll
15 = +3 against random encounters.
Cutie roll
5. he remains a little rapey

Finding a little depression nestled between several small hills, the girls found that with a little bit of work they could camoflage the area fairly well, hiding them from wandering problems so long as noise or smoke didn't give them away.

Using her magical maid powers, the place was rendered comfortable and the cook fire small, while Penny prepared them a little bit by shifting things around so they could leave in a hurry or fight without tripping over everything without too much issue.

Cutie however would not be pacified easily and had to be bribed with an orange and an apple to leave Penny and Isabelle alone while they worked, and the way he was staying by the bedrolls ensured that he fully planned to rape one of them in the night, even if you couldn't rape the willing in penny's case, she was certain he'd try to make that impossibility entirely plausible.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny did bribe Cutie with apples and oranges both, to keep him from pouncing on her before they were ready for the night, not wanting to have to worry too much about all that. "Alright Cutie, if you want me through the night, then I won't mind okay, I just wanted to make sure that our camp was set up properly is all. Call it my thanks for being patient with me, m'kay," Penny told Cutie, once their camp was set for the night, petting him on the head and kissing him too, before grabbing herself something to eat, and afterward, when they were preparing to bed down for the night, Penny made sure to undress to just her panties, and left her bedroll with easy access, but made sure that she was close to the fire to keep warm.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

With some usage of magical maid powers that only one of the profession could use, Isabelle made things a little bit neater for them all, feeling some pride about it afterwards. She had not chosen the wrong job, and times like these were only proving her right about it all. After eating up and generally refreshing herself a bit, Isabelle would sit watch for a bit before taking it to the bed, just wanting to be sure that there was no possible harassment from the outside coming their way. From the inside, that appeared to be another matter as there were some talks between Penny and this Cutie thing which were suggesting things rather plainly.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Cutie Roll~ :3
1 of 2. Isabelle is the victim.

Both ladies went to bed, with Penny doing her best to make herself vulnerable for the little tentacle monster, but it didn't help. Late in the night, Isabelle was beset by sweet, dark dreams of pleasure.

She awoke with a start, Cutie's tendril buried deep in her folds, thrusting very slowly, very gently, while his many tongues curled around her breast, stroking and toying with her nipples.

She'd find her legs had been tightly bound together to limit her struggling to a minimum, and her hands had been raised above her head and pinned while the tendril continued to gently thrust. It was up to her whether she cried out for Penny's help, or simply enjoyed her current predicament. her dreams had had her being taken by one of Cerin's creations, all vines and flowers, and the arousal and pleasure were still there. Fighting this creation of her Master was up to her.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Not finding any reason to stay up for too long, Isabelle eventually did get to sleep herself, a bit surprised that she did not see any lewdness start right then.

But there was to be lewdness, just that it did not target Penny, unlike their wishes. Waking up to a whole lot of outright violation, Isabelle found herself in a situation that both was and was not to her liking. No matter how she might have tried to explain against it, she was certainly enjoying the whole binding aspect of the moment, and of course her body was betraying her mind in the face of the pleasure. But the mind was still there and working like it would, so she voiced her disapproval. "What are you doing, you weird slug?! Did she not make the message clear?! Get off of me and go molest that horny rabbit, she would have invited your dumb ass!" the maid would protest loud enough to make Penny wake up and maybe do something about it, but she was not holding much faith.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny mumbled in her sleep, while Cutie made his way over to her companion, completely oblivious to what was happening until she heard Isabelle's voice calling to her from far away, it sounded like, having been in the middle of a dream where she was being petted by her mistress, and fed a carrot right out of Batest's hand, making Penny smile happily as her ears flicked back and forth to show how happy she was.

"H-Huh... w-what's going on?" Penny said as she awakened, jerking up and looking around, yawning as she saw Isabelle struggling with Cutie.

Seeing what was happening, Penny giggled and stared over at Isabelle for a few moments, grinning a bit as she did. "Well, lady Cerin did send him along to us, so that'd make him a gift from her I would think. Don't you like gifts from lady Cerin, Isabelle?" Penny said, yawning again and looking amused that Cutie hadn't gone for her, when she'd made herself so vulnerable for him.

If Cutie looked at her, she'd open her arms in a welcoming action, smiling happily at him and letting him come over to her if he liked, though she made no real moves just yet to stop him, because she thought that Isabelle could use some real relaxation, and Cutie was hella good at that, she knew.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Cutie Roll! 1 Penny 2 Isabelle 3 BOTH!
... 3 XD God Damnit
1 YES!
1 Yes 2 No!
1 YES! God Damnit hahahaha It hurts hahahahahaha

Cutie lifted up to look at Isabelle as she protested, tilting it's head whilst still steadily thrusting into her folds, if anything tightening his grip, before hearing the insult. His response was to blow the most impressive raspberry either girl had ever heard considering he had a trio of tongues, while he flailed all his other limbs around wildly, each being 8 feet long, and of which there were plenty.

Penny made herself heard though shortly after and he turned his head, waving at her cheerfully while lightly slapping the sides of Isabelle's breasts for having such a dirty mouth. His response to her inviting gesture however was to reach over with three limbs and physically pull Penny over next to Isabelle, pinning her in much the same way, and immediately filling her folds, pushing her panties aside, and her mouth, because carrot nibbles, fucking her like he knew she liked it, hard and deep, clearly enjoying himself as he brrrrbled

But he wasn't sure how to make Isabelle happy immediately, so while he continued to outright violate her, which was feeling pretty good at the moment while she struggled and likely protested some more, which would earn her breasts another spanking, he reached over and retrieved both a small set of glasses, and a folded note.

Holding the glasses to his eyes, he read it, before Phylrrrblblllbl'ing cheerfully, and retrieving several things from the saddlebags that were not immediately apparent to either girl. It was Isabelle's special latex maid outfit, but she didn't notice that until she was unceremoniously flipped over onto her front, and her arms were pulled behind her back, the strange tentacle beast lifting her body in segments as he fucked her harder and faster, forcing her through a powerful climax, before wrestling her into the tightfitting latex. She had about a half second of struggling in her before she felt the armbinder pulled up her arms and strapped down, hearing the damning sound of built in locks snapping shut as it ran all the way to midbicep and strapped into the entire outfit. If she complained, he'd immediately force the lower face covering muzzlegag into her mouth, and if she didn't, he'd force her to gasp, or cum, and force it into place anyway, politely pulling her hair out of the way as the large bulb was pulled passed her lips, and he deftly buckled all the straps without any fingers. Next was the spreader bars, broken down into helpful chainlike segments around her thighs and ankles, and the ballet pointe boots, before he flipped the maid back over and spent nearly a full 10 minutes getting the clit snare and wire into place, before winking at her, and holding up the bulb for her inflatable gag, starting to slowly squeeze it, and fill the struggling maids mouth until her protests, moans, and cries of either rage, or pleasure, were almost entirely silenced to quiet whimpers and grunts.

The bunny got another treat, a good buttfucking to round her off, having not stopped thrusting into her pinned form the entire time, and clearly enjoying himself with both of his new bestest friends ever, while Isabelle got to look forward to being stuck in her very restrictive and lewd suit until Penny managed to both A: Find the Key, and B: See fit to let her out of it.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"This is not from her, dummy. Goddammit master, why do you have to do these things to me..." Isabelle disagreed with the whole suggestion that this was somehow a gift from Cerin, who was usually serious enough to not try and sabotage the tasks she send the maid out to do with random perv monsters. Despite her resistance, Isabelle could not really resist the thing and got aroused against her will, being only a common supermaid with powers related to making food and cleaning, not necessarily for fighting weird tentacle blob things.

Seeing the whole reading thing happen, Isabelle was starting to question her sanity as she did not really expect blobby things to understand things like writing or books. When it started to go for the things in the bag, the maid got outright mad. "Don't you fucking do this to me. This whole thing will go to shit and I'll have to explain why we failed to get anything done." she tried to reason with the thing, but as expected it did not have too much effect and she was soon set into a getup of bondage. Already cursing Penny in her mind, she made a pact with herself to kill them if they fucked around after getting free. This would not do as they had a job to do, and her in being locked in a suit and getting off constantly did not necessarily make for good odds.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny waved back to Cutie just as cheerfully when waved at, and smiled after saying what she did. When Penny was scooped up by Cutie and she was pulled over though, she gasped and made a mock yelp of surprise. "Oh come on, don't leave me hanging like this Cutie. If you're gonna do something for her, do something for me too," Penny said, squirming in his grasp and shaking her butt at Cutie as she was reeled in.

Penny watched as Isabelle was put into the bondage gear, moaning softly as she was plunged into by the tentacles, her mouth eagerly sucking on the tentacle in is. She lay there beside Isabelle, grinning around the tentacle in her mouth, and decided to just enjoy herself as the pleasure poured through her body. When she felt the tentacle slide into her ass, spreading it around the thing, Penny squealed around the one in her mouth. Though, she did figure that as soon as they had both gotten good and fucked, that she might ought to unlock Isabelle's outfit, though then again... maybe she ought to wait until morning, when she'd cooled down a bit.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Cutie continued railing them both for about another hour, no longer holding Isabelle down as he had no need with her so heavily bound, using them both until they'd passed out. When they awoke, they'd find the little monster curled up in a saddlebag peacefully sleeping, Isabelle still in her suit, and Penny locked in a chastity belt.

The Key to Isabelle's suit however was hanging around Penny's neck. There was no key visible to her belt though. Ensuring everyone could spend their time from now on derp free and saved from the unending sexual appetites of those around them. Though... being belted, Penny would probably get a lot of Oral practice in if they lost a fight.

The belt itself was padded lambskin and steel, and there was no way to slip it she could see as it wrapped firmly around her hips and fluffy tail. There was also a new note, though this was written in the dirt in neat tentaclewriting.

Thank you lovely ladies so much~! Though I must say, I am quite tired and will spend the next several days sleeping. Please see to any concerns you might have and wake me only during an emergency or I shall be quite cross. Needless to say Lady Cerin is unaware of my presence here, but was already flogging the Master last I saw them. Though I imagine this was more to assuage Madam Isabelle's outrage at his salacious gifts. It is my incredible pleasure to inform you both that I have been tasked with seeing to the issue of a local giant honey bee infestation, and will be leaving for that task in 3 days time, whereupon I shall return to you both upon the road. Best of luck to you both. -Sir Donahue Cute Ignacious Edward Pi.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

The angry in Isabelle did not go away as she was continually molested, only really fading out once she was actually too tired to remain awake, after which she passed out into rageless sleep.

But once morning came, it all came back as the maid was not free from her bondage. Somehow making it to reading the text, Isabelle wanted to go up and kick the tentacle thing out from his bag, but with her current equipment it would only end up with her falling onto her ass. Once Penny was up, the maid would enforce her desire to be free from the binds by headbutting her partner every few minutes it took her to get into releasing her. The job needed to be done, and would not be in the current situation.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny didn't mind the railing that Cutie was giving her, and quite enjoyed it actually, squirming around and grinding herself against his tentacles as he drove them into her repeatedly. She squealed around the tentacle in her mouth and squirmed like crazy as she was pounded by Cutie, rocking her hips back and forth in time with his movements, and just really loving every moment of this. She also enjoyed the fact that Isabelle was kind of forced to like it too, and couldn't help but smirk around the tentacle in her mouth while moaning.

After she had fainted, and woke back up again, Penny looked around and yawned, stretching a bit, and then finding herself in a chastity belt, which she gasped and flailed a bit about. "W-What the hell? I... you know what, I'll just go with the flow here. I'm sure Cutie had a good reason for it," Penny asked, before immediately calming down and sighing, letting the bit of anger that surged up bleed away instantly.

Looking over at the note Cutie had written in the dirt, Penny read it over as Isabelle also did. "Hey... t-there's no need to get so angry about this Isabelle. So just calm down, and don't hurt Cutie, please, and I'll let you out," Penny told her companion, gently patting her head to try and get her to calm down.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Once Isabelle had convincingly Faked calming down during her headpats, Penny would release her with the key and several locks, and the maid would be free to continue being less enraged about the constant distractions to their mission, while Cutie would make no reappearance. And the slutty bunny was in a belt, so she couldn't slutty no moar. There was a matching belt in the saddlebags if the enraged cleaner of all the things felt the need to likewise seal herself off so no more shenanigans could be had.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Not needing to headbutt Penny more than a few times, Isabelle was eventually out from her restraints like it was meant to be. This was not the time for such acts of wanton pleasure, and she could actually calm down to a reasonable state of mind in a few minutes after everything was as it was to be. Not seeing too much reason to mess around with any of the other stuff, she would be fine going just as she was.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny yelped as she was headbutted by Isabelle a few times, thankfully not too hard. He belt being there was distracting, and made her shift her hips around a bit as she helped her companion up. "You don't g-gotta hit me like that, Isabelle. I was gonna let you out to begin with," Penny told her companion.

Once they were both up and freed, and ready to go, Penny would help pack their camp up so they could get head on out. "Let's hope we can find what it is we're looking for. I don't want to disappoint my employers after all," Penny said with a soft sigh as they prepared to leave.