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Florida (All Parts)

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Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris stared at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"I have no idea what you mean, but I'll take it you can't sit in a car without falling out? Anyway, when they didn't follow us out I figured that something was up. So ... I took our new friend to London quickly, and left her with Declan. She apparently knew him because she practically jumped into his arms to give him a hug. Anyway, after giving him a quick rundown I ported back here to see what was going on. When I saw one of them leave for cover, I took out his buddy, then came over here to make sure he didn't get the drop on you. Looks like that was a good move. So um ... I can't port you out if I can't touch you or anything, and if you can't sit in a car ... I think we may have to walk. Course ... I'd better wash off this blood first."

As he said this, Sarah could see that his entire arm was covered in blood. A quick check confirmed it wasn't his, but rather the blood of the soldier, who she now noticed had a fist sized hole in his chest about where his heart should have been. Said organ appeared to be missing.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Even as Sarah's mutations continued, she didn't stop glaring. "Well, yes and no. I can probably keep up with you well enough, but let's jus say it's not gonna be easy as buckling up.." Even still, the carnage, now that Sarah looked properly at it, made her wince, even moreso as she feels her body changing more. Chris may notice a few spare limbs hanging from Sarah's back, if they accidentally flowed through her coat, as a third eye now graced her forehead, also wincing close at the amount of blood. "I've... seen plenty of gore in my time, but still, eww..."

Continuing to float a bit nearby as her clothes seemed to defy the laws of physics to stay with her, Sarah mentally lifted her bag nearby with her. "So, she's safe, good," she remarked, giving a sigh of relief. "Then what are our orders from here? Head on back?"
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris semi shrugged.

"Well our orders were to make sure our friend was brought to safety, which has been done so ... yeah, we can pretty much return home as soon as you can travel. Just not sure how I'm gonna get you back though since I'm guessing you'll just pass through most solid matter, and I'm guessing my hand would just pass through your shoulder."

As he spoke, he grabbed a garden hose, muttering a "thank god" when it proved to be on. He quickly rinsed off the blood, standing back up with a soaked shirt, but pretty much clean of blood.

"Still ... phase one you said? I can only assume that either has something to do with the Lazarus Virus, which is unlikely given how far they've worked on that, or that it has something to do with whatever the reason was they're after the Montana Subjects. I'm betting on the latter, though the fact they were willing to lose one of them just to get rid of the two of us indicates that perhaps there's some things we don't know about their plans that we really need to find out about. How ... long before you are ... solid again?"
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah sighed deeply. "Normally, an hour or so, unless I diluted the serum. Once again, wasn't quite expecting you to come back..."

Giving a sigh, she manuvers her nonphysical body to be floating over the debris she had hidden behind, checking on her normal arm on how much damage was left from the Uzi attack. Luckily, the transformation has at least cleared it up partway, and Sarah was sure it was going to stay together when she returned back to normal.

"A part of me wishes he had gone through with the shot... I wouldn't be stuck in this form, and either way I woulda come round..." she comments, almost absentmindedly. To be honest, she hated feeling like a liability right now, especially considering she had jumped the gun so early. Admittedly, she hadn't expected Chris to go halfway across the bloody world and back, but even still...
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris was silent for a long time, seemingly lost in thought. If he had heard her rambling, he gave no outward indication of it at all. When he did speak, it was with a serious tone to his voice, one that might make Sarah pause because of the tone, and the specific question asked.

"Sarah ... how many teleports is that today? Counting the four I just made going to London and back, as well as the two combat teleports just now?"
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah stopped as the question was asked, her mind thinking again. One of her extra limbs reached up to go through her hair, the long claws tangling slightly. "I dun recall ya using any on the sub so... six is about right, ya..." she admits, floating pensively.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris was silent for a long moment before shaking his head.

"One on the sub, when we wanted to be sure we didn't have any unwelcomed guests when we brought the Mer-Woman on board. So that makes at least 7 then. Wonderful ..."

He trailed off into silence, something seeming to be bothering him about the number.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah cocked her head to the side a bit. "Is something wrong?" she asked, genuinely concerned about him, even if she did wish right now he had either been faster or had been able to follow, either one.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris hesitated for a moment before replying.

"Well, I don't know how much, if anything you know about John, so a little history is in order. John's a teleporter like me, except he's a boat load older. Hundred plus years older. Anyway John used to use his ability a LOT when he first was gifted with it. About ten years after he got it, something happened to him that caused him to become a mass murderer for quite some time. He's fine now, Helen told me about what happened between him and Tesla, seems the electrical 'torture' that Tesla did to him jolted him back to his senses."

He paused, considering his words again before he continued.

"Anyway, my concern is that perhaps John over did the teleporting thing on a daily basis. Basically my fear is that if I use my gift too much ... whatever happened to John that caused him to go insane ... could also happen to me. Now you've seen what I'm capable of, and frankly the thought of going on a rampage and not being able to control myself from doing it? Well it scares the shit out of me. Seven in one day is a lot for me, I usually try to do no more than two or three max if I can avoid it. With the Cabal crap going on, I've been having to use it a bit more than I'd like to. I'm just worried about ... ya know, going batshit insane and all."
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah nodded a little, understandably. "I see... To be fair, it's a valid concern, but for most of the trips, well, while some were needed, like dodging that grenade, some may not have been. Just like me not expecting you to be back at soon, maybe it's time for you to realize you got some backup now too as well, hmm?" Sarah remarks, trying to make light of the bad situation and rather morbid topic.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris was silent for a long moment as he chewed over her words in his mind. When he spoke, it was a bit softer than she was accustomed to hearing.

"I'll be honest with you. I'm used to having one person watch my back, and that is Ashley. Actually, we watch each other usually. Circumstances obviously made that unavailable. It's ... difficult I guess to adjust to people I don't know. I mean no offense in any way, it's just for me ..."

He paused, mulling over word selection for a moment before continuing on.

"If you've ever had someone who for a few years has been your only partner, you know what I mean. You get used to them, know how they'll react, all the fine points about them. Where they end, you begin and vice versa. I guess I've just gotten so used to one person that I've forgotten how to adjust on the fly at times, forgotten that I don't have to be some immovable object all the time. Actually, if Helen found out one little thing about Ashley right now, she'd probably try to pull her out of field work. I know better than to say it to her, she'd be so pissed."

Another pause, and then he nodded his head.

"I have nothing against you at all, and you handle yourself well under fire. Hell of a lot better than some of the people I've worked with over my years at the Sanctuary, and before that in the Military. I think today I've probably reacted a bit out of character for myself. I apologize if I've offended you in any way."
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah listened quietly as Chris explained himself, not offering remarks or interrupting until he was finished, before quietly nodding. "No offense taken. Even though for a long time I've had to play lone wolf, I know what it's like to have people that care about ya," she remarks, simply nodding. "Trust me, not just you having to adjust to new situations, that's for sure," she remarks, almost stopping herself from glancing around out of habit. Stupid survivor twitchyness...
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris nodded, remaining silent for a bit longer. Finally he spoke, after checking his watch.

"If your calculations on the timing were right, that serum of yours should be wearing off soon. The hell is in that stuff anyway?"
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah blanched as Chris asked about the source of her serum. "Er... well, ya know that one zombie apocalypse I mentioned I was stuck in? Well, I ran into this one zed, it was... different then the rest. I looked up later in some of the NecroTech files using my mom's passcodes, and found it was part of some biotech project. Later on, I started tweaking with it, trying to see if it could work as a cure. While I didn't find a cure to the zed virus, I did find that some of the concoctions kinda helped make my own... abnormality... a bit stronger. However, this is the only one that's really stable while, er, whole," Sarah explained, her eyes downcast a bit. Before suddenly flopping down with a squeak, turning corporal as her mutations slowly focused back into her. "Wow, it's been a hour already?" she remarks, quickly getting to her feet and straitening herself up a bit. "Now that I'm not holding us up anymore, shall we head out?"
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Chris was silent for a long moment after, though he didn't seem to be passing judgement, but rather just absorbing it and filing it away.

"Hmm, perhaps some day I may talk to you a bit more on this stuff, if this zed virus as you call it is still viable ... Well it probably would be a good thing to know what I could of it."

He paused at her question, then blinked when she was rather unceremoniously plopped back onto the ground.

"Yeah, I guess it has been. Very definitely, let's get out of here. Time to hit the road again.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

Sarah nodded quietly without further pushing the subject. She was sure it'd be a rather sore one should she be forced to talk about it, allthough she figured it'd be a bad one to just have to explain after having it invoked as well. Either way, she grabbed her stuff and followed Chris out.
Re: Florida (All Parts)

((For the time being going to be assuming they are driving and then on a flight back to Calgary. We wrapped up a bit sooner than I expected, and thus Clagary isn't QUITE ready for us to return yet))
Re: Florida (All Parts)

((For the time being going to be assuming they are driving and then on a flight back to Calgary. We wrapped up a bit sooner than I expected, and thus Clagary isn't QUITE ready for us to return yet))

((Not a prob, I can wait. Didn't mean to wrap it up before ya needed it, jus not much left to say.))
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