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FMA ZA Renewal


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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As Wolf has left (or at least said he most likely won't be back due to trying to find a job) I will be rebooting the FMA ZA game because I have insufficient knowledge on where Wolf wanted to take it.

Anyway, the game itself takes place in the FullMetal Alchemist universe where the players will be able to choose to be either a State Alchemist, a normal soldier or even a humanoid Chimera. For now I'll just put the story plot down, as the system is gonna be the same as before (freeform with a point system to upgrade your alchemy and other skills). Be warned, for those of you who haven't read FMA yet the story will have some spoilers. Everything else will be made up by me.

Set 20 years after the end of the war against the Homunculi, Amestris has now become a democracy where emphasis on military might has been decreased significantly.

The battle against the Homunculi almost proved to be the end for Amestris, in an attempt to create another Philosophers Stone Father had activated the circle carved undearneath Amestris. Or at least tried to but thanks to the efforts of the Briggs forces the circle was too damaged to activate. Forced to use extreme measures Father used his 'backup plan' and activated the circle underneath Central City. This wiped out much of its population and it seemed as if Father and the Homunculi had won. It was only due to the efforts of the Elric brothers and their allies that they defeated the Homunculi, though no official records exist of how this happened.

After the defeat of Father and the Homunculi Amestris had another problem; Information leaked out about the militaries involvement in the creation of the Philosophers stone and the true reason why Amestris was founded. Riots and civil wars broke out all over Amestris, and it took almost ten years to calm the people down and convince them that not everyone was aware of what was really happening. Mustang, who was considered a hero in the battle was decorated with the title of 'Fuhrer President', though this was but a shallow victory for him because he would never be able to see his nation grow due to now being blind.

True to his word Mustang had pushed Amestris into being a democracy, though now Mustang's title was merely for show, he did not hold much power beyong being the head of military. State Alchemists also came under fire because of the leaked information. The citizens of Amestris began to distrust them because of what happened, and even the military's Alchemist unit was cut down considerably, now only being used when theres absolutely no other alternative. They have also lost the power that comes with being a State Alchemist, they are no longer considered Major's and their research funds are almost non-existent. It isn't uncommon to see the citizenry acting hostile to State Alchemists, though most don't attack them now.

So, who's interested in joining up? I'll be creating more tech tree's and altering some of the alchemy ones soon and then I'll post them once they're finished.
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Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Oh, fun. I hope this one doesn't die like the previous one. Interest +1.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Lot's of interest shown :) interest +2
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Lol nah this one wont be dying, I'm not about to disappear off the forum unless I, you know, spontaneously combust or some shit lol

Also, if anyone's interested in what characters from the series will be in it/MIA/etc... then I'll make a list.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Normal or ero? I'm guessing theres no H content involved in this.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

I dont intend on having any H content in this, it's gonna be an action-type RP for the most part.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Interest shown.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

you know i want in on this, and I'm probably not gonna have the same alchemy as last time lol, I have a better idea for a character.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Just dont expect State Alchemists to be liked all that much. And the characters from the series wont be popping up that often.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

I dono, Oni. I might be persuaded to join. Other then human alchemy is anything off limits? Could I be a blood alchemist like the cannon guy?
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Kimblee's and Scar's alchemy is offlimits until you've mastered the skills needed to access them and then you need to find someone who'll teach you them. Obviously though if you're caught using them it'll mean bad stuff for you. Here's the old alchemy tech tree, I'll be making a new one soon to reflect the changes and additions to alchemy. I'm thinking about adding Gran's alchemy, but it'll be one where you'll have to master certain skills beforehand.

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Re: FMA ZA Renewal

interest + 4 Already have a few ideas to kick around a bit.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

I've pretty much got all the alchemy sorted out, I need to work on the gun tech tree which Hero is helping me with then all thats left is the Chimera tech tree.

Which leads me to ask; what kinds of Chimera would you like to see? So far all I've got is what was in the series and wasn't a brief appearance; canine, bull, lizard and snake. Those four will basically be what they were like in FMA, with the exception of the canine Chimera, who'll be able to change into a werewolf-like form similar to how the Bull one grows bull-like features. I will however be limiting it to one Chimera per five players, so its first come first serve once character submissions is open.

For those of you who want to know what some of the alchemy is going to be like here's the original material I did. However I will be changing and adding/removing some skills.

Re: FMA ZA Renewal

That could work, though it's alt. form would be similar to the canine's though with an emphasis on speed instead of brute strength.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Interest indeed shown.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Okay, what I need to know is what would people suggest for the tech tree's of each of the Chimera types?

Obviously they'd all start off with their alt. form, or at least their equivalent to an alt. form in the case of the snake and lizard types.

Canine - Werewolf-like form; the character's appearance is similar to a werewolf though without much of the fur. Whilst in this form their strength is increased considerably.

Bull - Bull-like form; the character's muscles bulk up considerably, increasing their strength much like the canine's though they are slower than the canine. However their endurance is much higher than the canine's and as such can shrug off most forms of damage. They also grow bull horns with which they can use to charge with though once they charge they cannot change direction and it is almost impossible for them to stop until they either crash into something, change back or exhaust themselves.

Feline - Werecat-like form; the character appearance is similar to a werecat though unlike the canine form they grow a fine layer of fur. While the feline form isn't as strong as the bull or canine form it is considerably faster to the point that they can dodge pretty much all melee forms of attack as well as most ranged attacks.

Snake - Extended limbs; the character's body can stretch to about 3x its normal length and can contort into almost impossible positions. Snake Chimera's can also enter through holes and gaps that most normal adults would have no chance of getting through. Their bodies also have a resistance to puncture and slash wounds.

Lizard - Adhesive Digits/Survival Instincts; A Lizard Chimera has the ability to climb all but the most slick of surfaces, this comes in handy for missions that require a more stealthy approach. As well as that they can also sever their own tail, this comes in handy when they are trapped by their tail or they have recieved a wound on their tail, however the tail takes a while to grow back. Lizard Chimera's are also physically repulsive.

They are each of the current Chimera's alt. abilities and will have them straight away.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Right, here's all the alchemy stuff;

Alchemy Tech Tree

Alchemy skill description's
Basic Alchemy
Basic Transmutation
This allows the alchemist to perform the most basic of transmutations. With it the alchemist can create and repair minor objects, from small toys to wrenches and other basic tools as well as most clothing using basic materials.

Average Transmutation [needs Basic Transmutation SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to transmute objects at an average level. Now with a greater understanding of how things work and are made the alchemist can work with a wider selection of items including basic machinery such as radio’s, television sets and telephones as well as using a wider variety of materials.

Expert Transmutation [needs Average Transmutation SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to transmute an even wider selection of items. As well as machinery and everyday objects the alchemist has been studying how weaponry such as guns and the like work as well as the ability to create doors in walls. Now the alchemist can repair and even create them if they have the right materials.

Master Transmutation [needs Expert Transmutation SL.5]
After extensive studying the alchemist can create and repair practically anything, the only limitation is the materials used.

Melee Weapon [needs Basic Transmutation SL.4]
This allows the alchemist to create a weapon of his/her choosing from the materials around them. The alchemist has to choose ONE melee weapon when purchasing this skill and once the decision has been made it cannot be changed.

A melee weapon can range from the ‘universal’ melee weapons (eg, sword, spear, club, axe etc…) to improvised and unexpected weapons (eg, lamp post, bench, plank of wood etc…) The only limitations is the physical strength of the alchemist and the materials at hand. The alchemist wouldn’t be able to create a wooden weapon out of metal just as the alchemist wouldn’t be able to create a metal weapon out of wood. Though it is possible for the alchemist to create a metal weapon for example by using a building (the metal would be transmuted from the metalwork inside).

Defensive Barrier [needs Melee Weapon SL.5 & Average Transmutation SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to create a wall or other barrier in front of themselves to impede attack from their opponent. As well as supplying cover this skill has many other uses, though only the most imaginative will find them out.

Ranged Attack I [needs Defensive Barrier SL.5]
This allows alchemists to create spikes that run across the ground, wall, ceiling etc… towards the alchemist’s target.

Ranged Attack II [needs Ranged Attack I SL.5]
This allows alchemists to create a cannon, of most sizes, and fire a cannon ball at their target.

Flame Alchemy
This allows the alchemist to create a flame equal to that of a match or lighter. Whilst it appears to be useless it can be used as a light source or even to ignite a flammable material or fluid. This alchemy ability can also be used in conjunction with Ignition Cloth. Has a range of around 20ft.

Flame Effect [needs Torch SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to create a momentary flash of fire over his hands or feet or their melee weapon as they deal a physical attack. The fire itself doesn’t last long enough to do damage to the alchemist who uses it though it does burn the alchemists target. For this to work the alchemist has to either have a transmutation circle somewhere on their body or use Ignition Cloth.

Area Blast/Fire Burst [needs Flame Effect SL.5]
Whilst it has a different name depending on the method used it does the same effect. The alchemist uses either a transmutation circle drawn up or Ignition Cloth gloves to create fire in an area. Considered an advanced version of Torch, the user can create a fire as small as the Torch skill or a fire large enough to raze a wide area to the ground. Has a range of around 40ft.

Explosion/Localised Explosion [needs Area Blast/Fire Burst SL.5]
This skill can only be used with Ignition Cloth gloves or with a match or lighter with a transmutation circle tattooed/carved onto the users hand. It is almost identical to the Fire Burst skill, though instead of creating just flames the alchemist creates a flaming explosion. ‘Explosion’ is simply that; a wide-ranged unstable explosion meant to take out a large area and ‘Localised Explosion’ is an explosion created to damage a smaller area all the while using the same explosive power as ‘Explosion’. While they are similar in nature both ‘Explosion’ and ‘Localised Explosion’ use slightly different arrays and as such the same circle cannot be used for them both.

Electricity Alchemy
This allows the alchemist to create a weak jolt of electricity that has enough power to jump start civilian vehicles as well as being able to disrupt mechanical devices and the like. Water also amplifies the power quite significantly, though alchemists are warned not to use electrical-based alchemy in water. The use of Spark Cloth gloves is also advised.

Electricity Effect
[needs Spark SL.5]
Similar to Flame Effect, though this adds electricity instead. It may also disrupt mechanical targets that use electricity to power them. As with Spark it is advised that the alchemist uses Static gloves with this alchemical skill as well as avoiding using it when in water or when the alchemist is wet.

Bolt/Lightning Streak [needs Electricity Effect SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to either create a bolt of lightning from his hand and shoot it at his target or in stormy weather to create steak of lightning from the clouds at a target. As with Spark it is advised that the alchemist uses Static gloves with this alchemical skill as well as avoiding using it when in water or when the alchemist is wet.

Lightning Arc [needs Bolt/Lightning Streak SL.5]
Similar to Bolt/Lightning Streak though it allows the alchemist to create a chained lightning attack either at one target or have the lightning arc at multiple targets. As with Spark it is advised that the alchemist uses Static gloves with this alchemical skill as well as avoiding using it when in water or when the alchemist is wet.

Water Alchemy
Water Control (Skill)

This gives the alchemist control over water, be that in the form of a readily available supply (eg, river, lake, bottle of water) or from the moisture in the air.

Water Control I
The lowest level of Water Control, this allows the alchemist to control only a small amount of water. At most the alchemist can create water ball twelve inches in diameter.

Water Control II [needs Temperature Control I SL.3]
The second level of Water Control allows the alchemist to control a much larger supply of water. Now the alchemist can create and control a water ball that can fully engulf an average human.

Water Control III [needs Temperature Control II SL.3]
With this the alchemist can control vast amounts of water. Entire rivers can now be controlled and manipulated by the alchemist as well as use the water content of the human body against them.

Temperature Change (Skill)
This allows the alchemist to instantly change the temperature of any water source s/he is using to hot or freezing. Naturally any temperature in between hot and freezing can be used as well. With this the alchemist can create ice. At level II the alchemist can change the temperature of an even greater amount of water.

Temperature Change I
[needs Water Control I SL.8]
This allows the alchemist to change the temperature of water from sub zero to boiling up to Water Control II.

Temperature Change II [needs Water Control II SL.8]
This allows the alchemist to change the temperature of water up to Control Water III.

Ice Coffin [needs Water Control III SL.8]
This allows the alchemist to instantly freeze the water inside another person, animal etc… this, under most circumstances would instantly kill the target. To enable this skill the alchemist has to physically touch his or her target, meaning that the alchemist needs the circle either tattooed onto their body or have an item on them that has the circle carved, stitched etc… into it.

Water Explosion [needs Water Control III SL.10]
This allows the alchemist to instantly boil the water inside another person, animal etc… this, under most circumstances would instantly kill the target. To enable this skill the alchemist has to physically touch his or her target, meaning that the alchemist needs the circle either tattooed onto their body or have an item on them that has the circle carved, stitched etc… into it.

Plant Alchemy
Plant Manipulation (Skill)

This allows the alchemist to control plants, using them not only for attacking and defending but for aiding with other tasks. Plant Manipulation offers very little at the beginning though as the alchemist gets better and increases their level in Plant Manipulation the benefits pay off. Though because of how demanding a skill it is very few people pick it up and learn it.

Plant Manipulation I
At level 1 the alchemist can control basic plants only, this includes grasses, simple flowers (eg, roses, daisy’s, tulips etc…), weeds, minor shrubs, creepers (ivy) as well as small fruit/berry plants and simple crops (eg, strawberry, potatoes, turnips etc…). These plants can also be made to grow larger than normal through cloning their cells, though naturally each plant has its limitations before dying.

As well as manipulating already grown plants the alchemist can use this skill to force seeds of these plants to mature earlier, though once the alchemy has worn off plants grown like this wither and die in a few hours. However, if growth is limited over a long period of time it is possible to create bountiful crops without killing the plant.

Plant Manipulation II [needs Plant Manipulation I SL.8]
This skill allows the alchemist to manipulate a wider variety of plants. Now the alchemist can manipulate vines, flesh-eating plants and other exotic plants as well as tree roots, though any tree’s whose roots were manipulated risk dying.

Whilst the selection may not seem much the alchemist can now manipulate a greater amount of plants. Seeds of these new plants can also be manipulated as well.

Plant Manipulation III [needs Plant Manipulation II SL.10]
This allows the alchemist to manipulate the very tree’s themselves, making seemingly entire forests not only move and attack the alchemists enemies but acting as a near-impenetrable wall. Naturally tree’s that have been moved in this way will die a few hours after the alchemy has worn off UNLESS the alchemist takes the time to re-root all the trees. As this is time consuming the few alchemists that have mastered this skill only manipulate a small selection of trees as so not to disrupt the ecosystem.

Healing Arts
Minor Healing
This allows alchemists to heal minor cuts and abrasions, as well as healing small bruises and easing swells and minor pains.

Antidote [needs Minor Healing SL.6]
An oddly named skill, this doesn’t actually fully remedy the effects of being poisoned, instead it forces the body’s immune system to create a temporary immunity which lasts for up to an hour for each use of this skill. As it doesn’t actually act as a true antidote a proper cure needs to be administered to permanently remedy whatever is ailing the person.

Average Healing [needs Antidote SL.4]
This allows the alchemist to heal deep cuts as well as coagulate blood to stop the loss of anymore blood. The alchemist can also fade away minor scarring and large bruises as well as ease large swelling.

Expert Healing [needs Average Healing SL.6]
This allows the alchemist to now mend broken bones, so long as the bone hasn’t shattered into pieces and isn’t currently poking out of the targets body. The alchemist can also fix up larger, possibly life threatening cuts and other injuries though only to the point that the patient will remain stable for a while, they would still need medical assistance.

Master Healing [needs Expert Healing SL.6]
This allows the alchemist to all but breathe life back into the dead. Whilst their skill could be considered on par with the God’s themselves they cannot reattach limbs that have been removed from their original place for more than an hour, and any person they work on will invariably have their life expectancy reduced depending on the severity of the damage dealt to them as the more their cells have to be forced to reproduce to replace lost skin tissue, organs etc... the less time they have at a later stage to recreate cells needed then.

Advanced Alchemy

Dual Wielding [Requires M. Weapon SL.5 & Expert TransmutationSL. 5]
This skill allows the alchemist to create two one-handed melee weapons instead of the usual one. As expected the alchemist needs the appropriate amount of materials in order to create the weapons.

[Requires Flame Effect SL.5 and Minor Healing SL.5]
This skill allows the alchemist to seal up most wounds using the heat from fire. Whilst it forces the patient to feel more pain it not only seals up the wound but protects it from further infection as the heat kills any bacteria/virus’s on the wound. This skill is on par in terms of ability with ‘Expert Healing’, though alchemists tend to use it only when there’s no other option due to the amount of suffering the patient will be under during the use of ‘Cauterise’.

Electric Fence [Requires Electricity Effect SL.5 and Defensive BarrierSL. 5]
Combining both a barrier and electricity this allows the alchemist to create a wall of electricity to act as the ultimate form of defence. So long as the alchemist is continually activating the circle or using a nearby electricity source (a generator for example) the electricity will continue to create an impassable wall to all but the hardiest of opponents.

Poison [Requires Minor Healing SL.5 and Plant Manipulation I SL.4]
This skill allows the alchemist to change the pollen of most plants into a toxic powder that, when it is inhaled causes the target to become nauseous and if left unchecked the target will eventually be unable to perform even basic actions due to vomiting, a high fever etc…

Paralysis [Requires Poison SL.5]
Similar in terms to ‘Poison’ however the pollen attacks the targets nervous system, rendering them unable to move until the effects wear off.

Sleep Pollen [Requires Paralysis SL.5]
Similar in terms to ‘Poison’ and ‘Paralysis’ however the pollen puts the target into a deep sleep that they cannot awaken from until the effects of the pollen wears out.

Leaf Blade [Requires Plant Manipulation III SL.5 and T.Change II SL.5]
This allows the alchemist to freeze the water inside of plants to use them as a weapon. Not just restricted to leaves, the alchemist can also freeze all other plants to create a variety of improvised weapons with strength equivalent to tempered steel.

Chemical Recomposition [Requires Master Transmutation SL.5 and Explosion SL.5]
This skill allows the alchemist to change most chemicals and compounds into an explosive concoction that acts as a bomb. Almost anything can be transmuted like this, from simple objects like stones and lamps to even human beings, and even the type of transmutation can be decided, from slow acting bombs to instant explosions. Naturally any humans that this skill is used on die, for that reason it has been classified as a forbidden art. Anyone caught using it will face prosecution and if used on humans it can lead to the death penalty.

Alchemical Deconstruction [Requires Master Transmutation SL.5 and Master Healing SL.5]
This skill stops the alchemical process at its deconstruction stage to allow the alchemist to destroy any obstacle in his or her way. It can be used to deconstruct anything, including humans and as such it has been classified as a forbidden art. Anyone caught using it will face prosecution and if used on humans it can lead to the death penalty.

Greater Spark [Requires Spark SL.5 and Expert Transmutation SL.5]
This skill acts just like Spark but on a wider variety of machines, including vehicles as well as being fatal against humans in water.

M.Weapon, Ice Variant [Requires T.Control I SL.5 and M.Weapon SL.5]
This skill acts just like M.Weapon but allows the alchemist to create his or her weapons from ice if the alchemist so chooses to do so.

Defensive Barrier, Ice Variant [Requires Defensive Barrier SL.5 and W.Control II SL.5]
This skill acts just like Defensive Barrier but allows the alchemist to create the barrier from ice if the alchemist so chooses to do so.

Ranged Attack I, Ice Variant [Requires Ranged Attack I SL.5 and W.Control II SL.5]
This skill acts just like Ranged Attack I but allows the alchemist to create the spikes from ice if the alchemist so chooses to do so.

Iron Blood [Requires Ranged Attack II SL.5, Master Transmutation SL.5 & Master Healing SL.5]
This allows alchemists to transmute the metal in their body into weapons, be that blades, chains or even ranged weapons like needles, bullets and pellets.

A quick note; All alchemy skills that follow on in the main tree's (torch->fire effect/Spark -> electricity effect etc...) pretty much run off the same alchemical circle meaning that your character doesn't have to remake any portable arrays or circles on their gloves/tattoo'd on unless otherwise stated. The ones that do branch off, like the combo skills, they will need their own circles drawn up if they are to be used.

Another note; 'SL' refers to 'Skill Level'. Skill points are awarded either for advancing in the story, performing some unexpected feat or something else that I decide warrants the giving out of skill points. As well as the subtitle 'combination skill' there's also the subtitle 'Forbidden Alchemy', these skills aren't learnt automatically. You need to seek out an NPC that will be able to teach you these skills, and even then they'll only teach them to you once you've mastered the appropriate alchemical skills. The SL needed to advance is the highest level an alchemical skill has.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

This is relevant to my interests.