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FMA ZA Renewal

Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Hmm... No one around to hear, but a Xingese tribal arm banding worked for Scars brother... And soon after Scar himself!

And with the Melee weapon skill, could one transmute a different weapon than his norm should the situation call for it?

Blades are good up close but a polearm can double as a tool!

Anyway, I'll check back after my sleep cycle...

Right, now that we're in the right thread;

I guess your character can be from Xing, though I'm not too sure about him/her being connected directly to one of the original characters from the series. And no, you can't transmute a second melee weapon with the alchemy skill, as it already states you must choose one melee weapon when you buy that skill. You can however choose to carry another melee weapon different from the one chosen for 'Melee Weapon' alchemy skill.

Also, I'm going to need to know just how active you're going to be because I can't really deal with another semi-inactive player.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Ooh, almost a bit icy there...

Well to answer you though, still using the PSP, so if I do join, don't expect any long posts...

But I am on a bit more often now...

Now to go delete my sig to prevent future eye bleeding...

Some have already started complaining again...
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

I am getting a tad annoyed by the fact that most RP's end before they start because of inactive players and people joining up then losing interest and not letting the GM know.

Anyway, so long as you're going to active then you can join up, though if you do give me warning before you do go inactive for a length of time I'll take control of your character for you until you come back.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

I really don't see much harm in adding a couple more threads to post in, while I'll just bookmark them as we go, But thinking ahead.

As you said we will have to update our own Skill Tree regularly,

Well with a 512 char limit that would just delete the remainder of the post... =(

I would need a Secondary post for skills, Short and easy for me to mod later..

(Really..REALLY wish Sony ups that...)

But enough about that... Lets get the Char started shall we?

Name: Liu Tong
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Class: Alchemist
Alchemist Title:

Description: Stands approx. 6'1", Muscular, Atletic build, Jet black hair that falls back just past his shoulders, Black eyes.

Bio: Born into a family of nomadic Xingese Staff-Circus troupe, it was only natural he learned the trade of balancing family on poles, Staff fighting, Perfect balance, Herculean strength... That was untill eleven years ago..

After the great rioting, whatever was left of the troupe fell apart and scattered to the winds, After spending some years as an apothacary a group of wounded and dehydrated Amnestrian soldiers were brought to his door...

After nursing those men back to health he guided them safely back to Amnestris. But on the way back a conscription agent bumped into his, larger form, and when he thought about it... Why not improve the quantity of the people he could help. And with Alchemy, he could improve the Quality in which they receive... He would become a State Alchemist...

Skill 1: Basic Transmutation SL 3
Skill 2: Minor Healing

Inventory: Caligraphy brush, Inkwell, SA uniform

Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Everything seems fine, except that you've given Liu an extra point; his basic transmutation should only be at SL2. And given your circumstances I don't see it being a problem for you having another post for your skills. I'll come up with a title later on as you'll have to be intro'd after the current mission.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Well, about having given him the SL3 I believe it was in the archived thread when you were looking for more people It said new people would be created "on par" or something, SL3 was the average points when I looked

Something bout the few 4s and multiple 5 just didnt seem right...

If I misread then I'll remove the point when reposting in the Char. thread

But I guess now I'm on deck.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Yeah, you've completely misread because we're not going by what Wolf had decided in the last version of this RP. We're going by what I've decided for this version. It would've helped if you read the first page of this thread. All the info in the Archives thread is nothing to do with this version of the RP.

Though once this mission is over you'll probably be given a few extra points before you jump in.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Hokay, lowering to SL2 when i put it in the Character thread.. Check!

Unfortunatly, your gonna have to take me off the "On-deck" status due to loss of home internets...

The connection just went vamoose soon after I logged off 4 days ago...

SO untill another unsecured connection comes around i'm... "Off-deck"

PS: Is you having a bad day? Chill buh-dee! I'm got parental probs too.. And no net.. lolcrysigh
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Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Great... My PC is fried, so I might have some trouble with posting. Damn it.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Any idea how long it will take to fix/replace?
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Not before the weekend ends... And I doubt I'll get it done by Monday or Tuesday. That's, of course, assuming that a disaster won't strike. If that happens, though, I'l try to warn you guys beforehand.
Re: FMA ZA Renewal

Hmm...I may be able to pospone stuff for that short a length of time then, it'll give me time to work on a few of my other projects as well.