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Forest of Twilight


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This forest is home to the Twilight Elves, allies of Kalivor. Most people, however, just view this place as a mysterious forest.
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo follows Isha, blindly - her bindings long since replaced to hide her eyes from those that might pry. With every step, she can feel the heat of the sun diminished, shaded more and more by the leaves of the trees that slowly envelop the path.

"Isha... are we.. heading into a forest? Are you sure you know where we are going?"

((Wasn't sure how else to start this!))
Re: Forest of Twilight

((Oh thank gods, I must have written and tossed out a half dozen first posts :/ ))

Isha picks her path carefully, guiding Kiyo around the worst of the terrain using the backpack strap, as before.

"This is the Twilight Forest, yes. And if there's anything left of our forces worth looking for, they'll find us before too long." She says simply, keeping an eye out nonetheless.
Re: Forest of Twilight

It's not hard to find the encampment. It seemed that most of Arianna's forces escaped from the ambush, and many more had gathered since. There were whispers around the camp that Elric himself may soon return.

Unknown to the troops was the reality that those whispers might just be the case.
Re: Forest of Twilight

Isha strides into the encampment, looking around at the assembled army. Stopping at a guard post, she addressed the man on duty, whom she did not recognize.

"I'm looking for anyone of rank. Is there a command tent set up?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

The guard on duty looks down at her with his light-green eyes for a moment, before turning his attention back to staring off into the distance. "There is indeed a command tent set up." he says in a gentle voice, obviously lost in thought "Though, the commander has not yet arrived. Who exactly are you?" he asks, shaking his head, the rings in his ears knocking together to release a sound as he then turns his attention back to her
Re: Forest of Twilight

Isha nods, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "I am Isha Breananin, temporary general of the Kaliveran Army." She says slowly, waiting a moment to see his reaction. "Now, where is the command tent?" Her tone is neutral, it almost doesn't even sound like a question, just a statement.
Re: Forest of Twilight

".............I have no idea where it is." the man says, his attention still located elsewhere "I have been on guard duty this entire time, so I know nothing of what happens in the camp." he says, his right arm moving a little as if in a half-shrug "I am sorry I am of no further help to you ladies. If you require my aid outside of the camp, however, please do not hesitate to inquire for me. My name is Hotennaab Ivoryember." Hoten says, his head turning to face his eyes at Kiyo "I would recommend moving swiftly. The men are quite restless as of late."
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo hated large groups. Wearing her blindfold, she could not meet the stares, but she could feel them. Prickling across her skin, and worse, across parts of her body lower than her face. People never worried about ogling a blind woman. She taps Isha gently on the back, her voice a whisper.

"I... would prefer it if we moved swiftly. It is uncomfortable with so many people I cannot see. Tell them I'm your assistant.."

Which, in effect, I am. My parents would be so proud.
Re: Forest of Twilight

Isha gives no outward indication of hearing Kiyo. "I'll take that into consideration, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders." She says to Hoten, moving further into the camp. "Keep up the good work."
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo is left with little choice but to cling to the backpack strap, and hope no one notices her. She makes sure to emphasise her limp a little more than normal, just to make sure no one sees her as a threat...
Re: Forest of Twilight

After a few more minutes of walking around the encampment and asking a few other soldiers, Isha and Kiyo made their way to the command tent. Inside was a single table with no chairs, and a few partitions, but not much else. Isha started unpacking, taking the banner and tiara out of her pack and setting them on the table.
Re: Forest of Twilight

Hotennaab wanders the camp, his position as guard relinquished by another guard. It is during this wander he comes upon the command tent and silently enters behind the two "I see you found the command tent." he says in an emotionless voice "The men will be glad to have a new commander. Albeit a female one." he says, a smile on his face as he crosses his arms and stands beside the door "You two look like you went through hell and back. Care to explain?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

"The last commander was female." Isha points out quietly. "And we haven't had much of a hard time at all, just a lot of travel. We've been on our feet for a fair string of days now." She says, then takes a moment to check out the door for to see what time it was, before turning to address Hoten again. "It's only midday, where are all the other officers?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo leans heavily on her staff, enjoying the support of the blood-coloured weapon. Carefully, the blindfolded woman makes her way to a corner of the tent, by finding a wall, and following it. With that accomplished, she sits crosslegged, staff across her lap.

"Of course.. Isha was kind enough to take pity on a blind cripple like myself. I know not what I may offer to your cause, though. Few warriors fear a blind beggar, that limps.."

Her voice clashes slightly with her beggar persona - just the traces of an upper-class accent remaining in tones that were perhaps a little more melodious than was appropriate for her position.
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Re: Forest of Twilight

"I have no idea where they are." Hoten says, his face still blank as he looks over at the blind woman after speaking "They have had me on guard duty all this time. They probably figured an elf would be better suited to the job." he says, frowning as he turns his attention back to Isha "If you need anything, I will be right outside." he says, then bows slightly and walks out the door, standing next to it with his arms at his side, once again retreating into deep thought
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo's bag seems to shift slightly. Depending on how much attention she's paying to it, the pull seems to be coming from the southwest.
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo shrugs the bag into her lap, blindfolded eyes staring at it blankly. A moment passes, then...

"Isha..? I think.. something in my pack just moved."

Carefully, she opens the pack.. and removes the wrapped hammer and bracer. Something told her it was going to be those particular items that were causing trouble.
Re: Forest of Twilight

"Moving?" Isha asks, going over to stand beside her, giving a quick look over at the door.
Re: Forest of Twilight

On hearing about a moving bag, Hoten leans and pokes his head into the tent "Did I just hear someone speak of a moving bag?" he asks, his head the only visible part of his body