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Forest of Twilight

Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo looks up, suspicion written all over her face. The bundle of hammer and bracer remains wrapped in her lap, beside her staff..

"Excuse me, but this is an affair for the general's eyes only. If you were to see it.. we'd have no choice but to execute you. Eyes out, please."
Re: Forest of Twilight

Hoten sighs as he pulls his head back out of the tent and goes back to his guard duty outside the tent
Re: Forest of Twilight

"A little dramatic, don't you think?" Isha asks Kiyo, glancing back at the door again. "If I were him, I wouldn't have bought that..."
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo waits until the tent flap closes.. then breaks out into silent spasms. After a moment or two, it becomes clear that she is not having some sort of fit - but rather, suppressing laughter. She regains control of herself, and whispers..

"I haven't done that to someone in years... forgotten how good it felt. Anyway."

Cautiously, she unwraps the bundle containing the hammer and bracer..
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo and Isha wath the items carefully, but after a moment it becomes apparent that the *pull* was a temporary effect. Isha shrugs, then moves out of the tent for a moment, intent on speaking to their self-appointed guard.

"Hotenaab, you said you'd accompany us outside of the camp if it was necessary? What skills would you bring along?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

Hoten moves his eyes to look over at Isha with an expressionless face "I know the lay of the land very well." he says blankly, his mind obviously elsewhere "I am also an extremely skilled bowman." he says, motioning for the quiver on his back and the bow slung around his right shoulder
Re: Forest of Twilight

Isha nods, locking stares with him. "Pay attention. If you agree to travel with us, you're in it until it is over, for better or worse. The way will not be easy. Can you handle that?" She asks intently, watching for any expression.
Re: Forest of Twilight

"It all depends on if you can answer my one question." Hoten says, blinking once, his face beginning to show seriousness "Will we meet The Successor?" he asks, his eyes narrowing as he awaits Isha's answer
Re: Forest of Twilight

Isha nods calmly. "You mean Elric? If everything continues to go the way I think it's going, we'll be the ones to save him. Are you in?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

At that statement, Hoten's face lights up "You are asking me to help you find Sir Elric? I would be greatly honored if you would take me with you." he says, emotion in his voice for once "I accept your offer, miss." he says, slightly bowing forward in respect
Re: Forest of Twilight

"Please, you know my name, use it. I'm not one for rank." Isha says softly turning to head back into the tent. "Come on in then, once we actually get a meeting set up, I'll have to explain what has happened, you might as well get caught up at the same time."

((Time to hit the fast forward button Wolf ;) Also, She's not going to elaborate on Kiyo without Kiyo's permission, so maybe hold on the fast forward until Pale gets a say, come to think of it.))
Re: Forest of Twilight

"Yes, ma'am." Hoten says with a slight nod before turning and entering the tent with Isha "All I need to know is when we are heading out, and where we are going." he says, his happiness easily showing in his face as he looks over at Kiyo "And I suppose this young lady will be accompanying us?"
Re: Forest of Twilight

Kiyo stands up in one smooth motion, legs and brown robes rustling together. Few blind people can fix a man with a piercing stare.. but she pulled it off, black blindfold accusing.

"I am ever wary of new companions.. but if you must know, my blindness.. is unnatural. It is the work of a powerful wizard.. and only Elric is strong enough to heal me.."

The red staff sounds the ground, and Kiyo cocks her head to one side.

"Then, we leave? Elric is waiting."