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Re: Forest

Trixie just nodded in response, the conversation going to another lull...
Re: Forest

"Wait..." Kyo says, catching the 'whatever that was' part of what Trixie had said, "You don't know why he offered to dance with you, or you don't know what a dance is?"
Re: Forest

"Um.... probably both?" she said simply, looking a little embarressed.
Re: Forest

"Oi vey," thinks Kyo, performing a facepalm that even Picard would be proud of, even if only for the briefest of moments.

Noticing a vibration in his pocket, Kyo pulls the source out - his cell phone was telling him it was almost time for lights out. With a sigh, Kyo stands up and stretches, then turns to Trixie. "Well, it's that time of the night, it seems. If you'd like, I could teach you to dance during the school year in my off time."
Thinking for a minute, Kyo bends slightly and holds out a hand to Trixie as an offer to help her stand, and light-heartily asks, "Would you like me to escort you back to your dorm?"
Re: Forest

She smiled a bit as she takes his hand. "Yeah, that would be great," she said, "On both counts."
Re: Forest

Before the sun even began to rise, Matt was already up and had hiked into the deeper part of the forest. As he twisted and turned around the vegetation, Matt came to a spot where trees barely ten feet were standing, their leaves having withered brown and fallen. The trunk of the lanky tree had nearly no bark left and there were clear indents running all over the body. Matt took a deep breath and began doing tai chi.

But after about an hour, even he was bored stiff. The sun was already up, and he could actually see what he was doing. Dropping his hands, Matt stretched quickly and then began to kick the tree.
Re: Forest

"Well then, I'll let you know when I'm free once I get my schedule tomorrow," Kyo says, helping her up and then offering her his arm.

((Moving to the dorm after your next post Lurker))
Re: Forest

((its already morning, just post what happened in your dorm and then post your morning post))
Re: Forest

It had taken some time, but the two had finally managed to make their way to the edge of the forest. Poking his head out from behind a tree Art made sure there were no teachers roaming the perimeter before exiting the forest entirely.

"Well, here we are," Art says to Trixie as they leave the forest. "School, sweet school." Art looks down at his phone and notices there's only an hour left until classes start. "Want me to walk you to your dorm, or are you alright? Either way I don't have classes until this afternoon so I wont be seeing you until lunch."
Re: Forest

"I think I can get there by myself," she said, "though it was nice of you to offer. Well, see ya at lunch then?" she said with a small smile.
Re: Forest

"Yeah, I'll definitely see you there," Art says with a smile, leaning close he kisses her on the cheek before saying his goodbyes. Once she leaves Art would watch her walk back to her dorm until she becomes too distant to make out that well and then head back to the boys dorm, with a literal bounce in his step whilst whistling what sounded like a very happy tune.
Re: Forest

It didn't take long for her to disappear. If he blinked, he'd see her go from where they were standing, to about halfway to the dorms, running quickly to the dormrooms.
Re: Forest

It was not long before Siphon reached a secluded area of the woods, far away from any potential prying eyes from the school grounds, and taking a path that, unless one was relatively skilled at tracking, would confuse and eventually ditch most pursuers.

Such was his routine each night, an old habit of his former training that he hadn't broken yet.

Should anyone come across him by chance, they would only spot him sitting there for now, quietly meditating and regenerating. He was however, quite aware of his surroundings, and able to move on a moments notice if need be.
Re: Forest

Reaching the forest edges, Suzy looked around, confused, wondering about how she was supposed to find Siphon in this place, with no noticeable path to follow.
Re: Forest

It was then that she would spot a faint outline of what seemed like light. It illuminated a path that she hadn't seen before, a path that still had fresh prints on it, and a single mark on one of the trees, shaped like an S.

She might consider moving down that path, following the light to it's origin, since there SHOULDN'T have been anything out here generating light.
Re: Forest

Shielding her eyes against the light, Suzy would step into a shadow near the tree with the 'S' marking on it, suddenly going very still, the little colour in her face draining, and she dropped into an awkward position on the floor with a sigh. A few minutes later, she twitched, and rolled onto her front, coughing a bit, before standing up and re-shouldering her bag "Wierd." She muttered to herself and then, having ascertained that nothing was dangerous about it, she started walking down the path, being always careful to keep in the nearby shadows whenever she could, intrigued as to where the path will lead her.
Re: Forest

After a few minutes, she came to a small area that appeared to have been lightly cleared for people. Once there, it wouldn't take her long to spot Siphon, sitting there on the ground, not moving.

A small light emenated from something in his hands, that was likely the source she'd seen before. He had his eyes closed, and for a moment she might wonder if he was sleeping. Then he spoke.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to make it tonight Suzy. I take it you found me easily enough?"

Of note, he had not opened his eyes still, yet somehow he'd known exactly who it was.
Re: Forest

In the clearing, feeling slightly nervous, she does quickly spot Siphon, and begins to cautiously approach him, before he speaks, causing her to jump. Recovering herself, she spoke aloud "Yeah. I kinda lost concentration back in the communal room... I assume you were causing that light? What's up with that?"
Re: Forest

He smiled slightly, then stood, revealing a small bottle in his hand.

"Chemical reactant actually, works perfectly as a guide light, and with the proper mixture, it can become visible for quite some distance. I mixed one tonight to bring with me so you folks could spot me easily enough. Though if Elissia does show up, I doubt she'll need it to find me, I think she's been here before. Did you get done what you needed to?"
Re: Forest

"Clever. Nah, I didn't. I tend to do work like that late at night, since I rarely sleep well, and everyone else is asleep, its the best time, so I just lazed for a bit. What about you?" Suzy responded, letting her bag slide off of her shoulders, lying on the floor next to her.